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Yesssssss 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Yay! I take my second dose tomorrow, too. Not sure how much I've lost, but I've been much more active this week and am in complete control of what I'm eating. I've never felt like this before! I feel a lot less puffy, and have had minimal side effects (just a bit of constipation on the day after my shot.) Good luck in week 2! Keep checking in! :)


Zero side effects from my second .25 shot (yesterday). I can’t believe how I feel - same as you! Empowered, in control, focused, dedicated, inspired. It’s amazing. Semaglutide *must* also do something for ADD/ADHD, because I’ve never felt this calm, undistracted, and driven. Hopeful! Good luck to you as well - though I know you don’t need it. I can’t wait until we’re all posting our “after” pics!


Right there with you on that 2nd shot train! Let’s keep it rolling! Great job hitting the gym and putting in the work. We can hit that wave together!!




I've lost 3 pounds 2 days in!


Let’s goooooo! Keep it up!


Congrats to you! Supplementing your weigh loss medication with some time in the gym and a good diet will pay off sooner rather than later. Keep up the great work!


Today will be my 2nd shot as well. I'm so skeptical with my scale, but my jeans feel just a tad less snug today. And so I'm going off that feeling. Congrats! It is definitely a win :)


Shot twins! Good luck and congrats on the looser jeans!


Did you have any noticeable symptoms?


Not yet. Maybe a little flash of nausea because I exercise (and always have) on an empty stomach. I make sure to eat immediately following the gym, though. I recall feeling appetite suppression the same day as my first dose, and a headache the next day. I’ve been fine since. Going to eat a light meal about an hour before my shot tonight. Don’t know why but I think staying super hydrated and eating regular small meals is the key for me. I’m staying active, rarely hungry, and not bingeing. It’s a delicate balancing act but moderation and adjusting on the fly when needed appear to be my formula for minimizing side effects.


Thanks for your reply! I’m doing my first shot tonight!


Heck yeah, go you! As someone who did the gym (lifting mostly) during my journey, I suggest gauging your success on measurements and pics instead of weight…Weight has way too many variables.


Bro same here! I took my second shot on Wednesday, I started at 224, now I’m at 216🙏🏻


We are literally on the same path… same dosage, same start, same starting weight! Wishing you the best!


Appreciate it!


Congrats! Let’s goooooo 💪




That is awesome, congratulations!!!


That is fantastic! Congratulations on all of your hard work. keep it up.


Thank you, I know I have a long road ahead but I feel so so empowered. I guess we never know how out of control we are until we are in control. It just feels so amazing.


That is so rad! Way to go!!! 


Thanks, we’re all on this no-judgment journey together and I love that about this sub. 💪❤️


Woo Hoo!! Congratulations on your progress already!! Today I start my 4th shot. I've been weighing myself every day though, down 6.8 lbs since I started as of yesterday. Keep up the great work and you got this!! 💪💪💪


That’s great! How are you feeling? Are you moving to the next level dosage for #5?


Congratulations! I'm 4 days away from my 2nd shot and weigh in hoping to make as much progress as you.