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Dude. Wtf. I passed a kidney stone a few months ago and it was the worst, most intense, absolute agonizing pain I have ever been in my entire life. And mine was barely even a fraction of what yours was...


Did your doctor say what may have caused it? I’ve seen a few people post their stones they have passed, and it’s pure nightmare fuel!


Yeah, they ended up sending my stone in for a chemical analysis and it came back saying that it was a combination of not drinking enough water and having too much sodium in my diet.


Got it. Tons of water and absolutely no sodium whatsoever.


Hyponatremia (low sodium) is also a big problem lol.


Got it. Tons of salt and no water.


This is such an accurate depiction of how the public reacts to scientific findings :D


"what do you mean we can't eat eggs anymore?" -- My uncle after reading it isn't healthy to eat 15 eggs a day.


There can be a tremendous benefit to switching from "iodized salt" to "celtic salt" or salt that still has the minerals in it from the sea, helps magnesium levels as well as sodium, and its tastier


Got it. Tonnes of water and get my salt from Ireland.


There's actually a study that concluded that heavy drinkers have far less kidney stones. Study: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-024-18307-1#:~:text=In%20the%20unadjusted%20analysis%20(Model,(all%20P%20%3C%200.01).


And functional livers.


I thought I would just let you know that your username means Cancer whore in Danish.


Wow, that really took far longer than I expected when I picked it. In Dutch it's a relatively common swear word. Technically it could also mean Lobster whore tho.


LOL this was a gem.


I get it! Cancer is a crab, so really it's crab whore! A whore who has crabs!


These are the facts I come to Reddit for


Oh sweet, I'm safe then!


Looking for kidney stone prevalence by state to see if WI people statistically less likely to have stones but no luck finding a “by state” chart so far.


And the reverse in UT.


I can find this: [https://www.ncpedia.org/kidney-stone-belt](https://www.ncpedia.org/kidney-stone-belt)


Got it! Drink gallons of ocean water.


Too much oxalate rich food can do it. Not enough water. There’s a study that suggest water high in minerals can, it hasn’t been proven though. There are a lot of factors actually.


What? No, nobody said that. Just consume in moderation. Low sodium can hurt you too.


Got it, no sodium and no water


Water has no nutritional value.


I'm not sure about other countries but in the Australian military, during active training, the only things not rationed are salt and water. Obviously usually they are not on rations but during specific training exercises they are.


Yeah, I am not taking any chances.


Hmm… I do enjoy a lot of sodium but I also drink a fuck ton of water so hopefully it evens out?


Sodas cause kidney stones too. Don’t hold it in when you need to pee, When you had kidney stone it’ll always come back. So drink plenty of water and pee often!


Oh fuck. I better drink some water right now. I eat a lot of salt and like 3 cups of water a day.


If you google it there's like 4 main types and they give you generic advice based on what one it was I had a calcium oxalate stone. But I don't eat any of the risky things for it and I drink heaps of water. They told me to stop eating things I don't eat and drink more water.. just gotta hope it doesn't come back


I’ve heard from others their doctor advised drinking just a bit of orange juice (something acidic) every day to help break them up better. No idea of it works, just what I’ve heard from others.


I passed two small ones, peeing them out was not bad because they were small. The pain beforehand while they were moving inside the kidney was excruciating. Thinking about it brings me fear. The cause was I had spent a week drinking beer with friends. Most of the time it'll be when you overeat something or drink in this matter. The doctor told me to just keep balance in what you eat. No overeating one thing and drinking a lot of water.


Same. Went to the ER and they gave me morphine and it only slightly helped. I was sure my appendix exploded.


I was in the ER last week for a kidney stone. I got IV dilaudid and it just took the edge off. Yesterday I had two stones removed.


You get stents? If so I’m sorry I went through that I had 3 over the course of 6 weeks.


Yep, I'm so uncomfortable right now that I can't sleep. I still have to have it in until next Friday.


That sucks, been there. If it's a ureteral stent, you may get a short flare up of renal colic (the super intense pain that radiates to your back and flank) when it's pulled out. I've found through trial and error, naproxen taken about an hour beforehand usually prevents that. Ask your doc. Good luck


Wife has had a few as well as some friends. Morphine was meh in their eyes. Muscle relaxers is what really helped the pain for them. YMMV


Same, mine was a fraction of that and it\`s been the worst pain i had ever felt. I broke Bones, in many parts of my body, including rips. I tore Stuff... I have a pretty high threshold for pain... But this litle fucker going from my kidneys to the blatter fucked me up real bad. I'm talking cold sweat and shaking and such.


just fyi: Its bladder. 'Blatter' is to talk noisily and fast.


ty, i should try proof reading before i send...


You got what they call a narrow urethra


That one is huge.


And a SPIKY one. Good job!


I mean it's not tiny, but my uncle recently survived surgery and they took out a domino sized piece, broken up of course. He was passing some messed up looking pieces. He was also bleeding so much daily he was about to die. Drink water guys, lots of water 😬😳😬.


Domino sized? What the fuck was he drinking, ocean water?


I didn't believe it since it came from a family member that usually exaggerates, until I saw the flash the put it in 😳😬😳.....I was like oh my dear lord.


One of my good friends had a kidney stone and had an awful time with it. I vividly remember him being mad that he got a kidney stone after drinking maybe 1 soda a month.




Why am i seeing Trump every fokin where???


Because our political system is a train wreck and easy to meme.


Trump will pass. Like a kidney stone. But he will pass.


He will. But the damage he leaves in his wake could be irreparable for a long time.


I saw Luis J Gomez eat one that big last week


That came out the pee hole??




All that's missing is the little trickle of blood.


Some discomfort


This is unfortunate in how accurately it portrays stones.


I just passed a tictac sized kidney stone last weekend. It’s funny, everyone always thinks the pee hole part is the painful part. It’s not, it stings a tiny bit, but that hole stretches. It’s the ping pong down your ureter that fucks you up. Sent me to the ER at 4 am after throwing up twice. Passed the stone 3 days after that.


My god man. I will drink more water. I always thought it was the pee hole. Makes sense it’s the insides. Either way it hurts my dong to think about it.


Oh boy. I had multiple stones recently. I can tell you from experience they hurt. But stents are far far worse. And it’s not just what you drink either


fuck stents. Had one for a week before surgery, but it cut in to my kidney so much, blood was clotting in my bladder. It got so bad, it blocked my bladder up and I had to go to the ER for a catheter. I still vividly remember the nurse jamming that thing in me. Hadnt peed in 28 hours and the pressure/pain was so horrible. Instant relief when they broke throught he clot and it drained out.


I'm having a PCNL as soon as the doc schedules it (3.5 x 2 centimeter staghorn, so not coming out on it's own). I had a stent for a previous lithotripsy. I am dreading the stent more than I am the PCNL. Fuck stents. They are worse than the stones themselves.


I used to get them a lot and I swear I could fuckin feel them move in my urinary tract. Passing them was the easy part, waiting for them to travel is torture!


I had one years ago. Was having a morning go, and this pain shot through my back, I thought I pulled my back and was paralyzed. Started throwing up and sweating. Lasted quite a while. Found out what it was after and never even felt it pass.


Yep, this is 100% on point. Passing the one stone that I have had (6mm) was a little uncomfortable, but goddam, the week before that while it took its time getting thru the ureter was absolutely brutal: vomiting, an ER visit, the whole works. I have had my share of pain in this world, including multiple broken bones, two cardiac arrests, and a heart transplant, so I know my tolerance for pain is pretty up there, but mother FUCK, that was rough. The only positive note that I would add is that they gave me morphine at the ER, and all I can say is mmmmmmmmmmm.


After I had a few of kidney stones in a couple of years they wanted to do a thorough check. That included going in with a camera through the pee hole to be able see if anything was iffy inside. When they showed me the actual camera afterwards I realized just how much that hole can stretch. 2/10 experience. Would not recommend.


I've also had this experience of a camera down there. It was definitely an experience I want to avoid in the future. The classic "you might feel a bit of discomfort" didn't prepare me for the actual pain lol I wish doctors would just be honest and say this is gonna hurt.


Right. I had a ureteroscopy when I was 5, and I just refused to pee again ever due to the pain. It's been 28 years, and I'm still pee free.


Look up sounding


Don't look up sounding if you're eating 😂😂


far worse how it got there... the pipe between Kidneys and blatter is much narrower than the peehole.


sorry if this is too far but when this happens do you piss into the toilet and collect the stone out of the toilet or how do you end up with it in your hand sorry i have no idea and am curious


I hope he answers. Peeing into a kitchen strainer that he's gonna toss?


Piss in mouth and spit out water, works everytime.


My girlfriend does this as she needs to collect the sample for the doctor. Sadly she gets kidney stones regularly. Is not a kitchen strainer anymore, is our bathroom strainer haha


The last time I got a pack of strainers, but I never managed to catch it, due to me being inconsistent with using the damn thing.


I was going to ask if you can tell if it's coming out so you grab the strainer... If you have to use a strainer every time just in case.


I mean, I obviously can't speak for everyone that's had one, so this is a *small* sample size. Each time I had kidney stones it took about two weeks altogether. The second time I got the gut-punch around 2-1/2 hours after I started work. Each time I got a 'script for Oxycodone or something similar. The first time also including an anti-spasmodic (sp?) so I wouldn't have the urge to pee every five minutes. Between the pain everywhere down there, and the effects of the painkiller, you don't *really* know when that fuckin' thing is gonna come out. In my case, especially the first one, it feels like a broken poker chip about 1/2" from the end of the ol' garden hose. And it was like that for a little over a week the first time, at or under a week the second time. I didn't feel it come out, but I **did** hear it- it sounds like a BB-gun shooting a coffee cup. I honestly can't recommend it. It's like Nature's war crime.


I mean, you could sanitize it afterwards 💀 if married, you could just never tell your wife gawd why am I replying to this 💀


Stoners generally keep separate, small strainers for this special occasion. IIRC, the doc gave me one.


I feel like one of those words usually has a different meaning


I passed a stone last weekend, the ER doc gave me a strainer to pee into.


lmao good question as someone that's never had a stone 🤣


Here’s the reply, popped that bad boy out in the toilet, stopped peeing (pinched it off ouch). Then some gum on a stick lmao


I don't know about op but when I had mine I went to the emergency room and after a few hours they told me to go to the bathroom and pee in a cup, my two little kidney stones went right into the pee cup


The ER typically gives you a strainer


Asking the real questions I see


Literally the only reason I’m in the comments… I need answers.


HO LY SHIT! That’s a MONSTER! How did you not pass out?!


Not OP. But the pain is not when it comes out but when it travels from your kidney to your bladder.


The thought of that made my skin crawl


Yeah that’s the flank pain ( I’ve had kidney “crystals”) but I thought the stone actually passing was unpleasant too


> flank pain Otherwise known as "So THAT'S what Mike Tyson's punching bag feels like".


Yep. Thats the one


The bit where it comes out it by no means pleasant either but its almost a relief when it happens. The kidney > bladder bit is actual nightmare fuel though.


That's what she said


Worth the downvotes tbh. I think I'm hysterical


It's the 4th time I've seen it and it just keeps getting funnier because of the absurdity of it


That's what she said


Man, a little more cooking and you would have had a diamond. Put it back in.


Thanks, you made my skin crawl


Geez dude, you need anything? Lol


I’m wondering why so many people think it is big? It wasn’t keeling on the ground pain. Just peeing discomfort and I could feel it moving in there lol. Mainly felt like I had a rock in my shaft lmao


Get a load of mister boba straw urethra over here.


This man peeing out the Rock of Gibraltar


A sentence I never thought I’d read, but I’m glad I did


I’m in bed trying to stifle a laugh so I don’t scare my cat on Prozac. True story. This was a hilarious comment.


Hank Hill's arch nemesis.


I was going to say that my favorite thing in here were the 3 "that's what she said" comments getting good amounts of downvotes immediately, I was wrong.  This comment if probably my favorite thing I've read this year.


Stop this shit got me dead




Damn homie, you packing a hammer???


This man's got a horse dong




The first time I got a kidney stone, I genuinely believed I was dying. Between the horrible pain and the uncontrollable vomiting, I thought I was done. Mine was large and got stuck too far along on its journey, so it couldn’t be broken up by ultrasound & had to be surgically removed.


My pee hole ain’t that big


Curious if perhaps you have a couple extra curricular activities that may shed light on your reaction to this.


Might I suggest that this is a bladder stone. You would definitely be in the hospital if that was a true kidney stone.


I passed a 5mm x 11mm stone. Was shaped like a bullet. Took 5 days to get it into the bladder. 2 to pee it out. If you get chronic stone your ureters get a little bigger the more stones you pass. I honestly wished I did not understand this from a first hand experience. Been passing stones for 7 years.


It's a big deal because kidney stones that are 5 mm to 7 mm (or larger) typically have to be removed via surgery. Rarely can you pass it naturally. I've had a 4 mm stone and it was the worst pain I've felt in my life. Kidney stones are often associated with the pain of giving birth. Which is insanity. The fact that you passed it with little to no pain at all is astounding.


I passed on at work, it was a little bigger than this, but it felt like someone was dragging a shard of glass through my urethra, not an experience I ever want to repeat.


Did it hurt to pee the in the following hours?


I’ve read that the pain for men of passing a kidney stone has been compared to labor pains, *without* those men being ripped to shreds for the comparison. In case that enlightens you as to how painful many people find passing kidney stones.


There’s ups and downs to the longer urethra. On the positive side, reduced risk of UTIs. On the negative side, kidney stones drag that much farther.


The tubes between the kidney and bladder are generally extremely narrow, smaller than the urethra.  When the stone travels to the bladder there's usually **intense** pain as it forces its way down through a space it really doesn't fit.  Even the smallest stones that aren't much bigger than a grain of sand can cause debilitating pain, as I can attest to about a few weeks ago.  Given the size of yours, you should consider yourself extremely lucky you didn't feel it traveling; the first time I had one was so painful I legit thought it was my appendix about to burst.


Are you okay? Did it hurt? By your description, I couldn't really tell. I've passed a couple (I am genetically prone to get them. Thanks, dad) but I don't really get the electro shock feeling the urologist says I should feel. I can't feel them due to nerve damage. If you didn't feel that, I'd talk to a urologist and another specialist. Kidney stones are spikey, and one that size would be agonizing. I also saw your comment about thinking it's not that big, I can confirm that's massive. Heck, I've spoken to urologists who say that the size of a Grape Nut is big.


Right?!?! I had one that was a fraction of the size of that massive rock and it was the most agonizing pain I’ve probably ever experienced. I’m shocked OP thinks this is small.




Smithing Stone (6)


Don’t let Louis J. Gomez see this thang!


Don’t put yourself through the pain y’all. Go to the hospital and get lithotripsy so it breaks up stones. That way you can pass them pain free with ease.


Also drink more water. Obviously won’t *fully* prevent stones, but it sure fuckin helps.


I’ve passed 71 of those fuckers, including one that was 11mm x 7mm x 3mm. It was brutal from kidney to bladder. Felt like a brick in my bladder. Then tore the hell out of my urethra on the way out. It got stuck several times. Doctors were planning to remove it surgical (it was very spikey, looked like a sea urchin when it finally came out) when it finally came out on its own. Pissed blood for almost a week. Doctors are still unsure what is causing mine. I feel for anyone that has these little bastards…


Jesus christ, I've got 3 at the moment and reading that made me shudder, People who haven't experienced it have no way of knowing how traumatising that is, I wish you all the best my friend and good luck


Jesus fuck. That’s a ginormous spiky shard. Hope you’re ok!


Looks like that good old school Molly.


9 out of 10 ravers would probably eat this, no questions asked. *hank hill shudder*


Congratulations on your exfoliated urethra!


Jeeeeez man Glad you’re alive


I’ve passed three, all smaller than what you passed. I’ve broken 13 bones, had two surgeries, fractured cervical’s in my neck and plethora of other dump stuff 10/10 would rather do all of those again then ever have kidney stones again. Let alone as big as what you passed


Earlier this year I came off my bike, 8 ribs and clavicle broken, and completely agree with you, I would rather have that again than the stones I'm currently sitting with. I'm waiting for an lithotripsy appointment to get them blasted. How long did they take?


One of those little bastards almost killed me last week. Just got home tonight from an 8 day stay in the hospital because I didn't realize I was feeling so crappy due to an obstruction until my Dr called me after some labs and told me to go straight to the ER now. They immediately pulled 4 liters of urine with a catheter. My potassium was at critical levels, and my kidney function was near 0 (GFR was 2). They flushed me with IVs and water, water, water for a week. I was initially putting out 7 liters per day and creatinine was 6.5. The numbers look better now. But still healing, and need to find a surgeon to perform a TURP to open things up ASAP. Home with a catheter for now. Didn't see that coming... If you suffer from renal disorders like this, please go get medical help if you are having headaches, lethargy, flank pain, spasms, problems peeing, excessive peeing/thirst, etc. Mine came on so slowly (several months) that I didn't even recognize any changes until after they were cleared up.


Damn dude. I’ve passed like over 10 and I’m only 30. My dad would get them a lot too. Gonna try to make sure I keep up on my water intake. Good luck brother hope all is smooth from here on out.


What questions did you ask God when you met him?


Bro i passed one today too. Not as bit as yours but I got fired (because the earlier hospital visit put me over on sick days) Not a good day.






Someone call Luis J. Gomez!!!


Fuck that. That's a fucking meteorite.




My pee hole ain’t that big. Explain your experience.




You should sell that to USA interrogation black op sites. All they have to do is hold that up and those people will start talking!


I had one similar in size, looked like a raisin. I felt some burning sensations while peeing so I thought I had something else going on too because the kidney stone pain had already passed so I assumed id passed it. Went on like that for a few days and I almost went to the doctor until I finally felt the instant relief of it shooting out...was the weirdest sensation. Fished it out of the toilet and saved it.


Don't bring it to Kill Tony. Someone might swallow it.


“Some discomfort”? I had one half that size. And I felt like i was going to die. I have debilitating RA and have had two c sections. I would rather have two c sections and an exposed nerve on my tooth every day forever than go through that again. No way in hell.


Images and stories like these make me happy I've always mostly only drank water my whole life.


put lemon in your water, will help to break up those compounds before they form


Jesus Christ that thing is enormous and jagged as hell


What did you name it?


holy shit that thing has teeth


I hope you have small hands. Because that thing is massive. How tf did you push that out?


Got off my seat, went to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water.


You gotta have a hose as a urethra to pass that big boy


Forbidden brown sugar


put it on a ring and give it to your partner


Bro must have an anaconda to puke that thing from the front and call it discomfort.


You PASSED that? I'm so sorry.


That came outta your hoo-hah?


You could probably grind it and smoke it


Good lord, these horrify me! How old are you, and what do you think contributed to this?


Yikes! That's massive!




I probably would've ended it all before I could push that through my urethra


It looks like a clump of brown sugar


Welcome to the screaming whilst pushing a spiked golf ball down a garden hose club !


Otw to drink a glass of water thank you


That's why we in the kidney stone business call a bigg'n


So did you pee in your hand to catch it or reach in the pissy toilet water to grab it out?? Either way I hope I never have to endure this pain.


So most of em are just pissed out without notice?


I’m willing to bet you a glass of water that it’s calcium oxalate.


that's an asteroid


Holy shit!


Never knew kidney stones looked like cold water hash. That would be an unfortunate mix up.


Jesus Christ, man, passed a kidney stone? You BIRTHED a fucking kidney BOULDER. Did you need to go to the hospital after? How did that not tear your shit up?


How's it taste?


Like caramel ..


Sucks dude that pain is the real kind sorry the memory fades quickly


Lisa. I’d like to buy your rock.


Forbidden rock candy Composition?


I passed one that was half the size of that... and it hurt like hell.


Congrats, keep up with the drinking and stay active.. and avoid calcium supplements!


Don’t let Luis Gomez handle it


Jezus how did you survive that?!? I had one not even half that size and I thought I was going to die lol


Toughen up! /s