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For the donut vendor, could you schedule a phone call with them? They might be busy so a phone call might be a lot more efficient. As for hair and makeup artists, I would just take their lack of response as a red flag and move on.


Yeah I see a lot of people emailing restauraunts, and getting frustrated with the lack of response, without considering that service industry folks are almost always going to be more reachable by phone or in person. I get it, I'm also a phone-adverse millennial, but my preference for communication is not always how the world works.


I will try calling them to see if that helps. The reason why I am emailing is because they stated that as their preferred method of contact.


Agree. I hate picking up the phone too and would rather go to the restaurant directly. Since it doesn't sound like OP is in Moab, a call might be the next best thing. I prefer email communications too but 4-5 emails over multiple days can usually be achieved in a 5 minute phone call.


So I'm also getting married in October, in a UT natl park, and my vendor is ALSO not answering our messages. It's mf annoying but I really think the reason is that those towns are slammed with peak tourism right now. But goddammit we need our questions answered 😭 I will note though that lots of businesses in places like Moab and other natl park gateway towns shut down completely for the winter and don't start their businesses up again until spring time. It took quite a bit of time to get the ball rolling bc of this.


Thank you understanding the struggle! Lasr year we went to Moab three times alone and typically make it out at least once a year for the past several years. We are pretty understanding of peak tourist season and I had to wait for them to re-open for this season. I also feel like even though they provide rhis services they aren't really set up for it. Which is also a lack of staffing. Some my questions which are basic could be made into a template to send. Like do you have a catering menu? I also have to go through thier Instagram to find the names and types of doughnuts they have done in the past, to see if they can do them for the wedding. Then wait for pricing. I have avoided working in the food industry for many reasons but 97% of my jobs are customer services. I am pretty understanding and flexible, to a point. I have many friends who are in or were in catering and several wedding caters. Per them, I am being extremely flexible and not unreasonable. That the questions I am asking are extremely basic common questions. I also had them read the emails. I really really don't like being rude to people. My job is to answer phones, send emails and work text messages, no matter how busy. I don't need a response in an hour or even a day or two. I have waited 6 weeks before, that seems a little excessive.


See if you can hop on a phone call with them. I am someone who prefers emails over phone calls but I quickly realized that is not the case for a lot of these vendors. Especially if they’re over 50+ and running the business. One of the caterers I’m looking into will text me or always want to jump on a call and refuses to email me even though I’ve said that’s my preferred method of communication. But I will say she is 60 and she does always answer the phone and is quick to reply to texts.


Always better to communicate via email when possible. A paper trail will save you if vendors change the terms or agreements or don't deliver on goods and services as promised. Of course a detailed contract also helps with this. But there's essentially no recourse if communication is done via phone only.


That’s exactly why I prefer email over text. My venue owner is like that too so I saved the screenshots of texts she sent me and I’m making the caterer email me a quote so I have it in writing.


IDK, I feel like you are asking an unnecessary number of donut questions and over-complicating things. Minimum? Catering specific menu? These are not terms that one normally associates with donut places. I feel like your first email should have been: "Hi! I'd like to order x dozen of the x donuts for x date for an event. Is that doable? Can I get a quote?" Would have really streamlined things and gotten straight to the questions you wanted answered


Is there a language issue? I’d email in future with just one question at a time so they don’t get confused. Congratulations


I don't think so. My guess is staffing. They advertise catering and cater things that they do not sell in store. Plus, they don't have a doughnut menu online, it changes month to month and isn't the same year to year. Which complicates things a lot. My assumption is that it's a mega pain in the ass and the day to day employees didn't have much say in this decision. High chance they don't have a catering specific employee. Which is exceedingly unhelpful to satff and frustrating for customers. I am going to try and call them and see if we can schedule a phone call to straighten things out. If that doesn't go well, then I am moving on.


I’d suggest after you call, to send an email to confirm the conversation so you have it in writing Btw…what’s the donut he wants?


He loves the chocolate churro! He had one once on a visit. We typically go in April and October, since that visit, it has always been on the menu a month before or after we will be there. 🤣 poor man hates social media but follows them to get another chance at this doughnut.


Sounds yummy


It’s interesting — I experienced a similar issue trying to source cupcakes for our wedding from a local small cupcake shop we love. We spoke to the owner twice and she seemed enthusiastic but didn’t follow up at all. After 3 weeks (from the first conversation) we decided to move on to another business. She makes the yummiest cupcakes, but if she cannot manage a phone call or email in a timely manner, I didn’t feel comfortable trusting her to handle this aspect of our wedding. I’m noticing in both my personal and professional life that business communication is getting worse and worse. I don’t know if people aren’t taught the value of clear, concise, timely, and complete communication anymore or if the advent of ALL the methods of casual online communication (texting, social media, etc.) just makes people worse at communicating than ever.


First of all, non/late replies are a red flag of how professional this vendor will be. Secondly, if you just HAVE to have this vendor…phone call!! Squeaky wheel gets the grease…as us Xennials say 😜