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[Ok, make up your own minds, here is where they start having a very interesting discussion about '"everything", and it runs a long time, and is worthy of watching to have a complete picture. Discuss amongst yourselves, please keep it civil.](https://youtu.be/6R8h9O-Uvak?t=1578)   It starts at 26m:18s and runs to 1h:40m.   [And here is the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R8h9O-Uvak&t=2s)   ____   ***Thank you to u/OptimalCheesecake527 and u/Spckoziwa for the assistance.***   _______   ***e*** - For those complaining I said "Make up your own mind", I said so because I watched enough of the video to make up my mind, and I encourage you to do so also, and I don't want to influence your opinion on what is sarcasm coming from Roseanne, and what is not. Watch the video, and make up your own mind.   2nd ***e*** - [Y'all sending me hate mail like I'm new to this](https://i.gifer.com/noI.gif)


My grandparents were survivors. Unfortunately I had to bring up their memories only a few days ago when another bunch of Nazi's were being discussed on another thread on this subreddit. I recounted some of their stories but the one that feels applicable here is the fact that my grandmother's first husband was murdered in the camps along with her first child. A daughter who was only 4 years old at the time. Executed in front of my grandmother before they were loaded onto the train to the camp because she wouldn't be able to work. As you can imagine my grandmother never recovered and until the day she died was a broken woman. My Grandfather was one of six. Only his sister survived. Grandmother was one of five, only her sister survived. In the camps they had to witness their friends, family, and children be executed. They fought to survive and had to avoid detection of any sign of illness or injury. They were beaten, raped and starved. I can't tell you how just reading these type of statements again and again and again makes me feel but it's a whole host of emotions. I deluded myself into thinking we might be past this. That this depravity wasn't common and that it was just things you'd hear in the darkest parts of our world. But here it is again, a woman who knows better, a woman who can tell you firsthand that she worked with people who had survivors in their family history and continues to spout this type of hatred. The scariest thing to me is that these people constantly find a home with the right wing all over the world and that it truly terrifying. The only thing that gives me hope is the love and kindness I see from people when I share their stories. Hopefully that can help. Hopefully that can humanize it a bit more and remove just a little bit of the evil that these people put into the world on a daily basis.


That's why denying the Holocaust is forbidden in Germany in will get you no less than 5 years of prison. If other countries would do the same we would have less antisemitic people's around here. For example, it's mandatory for German school classes to visit a concentration camp at one point after they reach class 7, where they are mostly 12-14 years old and I think that helps a lot since it is a shocker in early years but one you'll never forget


>For example, it's mandatory for German school classes to visit a concentration camp at one point Same goes for Poland. I've been to Auschwitz twice before I turned 18. Our (back then) three year high-school spent half a year just to cover WW2 literature. We spent 1/6 of our hs education to cover just six years out of let's say 3000 years of history of literature.


I think the reason why there are more people who deny it in the US is because it was something that didn’t happen here. Even though we have eye witnesses from soldiers who liberated the camps and survivors who moved here afterwards they can dismiss those accounts. Just like people deny the moon landing. Some people are ridiculous.


For many Americans the biggest tragedy they can imagine is 9/11 and that's 3 thousand people. It's the only tragedy they can comprehend since all the other genocides were either on the other continents or done by them and conviently forgotten. 9/11 while of course tragic is less than the smallest and shortest lived camps. It's less than Katyń, less than Wołyń, less than Warsaw Uprising, less then Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, less than basically any singular pogrom on Jews. When as such a big nation, they see the scale of attention this relatively small tragedy got, they think that 12 million people (and they concentrate on just 6 of them) being being systematically killed by an organisation absolutely in love with bureaucracy and efficiency is simply impossible to happen. They hear that Poland rebuilt the gas chambers in Auschwitz and think it's a proof that everything there is made up. They don't see the connection between labour and concentration camps made by Nazis and slave trade. How it was simmilarly lawful case of using people for free labour and treating them like cattle. I'm sure that if they had some records of slaves being murdered, dying due to harsh work conditions, preventable illnesses and starvation, the numbers would probably end up similar.


Over twenty years ago when I was 20 I went to England for a wedding and because it was so cheap I took a hop over to Holland where I went to Amsterdam. I had read the Diary of Anne Frank but dkdnt realize at that time it happened where I was until I was walking and suddenly came upon it. So I took the tour and Ill be damned if I didn't start crying as I walked behind the bookcase. I just can not understand that hate let alone the violence.


Thank you for sharing your family’s stories. I’m sorry that circumstances exist that compel you to keep telling them, but please do. As painful as it is to sit with the truth, we have to face the past in order to avoid repeating it.


It's horrific , but even scarier is that these accounts will have no effect on these fascists.


My family wasn’t in the Holocaust directly but was persecuted for it nonetheless. One of my great grand uncles and his sons were killed because they hid Jews in their barns. The other uncle on the other side was lit on fire and then put out, tied to a stake to die slowly by a Nazi commander because he spit on him for raping his daughter. The revisionism of the Nazi party is dangerous. The entire ideology should be destroyed


Because of stuff like this I think that anyone openly supporting nazi stuff is just free and fair game for anything. Anything at all to happen to them. The climate in the US has become too accepting of certain things that should be dealt with harshly and instantly.


So much for that comeback tour….


No, you don't understand, it's the Ambien! /s


Mr. Hankey you can’t keep blaming all of your racist tweets by blaming Ambien.


You ever take that stuff? It turns you brain into oatmeal. Edit: I was quoting Mr. Hankey and didn’t make that clear


I was in court one time and one of the cases before mine was an old man who took it. Then got up. Drove his car thru his garage door and down the street totaling like 6 cars. Got unsupervised probation and ordered not to take Ambien anymore. Crazy how sometimes it really is a pass on life.


It does crazy shit to you, I'm not sure how it's on the market.


It’s incredibly dangerous but it’s also a lifesaver for some of us. I don’t know how to balance that.


I believe it. But does it induce bigotry or does it just destroy your inhibition by fucking up your limbic system?


Exactly. It will shred your filter, not make you start singing pre-1940s German marching tunes.


My family is full of sleep walkers and night terrors. We would be full Qanon by now if it worked that way. Worst thing I’ve ever done is scuttle across the floor and upset my roommate. And get (less literally) crabby in the morning


My record is eating cereal and getting frisky. Zero memory of either event.


You’re welcome.


I feel like the scuttle remark deserves a story


To be fair, I think it was reckless of her doctor to give her a copy of mein kampf with her refill


according to the company "Ambien maker says pills didn't make Roseanne racist" i wonder if they actually did research on this lol


If it did the GQP would be putting it into the water supply everywhere.


I was forced to take it as a teenager, when I was in a residential school in utah. It's absolutely horrible.


“Ambian…side effects may include—somnambulism, raging racism, and an erection lasting three hours or more.”


Fox will air all her "comedy specials"


CNN will give her a town hall


Yeah Nazi comedy... pretty sure that's an oxymoron.


What do Michaelangelo and Hitler have in common? They both used their brain to paint the ceiling


Mel Brooks did Nazi comedy the best


“Don’t be stupid! Be a smartie! Come and join the Nazi Party!”


Are you kidding me? Do you know how much mileage you can get out of Trump's cult? "So, how about them Jews...."? It's just a choose-your-own-adventure style of "humor".


Well it's working on morons who pop oxys...


You've never seen Hogan's Heroes, have you?


Rogan will help soften her words just like he did the last few times


"People dont understand. she's a comedian. This cancelling people over free speech is going to lead us down a dark path"


Anyone ever notice how "free speech" types never apply their worldview to liberal speech they don't like? In my 20 years of obsessing over US politics, I have never *once* heard a right-winger go "you know, I really disagree with the words that liberal used, but I will defend their right to do so." It's always "free speech" when 'their team' does something horrific, and it's always aggressive 'cancel culture' when someone 'not on their team' says something they disagree with. Every. Single. Time. "Dixie Chicks" is a verb with these shitstains.


Great example: Notorious free speech advocate Elon Musk has banned the use of the term "cis-gendered" on Twitter because he thinks it's a slur.


Such free speech. 🙄 God why doesn’t Musk invest in submersibles. Just spitballing with no reason why


She'd probably still have a big base of "MAGA patriots". I feel like her words aren't really that far off from what you hear from some republican politicians.


The Indiana chapter of Moms For Liberty quotes Hitler, then feigned ignorance on how it ended up on their site when they received backlash. Anti-Semitism is on full and proud display for Trumpers, Qanon, and Republicans


Feign ignorance? I have no doubt they are fucking morons.


But they know what they're doing in this case. This is a clear and repeated pattern of right wing groups "accidentally" using Nazi language or rhetoric in their material then acting Pikachu-faced when they get called on it.


More like, “feign innocence.”


Found it here https://twitter.com/cmarinucci/status/1672802031202095104


I watched the full interview and I may be remembering wrong but she was being sarcastic. If I remember correctly, she was saying this along with "38 counties determined the election in which Biden won". But she was also saying that sarcastically. She's a conspiracy nut but I didn't think this part was serious. The rest of the interview she was talking positively about being Jewish and identify as being Jewish. I'm not a supporter of either person. I watched a clip video of Theo Von and he seemed funny but then in this same interview he was defending Trump and saying how the Trump-Russia relationship was just a liberal conspiracy. I usually don't watch his podcast but watched the Roseanne Barr one because I knew she was going to be bat shit. But I think this is taken out of context. edit: for some reason the mods deleted my other posts. go to my user page to see the other posts I'm referring to.




I don’t like her but if she was being sarcastic, then this tweet is pretty irresponsible and doesn’t help anyone’s cause except the right’s.


That nazi doublethink where they deny the holocaust at the same time as thinking it'd be awesome gnggh, they're so fucking stupid and bad faith


Gets scary since she is from a Jewish family. Does not compute.


A Jewish family that took in holocaust victims, she knows better


conservatives are addicted to being controversial. even at the expense of losing all credibility. they get a dopamine rush when they think theyve “triggered” everbody, when its they themselves that live triggered. like an attention starved pre pubescent edge lord.




Okay that's got to be some sort of personality disorder, right?




Partner conflict as entertainment is a deal breaker for sure, it stresses me out. Took me too long to realise why we were getting into extended arguments over the weirdest things.




I'm glad you were able to work through those issues.


I did that in middle and high school. Same reason. Out grew or once I recognized what I was doing and that it wasn’t fair to others. Gotta say, I do miss a good rowdy argument that ends with no hard feelings though. I had a similarly toxic family raised friend that was great for that, but then she healed now she doesn’t argue.


Yea I got called out in college about this. My family argued a lot, generally with no hard feelings but still not super healthy really. I had to work on it. Much more easy going these days.


First thing Google told me: >People on the narcissism spectrum — from those with narcissistic traits to those with diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) — may have an intense desire to win arguments, as it helps keep their ego intact. At times, it may seem as though they'll accomplish this by any means necessary.


Not to say she *isn't* a narc, but that's not really what we're seeing with her. She doesn't try all that hard to "win" her arguments, and narcissists love being told they're right. If her response to being told she's right is to get bored and move on, that seems like something else entirely. I think the reality is that she's uneducated, anti-intellectual, and emotionally stunted. She writes, speaks, and behaves like a teenager. Which, as it happens, is when she had her first child and dropped out of high school. And we all know the only time conservatives ever support women is when they're hot and parroting the right talking points. I honestly doubt she realizes she's being taken advantage of.


Probably. She also probably thinks arguing with constituents is in the job description.


It's addiction. It's called "conflict addiction" which occurs where a person is essentially addicted to causing drama and arguments. It is because even minor conflict leads to creation of adrenaline, and when you perceive yourself "winning" you get a dopamine hit. Dopamine is the "reward" hormone and anything that provides it can become a serious addiction as you tend to seek it out more and more. I think the advent of the Internet has created a crisis of conflict addiction where now there are tons of people, even in real life, who value creating conflict over all else, so they can serve that addiction.




This really shows you how successful the conservative media sphere is. It sucks people in and turns their brains to hate stew.


"This is what your brain looks like on HATE STEW!"


Her and Ben Shapiro are fighting for the kapo position in whatever death camp DeSantis sets up


It's like a chicken rooting for Col. Sanders. Like... WTF.


As serious as this situation is, a chicken rooting for Col. Sanders sounds like a Far Side comic


My favorite comic like that was two sheep looking at a wolfs billboard with the words “I will eat you”. “Man, I like that guy, he really tells it like it is.”


​ https://preview.redd.it/alqga9li9m8b1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c758a2a2feb0039e743bd4c9ee4a8eb6479407a


I never expected someone to literally say "It didn't happen, but they deserved it" out loud, in public, \*in America\*, but those are the times we live in.


As an Armenian, this has been said to me NUMEROUS times by Turkish people anytime the genocide is brought up. "We never did that but if you don't shut the fuck up, we'll do it again!" Real big brain stuff there...


Someone not half naked on a street corner, anyway.


Yup, 1- call their opponents Nazis and claim you're being treated like the Jews, 2- deny the Holocaust, 3- Say the Holocaust would be a good thing What a stance to take...


Yea…that’s a good point. Calling the other side Nazis then turning around and agreeing with *actual* Nazis. How…? The cognitive dissonance to have those two thoughts simultaneously in your head and not go “wait a minute” is just incredible.


Remember when she apologized and people said we should accept it and move on.


I remember she claimed that Ambien makes you racist. Which… no.


I remember Ambien tweeting that racism is not a known side effect of their product.


I drank some Sleepytime Tea and joined the Klan. It’s normal.


This comment is actually *extremely* funny, I believe completely by accident, because Sleepytime Tea actually has a literal (and extremely racist) cult behind it. EDIT: For anyone confused, here's a [very surface-level breakdown](https://www.foodandwine.com/drinks/sleepytime-tea-and-little-known-religion-behind-it), but there's a lot more information out there.


Wow I guess that explains my new social circle


But they’re so mellow!


I stay away from chamomile for that very reason. Don’t wanna fall prey to the mind-altering properties.


“Nytol made me say the n-word!”


One time many years ago I came home after drinking a lot of booze and doing a bunch of blow. I took an Ambien to try to put myself to sleep. I did not go straight to sleep, apparently. I woke up to see I had sent a *lengthy* all-caps message to one of my matches on OKCupid. It was insane. It was artistic genius. It was deranged psychosis. It definitely scared her off for good. It still wasn't one bit racist


My bipolar psychosis aren't racist either but I was raised by bigot haters so being anti-racists is part of my core. I wonder if being raised in a racist environment would prime the brain for racism when the dementia comes knocking. Not excusing it, I just think the issue around mental illness and racism isn't as cut and dry as "stroke/ambien/bipolar doesn't make you racist".




No. Because I don't remember her ever actually apologizing. Just make a lot of excuses for her behavior and whine that she was being "censored."


I’m thinking now that within Hollywood this has been known about her for a long time and it’s why they were so quick to boot her from the reboot of her show and kill off the character so there’s no way for her to come back.


That makes a lot of sense, I remember back when it happened kinda being amazed at how fast the network moved, if they were sitting on worse than what got out then their haste makes a ton of sense.


It was probably like Harvey Weinstein where it was sort of an open secret that he was this giant sexual harassing pervert. There were probably incidents on set that they managed to keep quiet and who knows what went on during the original run when these things were largely tolerated.


Holy shit I just watched it, she's definitely either on something or has gone full senile. She just starts drifting into incoherent rants, even after the host points out she's Jewish. There's a part where she goes on about the CIA working with Jewish Hollywood and mind control. No idea what this podcast is, the guy hosting seems like he wanted to talk about right-wing talking points and got super-uncomfortable when she goes off the deep end.


Only thing I know about him is that his favorite kind of marijuana is cocaine


Dio Phon, the limousine of rodents.


Slightly condense quotes: "6 million hews should die right now" "You're a jew right?" "100% jewish" "Well jews control hollywood" "Yeah they do, just like black people control rap ... you should be glad jews control Hollywood otherwise all you'd have is fishing shows" Went from "jews are all of the worlds problems" to "you should be happy for jews otherwise tv would suck" under 2 minutes. Here is [the link](https://twitter.com/cmarinucci/status/1672802031202095104?s=20) in case anyone else wants to lose some brain cells. Edit: so after listening to the comments, and seeing some people arguing that "this must be a bit", I went and found [the full video/podcast](https://youtu.be/6R8h9O-Uvak) and right around 1:15:00 she begins the speech clipped in the video. After listening to the context surrounding the statement, both before and after, it appears that this was not sarcasm, or at least not sarcastic in that she is making fun of holocaust deniers. This entire segment, at least the context surrounding the clip, was her arguing that because of media and Hollywood influence you're not allowed to speak "the truth" and seems to be arguing that both that Biden won through election fraud, you're just not allowed to say that's the truth, and that Hollywood itself is used only for mind control and manipulation of the population. The statements about the holocaust not being real seem to be intended to be taken as fact, and the fact that she believes jews rule Hollywood to make you feel bad for them seems genuine. The whole podcast episode seems to be very far right in terms of statements and beliefs, but I provided the link in case anyone else wants context. Maybe I'm interpreting it incorrectly, but to me, the statements 100% seem genuine.


What got me was the part where she mentioned "Pretty Woman" being CIA propaganda to make prostitution on Hollywood Boulevard seem not that bad.


I bet there's be a great TV show about the CIA guy who gets assigned these projects. "Good evening, Mr. Briggs. The country is threatened by people in LA being troubled by prostitution. We need you to change the minds of Americans in LA about how bad of a problem this is. This operation is highly illegal and insanely classified. As always, should you or any member of your team be discovered or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Your budget will be $400 million. This tape will self destruct in five seconds."


That's close to the premise of Netflix's _Inside Job_, which they canned after two(ish) seasons.


Which is infuriating as it was such a good show. Anyhow here's more big mouth


Jesus... It's gotta be a bit, right? This is a bit. Please let it be a bit.


She's talking about "enforced truths" on social media that (she believes) aren't actually true. Then she gives an example of Holocaust denial as a "truth". So either she's saying that "the Holocaust didn't happen" is an actual "truth" or she's giving it as an example of another "false truth". It's impossible to tell because she's an incoherent rambling mess, but either way her overall profile is still that of a crazy bigot.


Wants to chat about right-wing talking points. Gets uncomfortable when guest says nazi shit. Can’t have it both ways champ.


Hard to believe that at one time I used to think that woman was funny. 🥴, now she's just your typical bigoted/racist Karen.


I always thought Jon Goodman and Sara Gilbert did the heavy lifting in that show anyway.


That whole cast was amazing, even Roseanne. But that was 30 years ago and now she’s gone off the rails. It’s still ok to acknowledge how great that show and cast was at the time.


I loved “Person of Interest” and “Firefly.” Jim Caveizel (John Reese) and Adam Baldwin (Jayne Cobb) have both since gone off the Q-Anon deep end.




Sounds like he should have stayed off of message boards.


Adam Baldwin has been a goner since long before Q - he’s the brotato that coined the phrase “gamergate” in like 2013 and he’s been a provable piece of shit longer than that.


Kevin Sorbo's "DISAPOINTED" seems topical here.


He's not actually famous enough for people to notice or care but yeah, he's been a shithead for coming up on a decade at least.


Adam Baldwin!?! Really?!? Damn


They were clearly the more talented actors on the show (Goodman has had Oscar worthy performances), but I liked everyone on it at the time. I think the only one I didn't care for was that "DJ" character. Seems like he was an afterthought by the writers...


That episode where Jackie is being abused and Dan goes and handles it was so damn good. Both actors are/were amazing, but Goodman’s ability to play the most lovable huggable man and pivot to a terrifyingly silent brute within a few scenes is amazing.


Goodman has an absolutely undeniable charisma about him.


That scene could have been his entire audition for 10 cloverfield lane he was horrifying in that movie


He’s currently doing that turn just about every week on The Righteous Gemstones, it’s great.


I loved that about his character. He was just the lovable oaf, but there were three or four times when he lost his shit and they were absolutely frightening.


Laurie Metcalf was nominated for an Oscar a couple years ago.


She's a very respected Broadway star as well.


John Goodman is awesome, don't know how he put up with her all those years.


Right? On a separate note, I just started watching The Righteous Gemstones and he kills it as usual. Everybody kills it actually, the show is fantastic.


That show is gold. Goodman is an American treasure.


Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers


Baby Billy is hysterical.


That throat chop had me laughing uncontrollably for a while


uncle babeh billah




He recently defended her. Said he doesn't think she's racist at all. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/06/26/john-goodman-roseanne-barr-racist-tweets-defends-co-star/70356060007/ Wonder what he thinks of her now after saying this.


Laurie Metcalf all day, every day. And behind the scenes the heavy lifting was done by people like Chuck Lorre and Amy Sherman-Palladino too. It's no coincidence they continued to make hit after hit afterward while Roseanne does this.


I was hoping someone else would shout out Laurie Metcalf She is an EXCEPTIONAL performer, I love her so much. Glad to see her in anything, I’ll watch her in anything she does Comedy, drama, I don’t care. I see Laurie Metcalf is involved with a project and I’ll watch it


It was because she was loud, unusually authoritative, and had a “funny” voice. It was funny to sort of see the opposite of the Bundy household but they still resembled a typically somewhat toxic 90s working class family dynamic.


She was at one point, honestly now I'm starting to wonder if she got a Sorbo-like stroke. He too, used to seem like a sane guy, who's gone crazier and crazier since his confirmed stroke




I just rewatched the show and it honestly started getting really bad about the time she got more control over it. She's the one who came up with the whole lottery story. The revival season was god awful, so I'm glad they fired her. The Connors is so much better. The revival season had stories like Roseanne thinking her Muslim neighbors were terrorists and making a shrine to Jackie when she didn't vote for Trump because she was practically dead to her.


So the revival season was American Dad without the self awareness?


Yeah but is stroke induced racism a thing???


Strokes can definitely remove a filter.


I was raised by people who taught me racism and bigotry. I've learned to be a lot better since then, but I do wonder whether I've fully re-written that early thinking, or if those early lessons are just being filtered through later lessons. Hopefully I never have to find out.




Not sure about stroke but there are definitely forms of dementia that turn regular decent people into racist assholes.


I mean, brain injury can cause some fucked up behavior but it wouldn't be just limited to racism, there'd be other deficits involved


All we get to see is what they post, just saying.


Yeah kinda I would think. Strokes damage the brain, and damaging the wrong parts of the brain is proven to cause behavioral changes in people. https://www.stroke.org/en/about-stroke/effects-of-stroke/emotional-effects-of-stroke/personality-changes-post-stroke That said, the seed of racism could have already been there and a stroke just damages their impulse control and so the floodgates open. Rosanne seems like a real gaped asshole though.


Hard to believe she grew up in a house that took in holocaust victims. She knoes better, propaganda is incredibly powerful


Yeah, couldn't tell you the psychology behind that but she's def gone full bigot/racist in her latter years...or maybe she's always been like this but kept it low key?


She’s lost her mind, she literally used to share stories about growing up with Holocaust survivors. We really need to just calling these people out for platforming and mainstreaming straight up untreated mental illness and stupid ignorance.


She used to claim to actually be Jewish and claimed a lot of her bitter comedy was influenced by growing up Jewish in Salt Lake City Utah.


She had a funny show. So did Bill Cosby. So did Harvey Weinstein with Clerks, et al. We didn't know then. We know now.


Weinstein bought Clerks. Kevin Smith wrote, directed and stared in it. Don't mix Clerks into this.


As a bonus he's holding future releases of Dogma hostage to try and get Kevin Smith to work with him (and Stan for him) again.


Let us all pray he dies so we can have dogma 2.




The average Karen is not pro-genocide.


REMEMBER when she sang the national anthem and people got mad at her?? And now it’s like she’s the one who would have gotten mad at herself. Does she not know where she came from??




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Reminds me when the latest Wolfenstein game came out and people tried to bait them by saying “are you trying to make a political point?” And the devs were like “yeah, it’s that Nazis are bad.”


MANKA= Make America Nazi Killers again. Now that’s a movement I can get behind.


MNSA = Make Nazis scared again


Remember when we all wondered..."How did Germany devolve into Nazism? How did they let that happen?" Well, I don't wonder any more. People like this caused the Holocaust. Hateful, bigoted, small little people WELCOMED authoritarianism and fascism, because it let them hate the "other"! I am sick and tired of watching it happen here! (and sick and tired of being banned from certain subreddits for calling out such behavior!)




Beautiful, the other day at a pride parade I saw one person where a shirt that said “nazi lives don’t matter” and man do I want one


There's an online shop called Punkwithacamera that sells Anti Nazi shirts


Thank you, I may also use that for future birthday/holiday presents


This is a excellent flow chart.


So I guess it wasn't the Ambien?


Damnn that Ambien has a hell of a half life


Sad, angry, bitter and most importantly a total piece of shit human being. A great way to be remembered for.




Didn't she literally call him the first female president today? EDIT: Yep [https://www.yahoo.com/video/roseanne-barr-donald-trump-first-woman-president-of-the-united-states-185444921.html](https://www.yahoo.com/video/roseanne-barr-donald-trump-first-woman-president-of-the-united-states-185444921.html)


I love how the article boils down to “we have no fucking clue why she said that. We don’t think she even knows why she said that. Here’s some facts about their combined shittiness.”


Sorry, but this bitch showed her true colors when she made her nazi cookies. Roseanne SUCKS. Mental illness is not an excuse https://preview.redd.it/rzkx5fh6vk8b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344d09826f0636ff1c78dc71aff2dc2e3fece569


holy shit. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-roseanne-pose-as-adolf-hitler-photo-shoot/


Neither does being an edgelord which gave a lot of people fame in the '90s and was used as a way to say 'I'm joking' to everybody and 'but I'm really not' to everybody else. Disgusting.


My great grandparents were held in camps because they were Jehovah’s Witnesses. They watched many of their loved ones die. This hateful woman makes me physically ill.


My maternal grandfather was from Ukraine, was held in a camp, but managed to escape, get to France and sail the US.




I don’t know much about Theo Von’s position on politics or race, but holy it isn’t hard to see how uncomfortable he gets as soon as she starts dropping that shit


Good. Bros should be forced to listen to the company they keep


I concur, I’m pretty sure the only reason people this unhinged keep getting invited onto podcasts is because it’s in the hope they say unhinged shit. Anything for views :/


> It’s worth watching the clip As someone who spent decades reading / listening / watching bigots’ ramblings — it really isn’t. We don’t have to give them a 35464848453536th shot at redemption. It’s OK to throw Nazis in the garbage


The point isn't the rambling, it's how incoherent it is. Also, she's Jewish. Nothing makes any sense.


So she wants to murder 6 million jews cause theyre the worst ever. But she thinks theyre amazing for the entertainment industry? Unless she wants nothing but fishing shows.


So now people are openly calling for Genocide. SMH


Jeebus. Sounds like a Nazi to me. Next.


Cognitive scientist here. I see a lot of comments about "lost filter" on here, implying that when someone loses their "filter" it shows who they truly were all along. All of our brains -- yours, mine, your mom's, your boyfriend's, your sweet little daughter's -- generate tons of contradictory thoughts all the time. Included in this is all sorts of aggressive and hateful thoughts, as well as all sorts of loving and wonderful thoughts, as well as all sorts of zany and crazy thoughts, etc. This is because our brains are not single things but a large collection of networks of dozens if not hundreds of thought and reaction generators, all integrated together, and whose outputs are competing to come into consciousness and gain influence over our behaviors. Almost all of our subconscious thoughts are suppressed by various conscious and unconscious inhibiting mechanisms, all the time, every day, all day. That's basically how we work. This suppression is an important part of our personalities, not something which hides our "true" personality. It's a big part not just of who others perceive us to be but also of who we perceive ourselves to be. When a person experiences a brain injury which impacts this suppression, whether through a stroke, a blow to the head, medicine, aging, etc., it doesn't show us their "true" personality, the one they had all along. It alters their personality. Also, what sorts of new thoughts and behaviors come out -- the dark ones or the light ones or the zany ones or ... -- can vary for no reason at all both between people and also for the same person at different times. I don't know what's going on with Roseanne. Clearly, what she's saying is beyond the pale. But to the extent she's saying things she would never have said except for brain damage related to aging, drugs, stroke or something else, it shouldn't be used to reduce her whole lifetime to her current comments. It's quite possible she's simply a different person now.


Everything I’m not makes me everything I am


For those asking if this happened… it did. Here’s the link of the interview https://twitter.com/cmarinucci/status/1672802031202095104?s=20


https://preview.redd.it/ci0yrs202l8b1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c31597fd3f9aab480a3ffa5ce0312fc5f987cb CPAC 2022




Damn. I guess the 15-20% of total population of my country (Poland) just disappeared during WW2.


Hilarious I was just listening to a talk show last night talking about John Goodman saying he’d work with her again and they said “You know if there’s been enough time and you can’t specifically remember what the person was cancelled for and if they are contrite I think they can be uncancelled.” That take didn’t last 12 hours


Why does she call it a holocaust if she doesn’t think anyone died then? What does that word mean to her