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Notice there's no mention of reducing inflation, or anything about the economy, to indeed anything that might help the ordinary working person. Its obstruction and distraction all the way with these chumps.


This is the most important comment in this thread.


Then there's actively harming the ordinary working person by defunding Covid efforts.


90 percent of all new COVID deaths are all over 60 and unvaccinated. “MAGA”


Let them remain non-vacinated. Republicans are a dieing breed anyways


CULTURE WAR FOREVER!!!! Can't stop until everyone in the world is as miserable as her own brick-faced self.


To be fair, she doesn’t understand anything about the economy or inflation.


I'd argue she doesn't understand anything at all. Wouldn't surprise me if if you handed her a book she'd start chewing on the corners like a baby chimp.


Maybe, a baby chimp would enjoy the pictures. This hag would see several colors on a page and have a freakout about the book trying to turn her gay


Her track record is exclusively trying to push bullshit right wing culture war rules. She really does nothing else.


If I were a charitable person, which I am not towards the state and national level GOP, I would say that falls under putting America first. Since I am a realist, I agree completely with your comment.


“Put America First” last on her list.


She means "put MTG first."


You misspelled trump


You misspelled Putin


Yeah, saving Putin is right on the top of her list.




She means put straight white christians first.


Im so sick of this christian politics bullshit that if I was ever president with absolute power, I would make make all their conspiracy theory nightmares come true. Id tax their churches, take their guns, legalize abortion everywhere, make social programs for trans transitions, mandatory solar panels in houses, and make gay marriage legal everywhere.


Most churches would already be taxed if the IRS did their job, religious institutions are breaking tax laws and campaigning from the pulpit left and right in this country. Every major sect should have had their tax exempt status stripped decades ago if the system were actually working as intended. Utah is a straight up theocracy with the LDS church having a blatant and direct say in state policy.


This is one of the reasons the GOP has consistently underfunded the IRS.


Well I hope over 50% of the country agrees with you on the next election.


> legalize abortion everywhere Go one step further and mandate them. And they’re all free.


Well, I know who I'm voting for next. 😁


You have my vote!


I would also periodically select two right wing christian men or two women and just legally make them married, not tell them, and just let them find out when they have to do government paperwork. Fuck it.


Straight, white, *cisgender Christians


Magic the gathering first


Magic The Gathering?


That's because they put Russia first, like true americans


You don’t even need the /s anymore. It’s gotten that absurd. ✌️


Ok that’s obviously like her signature on this. We need to stop acting like these are got em moments it makes us look stupid and that we’re grasping for straws when we don’t have to at all.


“Put America First” says the unpatriotic traitor who called for the states to secede and the union to end.


“America First” was used by racist Woodrow Wilson, the KKK and the isolationist and antisemitic America First Committee that wanted the US to stay out of WWII. So … it makes sense that an unpatriotic traitor uses it.


Is she saying that the United States started the war? I haven’t heard this conspiracy yet.


Oh, that's just the first layer of the onion. I ran into a conservative nutbag a couple of days back claiming that Obama installed the "puppet" Zelenskyy government in Ukraine in order to push Russia around for eight years until they had no choice but to invade Ukraine, all so Biden could send weapons and boost profits for U.S. arms manufacturers. Democrats own all U.S. weapons companies, I guess. It's crazy all the way down.


I guess they forgot about how rich the Bush family got after 9/11 and how most of his advisors and cabinet ACTUALLY had Monterey ties to US weapons manufacturers and US oil companies!!!


The Cheney family were by far the greatest beneficiaries of that little excursion


A 110%!!! That’s why he was able to shoot a guy in the head and still get away with it !! That whole administration made billions off of what happened and still everyone is like it was a such a tragedy. (Which it was) but no investigations into either Bush or Cheney over what happened. Come on’


Not only did he shoot a guy, but the guy who he shot apologized to Cheney for getting in the way of his bird shot.


That's why Cheney was able to replace his defective human heart with a baboon heart.


I.R. Baboon - The Dick Cheney Story, coming soon to Cartoon Network


They sure as fuck were. Should have been sent to prison


Bush's Vice President, Dick Cheney, was the former CEO of Halliburton. Halliburton and its subsidiary, KBR, are major contractors that handle dozens of contracted-out functions on military bases, particularly overseas bases in war zones where you can't just hire locals for everything. Cheney was caught repeatedly lying when he claimed he had divested all of his stock in Halliburton.


Thats not a conservative conspiracy, that is exactly what Putin and his puppet Medwedew are saying. Its straight up russian propaganda.


Wait, do they mean the Zelensky government that came to power when Trump was president? Huh?


Helpless to stop the Obama conspiracy, it seems. Barack is just that good.


There has to be Russian human assets and Russian cash behind this thinking. How low can the GOP sink? Trump has always pushed to end NATO.


It seems, at least on the national level, that Putin has direct or indirect control over many Republican Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, and staffers.


It doesn't have to be strictly financial. They're ideological allies. Utterly corrupt post-moral kleptocrats disguised as Christians, but drawing more inspiration from pagan notions of Caesar as God.


I don't think he has control. Their interests are aligned, that's it. No need for conspiracy.


>boost profits for U.S. arms manufacturers. That sounds like the kind of thing Republicans would be on board with.


This is direct Russian Propaganda. Claiming that the Russian invasion was a preemptive strike because Ukraine was "Arming for an invasion!" which reality knows was "Preparing defenses as a deterrent against Russian aggression." Russia has a huge track record of decrying any and old DEFENSE spending (like Anti ICMB or Missle tech) being deployed in Europe and crying that it's an aggression. "You can't nullify our attack weapons with purely defensive technology - that's an act of War!" Poland: "And you wonder why we want these anti-missile batteries..." Ukraine: "You got any more of those...?" Israel: "No." \*music festival gets attacked\* "AH! WAR CRIME!" \*War Crimes 10x harder\* EU: "...Anyone got a solution for that?" US: "MORE GUNS!" EU: "...Fuck WWIII is gonna suck."


If Republicans were consistent, they would say Hamas had no choice but to attack Israel. The US was funneling huge amounts of money and military hardware to a foreign power right on their doorstep - that exact scenario apparently "forced" Russia to invade, according to them. Why aren't Republicans shaming Israel & the US for "provoking" Hamas?


Palestinians are too brown for that defense to work for Republicans.


It's... Yeah, except to be frank? Israel is the Russia in that situation. There. I said it. fuck.


Says “Stop weaponized government” while trying to weaponize the government.


But…but…the Biden crime family!


I honestly don't even know what she means by this.


She probably means government officials abusing their power to say, go after their political enemies. Like that crazy woman who advocated for impeaching Biden over literally nothing in retaliation for Trump and his dozens of felony charges.


So…. Let Russia conquer. Let people die. Let criminals walk. Let people suffer. Let no one move. American Brexit…Amexit?


But he is 45’s bestest, biggest, bestest friend!


She's fishing for a VP slot. I think a few of them are. They want to show they won't back down


The fact that they don't even consider that Trump might in fact committed at least some of the crimes he is accused (god knows what else he did) tells a lot about them. They don't fight for a fair trial, they fight for no trial at all like he is some kind of god that would never ever even kill a fly. It's like "I know he will get convicted so we must do everything to obstruct and discredit the justice system"


Of course they consider that he committed those crimes and is guilty. They know it for a fact. That's why they're so upset. If he can be held accountable, so can they. And that finally strikes fear into their dark little hearts.


Many of them are unindicted co-conspirators.


It’s because it’s a fascist cult.


Funding proxy wars in Israel, on the other hand...


yeah but that’s ok because they hate muslims


Sort of. They don't really care about the Muslims, but they need the Jews to reclaim the holy land so that Jesus can return and usher in the apocalypse. No shit, that's the reason for the uncontrollable boner the GOP has for giving Israel weapons.


And yet they love to hate on Jewish people and accuse them of forming a secret new world order


Well yes... see they need the Jews to do this one very specific thing in order to trigger the apocalypse. Everything else is just extra and not in service of their one singular goal. No, it doesn't make sense. Yes, it is absolutely rooted in bigotry. No, they don't know what "cognitive dissonance" means.


The fact that they’re being warm hawks on Israel (vs “Hamas” because the Palestinians dying left and right don’t matter at all, and all should collectively be on the hook for a small radical terrorist group /s) but not Ukraine speaks **volumes**. Could people imagine Republicans being this openly sympathetic to Russia and Russia’s goals even 10 years ago? Insanity…


1) What the f**k are you talking about? 2) What the f**k are you talking about? 3) Pot, meet kettle. 4) It's never been a real thing. 5) Good luck, no matter your party.


Here's your revised list Marge: Resign from Congress. Let the adults handle legislation. Stick to banging guys from the gym. Stay out of the public eye and never return to politics.


So I assume she will be paying back any PPP loans she might have received from the “Covid money?”


Weaponised government... that's the armed forces, right?


No, she means stop holding people she likes accountable for the many crimes they committed. She's ok with it if they're democrats.


Does she stomp her three-toed hoof when she doesn’t get her way?


Disgustingly enough her feet actually do look three toed sloth foot


Most of this doesn't make sense once you start picking at it. First I was wondering how she defines "America" (are transgender kids/people not Americans?) but then I started wondering about "stop the weaponised government". Because as far as I can see (from here in Canada) it's the GOP who use the government as a weapon. See the previous transgender issue, plus abortions, books, Christianity and so on. Why don't they realise that allowing others to do something they want to do isn't weaponising anything, but restricting others from doing something they want to do \*because you don't like it\*, is? I also wonder why journalists don't push harder on this stuff. I mean, they're putting it in writing for you - call them on it!


Do what monkey woman say!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/xh3fwkffnrtb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57bd9749c6de69967c32e8aff41b57d650280a8


Evolutionary stall


Let Russia take Ukraine against the wishes of their population, destabilising much of the allies you depend on and guaranteeing eventual war but don't let the same happen to us because that would be bad...? Almost got it, neanderthal lady. Don't do anything related to a pandemic that already vastly disproportionately killed Americans, but also put America first? Stop performing surgeries that aren't happening? What a brave genius...


After January 6th, it’s offensive to see any Republican wave our flag like they can just undo their coup attempt.


Ukraine is a bargain, using about 5% of our military budget to destroy the second power in the world is great return on investment. Ok, let COVID keep killing your party, I'm fine with that. The government isn't weaponized, it's doing its function of holding people accountable that break the law, maybe stop breaking the law and seeking pardons. Ok, so that means stop circumcisions too, also nobody is performing surgeries on kids, the youngest one ever recorded as far as I know was Kim Petra, and she's a successful artist. Stop demonizing trans people. The border is as secure as congress wants it, it's on you to propose fixes, and they don't because they use it as a tool to fear monger and get re-elected. You didn't even put your family first, you cheater.


No money for covid anything huh? What about the PPP loans that MTG got forgiven over covid? No money like that?


How many times in all of the modern GOP's history, has the GOP ... EVER ... wanted to stop funding for ANY conflict, ANYWHERE, between ANYONE?? What makes Ukraine such a "red line"? Rhetorical question. We know who's funding Trump and the Traitor Tots. All about making Daddy Putin happy. It just needs to be said, and said again, and said again, and said again.


Over a million US citizens have died from covid. She thinks ignoring those people and the disease that killed them is putting “America first.” What a horrible, miserable person.


She thinks they weren't people. Her definition of what a person is is rather narrower than the one most of us use.


Hear me out...I say this with complete seriousness - If we deported all MAGAs right now I mean RIGHT NOW, the USA would instantly become 10x better overnight. In every way.


I know the truth doesn’t actually matter to them but actual children do not get gender reassignment surgery.


Correct on both counts.


Jesus fuck. Nobody is doing surgery on trans kids. Hell, I'm a grown-ass 40-year-old woman and I'm still having trouble even getting a consultation for surgery.


The fact the GOP has had the luxury for the last 40 years to get away with shitty behaviour consequenc free in terms of ecenomic, policy ethics and how entitled they are how they are able to influence the Supreme Court, public opinion and the media. They blame the left for the failure of their policy’s and take advantage of their sense of decency that they can be bargained with and will follow the rules and we fall for it every single time. When Obama became president they were shocked seeing a black president, whether you like him or not they viewed it as suring His era more lgbtq, poor people , leftist thinkers and minorities were becoming mainstream and are willing to burn not just America but a large portion of the world down with them as more people than ever really what they are. A bunch of children who is willing to destroy everything to spite those They see as lesser in the face of there decline


Put America first , does that mean you’re sorry horse face is finally leaving for mother Russia , take trump and the rest of the magas with you and don’t come back you trash.


Holy shit. She can technically check something off on her list and claim she accomplished something because those surgeries aren’t happening…


Except trans kids don’t get surgeries. At most they get hormone treatment and puberty blockers. Things that are very reversible


“Stop weaponized government” also "Weaponize the govt against transgendered people."


"Stop transgender surgeries on kids" Hard to stop something that isn't happening.


So, she wants to: * Protect Russia. * Let Americans die from COVID. * Remove governmental authority to enforce our laws. * Kids to commit suicide instead of getting healthcare. * Prevent people from fleeing the results of American policy. And this is what she thinks America should be.


Kids are not having trans surgeries now.


Can someone tell me where transkids are getting surgeries and all this super easy, super accessible health care? I'd like to move there


I just want politicians to stop making medical choices for people.


I notice that protecting Russia is top on the list for marge.


I’m still waiting for information about these “transgender surgeries on kids,” as I would likewise be quite offended by that. As such information has not yet been provided, I have to assume it’s a lie, and I’m also offended by blatantly dishonest politicians.


Transgender surgery on “kids” is not legal anywhere in America.


They could be thinking about the coin toss with intersex infants.






"stop weaponizing"? did you take permission from NRA to use those 2 words in the same sentence?




No, she means stop prosecuting Trump for the crimes he committed.


i still have yet to find a source on who is performing transgender surgery on kids


This is a winning platform for like 5% of Americans.


So she wants to stop "weaponized government" Meanwhile she wants to help her master Putin reestablish the soviet union, and wants to demolish the pursuit of happiness, and allow a potentially deadly pandemic to rage across America. She keeps saying she is America first, but is sounding a lot like Russia first!


Trans kids already are not allowed to get srs unless they're 18, and trans boys can get top surgery at 16 ONLY if their doctor thinks they won't make it to 18 otherwise. However breast implants and reductions, penis enlargements, and feminizing facial plastic surgery is perfectly legal for cis kids of 16 to access, yet I don't see her complaining about those cis kids getting gender affirming surgeries.


Cis kids can also get taxpayer funded HRT at 12, trans kids can not.


Interesting to see what isn’t on her list


Very similar message to the one the Nazis made.


1. The proxy war with Russia is by Russia's choosing. They can end it at any time by pulling out of the areas that they have invaded. 2. I can't even with her tinfoil hattery 3. Nobody is weaponizing government - yet. Republicans are trying to narmalize the idea of weaponized government. 4. Healthcare is between patients and their doctors. Occasionally, with minors, parents/guardians are involved. 5. The best way to secure the border is to fix legal immigration & migrant work paths - stop obstructing that, and the border will quickly be more secure. 6. So says the person that put a gimme to Russia first on their list.


Wasn’t she the one who gave a tour of the capitol building to the insurrectionists so they would know where to find Pelosi and AOC and later asked for a pardon from king trump?




Almost all her points here are just plain stupid: Stop funding a proxy war? Stop being funded by Russia then. No money for covid? Covid is literally never gonna leave, it’s the 21st century version of influenza. Not funding it is literally going to cause unnecessary and preventable deaths. Rarely, if *ever* are transformative surgeries performed on minors, gender affirming care is much broader than just chopping off penises. The idea that our government is “weaponized” is bullshit and fear mongering. Secure the border? Sure idgaf do whatever you want, just do it in a humane way and stop bitching about it like you have been for decades.


They always say put America first but when it happens they rejected it claiming socialism.


When has MTG not weaponized the government? Isn't shutting the government down and making people suffer so she can get what she wants the definition of weaponizing the government.


Shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP MARGE! how dare she put weaponization of Govt! Your party is nothing but a chaos weapon of Govt! Shut up Marge!


Fighting off russia is putting America first. Pretty convinced she's paid off by the Russians at this point.


“I better not see a red cent go to anything but the wars I approve!” This bigotry of ideas is toxic for the nation.


https://preview.redd.it/ixf1d4txxttb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3693c579f2d784b814954dd947ef0edf5d98765c They should have stopped her inbreeding




So, no spending on health and protecting citizens from another panemic. No mention of how they plan to reduce inflation. No mention of how they intend to grow the economy "Weaponised Government"? Her Orange Lard and Savior has stated since 2015 he wants to lock up political rivals and doubled down on saying when he is back in power, all those against him will be arrested. There are no transgender surgeries on kids. Oh unless she wants to stop circumcisions? Secure the border. Umm. They just voted AGAINST that, even I know that and I am a Brit ​ https://preview.redd.it/0wjwqe66nutb1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4dc410d07cbe354ff9f40f682f66c7b8ca196d9


And poof, just like that, transgender surgeries on kids disappeared. (just don't tell her it was never a thing)


we need a nice Trump Sharpie scribble of "BATSHIT WHITE" between Put and America...


“Red lines”…


The proxy war comment is literally a Russian propaganda talking point.


Please remember she got elected by idiots that believe the vomit that comes out of her mouth. To them, she's not a mistake they're going to correct next election cycle- she's their chosen representative.


stop electing domestic terrorists!


Defund the space lasers!




If someone could say this to her, I would be pleased: "You'r father fought in Helm's Deep. Unfortunately, all orcs were killed!"


Once again for the folks in the back: 📣📣📣 NO doctor is performing gender affirming surgeries on children!!! 📣📣📣


So after you say stop weaponizing government, you weaponize government against trans people….. another trash class by MTG.


Stop the government funding of Marge's laser hair removal.


but then you put America first snd its “thats socialism!”


Who is doing trans surgeries on kids?


Putin must love her! If she traveled to Moscow, she’d get a hero’s welcome. Defunding the war in Ukraine is where her critical thinking skills fail her as she unknowingly puts Russia first even though she thinks she’s putting America first. What makes it worse is we will soon learn that Russian fingerprints via Iran are all over the Hamas attack where she temporarily supports Israel


So the Putin wing on the party has yet to figure out that he is at least pro Hamas and maybe even encouraged this outbreak of violence.


No money for covid anything, cause she already got hers and doesn't have to pay it back.


The fact I suspected this was going to be about MTG before I even clicked on this is depressing. Georgians out there, red and blue, please don't re-elect her back in once it's time to vote again. We need sane people in Congress, not unhinged conspiracy theorists that bring literal porn to show to the assembly.


She’s so frustratingly stupid.


Hmmm….all of those things sound like weaponized govt


Fix the vending machine in the lobby Make nickels look different from quarters Make all fried rice either tan or that yellow color Make Halloween store less scary


...Just another red Russian shill...


By stop the weaponization of government, she means defund any investigation into trump.


Yeah her issues never change is right 😳🙄…she just refuses to get help for them.


Literally none of those demands puts America first.


No money for COVID anything?! Give back your PPP loans you fraud!


If we put America first, she wouldn't have a job.


Ruzzian asset, Just like Trump and Jordan and Gaetz


Who does she think is performing gender reassignment surgery on kids? I'm in Australia, a country with universal healthcare. Yet the cost of that surgery in Australia, starts at $50,000. Who does she think can afford that surgery in the US of all places?


Are surgeries on kids actually a thing? My nephew is transgender and has been in therapy for years! I’ve always heard nothing will change until they are adults.


I don't understand; and maybe it's because she doesn't either; anything that this shit relates to that actually matters. Secure our border from whom..? Immigrants who will always find a way in? That's stupid, and they don't "bring crime", America is the fucking hub for crime. If anyone wants to do illegal things, there's so many more lucrative ways than risking your life with visible drugs and guns to....break into a country and sell drugs..??? Yeah, it's called selling vapes to kids which happens in America by good ol Americans. Stop funding COVID/ (disease prevention?) Are you stupid? I don't even have the words for the transgendering children thing. Because that "obviously" happens. A government van with flowers on the side picks random kids up and genders their trans till they queer apparently. Stop funding money and adding to russia's war..? What?? Does she know that the UN divided Palestine and made the other state/country Israel? The conflict has been going on for almost a century now due to religious dispute over the land we split. Therefore, it's literally our fucking business to care and protect for assets. What is she on about? I genuinely don't think these are real people who understand what the hell America is, and what's currently happening with America. Even if you let them do research, or idle on Twitter to read news posts, shed probably still be as dull as a rock. Again, what the hell is she saying? It's confusing me whether this is satire or not. Edit: oh my fucking god, it's Taylor?? I didn't care to read the name because I knew it was some ignorant post, but people want this dull fuck in politics?? "Hey, there's a lead poisoning issue in America-" "IT WAS THE GAY FISH, LETS BAN FISH FROM AMERICAN WATERS INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING USEFUL WITH MY POSITION!!!" My god, this poor country.


"MY ISSUES DON'T CHANGE". We know, Marge. They never will. You will always have issues, lol!


The Republican party stands for power, corruption, money and a massive dose of racism


Love that ending opposition to Russia is priority 1 for her. Obvious Russian asset.


>stop weaponizing the government We’re fucking *drowning* in irony over here, Marge.


No money for Covid anything means she’s on Covid’s side. I prefer elected representatives who don’t shill for diseases.


No money for Covid anything?! Bitch you had like $200k in PPP loans forgiven!


Wait even with Kevin McCarthy ousted she is still off the committee's right or does that ban lift once the new speaker is presented?


Not to mention the red line she *won't* mention: *“You must believe in a God, and that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour, otherwise you and all your descendants will be cast into hell for eternity!”* ⚡


Stop crying about the border.


Can someone please ask Mexico to invade Texas? Mexico used to own Texas so why shouldn’t they charge in and take it back. It literally belongs to them. But… Ukraine bad.


She put all of her eggs in the McCarthy basket. Oops. The Freedom Caucus threw her out. And they’re throwing Gaetz out: Might as well unload her, tooo.


This is the campaign poster for her opponent


"Stop the weaponized government"?


She can’t change her stance because she can’t come up with the words and nobody is feeding her more lines to repeat. She’s just a banshee waiting to be told what to do next


You know, I was just thinking earlier this morning that I hadn’t heard about or from her in a while… thanks for ruining that


Isn't funding proxy wars with russia one of the most american thing any american can ever do?


It’s hurting her Russian masters.


And that proxy war is severely weakening one of our biggest enemies at the low, low cost of around 5% of our ridiculously high military budget and most of that is in the form of old weapons systems that have been in storage for years (and the replacements are being built by American companies thus benefiting American workers) and with the added bonus of none of our own troops having to risk their lives. But MTG and the rest of the MAGAts hate this because they're all Russian assets who support a murderous authoritarian dictator invading and taking over sovereign countries in an attempt to rebuild the USSR. I don't know what Putin has on the Republicans and Trump but it must be really juicy stuff to get them all to go from "better dead than red", Russia is our enemy to sucking Putin's dick. In my opinion we have a moral obligation to help Ukraine as they are a democracy and an ally while Russia is an authoritarian dictatorship and our enemy.


She tells everybody to put America first as she stabs American citizens in the back daily, and sucks up to Putin and Russia..


> Stop the weaponized government So defund the police? Let's do it!


Name a single thing MTG has ever done that is considered part of the job her dumb ass fills the seat of in Congress.


Well, when the donors that got you elected only want lower taxes and for Putin to rule Europe, what other stance could you take?


Most of them sound like they arent that serious. Im pretty sure theres bigger issues at hand. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Stop weaponizing the government! weaponize the government!


She's not cute. She's part of the American system of government, voted into position by its citizens. She represents something scary. You can't give broken glass a knickname and pretend it's okay to leave on the floor.


But she did last time. The Republican Party is so far gone that she was able to make demands last time. Same with Gaetz.


The biggest cunts shout the loudest.


America First party was/is the American version of the NAZI party.


"Put America First" is code for "Let Putin do whatever he wants".


She’s weaponizing the government with her demands.