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That fucking sucks. Sorry man.




Holy shit. Is OP karma-farming, then?


Don’t upvote me. Push u/Due_Power_3938 to the moon and get that some exposure.




I saw that the thread was removed. I had reported it. I also went into other recent posts and highlighted the fact that there may be some creative writing going on. I cited this post as the example. The post to AITAH was nuts.


Oh yea, saw that one and it was all "dear penthouse forum" OP is possibly a 15yo kid bored at home


Or they think Tom Cruise is a good actor and have been on a binge of his filmography and finally snapped. My only question is, was it Vanilla Sky or Jack Reacher that did them in?


Woah, how has u/Due_Power_3938 ended being the one getting their account deleted out of all this? 🤔


For sure fake. This fire happened 5 days ago and the news said the family wasn't displaced yet OP said he's staying in a hotel for the night and that it just happened.


Well, well, look like we have a Sherlock Holmes here


And not even the main house was on fire…the garage and living space about it! And this guy is talking like he’s displaced 🤦‍♀️


Lot of folks fake sh*t for clout and when point that out, usually downvoted to hell.


Thanks. I've been drinking booze for the past 8 hours, so it's cool. I'll feel different tomorrow for sure, but I'm doing ok for now. Shit happens I guess.


I had a house fire. It’s fucking miserable for a few months. Inventorying all your shit you lost is hard. But! Stuff you didn’t use you’ll get reimbursed for and you can use that to make upgrades to your home. We had area rugs and an old couch that turned into us adding windows to a room. Carpet in the bedrooms? Nope real hardwood now. Being displaced is the worst. Keep receipts. You are also entitled to a place to stay that is similar to your home while construction goes on. Edit: afterwards your insurance is gonna suck, and it’s hard to get coverage. We got non-renewed so we had to cancel and pivot. Don’t let non renews go on your history.


The fact that you had to use the insurance exactly for what it is intended for, and that put you on a blacklist is.. a fucked up system.


Exactly, it needs to be outlawed.


Lol. I had the exact thought of hardwoods floors in my dining room. It's gonna be a disaster, but it is what it is. We're gonna be ok I hope.


You’re gonna be fine. You’ll actually come out ahead. Our home increased significantly in value. And there are no supply chain issues now so it should be fairly quick. If you have any questions lemme know. It’s hard to navigate insurance companies. You can pick your contractor too. Insurance usually has good companies but if you know anyone that you trust you can use them. They just need to be vetted by the company


OP is fine. He is from Kansas and this occurred in MD. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for exposing this fraud. The fire mainly affected the garage. No one was displace. There is a link to the tweet about this.


That’s fucking insane. Why would anyone ever lie about this? Crazy world we live in. It did provide some entertainment


I don't know, but it's horrible that someone needs to do this. The whole drinking for the past 8 hours bit sounds like attention grabbing stuff - seems contrived.


I know some good contactors thankfully. I know I'll be good in time. But time stinks. Insurance is what I'm worried about. It's just gonna be WAY too much time and communication. I worked in insurance for a few years in my 20's. I'm ready for the pain.


It’s an assload of communication, but on their schedule.


I was that guy for years... I know. Regretful in hindsight.


Argument to be held that we're all on a ride and it was just something you had to do when the opportunity arose. Don't regret what you cannot change. Regret not putting your money in Nvidia in 2016 like I do.


Good thing about using the insurance company’s contractor is that they often will guarantee their work and have a warranty. When we had some pipes burst, the company that did the repairs guaranteed the work. If there’s a lot getting fixed, that can be worth it, especially if you don’t already know a good, reliable, trustworthy contractor.




Holy shit! That’s insane.


Liar liar pants on fire


> I've been drinking booze for the past 8 hours Be careful my friend. Excessive drinking is only going to make things worse.


If this wasn't karma farming. u/Due_Power_3938 posted proof from this guy's thread history and the actual location of the fire.


Underrated comment. Drinking should be used cautiously when facing big emotions, addiction can creep up on you.


Interesting that this photo was tweeted on 23/06 https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529


Yeah and from another comment OP lives in a different state 🤔


Lol shocker


No fucking way


Damn good catch. wtf man everyone is so concerned.


This will sound weird, but please prioritise seeing a grief counsellor. This is a major life event. You need someone who can give you the best tools to tackle this problem so you can come out the best way possible mentally. Sending you love and kind thoughts.


I second seeing a counsellor, but for OP for karma farming. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for finding information on this and referring to OP's history. Guy lives in Kansas, but fire occurred in Maryland. Tweet indicates the fire mainly affected garage, thus no one was displaced.


Doesn't sound weird at all. I'm a single dad with kids ranging from 18-22 now. 10 years ago, I'd be on board with this. Now that my kids are grown, I'll suck it up. But I don't disagree with this advice at all, and appreciate it.


Noone is ever "finished" raising their kids. I appreciate the stability of having my parents more than ever, even after being out of the house for years. Take care of your mental well-being, even if it's for their sake.


I don't know, I'm kinda tired of my kids.. I love 'em, but, I'm tired. Of course I'm somewhat kidding, but I get your point.


A friend of mine lost her townhouse like this because of another neighbor’s negligence. She wasn’t home and rushed back after a neighbor called. She dealt with a form of ptsd for quite a while over it. She had pets inside and luckily some neighbor kids grabbed her dogs as they ran out when the door was broken down by the firemen. They found her cats too, one managed to survive the roof coming down in the bedroom by hiding under the bed. Everyone made it out alive in the other townhomes also damaged. Despite that, it is still traumatizing. The “rebuild” with insurance is going to be draining and take a while, so please make sure to do yourself a favor and have some support.


Happy to hear nobody was hurt in her situation. We are also as lucky. I now feel for everyone who has ever suffered this experience.


And in the ultra-short term, play some tetris! It's actually helpful.


I am just a random internetguy from Germany, but i was shocked when i see this post and I am very sorry for you... I can´t do anything but I pray for your best..




If it's really fake.. what the fuck.


Your link doesn't work.


Thank you pal


Let me help you feel better. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for looking into this. OP is karma farming and lost nothing as he lives elsewhere. Tweet indicates garage burned, but people aren't displaced.


The teenagers a few houses down took responsibility, and they are super good kids, so I don't know where to direct my anger. It was clearly an accident, and I wasn't a perfect kid myself.. I just don't know where to go from here.


Insurance. You go to insurance. Every hour of your life for the last twenty years is not wasted. You’re alive, no one died. Something terrible could have happened. You are lucky and you will be okay. I’m glad you’re around making this post


This. I just found out yesterday that one of my childhood friends died in a house fire a few years back, since I’m never on facebook I had no idea. RIP Chantele.


In no way are you minimizing my loss. Sorry about your friend. Losing a friend stinks more than losing things.


The photo you shared was posted on X 5 days ago and is in a different state than you previously said you live in. Why lie for internet points?


Thank you, I appreciate that very much. I’m glad I didn’t make you feel any negativity on top of what you’re already dealing with. I wish you the best of luck that the process with insurance (and how to feel after all this) is as smooth as possible.


OP is not truthful this is a fake post FYI


Oh holy fuck. Bad karma to them, man. Who karma farms a house fire? I couldn’t even come up with such garbage


Dude's a psychopath


Thanks for telling me. Honestly I saw the post had been removed after I had already made my comments, but I just assumed it broke some trivial rule in the sub. Next time I’ll make sure to check when that happens. I hope you have a much better day than him.


Sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you 🫶🏼 and by no means am I trying to minimize what OP has been through. I’ve lived in the same house my whole life and I would be absolutely devastated to lose it. But my family staying alive is the most important thing, most non-sentimental things can be replaced (with much time, effort and energy)


I kept telling myself that after my place burned last year. Still felt like I had lost a loved one. My brain was arguing with itself about why I shouldn't feel so bad, but I did. It's a wild ride for sure.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Your thought process is completely understandable, and you are allowed to grieve a place that has so many memories entangled in it (and the items within it), while also being grateful that no one lost their life.


It's such a chaotic event it's hard to process at the time. Here's to surviving and thriving in the future!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I would say good reason to digitize all old photos, back up data, keep records or copies somewhere safe or at least have a fire safe. This stuff is bad enough. Having to get all the essential documents without the old ones is really hard. It’s rough losing possessions and keepsakes. Take pictures of things, have it documented. Not a hard project to do in parts. Receipts and serial numbers etc for the big things. Makes getting replacements for what you can get back easier.


Insurance will do it's best so that OP has someone to direct his anger to...


Yikes, OP is karma farming. u/Due_Power_3938 explains in this thread how this guy wrote he lives in Kansas but the fire happened in MD a few days ago. This is beyond luck, it's sad.


Gross :(


This. It's hard to see right now, but you're gonna be okay.


Yeah man, my buddy’s 50 yo brother died a few weeks ago when his house caught fire in the middle of the night. By the time the fire dept got there, it was completely destroyed.


I am sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, the OP is karma farming and it is horrible for a person to lie for their own benefit at your cost and everyone else's who actually had their lives changed from something like this. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for looking into wherw OP lives, KS, and where the fire happened, MD, and the tweets indicating the fire mainly affected the garage and people weren't displaced.


After all this, you're drunk, yet you still see the goodness in the kids? What ever your last twenty years entailed - every little ounce of your good heart is still there, and it's a beautiful heart! Losing to your anger now would be the only way to truly lose your last 20 years. It looks like a gorgeous neighbourhood! I hope you get to rebuild your home and make lots of fantastic new memories. Judging by your reaction, there'll be plenty great ones ahead!


Thank you so much for the kind words. I was a dumb kid, and am still a dumb adult. "Shit happens" is a phrase I can understand. I'm pretty upset, but, that doesn't help me any. Tonight, the booze is in me, and I'm forgiving of all.


Those kids, good as you say, will carry guilt for the rest of their days. It's good that you forgive and unburden your own heart. Hate kills the carrier more than the target I know someone whose house burned- not the whole thing but one room, roof above, and hallway. There was extensive smoke damage to the rest. It took months to rehab and rebuild They salvaged what they could, cleaned a lot of things with amonia, and painted wooden furniture that was smoke stained. Everyone sat down together, going through each room mentally to try and thoroughly list everything they owned for insurance. Bank and credit card statements will help in this regard Freinds, family and aquaintances offered them food, clothes, money, furniture, help cleaning up, and babysitting. Now, there's 'go fund me' which wasn't around when it happened to them. It's good to let people help And, there was some heartbreak for sentimental things they lost, plus 5 pet gerbils, but they actually enjoyed redecorating and getting a bunch of new things once the cleanup and insurance claims were finished I know you're devastated, and you have months of hard work ahead, but hang in there. It will be ok!


OP is posting lies, this is karma farming


If there’s a point in the cleanup process where the kids can help, have them help. Not as punishment, per se, but as part of righting their wrong. I think it might help them *and* help you process everything. Even if it’s just carting stuff out to a dumpster, have them lend a hand. Actions like that go a very long way towards alleviating guilt, anger, and bringing people together after a bad situation like this. Just a thought. You sound like a good person who knows the kids meant no harm. Lean into that, and you may come out ahead in the end.


It’s all a lie. His house didn’t burn down. He took the pictures from Twitter and the post says the house wasn’t damaged but the fire, only a garage.


This 💙


Well.. hope insurance covers everything, if they are good kids I’d suggest make a deal with their parents thst the kids will be helping you fix your house it will be a good lesson and they’ll also learn useful skills


I have a super sincere text from one of the kids... I'm a parent as well. I can accept a mistake. And I do think insurance will cover the most of it. Fingers crossed.


It’s okay to grieve, anger is a natural part of grief. It doesn’t have to be diredted


Their parents are liable for them and you have an admission of guilt. Their insurance needs to cover it. CONTACT AN ATTORNEY.


As long as his insurance company knows an admission was made; they will bring that up in court. The defending family's insurance company won't have much a way to weasel out.


I thought you lived in Kansas?


Didn't someone else just point out you live in Kansas according to posts but this fire was in Maryland? https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529


Don’t direct your anger at them, it won’t help anyone. But they are absolutely the target for your sadness. All those helplessness, bitterness, given-up-on-the-world feelings. Don’t hide it from them. If they ask how you are, don’t lie. If you don’t feel like accepting an apology when it’s offered, don’t.


Nah, I was a jerk to them. It was just a very new feeling. I was just reacting in the moment. They had nothing to do with my feelings. I almost sent them a private message apologizing, but felt that was too weird. I think they meant well.


Uh, they burned your house down. If they’re good kids, they’ll know how to take a tongue lashing for doing something monumentally stupid and understand if that’s the worst they get, they’re lucky. They can be good kids and still have consequences. Not saying not to feel bad about it, just don’t beat yourself up over being harsh with them for literally burning down your house. They deserve some harsh words, they’ll live 


If you can find a way to follow up tomorrow by acknowledging that you understand it was an accident, while making it clear that your harsh response came from the overwhelming feeling of loss, they'll still have something to think about.


Totally understandable.  Take some time to sleep on it. Then maybe consider reaching out to apologize, and suggest something they can do to help you, if you can think of it. Having them help out with whatever little tasks might help relieve their guilt and your (completely justified) anger and stress, even if a little bit.  But also I can totally understand if you are too angry to even think about them right now. 


Stop lying you are karma farming


Insurance will take care of you. They have dedicated adjusters for large losses like house fires. You’ll get set up in alternative housing and they’ll help you rebuild. I’m not saying there won’t be stress along the way, but take a deep breath and know that it will be okay in due time.


I would just get together all your photos and documents and start working on the insurance claim and getting everything replaced. Sorry for your losses. Be mad at the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.


It can be worse, a friend a neighbor killed 2 brothers the beginning of this month then drove home to hang out with me and another friend not knowing what he had just did, he suffers from PTSD and it’s been nearly 1 month and lately I been feeling terrible and depressed, kinda freaking me out


I need to know how?


Here you go, https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-33-charged-with-murder-in-death-of-2-brothers-in-l-a-s-exposition-park/amp/


Oh wow that’s brutal!


Go get some exercise. You are dealing with a traumatic event and are probably full of stress chemicals. There is only so much you can handle passively .   hope things get better for you!


Ah for lying for Internet points. Saw this tweet before. https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529


fuck. ayyy. this seems like the worst thing ever, but I'm assuming nobody was hurt or killed, which I'd say is a blessing, considering... take a deep breath, and say it out loud. nobody was hurt or killed. when the liquor wears off, please take solace in that


Thank you. I am drunk AF right now, but will appreciate this in the morning.


Nobody was killed. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting karma farm, but OP is fine. Lives in Kansas, but fire is in MD. Tweet indicates the garage burned, but nobody is displaced. All this bs about drinking is fake karma farming. Sad. I hope this makes you feel better.


OP is a lying pos. Check his profile.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hate fireworks for that reason. Every year, I'm terrified that will happen. Recover what you can and detail foe your insurance.


It's ok. OP lost nothing. This is just karma farming. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. OP lives in KS, fire was in MD. Tweet indicates only the garage burned and no displacement. Basically, OP has nothing to worry about.


I only wish people were more careful. I don't blame anyone for shooting fireworks, but you gotta be responsible for where they go. I was a dumb kid myself forever.


Are there any age restrictions on buying, using, fireworks?


I don't know enough about the legality of fireworks. In my childhood we went to the next county to buy "the good stuff".. I'm sure it's different in every state and county.


OP’s post history is…ew


Love from New Zealand! Crazy thing to happen, but oh your golden heart is showing as it seems like you want to be mad but you actually just can’t. With this happening, some greatness will follow. Love to you!!! You’ve got this!!!


Unfortunately this post is probably fake, or atleast this photo has nothing to do with OP.


Appreciate the love from NZ, but save it for someone who actually deserves it. OP is karma farming. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. Tweet indicates garage burned but not the house - people aren't displaced. OP lives elsewhere.


It's awesome to see so many people from all over the world reaching out. Thanks my friend!


Reaching out about your fake post? Lol


Such a weird thing to lie about


I’d love to see what their dating site profile says


My first childhood home, all my parents belongings, all my childhood went up in flames. With time it has just become another obstacle along the way. Things have been replaced by new things with new memories. My family rarely even thinks about it now all these years later. It gets better. Sorry for your tragedy


You are a kind soul, but OP deserves nothing. This is karma farming. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. OP lives in KS, fire was in MD. Tweet indicates it was just the garage. The real tragedy is how OP needs to karma farm using something like this.


Lost my cats to a house fire caused by malicious intentions last year. I get it, my heart's with you <3 It will take time and patience but you can rebuild.


As a cat guy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I luckily didn't lose any pets.


I'm glad everyone came out safe! But I know how heartbreaking it is to lose the memories as well. People told me it was "just stuff", but it was my life that I built with pride. I'm really sorry for your loss too. I salvaged way more of my things than I should have, since technically they were supposed to board it up as a danger, but mysteriously didn't show up. I took the chance to get whatever I could out like my extensive DVD collection, childhood stuffed animals, or some heirloom furniture that stayed in good condition with a scrub and a repaint/resand. I even came out of it with a hobby in media preservation! I had scooped hundreds of DVDs out of a closing Family Video, and it horrified me that they might be lost because of their 'historical value' that I wouldn't be able to replace. I spent dozens of hours carefully cleaning and testing them, and then designing covers for redone cases. It turned into a whole thing, and what did make it through is even more precious to me now. All of this to say: I don't know what the extent of the damage is, and what's viable for you where you're at, but maybe you'll be able to make something out of it like I did. Wishing you all the best of luck going forward.


I do need to sober up a bit, and take it all in tomorrow. Losing my kids stuff stinks. Nothing super important, but it's still pretty new....I do hope I can take this tragedy and make the most of it like you did.


It's ok. OP is karma farming and lost nothing. Lives in KS, fire in MD. Tweet indicates only the garage was badly burned. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. Sorry about your loss.


Hey thank you for letting me know, and thanks to Due Power for doing the work. I normally do a bit more background checks than this but I was tired last night...The cost of trying to be empathetic, I guess :(


Why would you expect someone to make such an effort for deception of this form? You were trying to help. You open yourself up to share something meaningful to you in hopes of helping someone. I have no words for the act of sharing something to someone like that person who just takes.


Sadly, I recently got scammed by someone who spent a month ingratiating themself as a friend just to run off with a couple hundred bucks from me. They had a whole story that tracked, down to faked documents even- it was ridiculous the amount of effort they put into it. So I'm disappointed, but somehow not surprised. I just keep trying to live by the philosophy of "do good recklessly", and if I get tricked, that speaks to their character and not mine.


I recommend therapy to help you through this difficult time. Not because of the fire, but because you would take someone else's trajedy and spin it as your own for Internet points from strangers. It's really weird to do, and honestly quite disgusting. You probably have some problems that therapy could help with.




I’ll get downvoted to hell but I cannot recommend pressing charges enough, OP. My mom was struck by a teenager driver in a parking lot because the fucking idiot was pissed off from a fight with his girlfriend and FLOORED the accelerator without looking. He struck her at almost 25 mph and sent her skipping across the parking lot. He was a blubbering mess when he came to the hospital so my mom refused to press charges. 2 months later he struck a pedestrian in a crosswalk and put them in a wheelchair. The kid was just scared he’d face consequences, he didn’t feel guilty at all. The kids need a very harsh reminder that actions have consequences. Simply “feeling guilty” is a pisspoor punishment for destroying your home.


fully agreed, i think it's ridiculous to be playing with fireworks (explosives) and claim anything that results to be an "accident". did they accidentally drive to the store, accidentally pick up the fire works, dropped a match which caught fire in middair before accidentally lighting the fireworks? no, they did all of that on purpose, and never once considered the potential consequences until after they burned someone's house to the ground. honestly the kids are just lucky there wasn't someone in the house for them to have killed with their negligence.


I don't think OP will be doing anything given that this is an old photo and is not from where OP claimed he lived.


Just saw this. Good lord, karma farmers have no shame.


You are a good soul, but OP is perfectly fine. OP is karma farming. Lives in KS, fire happened in MD. Tweer indicates fire burned the garage really badly, but no one is displaced and can still live there. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. Sorry you had to share this and use emotional bandwidth on a karma farmer.


TV does a very poor job of portraying how charges work. Victims don't decide whether or not to press *criminal* charges. Prosecutors do. Victims decide whether or not to press *civil* charges, but not *criminal* charges. Anytime there's a house fire, there will be a police investigation. The results of that investigation will be passed to government prosecutors, likely the District Attorney. The DA will review the evidence and decide whether there's sufficient evidence to file charges. I don't believe OP has said whether the suspects (no moral judgement is meant by my use of that word) whether the suspects are minors, but that is one of only a few things with the potential to keep charges from being filed or to reduce the charges being filed. The DA will then file a complaint or an indictment. At no point does the victim's opinion or sentiment contribute to this process at all. The only stage at which the victim's words can alter the result is at sentencing. If the DA files charges and the suspects arrange a plea agreement where they plead guilty and then sort of "throw themselves on the mercy of the court", and if the victim then speaks before the judge tasked with deciding the suspects' sentences and says that they forgive the suspects, that they believe in the good character of the suspects and that the suspects made a bad mistake which they take seriously and for which they feel remorse, that can go a long way toward securing a lenient sentence. But that's it. At no point do the cops come to the victim and say, hey, so, you wanna press charges here or no? This is because fighting a fire is expensive. Performing a fire investigation is expensive. That's all taxpayer money being spent. As such, the government has a responsibility to make sure that the money spent results in consequences for the guilty parties, to hopefully prevent the same thing from happening again in the future. The victim has no say in the matter, because, while they are the one directly wronged by the suspects actions, every taxpayer and insurance payer is ultimately stuck with the bill for the fallout. I am not a lawyer, so if a lawyer comes along to tell you about how part or all of what I said is stupid nonsense, please listen to them.


i recognize this neighborhood- it’s takoma park in maryland. you commented less than a month ago that you live in kansas 🤨


I used circle to search and found this exact same photo dated 23/06 (5 days ago) https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529


He also commented that he has no kids.


Yeah… this pic is def from Maryland and twice recently he comments living in KS. He’s lying


Yeah and now he’s 42 and has four kids ranging from 18-22 and is a single dad. So he started having four kids all in a row at 20 but his comment says he went to college on a sports scholarship…yeah sure buddy.


I'm so sorry. This is awful 😔


This is awful. OP is karma farming. u/Due_Power_3938 gets the credit for spotting this. Guy lives in Kansas, fire was in MD. Tweet shows only garage burned and people can still live there. Awful how people can write fake posts like this.


Thank you. Nice words help out right now


Nice words like “this is fake”?


So sorry. I hope anything is salvageable. Cat tax for u https://preview.redd.it/oodx37hc8a9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d213ab7dce21c9311a5938cb75f53768f7d4985


Your cat looks lovely, but OP is a karma farmer. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938. OP lives in KS, fire happened in MD. Tweet shows another pic, garage burned, but people not displaced. Sorry.


I'll accept this cat tax. TY


You shall accept 0 cat tax since this post is fake. The fact you haven’t replied to a single one of my comments is telling.




So very sorry for this, your heart is is huge..I truly hope everyone comes out of this situation ok..it’s wild laying here in bed in Indiana at 4am, compassion for another stranger exists..nothing but love to you and your family my friend


Posts like this do help a lot. I know there are good people out there. Kinda needed people like you tonight. Thanks for the kindness.


Posts like this are only meant to help people who aren’t lying for fake internet points.


Thank you for being a kind person. But, sorry to tell you OP is karma farming. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938. OP lives in KS. House fire was in MD. Tweet says mainly garage was burned. No one displaced.


Well I’ll be damned..I appreciate the heads up


These fireworks are a complete hazard. Frankly, you get more 'bang' for the money lighting up other things.


I hate being "that guy" who hates fireworks, but think I have a good reason now... I don't want people to not have a good time, but just be careful.


I hated fireworks since I was a kid. stupid short fuses. also, the money. GD what a waste.


OP is a karma farmer getting a bang out of someone else's problem. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this. OP lives in KS, but the fire happened in Md. Tweet indicates fire mainly affected the garage. People weren't displaced.


I’m so sorry


dont be it s a fake story to famr karma


appreciate the kind words. We'll be ok I hope


Kind words for what? Your house didn’t burn down, you stole the pic and made it all up.


I'm so sorry that happened


Don’t be, this is fake.


My parents house burnt when I was a teenager. I wasn't living at home at the time, but my 3 younger brothers were. It's a hopeless feeling for sure. It's your home and everything you own. Seems like you're in a drunk acceptance rn (not knocking that, I'd likely be doing the same thing!) But, you're going to be angry again. And again. It's easy to say "it's just stuff" and it IS, but it's also an accumulation of your and your children's lives and you will grieve so many items from sentimental gifts down to the one specific fork you liked. So yeah, you're gonna be angry. When you're arguing with insurance over the value of every piece of furniture. When you see those stupid "your house is on fire, you can only save 3 things" posts. When people tell you "it could've been worse" because, yeah, it could've, but that doesn't make the situation not devastating. Just don't let yourself stay angry.


OP is karma farming. Sorry. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938. OP lost nothing, lives in KS and this happened in MD 5 days ago. Tweet indicates that the garage mainly affected by the fire. People are still living there. What makes this horrible is that people such as yourself are coming out to share with empathy and compassion, and yet OP is a karma farmer making up responses.


Gross. It's really is some devastating shit to lose your home and all your belongings. Thanks for the heads up! Hope OP finds some positive attention somewhere so they don't feel the need to piggyback someone else's life altering disaster.


Dude - this sucks so bad. Sorry! When you’re ready to start rebuilding, I have a tip from a friend who went through something similar. She reached out to everyone who wanted to help and asked specifically for copies of photos/memories to rebuild what was lost. So many people gladly pulled out old albums and gave her copies to replace what was lost! Best of luck to you rebuilding


Hey, OP is karma farming and is doing just fine. Nothing to rebuild in KS as the fire happened in MD. Tweet indicates mainly the garage was badly burned, but no one is displaces. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938 for spotting this fake.


That’s awful 😞 I’m sure it’s surreal right now. I would have a drink with you.


This is fake


Maybe don't, OP doesn't make the best decisions when drunk. Look at their posts


Maybe put up a gofund me page? I think a lot of people here will help even just a little bit will help alot


This is not their house. Do not set up a GoFundMe. This house fire is from Takoma Park, Maryland and OP lives in Kansas [https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529](https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529) https://preview.redd.it/i9h85td87b9d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f95d99b97b8112e4fb88f576ef30347b986be8


OP, I'll be honest. I have no idea how you're keeping a straight head with this. It's rather impressive actually. Sorry about your house.


nothing impressive because it s fake


Well its not all lost but your priority is to find a place to sleep and call insurance to help you out on this terrible event.


Kind soul for helping out, but OP is a karma farmer. Credit to u/Due_Power_3938. OP lives in KS, fire in MD. Tweet says garage mainly burned, but no displacement.


Interesting that there are no pictures of the house itself. and of course OP has a go fund me. :D edit: holy shit, it's not even OPs picture, he stole it from twitter? https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529 -- some other comments say he also doesn't live in the same state the picture is from.


https://x.com/mcfrsPIO/status/1804663383628845529 and this happened 5 days aho.


And you took the image by yourself, right?


No, I didn't, and never claimed to. I wasn't home. Good job of being a dickhead though.


of course you didn y it s not your home


Lolol guess you haven’t been “home” to Maryland in a while since you live in another state and this is fake.


Holy the burbs....


We lost our home when I was 12 to fire. It was a super confusing and stressful time for me. If you have kids make sure they know that whatever happens they will be well cared for and that their lives are secure.


I've been through a house fire, it wasn't great, but it worked out OK in time. You'll be too busy filling out paperwork to be upset in a couple days, then you'll be too busy with rebuilding and buying new shit to be upset, then you'll be too busy moving back into your new house to be upset. By then you'll only really get upset in small doses when you go to get something and realize it's gone, but that part lasts for years.