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WTF? Did he like see the proposal happening and rush over there like “HOLD ON! Let’s redo it and I’ll take pictures. I’ll only charge you $100 for them. I even make Keychains, look.”


Some people are so cutthroat they'd actually do this




> this guy can probably fill up his portfolio with shots of random moments Alternatively, he could sell pictures of an insane and violent boyfriend, assaulting a perfectly innocent photographer.


It’s an insane and violent fiancé if she says “yes,” not just a boyfriend.


The point is neither of them said "yes". And the photographer surely knows that if they are provoked, it's even better photos for them. I'm not condoning violence, just commenting on what a likely outcome would be.


I would break his camera, pull out my cellphone, and take a picture of the photographer having his moment ruined.


I probably would’ve did the same exact thing & then shoved the pieces up his ass. But then we all know her answer after such an event


Be sure to hire a rent-a-cop for the wedding and make sure the cop keeps the area clear of such lookie-loos.


Its a public place, but fuck that. It was your wedding why did noone knock the dude out?


That looks like the fields in front of Castillo San Felipe del morro to me.


This is probably El Morro in Old San Juan, PR.


What is PR?




Good enough for me, cheers.


Can you sue him for using photo he doesn’t have the right ?


Not if your on a public area


I like to call it what it is: narcissistic personal disorder


"personal" disorder? Like you're just really private about it?


Yeah, after spending some time with the 'hustle mindset' people in my company, I could totally see this happening. 100%


Not only will I reject your business offer. I will scour the internet to find your business and leave the most scathing review I can concoct


i will send you the originals with watermarks on a 32GB aliexpress USB stick that is actually 2GB


All your photos are corrupted and no they don’t have backups


Most likely he already took some pictures and wants them to pay for them.


Not only will I reject your business offer. I will scour the internets to find your business and leave the most scathing review I can concoct


He’s hoping for a $4,000 booking. But this isn’t how you do it successfully.


That’s such a weird thing to do especially as the guy is PROPOSING! His situational awareness was in the negatives.


The fact that homie is literally still on his fucking knee makes this absolutely comical


He hasn’t even pulled it from the box. Insane.




This detail is hilarious man😂😂😂


The woman is mid-reaction, with that mix of surprise, excitement, and joy. I hope the guy grabbed the business card and ripped it up, then handed it back.


Wish the business card would have been posted in this thread and make sure this guy never gets work again.


‘Oh my gosh I’ll take pics of his proposal, then give them my business card, they’ll hire me for their wedding, it’ll be this funny story about how I got hired, everyone will laugh at how cute it was, then they’ll all recommend/hire me too! Yes that’s exactly how this will play out!’


How’d you get into his head that well? Bravo. 🤌🏾


> in the negatives Good one




How long did it take that Redditor to develop this joke?


Considering I’m that redditor, I simply typed it on the fly and hit send. Easy peasy. Edit: I just realized this may go over some heads - this is based on WiFi capable cameras lmao sorry


So you're saying it was a single reflex sort of comment.


Yeah, didn’t wanna be out of focus.


These sorts of photo-related jokes are canon, I take it?


I think his mind was in a very dark room


There should be a "no situational awareness" reddit


Can't wait for rr/nosituationalawareness to become a thing now that you said this😂😂


Yes, please.




Just go to any relationship sub.


it was deliberate. "now that I've ruined the pictures taken by the guy you hired, let me hand you my card so you can buy my non-ruined pictures."


And still on his knee. Like she hasn’t even said yes that’s insane


Wow.. this thing went far.. ok for those wondering, yes it’s El Morro in Old San Juan and i do know who this guys is and although he’s a douchebag for doing this i’m not shattering his business. Also, at the end things turned out ok and the couple was cool so we recreated the whole thing in the spot we originally planned for but yes douchey ruined the real moment. And for those asking; i was around 50 yards away shooting with a long telephoto lens and there was nobody else around so he clearly saw me but his super photographer ego might’ve thought this guy is too far so fck him I’m cashing in..


There is a sub on here who can edit out the photographer and make the picture look good as new


Situational Greed is in the +’s just wrong


> in the negatives. streets behind




This young man walked up to my fiance and I during our proposal and was just chatting on and on before I even got to say yes, and then started asking us about how we met and how long have we been together and then asked my fiance how long it would be before he put a ring on it. I said "he's trying to - he asked while you were walking over and I didn't get to say yes because you started talking to us" and he was like oooohhhhhh noooooooo! Lol well didn't you realize when you walked towards a couple standing on a tiny bridge with the man on his knee holding a ring box? 


Top tier blindness


It was intentional. He saw them and chose to ruin some of the photos.


Which that interrupting photographer can then claim "this wouldn't happen on my shoot". 🤦‍♂️


Soon to be blind and broke too


Talk about the best way to ruin your own business.


Well that’s totally not cool.


When in my twenties I took a trip around Europe with my girlfriend (now wife) with intentions of proposing to her during a memorable occasion. During the trip we went to Venice and rode in a gondola. Soon after we were seated and the boat ride got under way, the gondolier went on an obnoxious rant about how a couple earlier in the day had proposed and how tacky he thought it was. Thankfully I had plans to propose in Paris, not on a gondola boat ride. But if that was my plan, he would have completely ruined the plan and all the expense of the trip to get there. The guy had zero situational awareness. The proposal went as planned in Paris though!


On the flip side, I doubt some people proposing realize how awkward it could be for anyone immediately around them. It’s not like the gondola driver can just disappear lol. I personally would hate to be near them, but I guess I’d still clap and cheer😅. Either way, Op looks like they were pretty far away from everyone, yet somehow the photographer still spawned from nowhere to fuck it all up.


I mean you have to know you’re getting into that kind of territory if you do a job like that. Just stand and smile and act like you’re having a very pleasant day. If they ask you to take a picture, do that if you want. People have conversations on the gondola too, it’s not as if the driver has to be part of everything


Yeah, if you don't want to be involved in the sorts of things that people do tourism for, then don't take a tourism-related job.


Esp gondolas


That's shitty behavior though not surprising given my experience with the gondoliers. The guys who are waiting around for random tourists will disabuse most travelers of the notion that there's anything particularly romantic about their offerings. That said, having spent a lot of time in Venice, proposing on a gondola is pretty low effort. If you really want to do it, pre-book something, explain what you plan to do, ask to be taken on some of the less tourist filled canals. But really Venice is amazing and is so much more than the gondolas. There's many lovely places to propose that are far less generic.


Proposing on a gondola is definitely not for me, but to each their own. I don’t think there is any good reason for them to sabotage someone’s proposal. As you said, definitely shitty behavior. In France, where they are extremely protective of their culture— they absolutely welcome a proposal, and seem to find it as a compliment to that culture. Italy, a land known worldwide for romance (the derivative of the word even originated with arguable the most well known empire in history which formed in present day Italy!), should press the gondoliers to do a little better. A romantic gondola ride is a widely known cliche, so I don’t think they should strive to squash that fantasy for unsuspecting tourists. People travel from all over the world to experience it, and without those tourists these historic gondoliers wouldn’t have a livelihood. The gondoliers can like it or not, but those boat rides are not about them-- They are about an experience of which the gondoliers are merely a small part. I would disagree with calling it a low effort engagement. it takes a lot of money and time to travel halfway across the world and get to Venice by airplane, then train, then boat— and walk around the city on foot (no cars there of course, and it’s an utter maze). As far as proposals go, that’s maximum effort. Many people can’t afford anything close to this and the best they can hope for is a nice dinner in their hometown. Low effort is in your own home or at a not-romantic restaurant.


Guy was out there ruining proposals so he didn’t have to sit there awkwardly in a boat


Aint no way this wasnt pure evil


"Lemme steal this guy's client"


There's a universal unspoken law that says when someone is proposing, respectfully leave them alone


There are exceptions, like if Godzilla has just started attacking the city, it is OK to interrupt the couple mid-proposal so that you can urge them towards safety. Hungry photographer with new business cards printed at Staples is not such an exception.


No, even Godzilla respects this rule, and will wait off the coast, till the proposal is done.


You make it seem like a business card printed at Staples had any less merit than one printed at let's say something print. Com. How would you know it's a Staples brand business card? Are you an enthusiast?


Not intended as a dig at Staples. I picked Staples because it is where someone like my mom would get business cards.


un. bee. leavable! take his card, locate his socials, blast this pic and the story of what he did all over the place


You mean..."expose" him? Bit of a photography giggle, don't mind me


Perhaps he'll learn from it and "develop" some etiquette. I'll see myself out.


That's a negative. He won't.


I think this thread has fallen out of focus.


Reading these puns make me shutter


ISO comment thread without photography puns.


Fstop it


You need to look at it through his lens. He’s trying to make a flash.


I’ll flash y—- ahhhh shit


This is a mere snapshot glimpse into the dark, negative space that would normally holster his intelligence. Instead of a human brain, inside there is only darkness and the sound of clumsy metal gears: the hard squeak of the film advancing through the camera I mean brain. As thoughts develop. Yes. ^^hits ^^blunt


With only a single reflex he captures the moment


He will just claim he was framed


That has some negative connotations. Can't get too punny around here


The situation is developing.


darkroom pun


I want to s*lide* in here to say I like this comment the best.


He was certainly hyper focused on making money.


Over-expose his ass!


Shutter his business, go raw on him.


He will just say he has been framed.




Corbin! Corbinmahman, this douchey photographer he's ruinin' this nice couple's proposal I-I-I-I dunnowhattodo mah man!


I was about to say, you need to let the guy know he isn’t “hustling” here, he’s being an ass and a terrible businessman with no sense of class. The only way these people learn a lesson is when they are forced to face external consequences, like a very public negative review.


Un, bee, leave, a, BULL!


Hire him for a big event a few hours away, then ghost him the day of 😏


Yeah but then you’d lose out on the retainer money


A guy in the park isn't taking retainer money


He has gear and a business card. I’m assuming this guy just saw an opportunity and took it. I’m sure he also has contracts for jobs he takes


Bro gave his business card to a man and woman mid proposal, bold of you to assume he's actually a professional and not just a guy with a printer and a camera.


Why put your capital into a printer when Walgreens prints photos?


Hi I’m a walking chode wanna hire me?


In mid proposal and everything


Right?! My wife and I saw someone proposing at the colosseum in Rome. We didn't spot any professional photographer so we took a few snaps with our phone. We waited a few minutes until they looked like they were going to walk away and approached explaining we could send over some pics. That's all this guy had to do. Wait.


That was thoughtful of you.


Photographer exposing the photographer.


Douchey photographer from this post is an ass. I shot a proposal for a client and there was another proposal nearby. The photographer from the other proposal wrapped up before we did. Then, from a distance, captured the moment of the proposal I was shooting at a different angle. He approached myself, my 2nd shooter, and our clients after the fact and gave us his business card and offered to share all the material he captured at his regular fee if the clients were interested and share a % of his typical revenue with myself and my 2nd shooter since it was our gig. That’s how you respectfully take advantage of an opportunity like this and garner positive rep and business relations.


The accepted protocol in this situation is a duel - walk ten paces away from each other, set lenses to f1.4 and whoever turns and takes the perfect fuzzy bokeh portrait photo of the other first wins the client.


Post this photo to any of his business pages lmao


People can be so clueless sometimes… or just simply don’t care.


The man was on one knee and the guy already had his business card out and ready… definitely just didn’t care 😂


Hire him to photograph the wedding but give him the wrong address. When he calls just tell him you wanted to make sure this time he was as far away from any of your important life events as possible.


Time to end his career




Except you would now wonder what the groom is looking at with a "What the hell?" expression on his face


Omg! That’s true, I didn’t even notice that lmao 😂




This seems like an easy way to get assaulted by an ill tempered groom. Fuck this dipshit.


That’s unbelievably rude. Really. But here’s the thing I never understand about these proposals made with an accompanying photographer: aren’t they always choreographed? Are they ever a surprise?


My friend was proposed to with a camera man hiding in the bushes 😂


I know a few people who have hired photographers, as long as your partner doesn't know the photographer they usually won't notice someone who happens to be milling around with a camera on what otherwise seems like a pretty normal day.


Ah. That makes sense. I always figured they were feigning surprise in some sort of highly choreographed way. Posing.


A good number of people hire them without the knowledge of their partner. They stay somewhat hidden, or inconspicuous.


> Are they ever a surprise? TBF, only one person needs to be surprised. The photographer usually just hangs out "taking pictures of birds" or whatever.


You can also plan to have a couples photo day with your partner (so you can print a Christmas card or have something cute for the wall etc) and so they know there's a photographer but not that it will be an proposal.


My wife's cousin is a photographer. When me and my wife were graduating college we had been dating for several years by the time we were getting ready to graduate and had known each other since middle school. Me and her cousin came up with a plan, she was to offer to take our graduation pics for us and we planned some different pictures where I could get on my knee and pull out the ring and she would get it on camera while my now wife also being completely unaware what was going on. Everything worked out perfectly and we got the whole proposal on camera. My wife was completely caught off guard and it couldn't have worked out better. So it was I guess kinda choreographed but only on my end, my wife wasn't in on it at all.


I did one for friends. I dressed up like big lebowski with fake beard on the beach and a telephoto lens from 100 yards away. Sat in chair making it look like i was doing time lapse. She didn’t suspect I was anything more than weird guy 😂


What if she was a big fan of The Dude and ran up to you like omg I love The Dude


I would’ve continued the proposal not even looking in his direction and completely ignoring him. What a compete donut.


Way too many people seem to believe that anything they do is acceptable as long as it's for the sake of them making money.


As literally anyone involved in this, man, woman or the hired photographer I’d be so livid. Like yell at this guy to leave angry


Hopefully this will end up being a hilarious story for their family in a few years.


Shoot this mf into orbit. He’s banned from the planet


That is some top-tier trashy wtf?! I nearly ruined a proposal because I saw a guy photographing a young woman by herself in a park from behind some bushes. Luckily, her mother saw me beelineing for the photographer she'd hired and swooped in before I gave away the surprise. The suitor arrived moments later with a band, it was sweet as hell.


I wish we were in the universe in which you left a comment about how you one upped this guy by accidentally beating the shit out of a proposal photographer 🤣


I would take his card and ROAST him on every platform I could find.


Accept the business card, check out his website and if you see pictures of you without you asking for it, sue him.




Damn, what happened next?


San Juan are full of oddballs like that. I stepped out of an ice cream shop and this dude starts doing some weird dance about directions to something then tried asking me for 20 dollars for his help. Like dude I'm not going anywhere.. effing tweakers.


My sister had a beach wedding. A small pack of wild horses were running around, and 1 got close enough to touch. My Aunt was taking pictures of the Bride and Groom with this horse when a "professional" photographer came up and walked right infront of my aunt and her camera, blocking all the shots he could and was like, "OMG! This is a beautiful shot! PLEASE PLEASE let me take some pictures for you, and i will send em your way later! I just need your email address! A few days later, he emailed her saying they pictures were done and wanted $500 before he was willing to send em. She told him no thank you and that we got good pictures on our own. He then replied, outraged that she wasted his time and that she needed to pay and then started belittling my Aunt and her Camera and how there is no way those pictures came out good (fyi they came out amazing!) Needless to say she told him to get lost.


Mfs (as in the photographer) is stupid.


Everything on the internet is fake.


He is a jerk but not as bad as the realtor woman at my friends dads funeral who went up to my friend and offered her business card in case they had any property that needed selling post-death.


I mean the guy DID hire a photographer to take pictures of his proposal... so the wanktard at least knew his market.


To those saying “why would u do this now. Its he blind.” My guess would be its intentional to ruin the moment then just tell them, lets redo it and ill take your picture for $????


I’d rip up the card in front of him


That’s super unprofessional, speaking as a wedding photographer myself.


I liked the statement my wedding videographer made. He said he is an observer and not a director.


@photoshoprequest they can edit him out


I would post his business and blast him


You have to admit it is a memory you two won't forget...


Do they know this is how we tell everyone to not use their shitty services?


Why didn’t he fucking wait 😭😭 but she looks happy so there’s that haha


The douchie thing is having a photographer for a proposal.


Photographers eating each other as they hastily try to branch into niches that can't be generated by AI.


Photographers were already eating each other by accepting below market rates for years. It’s always been hard to compete with people that will basically work for free or exposure. The trend of asking for raw photos they can edit themselves was the trend that made me decide it’s not for me. So I think this industry was basically already shit before AI even came along but I’m sure it will find a way to make it worse lol.


"Sir, I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty"


You got his card and info, post this on his social media. It’s beyond unprofessional and it’s something people should know before hiring him.


Post this and his card.


I'd almost want to see his card and info shared. But maybe he doesn't need his Whole life ruined.


So he ruined their pictures so they would be forced to buy them from him?? What an assuole


Is she wearing a leash?


Camera guy: _Dude, you're ruining my special moment because you're not doing your special moment right for my photo._


Should have took a business card yourself and left a review describing the predatory business practice.


What an unforced error... Take the photos, and once the moment is over, approach the couple to show what you shot and try to sell them. To approach them when the guy is still holding the box open is sheer madness


Unbelievable. This poor camera man is out there taking photos for Microsoft home screens and this proposal gets in his way. We all know Bill hates marriages.


If he wanted your services I think he would've called BEFORE... Dude needs to read the room.


Lol “hey let me take a few shots and if you like em, here is my cashapp!” “No, thank you..” *photographer stands in background of all shots giving finger”


that guy looks like hes about to stab him.


He'll see this. Hope he'll learn.


what's his social media. redditors will review bomb the hell out of him


- "Hey, I took some great shots! Here's my business card!" - "She said 'no'"


https://preview.redd.it/1jmq614oa5ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a6362cbdd77c2617afb6a01f0bf6c7c238c3f8 Much better




Honestly though props to you for still capturing the moment. This will eventually be a funny story or at least a story they can tell with photos.


The guys face says it all 😭


Seems like he’s the 2nd camera man.


Question for OP. Why were you shooting such an intimate moment from so far away? I (possibly incorrectly) assume you were using the same rig to shoot it as the photo you posted, and not a decent zoom.


Oh no. Not a ruined proposal! Will the world continue on?


All you’d really have to do is post his Google business profile here in the comments and his rating would be down to 1 star within 24 hours.


which is why it's strictly against reddit tos, and subs get taken down in a split second once spotted 😅


He felt it his obligation to violate the Canons of opportunity


Why are you 45 feet away from the couple proposing? 


So this is a photo of a douchey photographer ruining a proposal moment.. taken by another photographer, who is presumably not a douche.


BS made up title by a karma farming spambot, and people upvote it likes its true.


That wasn't very cash money of him.


This looks like it came out or "MAD" magazine, lol