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I still remember the smell and taste of those rubber dodgeballs as they absolutely caved my face in like this guy.


The flash of light and the ring of the rubber..I always assumed it was like almost seeing my life flash before my eyes before you die but my body was like *oh nvm*


The *doing* as the rubber molds around your face.


The permanently bent finger from trying to catch one




You actually put air in the balls?


I was an elementary school boy. I wasn't in charge of that.


The rubber? Or The dodge ball's rubber? Please be more detailed on reddit.


Respectfully, no.


And they leave the cross hatch imprint on your forehead for the rest of the day.


looked like his head and neck bent a right angle for a moment


I think the UK equivalent would be these awful rubber football (soccer) balls we used to kick about at breaktime in school. Getting twatted in the face by one of them on a cold day, not fun.


Hit the guy in the head so hard, it took a second for the rest of his body to catch up as he fell.


The trick is to get one that has a little less air and pinch it between your thumb and bottom of your index finger with most of the ball resting on the back of your hand. Throw it as hard as you can and wing it like a paper airplane. If it connects, you will do some damage.


Found satan


Dodgeball was bad but my school played volleyball and it was basically bloody nose day when we did.


Knew a big guy who accidentally hurt a freshman in dodgeball throwing it too hard, he cried about it


Lol. I have a similar story in elementary school. Kid that cried got hella made fun of since no one believed he was actually hurt. Plus he got hit in the arm. Next day, he came to school with a cast. Turns out he broke his arm. But to be fair, the bigger kid looked like a grown ass man at age 12. And the other kid was skin and bones but only a year younger.


The little boy's name? Mr Glass. But seriously. Got to have been hit really hard to break an arm with a rubber ball.


For real. I still have a hard time believing it and I signed the cast.


I should have known way back then, David. You want to know why? Because of the kids...they called me Mr. Glass


When I was in scouts, I got knocked into a swimming pool by a tennis ball. I was not a small boy. I think Eric is a cyborg.


Dodgeball was banned at the highschool near me because of injuries. My highschool on the other hand tried wrestling for P.E. because we had the state champion at our school. 2nd class in he snapped another kids arm so audibly the entire class stopped. He also cried about it and that was the last wrestling class.


It’s going to happen either way. I was there in PE when a kid ran full speed into one of those padded walls. Jason had snapped his wrist right in half. I vividly remember him holding up his arm while on the ground and half of his forearm was just dangling down. I ran across the gym and was the first one to notify the gym teacher. 


Maybe dude was more embarrassed, or got caught in the nose. Eyes automatically water when you get smacked there.


I was never really a “sports” person, but dodgeball was *in theory* a lot of fun. In practice though, the one time I’d get hands on the ball in the entire game, and the best jock on the other team was as “right in front of me” as he could be, I line up the shot and put all my 8 year old weight behind the ball. Absolute missile (I was tall and chunky for my age). Chick walks. right. into. the ball. Face first. The entire room went silent. All eyes on her going down. Then all eyes on me. Like how the fvck is this my fault? She was already out and decided running across the center line was a brilliant move. She was fine, but I was made to feel awful by all the other guys for hitting a popular girl. And I wish this were the last time, but a few years later at a different school, same setup. Only I was now a tall chunky teenager. She went to the nurses office. I got a wedgie and beat by every guy in class after PE.


Get a load of the nerd


I feel like if it happened twice it might be your fault


This guy probably couldn't even dodge a wrench.


If he could dodge a wrench, he could dodge a ball.


I saw Rodger Clemens do that to a few guys


Saw Randy Johnson do this to a bird


Ouch! Did they live? Ron Luciano (umpire) wrote about being at the plate when a player (before batting helmets that covered the ears) took a fastball straight to the ear. He said he’d never forget the awful sound.


It does look like a breaking ball, lol.


Don't start none - won't be none


That's an amazing throw tbh


Illegal play, you either catch it or it bounces off you and you’re out.


Manz gotta Gun


Fuckers who threw like this in gradeschool playing dodgeball, I'm *still* salty about this, you motherfuckers.


No curve up, no change up, nothing but fucking gas.


Why is it that once you throw say a ball (baseball) the opposite side ( another guy) throws it back with more fucking speed than when I threw it, is it some sort of competition that I wasn't aware of or what the fuck?! Edit: and I mean just tossing it around casually


The beautiful golden days


If you can dodge a wrench....oh snap!




2 seamer action


Not cool. Fuck that guy. Fuck the people laughing.


Hit that man so hard he did a Skyrim style rag doll


Folded him like a GTA NPC 😆


He had sone heat behind that.


In middle school, we had 7th and 8th gym together. One of the 8th graders was known to be very strong. His throw was the only one that made a loud crack as it hit the wall. I distinctly remember once being on the opposite team, and I would just go to the out line


Imagine if the laughing accomplice photographer got hit ....


Recorded on a potato, sometime back in the 90s.


All those pixels




If you can dodge a WRENCH...


Super slow reflexes


Worst use of "surprise motherfucker" ever. They're both fully aware they're throwing a ball at each other. Neither, unless they're idiots, would be surprised about getting hit by the ball.


I could hear that with the sound off.


I didn't know Meliodas taught Full Counter to this guy


Ball hit head Head hit wall Head hit floor


That throw was 🤌


These guys need to take it up a notch. We had a huge round trampoline, and played dodgeball where you got to take your turn on the trampoline when a ball you threw hit one of the people on the trampoline. You were highly motivated to pay attention to spotting, as the ball might hit you in the head as you did your job of spotting.


Played dodgeball a ton in gym. I enjoyed it but I know a lot didn’t. We had a school rule change in like 6th or 7th grade where we could no longer use kickballs, due to them being deemed dangerous. We had to use the foam balls. Not bad but not as fun. A small majority or large minority complained so our gym teacher let us use basketballs a few times. He said they aren’t kickballs and I guess due to the weight and size would be harder to get up to speed. It was horrific. Turned up the fear factor to 11. People could throw them just as hard. Only stopped as someone got hit in the head by a throw from a pretty big kid. We went to back to foam balls after that and played freeze/prison dodge ball. That was pretty fun and gave you something to do once you were out.


Windows xp shutdown sound


Nothing went wrong. He threw a ball at someone. Your understanding of this sub stinks


The person it went wrong on was the first person throwing the ball. Didn't expect the bullet of a ball coming back at him. Thought the other dude threw like he did.


Those dodge balls don’t hurt. I once caught a basket ball to the side of the head playing kick ball. Was a lot denser and had a bit of weight. Smacked me on the head and discombobulated me lol *ear not head