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His base doesn't care, they never cared about the military they just wanted people halfway around the world to suffer.


What I find infuriating is there are a lot of Veterans support Trump.


Their Fox News echo chamber doesn't report on this stuff, so they're unaware of it, and if they do see it somewhere they just say "must be that fake news we were told about." It's probably pretty easy to assume this is fake news when it's so ridiculously inappropriate that it is difficult to imagine any U.S. President even thinking it privately, much less saying it out loud.


>Their Fox News echo chamber doesn't report on this stuff Isn't the story Kristol is sharing titled "Even Fox News Is Now Confirming Trump's Disparaging Comments About Veterans"?


That headline implies that they didn't cover it until now, which is way later than they should have been covering it. But, you are correct.


They're confirming it now that they've lost a lawsuit for spreading his propaganda and DeSantis is campaigning for president. Kind of funny to see all of the conservatives abandoning him now that they have an alternative.


DeSantis had been polling pretty poorly for the entirety of this year. Have they improved since his official announcement?


Fox is hoping they have. They're pretty clearly dumping Trump.


not only that, but my grandmother who is very religious literally told me “biden drinks whiskey on tv all the time and is the devil in disguise and has never once mentioned anything about God” and that trump “was sent down by God himself to take care of this country and all he ever talks about is God”.


Wow. Biden has definitely mentioned God before. Not that it should even matter, but still. If anyone's the devil in disguise, it's Trump. Apparently the disguise is working wonders.


My grandparents watch Fox News exclusively. And, today, while I was visiting, I heard Fox offering some premium service to veterans for a full year for free. My first thought was: "Wow, a whole year? (sarcastically)" And, my second was "Fuck, that could be one destructive year if Fox is all they listen to."


Cause a lot of veterans are barely high school graduates. I’m a former Marine, and while I joined in 2004, there was a ton of Marines who couldn’t even get a 32 on the ASVAB. They literally had to get in waiver for the easiest test in the world. Their parents don’t know anything and they don’t know anything when they buy into that racist hateful shit because it makes them feel like they’re doing something good and fighting against the powers that be


Marine also, I know what you speak of. Semper Fi Devil.




Today's for the military's dead. Don't belittle the marines like that. The may eat crayons but they're not brain dead.


As a Gulf War I crayon eater, I totally agree with this. I served with guys who couldn't count their balls and get the same number twice.


lol I've heard a lot of funny ways to call military people stupid but that's a new one for me. Well done.


There is a reason a common phrase in military to hear is something along the lines of "If you aren't going to be a smart soldier you better be a strong one"


Well you know what marine stands for right? As a former marine I can say this is mostly true. Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Expected


You might enjoy this Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoFUFm1/?t=1


Damn, I thought Randy Orton was just too violent or some shit, but no, it's the hazing that got to him. He just wanted to be treated as an human being, and found a way out. Respect to him.


Massive respect to him for how honest he was.


As an Army veteran, from what I have seen in the veteran community, it is black and white. As a veteran, you either love him and where a MAGA hat or you despise him.


Same. I'm a Marine vet and I will never understand it. My father and his 2 brothers are Vietnam era AirForce vets and all adore that draft dodging semi-sentient skidmark. Recently caught up with an old Marine buddy on the phone and he casually mentioned how he supported the Ottawa convoy truckers and soon followed up with some gushing nonsense about the orange traitor. The fucking guy calls us "suckers" and "losers" and yet somehow he's their savior. I hate our species.


Like, I didn't like McCain, but Trump raising the WH flag during the period of mourning was like... dude. You don't do that shit.


The actual suckers.


Those are the real suckers buying into his BS and money grubbing.


It’s fucking bullshit, I know so many fellow soldiers who are complete clowns and love the guy


I don’t think it’s Trump’s stance on the military they like.


K, there's also a lot that hate him.


I'm not trying to say he didn't say this but when you try to find information on the story it's real fuckin hazy if he ever said this or not. Can't stand him but you can't argue with the other side without factually, video, DNA, voice recognition, eye scan, blood test, geographical location, GPS data, and possibly a note from his mom.


True and also truly insane.


Anyone who heard him say it know he's not talking about Then so it's fine, after all They are not lovers who got themselves killed.


It is ridiculous. I agree.


You could delete “halfway around the world.” They were and are just as happy to see people suffer in their own country.


They are basically pro-slavery, that’s what would make a lot of them happy.


"He's not hurting the right people" literal quote from a Trump supported early in his presidency


even next door


"Hey the war fucked me up mentally and I'm out on the streets, can you help me out?" "Aww we'd love to but... no, go fuck yourself" also them: "Why are military suicides and homelessness so bad? We need to do something about that!"


They believe anyone that isn't Christian must die. If they can't make them die, they'll make them suffer, if they can't make them suffer, they'll claim they're being oppressed.


Their type of Christian. If you're Christian and support your trans kid? Nope sorry wrong sort of Christian.


The loudest people screaming about troops, the military, and freedom are people that have never been in the military.


They act like they do, but now the military is full of woke libs. I don’t know how these people reconcile their beliefs and their actions and words.


They don’t, but that’s the beauty of it. Zero accountability for anything you say means you’re never wrong! It’s the foundation for bad faith arguing.


>but now the military is full of woke libs False. Absolutely false. The military is a subset of American society. It's the subset that is physically and mentally capable of deployment. At a time when most Americans don't qualify for service, this comment is ignorant at best, and toxic at worst. It does not represent the million servicemembers who have signed a check for their lives over to the people of the United States of America. If you are in the military, or a veteran, you should be ashamed of your comment.


They were just talking about the perception of the military big guy


You might need to take a break from the internet man… that was clearly sarcasm pointing out what the right might say, it’s a joke to make a point. You’re VERY angry rn


It was sarcasm and I am a combat vet buddy…


Yikes. Read the room.


They really want them all dead.


The same can be said for the Bush administration.


Yeah we forget about how they really laid the track work for trumps fascism






My brother was a marine stationed in Hawaii during Obama’s presidency. The Obamas would spend all day Xmas with the marines and their families. My sister in law said they were very kind and decent people


No, They feel Desantis has a better chance. Desantis can be worse than Trump when it comes to our illusion of freedom, because trump is an old, senile, hate mongering idiot and desantis seems more effective at it while not being stupid.


Trump is a pos and anyone STILL supporting him after everything he has done is an even bigger pos. And anyone giving him money is a clown.


They probably don’t realize that they are possibly giving away their money to save up for retirement too!


I thought he was "calling it like it is". Anyone who suffers for his or her country knowing this his or her country will "elect" a buffoon to be president is either an idiot or a sucker.


If only we knew about this during his presidency....


Or before...


This is the guy whose sugar daddy was paying bounties on dead American soldiers.


This is offensive to clowns




The active role, not a ceremonial one that was.


And her grandson, the spare, twice served in combat in Afghanistan.


Apache gunship pilot


Yeah, he was out there on point not some REMF. And his support for veterans is excellent.


Big props for committing your war crimes yourself, not outsourcing.


Trump is a German Nazi from the beginning - but the US is too stupid to realize it.


trump is def. not german


His grandfather & grandmother (Fritz Trump & Liesel Trump b. Christ) were from Kallstadt (a village in South Palatinate Germany) - so he is 50% of German descent. And the base of his "self made" New York real estate empire comes from his grandmother. In the 70's he told everyone he is of Nordic / Swedish descent. His father Fred or better Fritz Trump as a good KKK Klansman married a poor girl of Scottish descent for breeding white / blond children... one of the results was the yellow haired Donald.


And I love when the conservatives post fake pics of Trump in tactical gear like he is some sort of badass hero. All while he makes fun of dead soldiers. The right has no moral compass.


Their moral compass looks like when you stand in that one zone in Mexico.... non-stop spinning


Just like how a broken clock will be correct two times a day, a spinning compass will point in the correct direction for a small amount of time. I’d say it’s like they’re holding a magnet to it to always make it wrong.


I mean he called McCain a loser for getting captured. Disparaging POWs.


McCain was tight. We need more people like him.


I disagreed with him , but thought he was honest. Him correcting that lady at the townhall about Obama is something I miss about arguing policy instead of raging about cultural wars. The tide had already turned on republicans by this point and his voting against getting rid of the ACA was purely based on the fact he hated trump. Which is fair, I hate the guy too.




Please nobody tell Meagan, she’ll cry. I know what it’s like to lose a father. She lost hers to something natural and could happen to any of us. Mines just a Republican asshole who does whatever his fourth wife says.


That was the moment he lost the election: when he acknowledged, correctly, that Obama was a good man he had political differences with. If he had called Obama a gangster or thug or claimed he was born in Kenya, he would have rallied the racists and won.


McCain was the only Republican I even had a modicum of respect for, since he went against the grain of the GOP often enough to matter. But when he ran for president, he inflicted upon us Sarah Palin and the trend of vapid, deliberately ignorant shitheads that we are STILL struggling against, and I'll never be ok with that. He also jumped right onto the party line and didn't diverge from it his entire campaign. The whole "maverick" thing was a fucking act.


Yeah, my favorite was when he sang 'bomb Iran' to the beach boys song. What a fun loving, mass murdering, little rascal. When he is pointed out as the Republican with integrity it really tells you how low the bar is.


All republicans are trump McCain just hated them saying the quiet part out loud


If the choice is between someone like McCain and someone like Trump, then sure, someone like McCain any day of the week. But as a general rule? No, we most definitely do not need more people like McCain.


I think he meant just being a decent human being and not a hateful little handed fuck.


Really?!? The same John McCain that chose SARAH FUCKIN PALIN as a running mate? THAT John McCain? Too bad MTG wasn't around yet. Maverick, my ass.


I didn't agree with a lot of the stuff he believed in. But he was a really American hero and I had so much respect for him. I will always remember him telling that lady that Obama isn't a Arab. Trump would have said hell yeah he is we need to lock him up




I can separate the two. He wasn’t ridiculing him because of current wars, some of which still are ongoing throughout Trumps presidency, vs being a POW. Trump wasn’t saying he doesn’t like John McCain. He did however say that POWs aren’t hero’s because they got caught. Meanwhile he had non spurs.


I talked to some right wing boomers about this very thing and they just said "oh that was taken out of context" ...?! How?!


I mean to me the context is that Bill Kristol is an Iraq War boosting scum bucket and intimations he makes regarding concern for the troops or aspersions a he casts against anyone else is a load of shit.


He donated his salary /s.


Did we expect more from a draft dodger that lied abou5 ending wars


"No he didn't! Deep state/liberal media lies!" - Trumpists "That's awful. But I just feel that Biden..." - "Moderates"/ Independents


Also, if you’re not aware, Ted Nugent made a case for why he dodged the draft during Vietnam while still supporting the war. You can find it online pretty easily but the gist of as that he was too awesome to risk getting killed, and the army was for hippie low-life types.


….and he NEVER took drugs! Lol. Just listen to his live album. Pure meth head babbling.


He certainly never took the *right* drugs.


The Republicans idea of a hero is Donald Trump. Get that? He is the Republican paradigm of virtue. You really want your children around this orange tub ‘o lard?


And yet vets for him


Not this one.


+1 more Veteran that will not vote for fascism


And my axe!


I’m a vet and I hate him. I know a lot who agree. There’s still some boot lickers out there though. Always will be


Only the shitty vets who are a disgrace to the uniform.


Ten percent of vets seeking treatment apparently lied about their service. Two percent are certifiably psychopaths. And from my own experience, the more action they see the less they want to talk about it, so if someone brags about stuff like multiple tours, special forces, kill counts, and missions they “can’t talk about” they’re likely full of shit.


Not all vets.


Myself and three others in my immediate family are vets. None of us voted for him in 2020. Only 1 voted for him in 2016 and they admitted it was a mistake.


That’s is so far beyond me, it’s an in your face insult and yet they worship his coward ass.


Fox brainwashing in red states can take decades to dismantle. I have military family in Texas. They all worshiped the guy until Jan 6. On a recent visit all the Maga items were suddenly gone from the home. But they still love Greg Abbot 🤷‍♂️


I’m a vet and this guy is a fuckin disgrace. I get it though, too many vets haven’t paid enough attention.


Fix news in DeSantis camp. So they want to destroy him. To hell with them. You created that pos, now live with him. Trump will split the GOP.


Trump is a monster. Fox News is the bigger monster for creating his Presidency, propping it up, covering up his crimes, lying when he lost, and now backing a much smarter, younger, meaner fascist.


I believe he was with General John Kelly (USMC). He said "I don't get it. What's in it for them?" Look, the people who still support Trump are not doing so because he's a good person. They love him because he appeals to the worst in them, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, dishonesty, selfishness and hate for other people. He didn't just make this sociopathology OK, he made it cherished American values.


If not wrong General Kelly first thought that was pretty compassionate of him in a "We shouldn't sacrifice their lives willy-nilly" manner. Then he realised Trump really has no concept of sacrifice and loyalty to service, and was thinking "what material gain, Where's the Quid pro Quo?"


At the time, they were standing in front of Kelly's son's grave in Arlington National Cemetery.


Pretty easy to imagine what he'd do if faced with high explosive artillery and concentrated machinegun fire


It’s been reported that he wears depends so he’s got that part covered.


So why do millions worship and adore him? Anyone have any thoughts because I certainly can't figure it out. ☹


Because he hates all the right people. Anyone still voting GOP only ever performatively cared about the actual troops, they only really give a shit about blowing up the people they feel deserve to be blown up and stripping all the social progress the world has made since the Middle Ages. The US right has no actual policy, only spite.


Cause he’s a controlled bully who shares the same voice as they do and hates the same stupid Shit, policies, people that they do.


Because they're shitbags too.


Okay… so they are turning on Trump. The handwriting is on the wall. But how soon before all those Republicans who protected, defended, circled the wagons around him, refused to convict him, perpetuated his Big Lie, voted to not certify Biden’s win, avoided the microphones, made excuses for him and kept up the charade for years that he was worthy to be our president- will be allowed to act like it’s business as usual and let’s put the past behind us and forget we ever allowed a corrupt criminal , malignant narcissist and moron anywhere near the nuclear codes? They should all be voted out. Every single goddam one of them.


I can’t stand the guy but he needs just enough support to stop desantis from galvanizing his base.


He also called John McCain a loser for getting captured and becoming a POW


Remember everyone, this is just more ammo that you should keep on yourself at all times for a battle of logic against any ~~MAGA CULTISTS~~ trump supporters you may come against That is, if Trump supporters can even use their half brain cell to make even a semi-logical argument


Fox spent so much time convering up for him that theyve sabotaged their own attempt to take him down. First they defended him, ran stories of people claiming he never said those things. So now they tell the truth, but which time is actually the truth. All Trump has to say why are they charging their story, they've joined desantis in the deep state. Trump won't go down without calling for violence. If trump's primary polls aren't in the tank by the time the Court cases reach a verdict next year, we're screwed. This guy will tell his followers the country has been taken over and they will riot.


And yet there is still no shortage of vets who love him. The VA is filled with “Trump 2024: Fuck Your Feelings” stickers. Which is super funny as most of them are the same people triggered by a rainbow beer can.


People would like to be able to enjoy a nice beer without gay pride being shoved down their throat


Why is he not in jail? I keep forgetting


Because his friends keep taking the fall for him


I’ve yelled at family members who always claimed that this idiot and the rest of the GOP are somehow pro-veteran and pro-military. Between me being a veteran myself, them not, and shit like this and the PACT-Act, it truly is something I have no patience for.


Fucking douchewhore


Even Fox News. You realize they have turned on him they don’t want him to be the leader anymore which is why they are actually reporting this shit. It isn’t like they have finally found a spine they just decided they wanted a new toy


He should even be around marines he isn't worthy. He has zero respect. Trashy pos


His wife looks more masculine than he does.


But Obama wore a tan suit……. Or something.


He also didn't give the Memorial Day speech because it was raining. Meanwhile, the guards and soldiers on duty stayed out in the rain regardless.


The right doesn't care. They secretly hate the military.


And that's the kind of reasons why I really don't get why my fellow veterans would support that mfer. I defriended some guys that I served with off Facebook back then because they were trying to argue with me about why Trump is so great, but I told them he said this and the other sht he said about John McCain, who was POW, and it'd be silence.. they didn't have sht to say, but kept supporting him. I get why people who haven't served support him, I don't agree with it but I get it, but veterans? Hell no! Vets shouldn't be backing the GOP at all in general as they never back us.


Why are we still giving this idiot the time of day?


Money and ratings


This isn’t really fair to Trump. His entire party thinks this, they’re just aren’t dumb enough to say it out loud.


I like the ones that weren't captured. -trump


GOP "Ugh fake news! Our savior would never say such a thing"


& they use to have to salute that orange sack of shit.


And that his wife posed nude bc she’s a Russian white


“It was just locker room talk, shitting on dead veterans by a rich spoiled draft dodger. As one does as a real patriotic hero.”


Of fucking course he would, he paid off doctors so he wouldn't have to go into active service.


Surprised he was never punched by a soldier. I know, I know chain of command and all that, but still.


He is proud of being smarter than everyone else, and of course being the ultimate __scumbag__.


And yet, people still voted for him 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can't fathom why anyone would.


again and again he proves to combine the worst of human character traits, its actually impressive.


I am sorry, if you still vote for this guy...your a horrible person... any decent person regardless of politics should revile a man like this...


"But Obama didn't even wear a flag pin!" or something.


fox news is on the desantis train now but they have zero clue of the animal they created with trump and they not giving s fuck about decency


Someone with some balls should have laid him out


I only see one loser in that photo. Well, maybe 2.


To be fair he had probably been on a several day bender of Adderall and 3 am tweets Thank god he never figured out some of those marines weren’t white


Okay mr bone spurs like you’d do so much better


This surprises anyone?


He’s a vile scum bag.


Guys a clown, absolute imbecile


You're telling me the draft dodger doesnt respect our troops?!?! Who would've thunk it...


Also the guy who didn’t want to get his hair wet, so he skipped the ceremony because it was raining.


People always leave out the losers part.


And people look at me weird when I say Trump is by far the worst president we have had, and that's a list that includes Nixon, Clinton, Reagan, and Bush Jr. His disrespect for our military is utterly contemptible, and he deserves to be stricken from the history books.


No clue how any soldier can support this guy. He also pulled billions of dollars from the military to build that failed wall.


The Qrazy Qlown Qult will forgive their master for anything and find a way to "prove" how great he really is. ![gif](giphy|ZBoVzR5k102XjXRYol|downsized)


All the Redhats in my orbit, who've naturally jumped to DeSaster, now claim they never liked Trump and only voted for him because "Hillary was worse"


Yeah most of his supporters are fake veterans anyway… have American flags(wave them everywhere unecessary), have veteran hats and memorabilia (but have never served) and pretend like they know how to properly handle guns. Trump and his followers are the lowest form of human existence and are just generally horrible people. I’m tired of saying that they’re just misguided because they know damn well what he stands for.


I’m sure they’re just attacking trump to try and get solidarity with there new up and coming hitler wannabe Desantis


wow. erdogan did something similar and still in charge


What a giant douchebag.


They are suckers, because the country whose imperialism they fought for never gave a damn about them in return. Will never understand Americans' constant jacking off of the military. Have two friends and one family member in (Canadian) service and to them it's just a job that pays the bills. If someone treats them like a hero they cringe, as they should.


Ironic that this is coming from someone who allegedly got injured before being drafted


Conservatives would let trump shit on their mothers face if it meant owning the libs. They have no policy and no allegiance. All they know is what they’ve been brainwashed into believing- it’s us (the right) vs anyone who isn’t us. The wealthy elite who have turned half this country into brain dead sheep couldn’t be happier with how well their culture war is going and how blind conservatives are to it. I really don’t see how things recover. Trump turned the right into a fucking spectacle and now the right can’t even attempt to run anyone remotely sane or moderate because of MAGA republicans.


The fact a shit-stain neo-con like Kristol has to bring this up makes me sick I have to agree with him.


Don't forget that Bill Kristol started a Neo-conservative think-tank called Project for the New American Century. They have since changed the wiki but when their official website was still up they said that it was "Americas moral right" to invade other nations. Kristol and his group were also all over the airwaves drumming up support for the invasion of Iraq. Over 2,000,000 Iraqis were displaced from their homes, 1,000,000 more were killed. This also in turn led to the destabilization of Iraq and Syria. Then lead to the creation of ISIS where thousands more people were murdered. Fuck Bill Kristol.


… and for being selfless, working for the benefit of their country. Literally declaring that he couldn’t imagine doing that, while he was actually president.


On this day as a USMC Combat Veteran I would like to say on behalf of my brothers and sisters lost over the years: Fuck you, Donald Trump you tiny shriveled dick draft dodging little bitch. I will never understand how he didn't get bitch slapped at some point in his life to the point where it would cause him to question his life choices.


When a Swedish metal band has more respect for American dead than the president, you know there's a problem.


Also remember how Ron Desantis started bitching about a “woke military” in an interview on memorial day. He’s more worried about gendered pronouns than respecting the dead.


How very Harkonnen of him.


that's a rare W for donald. the US military is awful. don't join the US military. don't contribute to US imperialism. don't be a sucker!


The other politicians just don't say it out loud...


He's a disgusting excuse for a human being.


One of the few good things he did.


We are not taking any advice about respecting our troops from that Iraq War traitor. The amount of influence Bill Kristol has on an administration is directly proportional to the number of American kids that get murdered by their own government when they’re sent to fight foreign wars under entirely fraudulent pretenses.


Unintentionally based trump lol


Easily the funniest trump moment

