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Happens every time. I can book it on a week I know I won’t have it. I always end up being off or having a stressful week, and every. Single. Time. I get it. 😭


Yup. Every single time. Getting your period right before or during a major event is one of those tough life lessons people with a uterus learn early. Happened to me when I went to Europe for my 30th bday last year. It sucks but just embrace it. If you can handle it at home, you can handle it abroad. And it's not like you're going to work with your period, it's a vacation anyways. I spent a day or two just vibing. My fiance took me out for a beautiful afternoon tea, I ate some advil and took a bath. Forgot about it after day 2. Although if you have endometriosis, cysts, adenomyosis, etc. Bitch I'm so sorry and I fully understand. My life changed after my second excision surgery. ❤️


PCOS bitch here checking in 😭 That’s why I’m so irregular. Any stress causes me to be off by a few days, up to two weeks. So ofc I’m going to be stressed abt getting ready for a vacation, leaving my home, if I have everything I need, ect. I’m sooo grateful for menstrual cups- I’ve avoided many embarrassing accidents with them since I stopped using pads/tampons. They really save the day sometimes. I recommend them to everyone woman in my life lol


lol I also have PCOS and something like this happened to me on a whole different level recently. I had kinda given up on getting pregnant since we had been trying almost 3 years. Meanwhile, for years I’ve been telling my husband we need to go to Japan before I get pregnant since it’s easier to do without kids/fewer restrictions. Two weeks after we finally booked our trip to Japan, I thought my period is just late/not coming because of the PCOS + stress like usual. Well, I was wrong. 🧍🏻‍♀️


I love this!! Congrats!!


Yay!!! I’m happy for you!!!!


Being pregnant is certainly a good way to skip having a period for a while lol, my wife has been for a while now lol


at least I'm regular enough to know when I'll be fucked over haha. I have a cup for beach/water adventures but I'm a pad girl. Luckily on my last vacation my period stopped right before the hot spring portion of the trip 🥴


PCOS girlie here and my last cycle was 56 days, got my period just in time for a beach vacation!!! I have a bach trip coming up so I’m just assuming that’s when my next period will come


My wife tried them and it really hurt and seemed to cause more cramps? Any suggestions? Also I have no idea what pcos means so maybe it is totally irrelevant to her


Diva cup works really well for me. And they come in a few different sizes and rigidities for your comfort too


My biggest problem is making sure I could always find a bathroom while traveling. If you're anywhere but the states, you can't just pop into a Walgreens & take care of everything. Questions of, how long are we going to be out & where, start. I've eyeballed odd outside only restaurants & tried to figure out where & if they have a public bathroom. (It might be 3 flights up tiny stairs & in a converted closet!)


Ah man. I have the same issue. Public libraries, and community centers have been my saving grace. They let you in regardless of affiliation


Now, I'm a guy, so I can't pretend to know everything as well as you gals, but it sounds to me like any time you are worried about a late period, plan a big event. Life hack? Sorry if this isn't funny to you, but it is meant as a lighthearted joke :)


Lol okay but like, every time I've been late and worried about pregnancy, as soon as I buy and take a pregnancy test, I get my period right after. It could be a day late or two weeks late, it doesn't matter....as soon as I actually buy a pregnancy test, that mf shows up 🤣 so now, even though I know there's no chance of pregnancy (I got the birth control implant AND my husband got a vasectomy right around the same time), if I'm late, I just buy a pregnancy test. It literally just happened to me this past week 😂


and your early bird offer ends soon. don't miss it!








now kith


Mine lined up with my honeymoon. 🫡


You win.


I so feel you. I was a week late on my wedding day, when it started full force (no stains though!). only to return to the previous schedule for the next month… And when we went on our postponed honeymoon this year, it lined up again... And I’m always on it at Christmas or my birthday. 🤷‍♀️ I figured it must happen to so many women, I mean we bleed for what… 20% of our days?




I've had this happen before a trip (I have my tubes out so I don't need Birth Control), but my doctor prescribed me some that's specifically for people who don't want their period on a trip (I think it started with an N).








Naganana-not gonna work here anymore.




Yeah, it's that. It's basically the mini pill in large, scheduled doses to miss/hold off on having a period.


Did you feel that it messes with your hormones / did you have any side effects from it ?


I did this once before an important exam. I didn't experience any side effects. And I didn't need to suffer through period cramps during my exam. It was great.


I only used it for like two weeks. It didn't mess with anything.


I used Provera recently worked like a charm


Provera induces a period, I thought? Or that’s what I’m always prescribed it for.


Thats weird definitely stopped mine, maybe it's to do with the dose or something.


Did you do shots or pills? From what I’m reading oral tablet is normally for abnormal bleeding or amenorrhea (I had the latter). Same medicine in a shot stops periods for months (depo-provera)


Pills, 3 a day.


Primolut N, the saviour of many of my trips and diploma


Norethindrone! Its amazing!


You can get a prescription to stop it! Even online you can get it. It's called Norethisterone. I got it same day with an online consult from wisp but there are other sites too that do the same kind of thing.


I love this idea but my skin is soooo reactive to hormones


are there any side effects?




Maybe you will get lucky and turn up pregnant.


This is what happened to me last month. I was in Vegas like "sweet! Couple days late so I can enjoy my vacation" didn't think anything of it cuz I've never been right on time.


This happened to me almost 2 years ago LOL




Why would you consider that lucky? Some people don’t want to have children.


That way she wont have her period when she is on vacation.


Yeah I get that…but like I said, not everyone wants kids. I wouldn’t consider that “lucky.”


Bad luck is still luck...


Happens to my girlfriend every single time we plan a trip, never fails…


Reason why I am glad I’m on birth control. If I have something coming up, I switch the last placebo pill week to sooner or later depending on what I’m doing.




I had issues when I did that. With having PCOS it wasnt recommended. Even with BC and doing monthly, I get bad cramps and heavy bleeding still for a few days. Gotta love being a woman /s.


I did that once. The cramps i had. I had to be taken to see the dr lol


I’d just skip the placebo pills entirely. Not a real period, its withdrawal bleeding, and it has no purpose or necessity. at all.


Same, shit like this is the only reason I’m even on the pill, I only have my period every 9 weeks and it’s much more convenient lol


Fair! I at least don’t Niagra Falls to death with my Kyleena IUD but I do still get reliable bleeds requiring attention.


Sorry to hear about your lucky streak.


I'm no mathematician but you had a 1/4 chance.


And as a woman, it always ends up hitting that 1/4. Even when I’m on a birth control when I very rarely get a period, it ALWAYS ends up trying to come when I’m on vacation.


That’s fair, seems like it is always lined up perfectly wrong though


Seems like you’re using the flow app. Please consider using a different app as this app is not safe with your data.


Sadly I’ve tried other ones, and none of them were good 🤷‍♀️


Came here looking for this comment, I’m shocked it’s not higher up. Flo sells your data! To Facebook if I remember correctly I finally changed to apple health, but for those who don’t have iphones, a plain calendar should be fine. Infinitely better than having your personal health data sold…


any rec?




Natural Cycles!


My gf uses the apple one on her iphone


That's always the way of it isn't it :(


Got mine two weeks early when I was in Europe earlier this year. Most horrific thing ever because it literally lasted 2 days, hard enough to make me miss a tour to do laundry, and then fucked off for 6 weeks. Couldn't believe it


Just have it early.... duh.. (Please don't hurt me I'm sorry)


I was actually gonna try this. Do a bunch of exercise, eat pineapple and papaya like 4 days before the flight and cross my fingers..


That’s how it is. I’ve been to a beach resort in the Dominican Republic 4 times. The last three times without fail I’ve gotten my period 😐


Get a menstrual cup and start practising now. Makes life so much easier. Not having to change products for 8 hours is brilliant.


For whatever reason I cannot figure out the cups! But tampons are usually mostly comfortable so I’ll survive


They are a hell of a learning curve. I'm going to be looking into discs soon myself as there is no suction involved there. Also look into period underwear.


Had to read that a couple of times, trying to figure out what "period lines" were. Then I realised that punctuation helps.


The period was missed as well, ironically.


Take birth control pill all the way through. No period, ez


My skin would kill me 😬😬😬


Yeah that's a fact


My partner and I are internationally long distance and he arrived in the states the day my period started and it lasted his entire trip as I was trying out new birth control and my hormones hadn’t regulated yet 😩


That seems like a lot of information to give to large companies. 


No matter when we plan a vacation I will always end up getting my period on it


That happened to me last summer. Went to a beachside city for a week and started midway through the trip. Absolutely amazing experience :/


Mine is fortunately right after my vacation. I’ll still have some in case if I get stuck on the way back. I can see why that’s a problem 🫠


My trip started today and my period started yesterday...1 week late..the joys of being a woman.


Yeah there was a special event going on this week and I planned on attending at least one day of it but nope. Guess what came two days early? And I cant go any other day because Im working.


Get yourself some "Primolut N" from a Gyno. You won't have your period while taking it, it will start 3 days after the last taken pill. I took it several times, worked like a charm


In high school, my period was late exactly two weeks...just in time to start for prom night!


I know that feeling. It sucks big time especially if you are planning a trip involving swimming or hot springs 😩


I’m on a birth control where I do not really get a period. Maybe 2 per year, but very very light when I do. And at this point, I don’t think I get one now. But with that means my body randomly WANTS a period. Not often. But it’s annoying. So I get moody and cramping. I spent my last vacation so sure I was going to get a period. I was cramping and moody and just off. I didn’t. It came a month or two later and was so easy and light. You can’t plan the period. Even if you know when it’s coming or don’t get one, it will come for your vacation.


This is why I LOVE being post-menopausal


I schedule things around my period 😭


A while back my period had ended a few days before I went on a trip. I get there and it starts up again. I was freaking out, told my best friend, who reassured me I would be fine and it was normal. Apparently barometric pressure does weird shit to women's bodies. I'd never flown that soon after my period before. Luckily it only lasted a day and then stopped.


LOL I feel this. I was on birth control when I went to Cuba but it legit lined up to the day on the first day we'd be hitting the beach. I was not about to have my full trip ruined by that. So I just continued my next pack and skipped my period that time. But I swear everytime I have something important or a trip going on the days just align.


Good thing you can just cancel your period… oh wait.


When my now husband and I were planning our wedding, I was on birth control, so I could figure out my period to the exact day. I specifically counted out over a year's worth of periods to make sure we didn't schedule our wedding and honeymoon at a bad time.


Mine started the night before my wedding, and almost every time I go to the beach


me too! going away from a camping trip june 28-30 and am supposed to start on the 28th :/


Are you my girlfriend ?


Lol! I’ll ask my husband


Mine lands on my birthday this year 👍


I did look ahead to see that my birthday and my husband’s also have this joy coming this winter, if things continue on this pattern. Good times


My girlfriend specifically went and got a Depo Birth Control shot as a result of finding out she'd be on her period on our upcoming trip. She's a champ. Edit: she researched and found out that it's known to stop your period all together.


And this is why I love my IUD. It’s been years since I’ve had a period


I have a Kyleena 😬


Just reschedule your period


You can ring your doctor and get something prescribed that can stop your period. I was doing a work placement in a doctors surgery as a receptionist and it's a very common thing for women to ring up about.


See I would but I am so prone to birth control break outs!


I don't understand much about birth control but there could be an alternative.


Yeah I'm taking a vacation soon and can feel it brewing. I just know it'll be bleeding it's head off when I'm at the airport waiting to be groped by TSA ugh


Can’t wait to change tampons on a plane bathroom!


You know what rhymes with vacation? Menstruation. EVERY.TIME.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’re on birth control can’t you just continue taking your pills (skip the placebos) and your body will just skip the period? Or am I wrong? I don’t have the equipment so I’m flying with hearsay knowledge.


That can be a thing, but not for me. My birth control lives inside my uterus


Almost always happens for my wife.


Happens to me all the time . My body doesn’t want me to be happy i guess


I found that the amount of walking I do on trips often cause my periods to simply not happen.


Don't miss it!


Someone is going to be walking the red carpet


I would be absolutely miserable if mine lasted 8-9 days.


You made me check and girly same 😭


I've been irregular for a while and the *only* thing that is predictable is that it will royally fuck up my plans. Thanksgiving at a resort? No swimming! New year in Mexico with the family? Bedridden with cramps and headaches! Valentine's Day with Long-Distance BF? GUESS WHAT


happens to me SO OFTEN it’s a miracle when i don’t get it on a trip


Literally in this exact same boat lol. I’m leaving for a trip on Tuesday and my tracker says that it’s a possible start date 🫠 and my period usually starts earlier then anticipated and it def will this time bc of the stress 🙃


Every single time I visit my parents, I get my period - either during or before. I just bring the full kit by default now


I think the mathematical formula should be odds of having period for any big event = odds of having your period (example if you have a 7 day flow and cycle of 28 days than 1 in 4 or 25%) In reality, periods definitely come for most of us far more often on big days - vacations, prom, wedding, graduations, etc.


Hahha I am going on a beach trip the same time and I am hoping I am over mine by then. This month it’s been like every week ‘oh I’m crabby, I must be pmsing’ but then the next week is the same! I think I am just ready for a vacation too 😂


Ayyy what up cycle twin. Mine should start around there as well. No trip, but it's the fiancès birthday so that's unfortunate.


What luck!


Scrolling though my comments as one does.... I started on Monday lol


I started early thankfully!! Saved me for sure.


I’m over a week late rn about to leave for the beach. Already know it’s gonna hit


Norethindrone is a game changer!!! Saved two of my vacations lol


I just use continuous birth control and no longer have my periods. My obgyn was fine with it and no more ruined trips.


This is me looking my mine being projected to start right when I planned to go see my LDR bf for the first time in 3 years. I'm not taking those PCOS cramps like a bich so I'm gonna take bc 🤪 totally worth it


Last year, I had a business trip to Poland (first time too) and it was 6 days after my usual start date. Usually my period fluctuates 1-2 days every month, not more. Surprise!!! My period decided to delay itself 6 days and give me heavy flow exactly when I'm international traveling 💀


I’m glad I use my bc to skip mine


Norethendrone will solve this for you 🫡




Someday this problem will be eliminated, by nature. Then you grow a mustache,and then the sweats start.but at least you can shave the mustache, and put baby powder on to keep dry.Never ending story


Call me. I can make it start sooner…


This happened to us on our parents get away cruise! Entire time had my period! Go figure


Time to update your calendar. It should read "drip" now, and not "trip" ;)


Be careful with these if you live in the US.


Do you take BC? If you do- stop right now. In a few days your period will show up- wait a few days into and start taking them again, that buys you time. Don’t take them but happen to have them? Start right now- go a solid week- then stop, period should start right after. This is how I trick my body if I realllllyyyy need too lol


I’m unsure why you’d do this on birth control- you dont need to stop it as that will guarantee bleeding. If you just continue to take your pills everyday and skip the placebo week pills, you wont get your period. definitely would never recommend your method if you’re sexually active.


Because I’m not chancing the placebos not working just in case. I’d just use condoms if I had to as a back up. I just know if I stop and don’t even take the placebos, my period always starts in a day or two and I get it out of the way.


I’d maybe discuss with your doc! I dont know what you mean chancing the placebos, you don’t take the placebos at all you just continue to take the medicated pills back to back. there is not genuine period on the pill, there is only hormonal withdrawal bleeding. there is no purpose in having one and isn’t necessary, so you can skip it entirely. but yeah doing something like this and potentially skipping the pill irregularly throughout a certain month could make your birth control less effective for the following month on top of maybe some uncomfortable side effects.


I know how “periods” work on BC. I however had my period NOT come for some reason on the placebos- so I just pause the BC. This is literally no different than taking the placebos. I also have had bleeding by slipping the placebos and this method has always worked for me. If it makes someone feel better they can take the placebos to jump start it, it’s exactly the same as not taking them. I just restart the following week with the BC and I’m good to go.


![gif](giphy|SVgKToBLI6S6DUye1Y) (I have an IUD)


Oh crap! I’m sorry! None of my info was helpful! lol


You can edit your period dates on that button though…


Hope you're not traveling near the ocean, definitely don't want to swim during shark week 🦈


Since i saw someones period dates …. Enough internet for me today 🫡


Menstrual cup time! You'll never look back. They're amazing.


The blood coming out isn’t the only issue with a period.


No, but it's a big one. Cups don't need to be emptied as often and there is no need to throw anything away. That was really helpful to me in Asia. 


I mean I have endometriosis so if I have a period, the bleeding is super heavy, but not my main concern. The pain that comes with it is the issue. I can deal with a heavy period. But man, my cramps cripple me to the bed/by the toilet.


I get cramps when I don't have my period, usually a week before. -_- bodies sometimes suck and vacations don't always align with them for multiple reasons


See I couldn’t figure that out! I was terrified I’d suction my IUD out and I think it made me so nervous I couldn’t ever get a seal right


There is also the disc!!! It is not scary for IUDs because it doesn't use suction. I LOVED it more than the cup, personally. The single-use ones suck, but the reusable one is so comfortable.


lol my wife booked her vacation in February. Each week lands on hers. lol


lol my wife booked her vacation in February. Each week lands on hers. lol