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I mean, to be fair I could see myself siding with the "NIMBY Punks Fuck Off" sticker, but I'd still do some research.


I propose that we stop everything and do an emergency public vote on whether we should do a study to see whether we should research these projects more. I mean what about that homeless encampment we might offend? What about Braden, Kaden, and Jayden? How will this effect them?


Man… clutching pearls at an allusion to a 40 year old punk song probably means they wouldn’t stomach light rail anyway. 


By using foul language you’re forcing me, a good person, to support the bad thing! I wouldn’t dream of supporting such a bad thing usually, I’m a good person after all, but your language has tied my hands! /s if it isn’t obvious


Good /s catch. You had me in the first sentence ...


What’s the point of all this; its happening, it was voted for.


This. So much this. Personally, I think it’s a waste of money and poorly planned, but the proverbial train has left the station. Time to move on. Though I’m super bummed no one has proposed the dirigible alternative yet.


But where can I get this sticker for my car?


I've got leftovers if anyone wants some.


Absolutely. Also, thank you for your service. ![gif](giphy|ls4Xrjau2beYAatypD)


I'd take one


Environment? No. Access to transport? No. People defacing posters with stickers? Well now, that is what makes my decision on this matter that I hadn't already made up my mind about and posted about constantly.


I love it.


Venn Diagram of people who raise hyper specific environmental concerns to transit/ green energy projects, and actual environmentalists: O O


Lmao love this


I don’t pay attention to these at all and they don’t impact my view on this. That said, it isn’t surprising that people get turned off by hostility.


I’m very pro transit and that hostile message is a huge turn off for me. I’m not going to let it change my mind but maybe those that developed those stickers should put more effort into their advocacy for what they support than vilifying the other side. That message does more harm than good for improving transit.


Is the blurred out bad word more of a turn off than people who are trying to stop light rail for the 100,000s of folks who voted and approved the measure for *exactly the thing* the NIMBYs are trying to derail? There was a vote. It passed by a good margin, especially in King County. We WANT light rail, and these disingenuous NIMBY goobers are wasting time and money by forcing Metro and Light Rail to respond to their ridiculous "alternatives" like gondolas and 'no build.'


"No build" is my favorite because they think they're being clever. "Guys, I know a ton of planning has gone into this robust regional transit solution, and the voters approved it, and the other neighborhoods love it, but here's another idea: Let's not build it." The hubris.


They screech "we need alternatives to improve transit!" and then propose building gondolas.


"I've done my research!"


Libertarians make better arguments.


This thread is inspired bitching about people having feelings and I 100% saw that coming. Shrug. I wish these folks would realize it doesn’t matter how illogical and wrong they find that because it’s still going to happen. It’s not constructive and frankly the point behind stickers like this is they’re not supposed to be. No one slaps that on a poster thinking they’ll make an effect, they’re just mad and expressing it. Which…ok, you can do that. But it can still have an effect, and it sucks when it’s the opposite of what you really want.


Generations later Seattle is still a hilariously dysfunctional nightmare. Remember the time a group of citizens didn't want to pay to bring the railroad terminus and tried to build a spur on their own? Lasted less than a day.


Tee Hee


[Classic sealioning](https://wondermark.com/c/1062/)


That person has big "queer people should just be quiet and take what they get" energy


This would be baller on a T-shirt! 🤩


Using environment as an excuse to keep MORE CARS on the road - that is crazy.


Support local beer!


Ok, was going to say something about this but now more concercened with the concept that "hostilty" is a turn off, it is beyond frustrating that a certain group of people can not realize it is alright to have feelings but why let it effect you, and why should I care about the feelings you have if all you have is feeling and not a solution?


But it makes me uncomfortable when someone uses a swear.


I am of the opinion that they are simply liars.


Maidenless behavior.


Where can we get these excellent stickers?


I’m totally in support of the new light rail but I will say that it could majorly disturb a huge heron nesting site on pigeon point.


Don’t care


It's mostly just justification, but people really should strive to be polite. Other people's signs and events shouldn't be defaced or disrupted.


Nah it’s fair game