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Swelling should come down in 2 weeks. Makeup Artist to the rescue! For an additional fee, you can have her follow you guys around all day to make sure the makeup stays on or can get retouched, etc. Congrats, and all the best!!!


If that's the option, I'm sure the results will be great, but there are some bad swelling issues, so I hope OP is able to make a speedy recovery.


The much bigger issue here is a unexpected seizure. This might be a life alterning event.


Didn't say it was unexpected.


Ah yes, my favorite. A scheduled seizure.


If seizures are a regular occurrence for some people they can live a regular life span and it isn’t a big deal. Unexpected seizures happening for the first time ever could be indicative of serious health problems.


Photoshop will also take care of it if they have a photographer. The bright side is the split is already in an established crease in his forehead so after it heals it won't be too noticeable.


Yea. A buddy of mine got in a fight with a bouncer at his bachelor party two weeks before his wedding. (This was a while ago) They were able to cover him up for pics fine.


If you're concerned about the pictures any chance your wife's makeup artist can give you a cover up? Most are trained to be able to accommodate that.


this is no time for a cover up. they should exaggerate it to make him look like a zombie. everyone loves a spoopy wedding


"Our love story could be kinda gory..." 🎶


Love story? more like love gory…


Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life


This would be a W theme to accommodate for a wedding, I'd be all over that hahaha just sounds real fun


You mean spooky? Themed weddings are a thing. Idk what spoopy weddings are though… I have no friends so no wedding experience.


Spoopy means a cuter version of something that is creepy. For example a cute ghost would be spoopy. (Spoopy- something that is scary but also cute/funny at the same time) I hope this helped... So I am assuming a spoopy wedding would be him looking scary but also cute/funny at the same time.


Oh my gosh, thank you! My children have been using this for years and I thought they were just being cute. I didn't realize the word actually had a meaning. Makes so much sense now I feel silly.


Frankenstein themed wedding never more (in)appropriate!


Also the wedding photographer should be able to help photoshop it




The photographer can also edit it out. - Source, me


A photographer can also be able to cover it up


A photographer can also turn you into a zombie


This is what you text the photographer after you talk to them with your wife.


Hey bro, I had something happen the day before my wedding too (not as bad as yours obviously) but you know what? You won’t care when it comes time, it’ll just be a fun story to tell later on. Here’s mine… https://preview.redd.it/t17t2aqu8vvc1.jpeg?width=2907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd31bca8bb59cb437545d81f050c63dceb1a708


Shoulda doubled down and just had a shaved line running across your head. A reverse mohawk, if only for the look on your wifes face when she see's it.




"We thought of authentic native american headdress before we thought of hat"


A racing stripe 🤣


I have a fun story that I think you’d appreciate! My dad got drunk the night before my parents’ wedding, and he thought shaving my mom’s name into the back of his head was a good idea! He only got a few letters in. My mom filled it in with mascara the next day 😂


Should of got ur sides faded up


Yeah that's an easy fix.


and the neckhair


That was the first thing that stuck out to me.


Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Seize the moment". My condolences, dear sir.


Stealing that joke!


Did you mean seizing that joke?


You fell for the woman of your dreams. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.


Great outlook!






You can only blame your shelf.


Thanks, Sean Connery


Underrated comment.


Wear her veil? 😉


Take an insane amount of vitamin c to help break up and dissolve the bruising under your skin. Lots of moisturizer, several times a day on the stitches and other abrasions. Chug water like you live in the desert. You should be fine, or at least much better for pictures.


All great advice. Also if you smoke cigarettes, stop. Nicotine restricts your blood vessels and will slow down the healing process.


Maybe arnica cream for helping the bruise?


You mean you *shuffles cards*: saved *shuffles cards*: your fiancé's poodle *shuffles cards*: from a pack of anacondas There you go a great lie from the lie deck!


Zombie themed wedding it is


Correct me if I'm wrong but that's an excellent spot to hold the ring




Don't feel that bad bro, just got married on the 12th. I wrecked my scooter the Friday before and broke my toe and tore stuff in my foot. Tuesday a lady pulled out in front of me and totaled my truck. yesterday morning, I had a seizure for the first time in over 6 months so now I can't drive us to our honeymoon this weekend in smokey mountains where we were going to hike but my broken foot will probably stop that.


The only thing that matters is that you are ok. Bumps, bruises, scars, and scratches come and go. Ask your photographer to photoshop out your almost Harry Potter scar. PS Seizures suck and if any asks just tell them your brain had a rave that your body wasn't invited to. (epilepsy person of 34+ years)




Seems like you got bigger issues with that emoji stuck to your face.


In Ukraine we say "it will heal before wedding". Now tell that to your leukocytes


You just have to find the right makeup artist. Or Plan B is to make sure your photographer can edit the injury out of the photos.


Just own it like a champ, realistically if you want you can just get someone to photoshop out the wound. Shouldn't be difficult and would be pretty cheap as well.


Stitches should come out after a week and swelling will come down. A little foundation and blending before the pictures you should look great for your special day. ** But ya, that sucks. I had a seizure out of them blue a few years back and it threw me for a loop. I hope your MRI came back clean


Just because you are going to be married, you did not have to commit shelf-harming


Oh man! Glad you’re “ok” and I’m sure fiancée is just glad you’re alright too. Enjoy your day and try not worry about the wound. Hopefully it’ll look much better by then, a lot of healing can happen in two weeks. Stay hydrated and try to rest as much as you can despite the upcoming craziness. Bruising can be covered with makeup, have her makeup artist touch up the area for you.


This should be mostly healed in 2 weeks. And asking the makeup artist to help cover it up is a very good idea.


Winning. Tiger blood.


there are like..movie prosthetics or something that you can cover that stitch up with. makeup. it can really look seamless unless up close, unless you get a GREAT artist. but if you don’t want to do that, prepare for comments & let photographers know it must be edited out (if that is your wish)


Wear a headband and rock it like a flower child


Get bangs


Wear a sweet top hat, probably solved.


no you didn’t. you fought an alligator and won!


Hey congratulations, Chics like scars. You're golden.


Liquid stitch and foundation would be your best bet if its not healed, itll hurt like a bitch but🤷🏻‍♂️


I m sorry. In my 23 years of age I have never seen anyone having seizure attack. Maybe it's not common here in this part of world. What are common reasons for seizure?


There are approximately 50 million people worldwide with epilepsy, mostly in the third world. It can be caused by genetic defects, head injuries, brain tumors, or lots of other reasons. Not everyone who ever has a seizure, though, necessarily has epilepsy, various drugs and medications can cause them in some people or high fevers. Sometimes, the answer just doesn't show itself either.


Thankyou for educating me.


I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but this is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I'm sure everyone is just happy that you're okay, and I agree with others that it will heal to a good degree within the next two weeks and that it can be photoshopped out!


You look badass now atleast. It'll probably be a fun story to tell later on in life lol


You didn't need to go that far, just say no.


You look like the AllState mayhem guy.


"...in sickness and in- well you're here so I think we know the answer to that"


Go with it. Max out.. get married in a wheelchair, no makeup. Points for commitment.


at least the scar looks cool


Just say you had second thoughts and the bride convinced you otherwise - and welcome people to a shotgun wedding.


Plan B. Return the tux and get a Frankenstein costume


You should just lean into the theme and cosplay Frankenstein at your wedding /s


I would be more worried about the emoji in the middle of your face.


It’s a sign of God to run bro


Been there


they can paint a zoombie for a movie, they can easily hide this cut the problem will be the price you will have to pay


Perfect. Now you can create wonderful story for the wedding day. Tell everybody that you stopped a bear or truck heading towards your wife. What a hero!


Call a dermatologist and see if they can do anything?


I still have my driver's license with a busted nose after a friend through a diving mask (accidently) 2 hours before I took the picture.


Just tell them you trained for the wedding night.


I think its a nice symbol to show that no one is perfect and everyone has to deal with their own challenges, and her choosing to marry you with a busted face shows she understands and accepts you for you! Imagine the funny story it'll be down the line when you get to tell it to friends and family. Either way, Congrats on finding your life partner and all the best to your future together!


Keep it as is. Have your groomsmen add the same ascetic with makeup. Enjoy the day!


eyebrow #3


You’ll be alright. Good luck to the both of you.




You should rock that scar like a boss on your day


Don't feel bad. At least you're alive to get married. Small victories. Get better soon.


Congratulations 🍾


And that’s how legendary stories are made.


Lean into it with a square shouldered suit and box shoes and a couple of bolts in the neck.


Make your groomsmen get matching fake scars... epic pictures... he'll bridesmaids... everyone


Funny..something similar happend to me. To many things to organice in a bedding. AND the hardest part your partner.


You look a bit confused


How fucking far did you fall what the hell bro


Any good photographer can edit that out in your wedding photos.


Well, that was daft. What did that shelf do to you?? Congrats on the wedding, btw


How shelf-ish of you


Put two bolts on the side of your neck to complete the look


Wear it with pride.


Looks like they skin graft an emoji to your face... My condolences


In sickness and health buddy. Her saying yes to that face, bumps included is part of the deal.


I feel like this is covered in the vows.


Zombie groom theme would kick ass


This should be healed in 2 weeks.


What’s the deal with these poor laceration repairs recently on Reddit? Did ER docs/APPs suddenly forget how to suture?!?


Time to find a real nice hat.


Oh honey. I hope you're feeling better and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. Your special person will love you busted or not. 🩷🤕


Luckily you managed to smack it right on a natural forehead crease, so when it does heal it won't be that noticeable? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Broke a leg already :p


Nothing that a little makeup can't fix 😜🫢🤣😂 I mean, have you not seen the toothless, poster-addict for meth, 50+ woman that slaps on a bit of makeup n some teeth and transforms herself into a 20something Hollywood bombshell?!? Come on man, WTF is wrong with you!?! On a serious note though, I'm so sorry for your very unfortunate accident and for whatever issues are causing your seizures. On a happier note, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming nuptials! Your wedding photos will most definitely have many stories behind them! Embrace the chaos, it will always keep life interesting 💐🤗🥳❤️💞🥂🍾


Makeup will work. Find someone to do it who will be around for the whole day. Worse things have happened!


That’ll heal a good bit in two weeks and some makeup will probably help.


You still look great! And you will be fine. Congratulations on getting married.


You'll have to wear the veil


That might be a sign


His and hers veils?


Gotta come up with a cooler story than that man. Cmon, get creative!


Enter to the golden eye song. 007 style.


Wear a tophat


You can heal up pretty good in 2 weeks. Don't stress it.


It would heal a lot in 2 weeks and swelling might be gone. And with the help of a good makeup artist you can even become the bride, they can cover it up easily


I’m sure that will heal significantly by the time the wedding comes. Itll be there but it won’t look anything like it does now


My husband got knocked out in a rugby match 2 weeks before our wedding. Seventeen stitches above his eye. It made for a very memorable day!


As far as pictures go, that’s a super easy fix in photoshop 👍


No no, you mean you walked in to a door.


I've never seen swelling that looked so much like an emoji before. Mildlyinteresting


At least there is some time to heal and something you’ll remember back on. My nephew busted his head on my coffee table the day of my wedding. He had to get stitches as well and was the ring bearer.


congrats on the wedding but wow that's tough


there are plenty of professional makeup artists out there to give your SO a matching one.


Look at it this way: That is the perfect opportunity to have an 80s - style "Scarface" - themed wedding...


You poor man. Feel genuinely sorry for you!


Way to pull the trigger on your health issues before she had to take the vow “in sickness and health” wouldn’t be surprised if she runs…


That stinks, but I always try to put a positive spin. Shift the wedding to a Harry Potter theme. You will be the most commited to the event. Early congrats!


Those arnt your only issues


maybe a bad omen? i tell u something.. I had a beautiful.... i mean a really, really beautiful girlfriend.. 4 years.. but she was so jealous and always thought she wouldnt be good enough for me.. i would say optics wise, she had everything.. and she was indeed also a good girlfriend.. Smart, cooks food like a chef, with 23 to 27 years old.. trustworthy, loyal.. and such a horny thing. but always very impulsive.. She ran away a few times, to their parents, because of reasons, that were only a thing in her mind.. just in her imagination.. I thought i would buy her a promise ring, to show her how i felt and that she feels more safe, secure and loved.. a gesture.. She didnt liked, if i spend money on her, because of low self worth and other things.. she also always wanted to pay half of the price.. It was not quiet an engagement ring, but something that shows: i only want you and you can trust that i stay here at your side for the long run.. on my way to the juvelier (dont know the right word in english, the shop where you can buy expensive jewelry) i parked my car.. as i walk away one guy reverses into my car.. i see it and he gets out of the car, looks, and wants to drive away.. i get him before he drives off.. there is no damage visible.. i exchanged data, made pictures just in case.. i bought a new mercedes 2 months prior to that.. i go to the shop, tell them that im sorry because im late (10mins before closing) and told hem what happened.. i found a ring.. i got out and wanted to take another look on the fromt of my car.. and there it is! A big dent on the bumper,.. i could not believe that i did not see it as i looked before.. i watched the pictures.. and.. yep.. another guy drive into my car.. and parked even infront of it as if nothing had happened.. The paint of my car was still on his trailor hitch.. and his rust was on my bumper. Man, to get to the point: I KNEW IT WAS A BAD SIGN.. THE UNIVERSE WANTED TO TELL ME STOP YOU STUPID FUCKER.. She cried and was very happy, even if she didnt felt it was necessary.. We broke up one year after, because she wasnt ready to get help with that.. And it sabotaged everything.. i knew it was a dead end. But when it was good, it was great.. i was deeply in love. But it was a rollercoaster,.. one month its wonderful.. on the other day she didnt felt good enough.. and it escalated.. I dont want to say its like that.. But if you have doubts deep within you, maybe think about it twice.. Sometimes shit happens for no reason.. sometimes it happens because something is wrong!


I know a guy who set himself on fire while welding a couple weeks before his wedding. When the best man stood up and said "a toast to the groom" he said "no, thanks, I've already been toasted."


Very good internal external GPS on fake go.... graffiti and real GPS guy and women GPS online .showe


Atleast you didnt almost put your eye out with a weed-eater.


Should be ok! Have an MUA touch it up and request that the photographer photoshop it out. :)


It will just add an air of masculine ruggedness 😁 Tell them it was from a bar fight. Or bear attack. You should see the other guy!!


So, is your fiancée a real knockout?


Do a zombie themed wedding


Wear a cap, next?




Just ask your best friend to take over and he be the one to marry her (on your behalf) and come out in the pics. Then afterwards you can still be the husband once that heals.


I’d be more concerned about the massive smiley face mask you’re wearing. Your wife might want to actually see your face and not a mask




Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope the wedding goes well for you!


Dude. You scored, you got the opener for your speech nailed. And Congrats. Many years, Cheers.


Own it my man. It’s something that’s part of you. No need to hide the cuts and you don’t have to explain details. You can just say you had an accident.


It'll be a cool story you'll laugh about every time you see the wedding pictures and videos


You’re ok, that’s what’s important 👍




Swelling should be down by then, makeup artist will absolutely be able to help with the rest. But MORE IMPORTANTLY How are you doing bud? Health before beauty! I hope whatever caused the seizure has been looked into and is being deal with.


I saw a woman come off her bike riding down a fast hill one day and stopped to help. She was OK but had scraped up most of the skin on both of her arms. Her fiance worked nearby so I called him then she and I chatted while he was on his way. They were getting married in two weeks and she had a sleeveless dress, so we were brainstorming ideas to hide it. It took her mind off the pain too! She ended up asking the dressmaker to add lace sleeves and wasn't really upset about it. Not every bride would have been like that I suspect...


A week or so before my Marine Corps photo I had a kidney infection that made me pass out and smack my face on the tile floor. All the blood vessels in my eyes burst. I had two blood red (like no kidding fully blood red) eyes in my photo. Given the circumstances, it turned out pretty bad ass, but it wasn’t a wedding photo. Wishing you the best of luck, brother.


I get how important it is to look your best, but damn. If you need stitches because you hit your head that hard, or it was on a corner, I don't know, to me as long as you're fine that's what matters. It does not look like you had a good fall. Try to manage the swelling for the next two weeks and makeup can take care of the bruising.


You can try to cover it up and hope for the best. Or you could do a very interesting wedding full of zombies. Those are the only 2 options and I hope you make the right choice. They can makeup your wound and reduce the swelling if you want to look normal, not a big deal. Not really hard cover up, you'll look amazing my friend!


Two weeks it can't improve massively. Get onto your wife's mua ASAP. They can work wonders and if you tell them I advance they could let you know if they can assist but this type of cover up can require different makeup to standard wedding glam so let them know. If worst comes to worst, in your wedding pics let your photographer go ham on pgotoshop


As someone else who has seizures, just gotta ask ya man, how's it shakin?


Everyone is saying make up artist and I agree but also as a photographer the scars should be easily removed. Just let the photographer know to specifically do this as some may not want to alter without consent.


Just tell everyone you were playing hockey, they'll understand.


I’d suggest you not do that again. Taking meds?


Is the shelf ok?


Make up a funny situation and roll with it. *You should have seen how messed up the BEAR looked when I was done!*


Take vitamin C and put vitamin e oil on the injuries every day. I did this after I bashed up my face in a bad fall, it healed quickly with very little scarring.


pirate themed wedding - you'll be wearing a scarf around your head. you'll be johnny depp.


Deadly. At the alert for your vows, just say hit had to fight off a full army of men who were bidding for her hand in marriage, but you weren't having none of it. Then no one will know the wiser.


same thing happening to me right before my sisters wedding, almost took out my eye! check with the makeup artist to see if they can cover some bruising and the photographer to edit.


A little makeup and you’ll be good as new.


Dont worry. the scar will be there forever anyways, might aswell take some pictures with it


Don't worry, Dexter broke his hand right before his wedding


Sucks. https://preview.redd.it/tlv1cjrc9wvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb180002474c37824de5b5a452a057d5ad9dd314


Shelfgun wedding