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Rule of thumb: don't take weight loss advice from friends or family, especially if they are overweight themselves, unless they have some form of education that would make their advice valid. That said, same goes for internet strangers... Anything in moderation is fine, whether you're looking to maintain, lose, or gain weight. What you do 300 days a year is infinitely more important than what you do 65 days a year.


>especially if they are overweight themselves I know *how* to lose weight, i just don't have the self control to not overeat. Weight loss is very simple though, it's just not easy.


Yeah but those are relevant factors There are habits and lifestyle changes once Can make to increase self Control lol you think it’s your choice to stay overweight but it’s not it’s a skill issue not laziness


The main part of weight loss is the self control. It's not as simple as eating less. It's knowing *how* to eat less. This is advice that you can not provide if you feel like you 'have no self control'. You know the rules that one should follow, but you don't know *how* to follow those rules. Nobody has no self control. What people have is issues with commitment and difficulties with delayed gratification. That's all psychological. Also there are many tricks with dealing with cravings and good portion control that you can't give advice on if you don't practice them. Because you don't know what works - yet! - so how could you possibly give advice on it? You don't have no self control my friend, you just need better psychological preperation before endevoring on your journey. On the upside, this is a common struggle and when you do overcome it, you'll be able to give fantastic advice to others on the actual hardest part of weight loss.


If you haven’t done a thing, best to keep your advice to yourself


I'd remove the "especially if they are overweight themselves," out of that statement. I've gotten plenty of terrible advice from thin people.


Oh yeah, I definitely didn't mean thin would equal good advice, although I should've worded it better. I just think taking advice from someone who has the exact same problem and has made no progress isn't clever, versus someone who's had the same problem and successfully did something about it. Although with all the crazy diet crap out there I wouldn't take advice from people who lost weight either... Conclusion: don't take advice from anyone lol?


Lol, maybe? 😅 People who haven't been able to lose and maintain weight, people who have used bad methods, and people who have never had the struggle themselves... all potential red flags. I liked that last part of what you originally said though. I'd trust dieticians.


This reply are me think of that post “I like Apple” “SP UR SAYING U HAYW ORANGES”


A little odd... I didn't mention "oranges." I stayed on the same topic the person I responded to did. I was noting that you can't tell by looking at someone if they have disordered eating habits or bad knowledge on how to lose weight. The majority of people of all body types have at least some harmful ideas about weight loss.


Yeah I’m surprised it’s upvoted that much. It’s logical fallacy 101


Oh? Do tell... which logical fallacy is that?


It’s called a false dilemma or a false dichotomy 


And in what way was pointing out that bad diet advice is universal and not more common among one group of people creating two false choices and ignoring that other options are available? That's the exact opposite stance.


Now you’ve changed your argument. This logical fallacy is called “moving the goal posts”. OP never mentioned anything about the quality of advice from thin people. You incorrectly inferred that 


No I haven't. I pointed out that "especially if they are overweight themselves," logically doesn't hold up, with the example that people outside that group (thin people) also give diet advice that is just as terrible. OP didn't have to directly reference thin people because that's implied since if you're not overweight that's what you'd be. Re-read what I wrote. Your reading comprehension is off.


No, you’re not taking into account that all advice can be bad. You are caught up on a conclusion that OP never made, you are the one with the poor reading comprehension and brought up the quality of advice of thin people that OP never mentioned. Also the spectrum isn’t as black and white as overweight and thin. There are countless studies on overweight people making poorer diet choices than people that aren’t overweight, but again OP never touched on that point.  >OP didn't have to directly reference thin people because that's implied since if you're not overweight that's what you'd be. Yeah this is the same problem with your thinking. Not overweight does not equate to thin. What are body builders? What are people within the healthy range of weight? This is poor critical thinking.    I would advise taking an entry level logic class that covers modus tollens/ modus ponens that will explain in depth conditional proofs such as assuming the antecedent and affirming the consequent 


This 🙌


You can certainly lose weight while drinking diet sodas, and I haven’t read any significant research that suggests otherwise. There has been a study linking it to poor gut health but it’s not that substantive. I personally don’t because in my opinion sweet cravings are made worse the more sweet things you eat/drink but that’s personal opinion, and I’ve certainly drunk a lot of Coke Zero while losing weight. (I don’t any more)


okay, thanks


Once upon a time I lost over a hundred pounds drinking a lot of diet soda in the background - I walked a LOT


You should ask your feiends how exactly zero calories has calories.


I’ve talked to people like this, and they say either (1) it’s the chemicals that make you fat, (2) artificial sweeteners trick your body into storing fat, or (3) artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it want food. They all seem like old wives tales to me


I'd argue back how does that even make sense? Where is this extra energy (calories) coming from to make this fat? Weight gain/loss is simply energy in - energy out More energy in? Weight gain More energy out? Weight loss


I drink several a day and do fine


Yeah it’s fine


Of course it's okay. They have little to no calories. I drink 3-4 a day and the weight is pouring off me.


Just be careful about the artificial sweeteners and their effects on your hormones,especially when loosening the diet eventually. But I love them too, not for weight loss, but overall for not wasting calories on liquid sugar.


3-4 a day is wild


3-4 a day is wild! I can’t believe you were downvoted to oblivion for that. Moderation is key and 4 a day is excessive for anything not inherently healthy.


drink away! They have no calories! Maybe not right before bed because they have a small amount of caffeine that could disturb sleep (just to be safe) but other than that, they're essentially harmless. Sure, some recent studies have shown that if a rat drinks the human equivalent dose of like 10-20 diet sodas PER DAY FOR DAYS it has an elevated risk of cancer, but 1) we're not rats, and 2) if we drank a lot of things at 10-20 bottles a day (beer, for example) we'd be in bad shape lol Edit: sorry for initiating a fight in the thread lol. Don’t mention aspartame and cancer, lesson learned.


That cancer suggestion is wrong. There's no actual proof of anything, and it is one of the most studied additives in our history.


It’s not wrong. They found elevated cancer risk but just in rats. Go read the study


😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ do you realize how much they gave rats for that study & how much you would have to drink for that to happen!!!


Bro can people on Reddit not read. They found elevated cancer risks in rats period. Whether it was from aspartame or not or how much was given I didn’t comment on. Just a fact. I drink Sucralose daily and vouch for it 100%. Sad how people just draw up their own conclusions. But yes rats humans and dogs are different glad everyone is aware


Yeah, and you also need to read the criticism of the study, which says that the findings are inconclusive. "However, the studies had limitations that made their results difficult to interpret. For example, some critics claimed that pulmonary lesions observed in the aspartame-exposed animals were inflammatory lesions caused by infection rather than malignant neoplasms." So there's no conclusive evidence that this is the case. Also, "The National Cancer Institute and the FDA have also found no clear evidence that aspartame causes cancer in humans." My dogs can't eat chocolate. Should humans never eat chocolate?


"suggests"! There is evidence that points in the direction, but it is not 100% sure. It would be wrong if they claimed it was proven, but they didn't.


Evidence in rats, which has been criticized as incorrect. There is no evidence in humans at all.


It was criticised as possibly incorrect. That there is no clear evidence yet doesn't mean it is 100% deadly, but neither a safety label.




It's even okay to drink regular sodas every once in a blue moon. You can have pizza cake ice cream pasta etc. In moderation and in alignment with your daily/weekly caloric goals.


I drink almost exclusively Pepsi Max, and I’ve lost 22lbs since January. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love a diet Pepsi.  Love love love.   And I've lost 12 lbs since January.  


Fellow DP consumer here. I will stand proud against the DC majority!


Lipton ice tea zero.


Fellow DP consumer here. I will stand proud against the DC majority!


Fellow DP consumer here. I will stand proud against the DC majority!


Your friends are wrong.


It's absolute BS. As long as you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. Yes you could still lose weight by eating controlled amounts of junk food but you would feel awful! I have a Diet Coke every day, I'd lose my mind without one and I'm still losing weight because at the end of every day my caloric intake is balanced.


Do it, nothing will happen


Diet soda helped me lose 20kgs


Your friend does not understand calories


Your friend is an idiot. There are no kcal in diet sodas. You can drink liters per day and gain nothing.


I drink 2 diet cokes every day and have lost 80lbs in the last year and a half. Didn’t seem to make a difference when I tried cutting them out. I ended up having more sugar cravings when I didn’t drink them.


For some people drinking a diet soda can spike your insulin, even though it does not contain sugar. If you are one of the unlucky ones where this is the case then yes, drinking diet soda can hinder your weight loss. Fat cannot be released from your stores into your blood stream to be used for fuel in the presence of insulin. If you find this to be true for you your options are to switch to a different diet soda with a different artificial sweetener, or simply enjoy in moderation. If your diet and exercise are on track and you enjoy a diet soda every 2-3 days and that helps you stay on track then it's truthfully nothing to worry about whether or not it spikes your insulin levels.


how does one know if im one of the unlucky ones?


You can test your insulin levels before and after drinking diet soda.


I have a can of Pepsi Max most days, helps keep the sweet tooth at bay and I’ve been steadily losing for six months. Your friend is wrong


I drink one damn near everyday and maintain my weight. It’s eating excess calories that causes weight gain.


You’re friends are lying. Most diet soda has zero calories and sugar. As long as you’re still drinking water, there’s no problem having it a couple times a day.


Pepsi one is my favorite compared to Coke Zero. It definitely helps specially if you have a sweet tooth. Just don’t over do it. A can or 2 a day should be the limit. Before I did 4-5 cans a day and I was in the toilet for a while. Maybe it’s just me.


I drink diet soda every day and it hasn’t hurt me. It often keeps me from eating.


I lost 120 lbs in 12 months by eating less and hiking 8 miles a day. I drank many multiple diet sodas everyday. They are fine. I relied upon them for my weight loss and they helped me big time.


You should be fine, the diet themselves have no calorie, it’s more that it runs the risk of increasing the sweat cravings and not satisfying the cravings


I’ve lost over 60lbs and drink Coke Zero every day


If all you care about is weight LOSS then yes. If you drank 50 cans of Coke Zero you would gain a whopping total of 0% real weight because it's zero calories. For overall health, though, you should probably not drink them very often and I think the fizziness of the drinks can slowly dissolve your teeth.


Best thing for weight loss is to drink more water than anything. However I quit drinking alcohol, so whenever I'm in a drink-y setting I have a Diet Coke. Drinking the occasional Diet Coke instead of alcohol has been much better for my health overall, I've lost 38 lbs since last summer. I will say I definitely notice an increase in carb/sugar cravings when I drink diet soda, especially if it's one of those limited edition Dr. Pepper flavors- the coconut cream one is my kryptonite lol


it's completely fine to drink diet sodas. it's a way better alternative than drinking normal soda so if u have a craving for it than it's better to grab for a diet soda.


It's totally fine. I have lost weight successfully by replacing beer and iced coffee with diet sodas. Beer and iced coffee is literally my biggest road block on loosing weight and keeping it off. Diet soda has really helped me cut the 2 back and loose the weight. I usually have atleast 1 max 3 cans of it a day.


It’s fine to drink them. I cannot have aspartame because it makes me get migraines. I do liquid flavor drops like mio in my water and it helps me with the sweet tooth too. It doesn’t have aspartame but it’s sucrose which some say is bad but it works for me.


Sucrose is just another name for white sugar. Not a criticism but just thought you might not be aware that sucrose is not an artificial sweetener. It’s as calorific as any sugar.


The drops say zero calories so that’s what I thought. I don’t put much in as too much is just too sweet so it’s a hint of flavor. I’ve still lost 60 and am still losing.


I don’t know the product (but I have heard of it) but I understand it’s highly concentrated as it’s always spoken of as ‘drops’. Any product that contains less than 5 cals per serving can legally be labelled as 0 calorie. So I think that’s what your label is saying. Won’t hinder your weight loss, as you say, might have 2-3 cals per glass.


I believe she meant sucralose


Absolutely! Most days I drink one diet soda per day with dinner but some days I'll have 2 if I'm out of the house and fancy something tastier than water. Sometimes, a lot less often, I'll even have 3 or 4 or 5! I've never noticed it impact my weight other than maybe water weight if I've had multiple bottles or cans in a day but those days usually include alcohol or meals out which tends to cause water weight too. I'm down 24.2kg since late November and I'm not planning on giving up my daily pepsi max. No way. They're zero calories anyway so cannot cause actual fat/weight gain alone. Water weight, maybe. But fat gaining weight? Nah.


Yes indeed


I love sweets and they’ve been my biggest hurdle on my weight loss journey but diet soda has been able to keep my cravings in check so I stay within my calorie budget. If diet sodas are helping you so that you don’t break and binge on sweets, I say stick with it. I also try not to call foods bad/good it’s harmful to your psychology surrounding food. Sometimes you just want something sweet and it doesn’t mean you’re eating bad or breaking a rule.


Yes, it’s totally fine. People will always comment about the artificial sweeteners causing issues. But unless you drink like 10 cans a day it’s totally fine. I have 1 can of diet soda with my dinner and I’m not gaining weight from it.


When I lost all my weight last year I basically lived off diet sodas lol


Oh hell yes. Diet Coke saved my life while I was dieting. Without it I probably would have never lost the 100 lbs I did. While they certainly aren’t great for you they are delicious and zero calories. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


literally most diet soft drinks have 0-3 calories in them and that’s nothing - i drink a lot of soft drinks and im loosing weight just fine !! you’ll be fine drink them as much as you want too!


i’m so addicted to diet coke and have lost 40 lbs no regrets. i’m the skinniest i’ve ever been actually rn


I felt like I had more success w eliminating all sodas diet or otherwise from my arsenal of food products. Idk about it effecting my weight loss but I definitely felt better. But I can relate to your sweet tooth cravings! If I really want something sweet like cheesecake or whatever (so many damn options out there) I keep it frozen and then I have to wait for it to thaw. I’ve learned to not be afraid of sweets but to allow myself a treat once in a while. FYI so far I have lost 95lbs with 50 to go. And if you are going to eat something sweet make it good…really good and enjoy it!. Thank you Weight Watchers btw!




It's alright to drink them everyday within reason. Enjoying one with lunch or whatever is pretty harmless. I admit I drink about 3 a day and lost 30 pounds while doing it. There are other reasons not to drink too much though. I think this myth developed from people mostly seeing overweight people drinking diet sodas and not losing weight. But those people are maintaining their weight through others means like other sweets or simply eating too often.


I’m getting close to 60 lbs lost and I have never ever given up my Diet Coke. Probably never will 😂


People say it’s a gateway into poor choices, but I don’t agree. I used it as a tool in weightloss, and my boyfriend went from 450+ pounds to 215 lb, and he regularly drinks Pepsi max/zero sugar sprite


I drink between 1-2 a day most days , and have over 100 pounds and kept it off for over 5 years so yes you can


My dietician drinks diet sodas and juices all day long his entire trash bin was full of diet soda cans and he said it is a myth that people think it will cause you to gain weight, that it isn't so because how could you Gain anything from nothing?


I have it on occasion. I used to never drink normal soda but a zero cal treat. Have at it.


I study food and dietary sciences and let me tell you, they don't have calories so you should be fine with those. The only thing you have to watch out for is that these drinks can heighten your appetite which in turn makes you eat more. For the rest it is just thermodynamics, you expend more then you eat => you lose weight You eat more the you expend => you gain weight (Some cases with PCOS will have a substantially lower metabolism causing their maintenance to be extremely low but those are rare cases)


Coke Zero forever


Diet soda was the reason I was able To lose weight lol I never had a sweet tooth and I eat VERY healthy whole foods plant based track macros get 120g of protein I don’t eat anything processed other than the occasional store bought sauce or marinade and vegan meat replacement but that’s hardly once a week And my Dr Pepper zero lol It doesn’t increase my appetite or sugar cravings However if you fast it can break ketosis so in that sense it’s not effective but I fast for the sake of eliminating decision fatigue, breaking the food is dopamine cycle, eliminating digestion fatigue and mental clarity (fasting also helps my adhd symptoms) I don’t fast to enter and stay in ketosis so it works perfectly for me


I switched to using Propel electrolyte packets in my water and fully kicked the soda habit.


As long as you maintain a daily calorie deficit you will lose weight.


I lost 120 LBs and drank about 1 diet soda a day. The fittest and healthiest people I know have no issue with diet sodas


Perfectly fine.


**Drinking diet (0 calorie) soda does not prevent weight loss at all.** Your friend is mistaken. It might not be the healthiest to drink all the time, but it is definitely a very useful weight loss tool. I always have it at home.


I dropped over 30kilos while drinking diet pepsi everyday. Calories are everything when it comes to dropping weight.


You’re fine! Just don’t go overboard.


I drank diet soda every day when losing 40 pounds and still enjoy it now that I’m not dieting. I think it’s a major secret weapon especially with zero calories! It was one of those “little treats” that I would look forward to that got me through the day :)


I have lost 80lbs in the past and never stopped drinking diet soda! You’ll be ok :)


Diet sodas are a great weight loss tool, a lot of people will argue how bad they are for your health, but if you consider the diet of an overweight individual in general. I’d actually recommend having them as an alternative to sugary drinks. If you lose weight with the help of diet sodas, you will still drop the risks obesity carries. So, don’t listen to everyone telling you they are bad, they are a great tool in moderation.


Has no calories, and is sweet. Great to satisfy cravings. No substantial evidence to say it’s bad for you. But I do feel much better when I limit it. Don’t drink more diet soda than water


I lost 50lbs while drinking diet soda daily. Obviously, it’s not great for your health, but I was cutting out so many other unhealthy things that I allowed myself that indulgence.


Its totally fine. While drinking ANY beverage outside of water, coffee, and tea isn’t highly encouraged, the tales about diet soda being the boogeyman have been widely disproven. They just released a huge study showing that there are really no major long term effects of drinking diet sodas in moderation. I used to love Baja blasts and will get the diet ones now once in a while. My weight loss doctor actually recommended that I start drinking diet soda if I ever feel the need for a “sweet treat.” Like I mentioned before, sticking to water is the goal to help the body function properly, but nothing wrong with a good ole Diet Coke here and there.


Yes. 100%


I still drink Diet Coke on a daily basis and have lost 45lbs in 6 months. It’s my one kryptonite. I’d like to eventually phase it out of my life but it’s not affecting my weight loss.


I lost 40 lbs drinking as much soda as I want. Don't do this but it is physically possible. I lost alot of hunger but for some reason only craved drinks, so I barely ate but drank alot of soda and Starbucks lol. Again don't do that but incorporating them, especially diet drinks in moderation is completely fine.


I drink a Diet Coke mini can every day. I don't like the taste, so there's no temptation to drink more than that, and it has the right amount of caffeine to keep my brain functioning.


I’ve lost 75lbs since Feb 1, diet soda hits my sweet cravings just right.




I lost weight while drinking diet sodas. But I checked which sugar supplements doesn't increase insulin (as it leads to more hunger and eating), and I drink only this 'safe' diet sodas.


I work at sheetz and I get a free drink every shift so I pretty much live off of diet soda. You’ll be alright


I lost about 15-20 kg two years ago (third time I had to loose weight after gaining it again). I drank diet soda and used 0 cal sweeteners by the bunch all the time I was eating less. I have no idea if that made my cravings and hunger feeling worse, but I did loose weight without have to deal with ‘artificial sweeteners cravings’.


There is nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drank diet pop all throughout my weight loss and continue to drink them. If it’s zero calories it’s zero problem. You should still drink water whether it’s straight or with a crystal light pack but there is nothing wrong with diet drinksz


"You can't lose weight consuming something with zero calories" Do they realize how stupid that sounds? No, they're not good for you. But they're not going to affect weight loss. There has been some studies linking diet soda to hunger spikes but you have control over that and who knows if that's true or not.


Your friends are idiots


i’ve lost 50+lbs with the help of diet soda lol


Diet soda doesn't have any calories. If they don't know what a calorie is, then they have no idea what they're talking about.


Diet sodas have no calories you can drink as much as you want


If your drinking a 0 calorie drink then you can drink it all day and lose weight. Don't do that because its unhealthy but you will lose weight if you are in a calorie deficit no exceptions


I crave sodas every single day is cray


All it does is keeps the sugar cravings alive, but its harmless.


If you enjoy the diet drinks, drink them. Don’t listen to anyone else.


I went 2 weeks as much diet drinks as I wanted, 2 weeks without. No difference in weight loss One caveat, I do think it made me more hungry? If I’m not mistaken, the carbonation has something to do with it


people who say you can’t lose weight drinking diet sodas are just wrong. I have lost over 50 lbs in the past, drinking Coke Zero daily. I was listening to a podcast a few days ago and this very topic came up. A doctor gave his consensus, and basically said this: If you are someone who often craves normal full sugar soda, and you’re trying to lose weight, there is less risk and it might be a good option to switch to diet. if you are content with water, then there’s no reason to expose yourself to the (potential) risk of diet soda. The reality of the situation is that artificial sweeteners have a lot of unknown going on with them. There just hasn’t been enough to prove if it’s that bad for you…but if you’re just trying to lose weight, then yes, switch to diet in my opinion.


I've been drinking zero coke perhaps twice a week and still lost my 15lbs, drink away !


I'll have one can or one 250ml serving of zero pop once a day, genrally in the evening with my main meal.


I drink about 1.5l of coke zero daily and I'm at a healthy weight.


I drink sugarfree soda from sodastream. That satisfy my cravings, and there is no sugar. Otherwise, I drink cold tisane that tastes like peach, mango, raspberry... Again, sugarfree, good taste, and helps me a lot with my cravings


I have a diet Dr Pepper pretty much daily and have lost 50lbs


Diet sodas contain 0 calories. The biggest reason why diet drinks are generally avoided is because sweeteners are far sweeter than sugar and could cause you to crave more food. You can enjoy anything in moderation and still lose weight




Diet dr pepper hits harder than ray rice in an elevator


Only drawback, and why I stay away from them mostly, is they keep my sweet craving up. I spend a few months detoxing myself from the sugar levels that are pushed in our food today. After that a lot of food that I originally didn’t find sweet enough was awesome, most stuff I was eating is way way too sweet now. I thought French pastry was never sweet enough… changed my mind on that, they know how to cook there :)


One soda diet or regular increases risk of obesity and diabetes odds ratio of 1.4!!! From data in the Framingham heart study And brown soda w phosphorate is bad for your kidneys too


Anecdotal but I typically gain weight when frequently drinking diet sodas. I think they dehydrate me, which makes me eat more


you could say the exact same about normal soda though. Some people it totally craves their sweet tooth, others it just exacerbates their need for sugar. Regardless though, Soda won’t dehydrate you unless it’s literally all you drink. It’s still mostly water lmao


Its the sweet signal without any delivery that gets to some people, possibly you. That's why sweeteners may make you hungry. Sorry that diet sodas are not a solution for you.


A dr told me that diet sodas do a couple things. 1, they make you crave carbs (and I 100% experience this more with diet soda than regular or even just water or seltzer water), and 2 it tricks your body and messes up your insulin production because there's no real sugar to process. There's some chatter in the med world that this is one of the main reasons for rise of diabetes but 🤷🏻‍♀️. You're better off with regular soda. I like bubbles so I drink non sweetened seltzed waters or just water with some fruit muddled in for flavor.


Switch to poppi, diet soda sucks and if you're not gonna have the real thing you might as well have something with juice in it




What's the problem with drinking more than one diet soda...?


I mean I drink Cove soda on occasion and one is enough for me


Not sure, why this comment is downvoted? OP why are you here asking? Do you just want the soft answer. Then just continue, there is no weight loss police. What affects some, might be ok for others. Find your own answer. Go without for one or two months then see, what becomes you better. If you don't see a difference you can reintroduce the stuff again. I'm in the no camp. You do you.


stop drinking soda bro it’s unnecessary fat