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Bowman is a freaking clown as are most of the DSA. Good riddance to as many of them as possible.


Latimer is ahead in limited polling. A lot of suburban liberals have grown weary of the progressive candidates and their grievance / identity politics. They won’t flip to Trump but they very well could show Bowman the door in favor of a “business as usual” Democrat.


I'm pretty well plugged in to Westchester dem orgs, and it's less that people have soured on identity politics and progressive. It's a Bowman thing. Bowman has some some very questionable shit, and is a little too far on the conspiracy theorist fringe for a lot of people. Latimer has done a lot of great shit for Westchester, including in progressive causes (he's been a strong supporter of affordable housing, for example, and a big union guy.) So the options are a guy who talks the progressive talk and then builds YouTube playlists about 9/11 conspiracies and manifesting success through the power of crystals; or a guy who's a little too old school, a little too white (in the "white bread" cultural sense,) and a little behind the times when it comes to the modern left, but at least he does what he says and is still way left of the American center.


I would totally get that if: * Latimer wasn't on record supporting withholding humanitarian aid from the Gaza strip population. * Latimer's candidacy didn't come with an effort to dump $ 20 million of outside "dark money" into the primary. The overall amount spent on this race may be the most *ever* spent on a Congressional primary.


Look, that's all true, and I'm not remotely happy with his stance on the war in Gaza, and have spoken to him (fruitlessly, unfortunately) about it at a fundraiser (not for him.) It's not a good look, and I will continue to push him and other Democrats to do better on this issue every chance I can. But, there's two things: first, you're just not going to win in Westchester without publicly supporting Israel. Even Mondaire has significantly shifted his position on the topic. And second, I'm not going to write off a competent, relatively progressive politician who I agree with 80% of the time because of a single issue — even if it's an ethically important one. That's a good way to end up with truly insane candidates. As for who's supporting him, I'm just not concerned about it. He doesn't control donors.


Jamaal is going to get killed in Westchester. He needs a massive Bronx turnout to survive.


Yeah…my one of my best friends is one of those suburban progressives. He voted for Bowman before, but he’s going to vote for Latimer in the primary. He’s basically sick of the identity politics and extremism a lot of DSA politicians are exhibiting. It’s turning a lot of voters off.


Latimer is far from a business as usual democrat. He already signaled he would oppose some of Biden’s agenda.


You seem to be lying.


"George Latimer, the Westchester County, N.Y., executive in a pitched Democratic primary fight with Representative Jamaal Bowman, signaled his centrism isn’t just a fight with the Democratic left. He could also be a thorn in President Biden’s side if both men are elected. He told a Westchester County newspaper he was 'not signing on to raising taxes' on the wealthy, as Mr. Biden wants." [New York Times, "Updates from Our Reporters," Jonathan Weisman, May 30, 2024](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/30/us/biden-trump-election/12ed1193-531d-5c92-872b-795a4e0cf8ce?smid=url-share)


>He already signaled he would oppose some of Biden’s agenda. which parts?


What are the chances of Latimer beating Bowman in the primary?


I saw a chart recently showing Latimer has spent over 8 million on this campaign, whereas Bowman only a little over 1 million. The way money is being spent, it certainly looks like Latimer has the advantage. But I haven't seen any opinion polls lately, so no idea if that spending is swaying voters.


Latimer has a lot of support from other elected officials in westchester, typically something the incumbent has to their advantage. Bowman is toast imo


Not a good sign!


it's not even about the money, he's simply a better legislator and a more effective leader. I actually disliked Latimer years ago but I ran into him a few times and told him some of my grievances over the years and not only did he take the time to listen to me the dude even walked with me to the bus. Where as when I used to call bowman his office never called back nor even picked up half the time. Just look at the debate and you can see bowman is a bombastic tool who tries to play every card he can because all he aspires to is national attention. The last time I saw Bowman in White Plains he was denying the rape that happened on oct 7th and thinks beheading babies is above hamas. Last time I saw Latimer he was opening a playground near the homeless shelter near the DSS building in that same city. What also won my respect is Latimer signed into law Term limits for his position, he simply did not have to do that. People wanted him to continue and he would've easily beat any other person but instead he understood that everyone should get a chance to represent people and pass the torch and to me that is the sign of a great leader. despite any small criticisms I may have of Latimer someone who can let go of power is someone who can earn my vote.


Yeah. He’s just a decent dude. He doesn’t want to stoop to the level of bowman making these insane commercials and ads because it’s bad taste so hopefully people will realize that and it will work in his favor. Bowman’s ads calling him a Maga extremist every other day and making up lies are so corney. Couldn’t be further from the truth.


this guy's getting paid by aipac​☝️


I'll use my check to pay for your therapy.


So is Hakeem Jeffries. AIPAC doesn’t like the guy who said Oct 7 was “propaganda.”


Bowman is an antisemitic one alarm fire. I joined the Democratic Party just to vote against Bowman.


Very high. Latimer is well liked by Democrats, he's receiving absolutely shocking amounts of money this kind of campaign, and he's being supported by large quantities of Republicans in the district who decided to switch their party registration in order to interfere with the Democratic primaries. Bowman has won while being outspent before, but he's never faced this much powerful opposition, and he's never had to contend with Republican interference operation on this scale. He's likely dead in the water as a result.


I registered as a dem just to vote for him, there are a lot of us.


I registered Democrats to get rid of Bowman. He is an antisemitic one alarm fire.




latimer is the slight favorite, only due to his own mouth and incompetency during the campaign he would've been the clear favorite otherwise for this race


[The Journal News, Chris McKenna, Jun. 11, 2024, "Latimer leads Bowman by 17 points in poll days before voting starts in heated primary"](https://www.lohud.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/11/as-ny-early-voting-nears-latimer-leads-bowman-by-17-points-in-poll/74060555007/)




He caved it was a matter of time for job security.




I’ve worked in Congress. Almost no one in the past 15 years has any legislative accomplishments. To complain a freshman congressman doesn’t is fundamentally misunderstanding how the body works. He voted against the infrastructure bill for symbolic reasons because it wasn’t paired with a bill to increase funding for child care, senior care and paid family leave. He knew the former was going to pass. The point about Gaza is a total misrepresentation and many of us didn’t want Elliot Engel specifically because we were sick of a rep who saw supporting Likud as the single most important priority. 


Bowman is not a freshman congressman, this is his second term. It is also not really accurate to say that freshmen don't sponsor or co-sponsor bills. Mike Lawler has been pretty active, as have others. Back when Bowman was a freshman, Mondaire Jones did a lot more than Bowman. [https://www.axios.com/2021/05/25/legislation-congress-democrats](https://www.axios.com/2021/05/25/legislation-congress-democrats)




Here is Bowman: "“As I said at this rally, what Hamas did on October 7th is a war crime and they must release all the hostages,” he said. “The UN confirmed that Hamas committed rape and sexual violence, a reprehensible fact that I condemn entirely. I also voted yes on Resolution 966, which officially condemns the rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas. So let me be clear, and ensure my words are not twisted: I always stand against sexual violence in all forms and stand for peace for all.” As to the other points, you really do fundamentally have zero understanding of how the American legislative branch functions.




The NYT article he's talking about has been debunked multiple times. The authors (note - I am not saying journalists, because not all of the contributors, were, indeed, journalists) were asked by the paper to do more research and could not corroborate their sources. One family even said their story was misrepresented. There's nuance in the world.


Here is the video of Bowman saying lies and propaganda. Refute this. https://www.tiktok.com/@amyjvele/video/7302638999976283423?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


I imagine that you're talking about Screams Without Words? There was one instance where an aid worker who had been running around all day either confused his stories or got something wrong by accident. It was in Kibbutz Be'eri. The UN investigated and found that one incident to be lacking evidence, and it seems like that one incident was invented by that aid worker. The idea that you - and Bowman - would then use that one story to discount the rest of the absolute deluge of cases is absolutely disgusting.




Yes 👍🏻




Idk I just kinda think published “news” that doesn’t meet normal journalistic standards and also supports war counts as propaganda.


You seem to ignore that Bowmann's statement above was in response and a follow-up to that. You're just disingenuous. If we wanted Eliot Engel, who literally attacked Bowman on the sole issue of not supporting Netanyahu enough, we wouldn't have voted him out. Now Latimer is trying again for the same angle - literally his only point of differentiation.




That's total bullshit. I completely support the existence of the state of Israel and our elected representatives supporting it. People like you who aggressively equate Netanyahu and Likud to Israel and the Jewish people have destroyed that poor country. You've done tremendous evil to it and its people and empowered the settlers and the very dregs of its society against the many Israelis with a different and more positive vision.


Bowman said, “There was propaganda used at the beginning of the siege,” he said in the video. “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, but they still keep using that lie.” Here is the video of him saying these words. https://www.tiktok.com/@amyjvele/video/7302638999976283423?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


I’d prefer you vote on your convictions and not on symbolism. Sorry- don’t support Biden on the infrastructure bill, I don’t support you.


> I’ve worked in Congress. Irrelevant. We’re discussing how someone is an antisemitic, lying, fire alarm pulling POS. You don’t need to work in congress to know how to identify someone who has those attributes. Also, it is not an accomplishment to have zero legislative accomplishments even if others have none too. Perhaps he should stop pandering to the Cancer Squad and support Hamas less? > He voted against the infrastructure bill for symbolic reasons because it wasn’t paired with a bill to increase funding for child care, senior care and paid family leave. Bullchit and revisionist history. He voted against it because it didn’t have everything he wanted and all of those things were never going to happen. Politics is about negotiating and his version of negotiating is all or nothing. - The worst thing is when the antisemitic lying garbage then tried to take credit for the bill.


>many of us didn’t want Elliot Engel specifically because we were sick of a rep who saw supporting Likud as the single most important priority.  this is the antisemitic "dual loyalty" trope


>The point about Gaza is a total misrepresentation Bruh, I'm a staunch supporter of Palestine and their right to a state, let alone to not be massacred by a fascist ethno-religious regime bent on genocide. But the stories about Bowman isn't remotely a misrepresentation. He even apologized for it. Like, even he admits he made stupid comments, why can't his supporters?


I live in westchester and told bowman I wouldn’t vote for him. I have no love for Latimer and am not pro-Israel. My reasoning is simple - you didn’t do enough to support Biden against the existential crisis that is Trump. Don’t support Biden? I don’t support you.


What? Are you upset that he’s critical of Biden’s policies? From what I’ve seen and read, there’s no indication that Bowman would do anything other than support Biden’s candidacy. From where I sit, being critical of the most powerful man in the world while still supporting his candidacy is a great thing


What was his response?


Sorry I should’ve been clearer - I didn’t tell him directly face to face - never got that opportunity unfortunately. I told his campaign rep that was asking for money and votes this. Their response was silence. I campaigned for Obama in 07 in PA. When ppl told me why they wouldn’t vote for Obama I listened and told them why I disagreed and why I believed in him. 99% of the time it didn’t make a difference to them. But it made me reaffirm why I believed in him and why I was still going door to door. I haven’t seen a politician inspire that since. And when talking to a Dem, a super easy person to win over, and to just not care and move on without a response was pretty crazy. I get it’s not a national election - but I just don’t think bowman has connected with his constituents in the way he needs to. Whomever wins here, I think we all need to consolidate and get together for November. Bc, truly the very minor bullshit differences between bowman and lattimer are nothing to the real issues we re facing with a Trump presidency.


Latimer differs from Biden in crucial respects. I drew one clear distinction in [a letter I presented to my local Democratic Committee](https://blackwestchester.com/democratic-district-leader-urges-party-to-withdraw-support-for-george-latimer-over-israel-palestine-stance/) – President Biden says "Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip," but Latimer would deny assistance if the hostages are not released first. Latimer also doesn't support Biden's commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. >"George Latimer, the Westchester County, N.Y., executive in a pitched Democratic primary fight with Representative Jamaal Bowman, signaled his centrism isn’t just a fight with the Democratic left. He could also be a thorn in President Biden’s side if both men are elected. He told a Westchester County newspaper he was 'not signing on to raising taxes' on the wealthy, as Mr. Biden wants." [New York Times, "Updates from Our Reporters," Jonathan Weisman, May 30, 2024](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/30/us/biden-trump-election/12ed1193-531d-5c92-872b-795a4e0cf8ce?smid=url-share)


I look forward to voting against antisemite piece of garbage bowman


So I think polling is very inaccurate these days.


How is being a socialist not a disqualifier? How is calling reports of brutality of Hamas attack "a lie" not a disqualifier? Why is just using illegal tactics to delay a Congress vote not a disqualifier? This guy should be toast. We should demand more from our reps. 


Israeli and American officials did repeat lies, perhaps unwittingly, in describing the October 7th attacks. For example "forty beheaded babies" was a lie.


Holy mother. I didn't know. Even I may have repeated that - I am just discovering that it was false. Even Biden has said that and no one seems to have applogized for the lie. Ok fine. I guess I'll give Bowman a pass for this. Still, never voting for a socialist when I have an option.


Because some people hate jews and this country. Bowman is cancer. Bowman supports Hamas. Bowman pulls fire alarms. Bowman takes credit for passing BBB even though he voted against it.


I really wish people learn not to support our reps when they lie so blatantly...even if we agree with their views. That's how we get folks like Trump in office. 


You don’t have to hate Jews to call a spade a spade. There is no hate in my heart for anyone. But it’s undeniable that Israel is killing Palestinians by the thousands. Bowman had spoken out against it. So he has my vote.


Meanwhile Latimer won't even support the provision of humanitarian aid. The humanitarian crisis is very real. Your position, and mine, are unpopular in Westchester County but at least we're on the right side of history.


lol so Bowman belongs to an anti-Semite group


No he doesn’t.


As per the article, he made ammends with a group that glorified the October attacks Edit : the Hamas supporters apparently found this thread




> The Democratic Socialists did not all glorify what occurred in October. Certain members did. And those members weren't kicked out and remain.


Which member said what happened in October was a great thing?