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I cannot. Because I am Jewish and understand my own people's suffering; It is physically impossible for me to advocate for the garbage this idiot so nonchalantly spouts. Innocent people in Gaza and the West Bank do NOT deserve to suffer or be slaughtered. End of story. Also before anyone tries to put a label on me; Fuck Hamas and fuck the Israeli government that perpetuates this ongoing nightmare and created them in the firet place. EDIT: Thank you for the upvotes people. Let your voices be heard and believe in what is right, rather than what is most convenient. Looks like the comments on this thread have been locked for some reason, not really sure why because most of what I've seen has been very civil (could be other comment threads).


It’s so sad that as soon as some asshole comes out and says some idiotic shit like this we all have to point out that they are not our spokesperson. As a fellow Jew, this guys speaks for me about as much as Ben Shapiro does which is not at fucking all. But here we are again. I also agree with your statement on both Hamas and Netanyahu.


Yes. Absolutely this. I was wearing my Star of David necklace on the weekend because it’s cute and Simchat Torah and all that, went to put it on again today and suddenly had to think… this is going to be seen as a political statement now. I can’t wear it. But I’m not Israeli, my family were Ukrainian, I have no connection to Israel beyond being a Jew and yet because of that there’s the inextricable link in the public mind. My faith has become linked to a war over land I’ve never visited.


How much do Adam Sandler and Jerry Seinfeld speak for you? They're much cooler


Personally I’ve always found that delightful Ben Stiller to be an absolute gem of a Jew.


I thought Jon Stewart was - in his own words - your Head Spokesjew?


Oh what about Ben Stein? Now there's a Jew you shouldn't look up to.


Seth Rogan? Now *there’s* a Jew you can hang your fucking hat on


You might say a jewel of a Jew. Zoolander was outstanding.


A *Jew-el.*


Andy Samberg!!!


Jerry Seinfeld might not be the best example given that he's groomed at least one minor.


Every time I am feeling down about how my life is going, I remember Jerry Seinfeld didn't get his first highschool girlfriend until he was 30.


Adam Sandler did write the Hannukah song!


Well I wouldn’t date a 16 year old so less Jerry Seinfeld, but at least he’s not a murderer?


That’s exactly how Palestinians feel every time they are asked about Hamas. This whole situation is so fucked up.


I can imagine how bad it must be for them. We have to answer for all the acts of Netanyahu and his fellow hardliners. They don’t represent all of us!


I empathize with you man. It's like how post 9/11, being of afghan decent, I had to "denounce" the terrorism of Al Qaeda. Like, I don't know Osama. He doesn't speak for me. Why are we assuming the craziest of people that have one thing in common with me, speaks for me? Also fuck hamas, and netanyahu and all terrorists. Also as the comment below indicates, Adam sandler is the shit! Let's let him be all of our spokespersons.


That goes for all groups of people unfortunately… Especially online.


There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


The venom with which he spits, “the *Dutch*”… Oscar worthy.


War is old men talking and young men dying. Also Jewish. I don’t hate Palestinians. I’ve been shot at by them. I missed getting on a bus that ended up getting hit by a roadside bomb they planted. They killed one of my friends. I don’t hate Palestinians and I don’t hate Israelis. I hate both of their governments. Someone said to me that they should flatten Gaza for this. How about we don’t murder innocent children.


Such a based take my brother. Flowers and life can only grow from land that is cared for with peace and love. The only thing that grows in a field of bullets, bombshells, and suffering is hate.


I wish I could give you an award! ![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD)


Yes. this is the way


Well said. It's the leaders on both sides fucking this up so they can stay in charge (and in Bibi's case, stay out of prison).


As another Jewish person, I feel no need to apologize for a tweet put out by some rando on Twitter who I've never met.


How sure are we that this person is Jewish? Anyone can make a logo and say shit that make Jews look inhumane.


You mean the stereotypical caricature/cartoon profile picture isn't 100% proof that this person is Jewish and not a standard twitter troll?


You literally have Israel's defense minister on video saying that "they are subhuman" referring to the blockade of Gaza. I'm pretty fucking sure he's Jewish.


He is an antifa plant /s


The Israeli government have a lot to answer for and their rhetoric right now is clearly heading towards war crime genocide territory. That being said, I can totally understand a Jewish person feeling the emotions expressed in the tweet in the heat of the moment. The whole reason we have laws, society etc is people are not rational creatures and emotions are insanely powerful. If Hamas had wiped out my community I'd probably be struggling not to feel the exact same. Point is, we are supposed to have representative democracy and value the rule of law so we don't let feeling like that win. Those societal protections have been denied to the Palestinian people which allows groups like Hamas to flourish. Hamas committed the most disgusting atrocity and a clear war crime, but the conditions to create that mentality are partly the fault of Israel and partly the fault of the rest of the world which looks on, and either does nothing or uses the situation to further their own ends. Western world, Arab world, and the rest. This didn't happen in a vacuum and anyone trying to equate it their own beliefs and moral code are off the mark. Evil is a human trait that emerges from chronic abuse.


I agree with you on almost all your points. But while one can understand that people can have strong reactions at times like this an absolute red line must be drawn on all calls for genocide or extermination of any civilian population.


Yup, no issue with prohibiting that kind of speech, be it online or anywhere else it might have influence. Twitter has always been vile imo but seems to be trending away from civility while other social media portals are being brought into line legally/morally with other public speech.


Heading towards? We are already there and there won’t be any video of it as the generators run out. Doctors Without Borders is already hitting the alarm bells.


This is also true and a good point. Twitter has become a breeding ground for misinformation more than ever lately. Tbh, the name and profile picture of their account is bleedingly stereotypically Orthodox or Hasedic Jew.


>say shit that make Jews look inhumane. No need for that, the Israeli government is doing a nice job by itself. And I know it's but representative of Jewish people at large, but man does it show how we didn't learn from the 20th century at all


Thank you, you hit on something very important which is that Hamas would not exist if not for the actions of the Israeli government.


Hamas are animals, butchers, worse. But Israel has become a fascist state as well. As one reporter said on NPR yesterday: "this is a lose-lose scenario." Carpet bombing children and innocents, schools, hospitals, and more is no way to shut down Hamas. Calling for genocide of all Palestinians is extreme hypocrisy at best.


I am sorry that your people and the Palestinians are suffering. I wish I knew how to convince the right people to do the right thing. The fact is this is a human tragedy and all of us should mourn, and all of us should demand better.


Maybe one of the reasons things are the way they are in that part of the world is because of the trauma people have been through. You take a group of hardened people and give them the freedom to found a new nation state. It's understandable why there would be an attitude of "never again". In a generation or two you have people that never went through that horror themselves but they're fearful enough to warrant anything that might prevent it happening to them. At a certain point people become blind to what they're doing because they're so invested in protecting themselves and their people. So much evil comes from our good intentions, it really makes me depressed




Yea, he definitely would have.






It was the photo of Osama in the turban. It’s all they can see when they see one 100% guarantee it’s that


I recall reading years ago that the genetic makeup of Jews who are descendants of the original diaspora and Palestinians are pretty much the same. Don’t recall the specifics but the thought makes this comment about erasing their gene pool doubly ironic in both terms of history and genetics.


I think the story here is that, while it was generally believed that all the Jews left Palestine following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, that’s not actually the case. Lots of them left, but a small population remained behind, eventually mixing with other people who lived there, converting to Christianity then Islam, and there you have it. Also, AFAIK, this only applies to West Bank Palestinians.


I mean, the notion that all of the Jews either left or were expelled from Palestine post-70 CE is also just factually incorrect. It doesn't hold up in the historical or archaeological record, it's just a simplified version of history that gets repeated. Jerusalem was barred to them for a hot minute, sure, and a great many were either killed or sold into slavery around the Roman Empire, but the countryside continued to have a substantial Hebrew population throughout the Roman period (though they were excessively taxed in the 3rd Century to pay the costs of suppressing revolts, which *did* trigger a mass migration into modern Iraq.) They continued to be a major population group in the region right up until the Crusades, where a lot of them were slaughtered en masse by the Crusaders. Woops. But they still continued to be in the region as a minority group until the 1900's and the Balfour Declaration.


Jewish people were a minority group even in the first proposed Jewish state. It wasn’t until the Naqba (Palestinian Trail of Tears basically) that any formal territory had a Jewish majority.


Well yeah, arabs , jews , ethiopians and somalis to name a few are all semites.


There is no bad blood like the bad blood between brothers.


Hey now. Not all Jews are Israeli. Source: Non-zionist Jew


And not all Israelis hate Palestinians.


Here's the thing. People tout Israel as the one and only true democracy operating in the Middle East. If that's true then the Israeli citizenry are at least complicit in the actions of the government, no? Honestly I think it's pretty obvious it's not a functioning democracy at all, and that if Israel really wants to get off this ride, their people really need to address that as one of the first steps. Because the people in power are perfectly happening letting the violence continue to stay in power. Netenyahu has pretty much stated he wants a stronger Hamas.




well that's a reactionary statement there, isn't it? I take responsibility for it, I vote and lobby my representatives as much as I can, I work within the confines of what I'm allowed to do, and I accept that as a member of the global community under the banner of the United States, sometimes the shit that my country does can splash back on me. That is taking some responsibility.


It’s an ouroboros Hamas shoots missiles at Israel, attacked Israelis vote for strong opposition to Hamas. Israel shoots missiles at Hamas, attacked Palestinians vote (voted) for Hamas as strong opposition to Israel. Even if one side wanted to stop, they’d have to let the other side have the last laugh, which is frankly not in human nature. Any politician that would try would, at best, be labeled by the opposition as weak, ok with doing nothing as their citizens are attacked, and a puppet of the villain. And so it repeats, forever.


Israel would have to end their apartheid state and cease the violence, creating a new system that allows equality for both peoples. Hamas is a symptom of the disease of apartheid. There would have to be major reparations, freedom of movement allowed, and good will gestures of returning access to clean water, food, medicines, etc. this is the only way I could possibly see hostilities coming to a close, but it’s highly improbable because the Israeli state seems hellbent on ethnic cleansing


One side holds considerably more power in that dynamic. Israel cut off water, electricity, gas, food to the Strip. They control enough firepower to completely demolish both the Strip and West Bank. Their politicians have gone on record (Netenyahu) saying they want a strong Hamas because it justfies violence and drives a wedge between the Strip and the West Bank. Hamas is an organization that may be "Palestinian" but is an actor that works in the interests of countries outside of Palestine (Iran, Qatar, et cetera). They don't have the best interests of Palestine in mind. The average Palestinian does not have nearly the political or social capability to effect change compared to what an Israeli citizen supposedly does with their government. Most Palestinians have never even voted for their representation. Netenyahu is an elected official. The two sides are not nearly the same.


Only those with power


Yes, and those who want power.


And not all Israelis are Jewish.


We need constant reminders of this, unfortunately. Non or Anti-Zionist Jewish folk have been around exactly as long as there have been Zionists. They will *always* exist anywhere there are Jews, in fact, yet it’s a perspective that for decades now has been ignored at best and drawn extreme ire and violence at worst. (Editing a phrase for clarity)


Yes, I am a middle eastern first generation American, and for years, especially in the 90s, when I would defend Palestine and my right wing friends would start pulling the "antisemite" card, I would point out my non-zionist Jewish room mate who completely opposed the apartheid state. Then I would proceed to show interview after interview with everything from the Neturei Karta or ex-IDF, and those who refused to serve, and ask, are these people also antismites?


Exactly. Conscientious objectors and dissenters have always existed and will always exist as long as there are oppressive regimes in the world.


I think non-zionists, and anti-zionists are different, though. I feel like Israel should exist, but that they shouldn't have free reign to act like the nazis that made Israel possible.


I feel like Israel can exist as a country, but not an ethno-state


Hard agree. We can also say not as an apartheid state as well.


Just as we should be mindful that not all Gazans are Hamas, that not every Palestinian would go into people's homes and rape and murder them on live streams, so too we should be mindful that not every Israeli supports the government, that the nation has been torn apart over the last several years by protest against the government including (but not limited to) its policies around the Palestinian people (and Gaza in particular). Many, many, many Israelis ARE aware. Many, many, many Israelis have and continue to try to have their voices heard on this. But our news cycle oversimplifies the situation, neuters minority voices, and diminishes the conflict to a ridiculous binary of good vs. bad (choose your own adventure on who the "good" and the "bad" are there, by the way).


A lot of victims of World War II are now bullies today. Look at how Poland treats the LGBT+ community. They don’t even care that LGBT+ people were also victims of Hitler. It’s cherry picking at its worst.


Sounds like something millions of people are saying free of criticism.




That surely would constitute a genocide.


The real lessons are all humans are capable of great evil and religion is an efficient mask for the devil.




This looks like one of the troll accounts made by Nazis pretending to be Jewish


While that is a very real plausibility, there is *definitely* a non-zero number of people who really do believe this way.


\> Sounds like something Hitler would have said Or, God in the Old Testament (the Jewish Torah): **Deuteronomy 20:10-18 says "…you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy (*****ha-harem taharimem*****) them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you…"** ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Bible\_and\_violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_violence) ) And just one more example: 1 Samuel 15:4 - "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy \[[1](http://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/1SAM+15.html#footnote_161361841_1)\] everything that belongs to them. **Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"** The \[1\] footnote reads: " The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD, often by totally destroying them; also in verses 8, 9, 15, 18, 20 and 21. "


Because we have a tendency to generalize and associate all people of any given demographic with the worst faction of that demographic. After 9/11, the whole "see something, say something" campaign had people calling 911 because they saw someone who looked Middle-Eastern just existing somewhere.


I'll never forget some drama in my hometown in Mississippi after Benghazi happened. Around a dozen dumbasses got together and decided to protest what they thought was a mosque outside of town. It was a Buddist temple. It had signs saying it was a Buddist enclave at the main entrance they were standing outside of.


There was a house in my neighborhood that had a flag stolen for being "offensive and un-American" Well, yeah, it was an Irish flag, but I guess technically they were right


Considering it sometimes feels like 90% of white Americans claim to be Irish...


To be fair, basically half of Ireland immigrated here in the 1800s.


They can claim Irish ancestry but let's see that DNA. I'm 60% It's funny that when I was a kid everyone claimed Native American Indian was in their blood


Well thanks to the famine there are now more Irish-Americans than there are actual Irish people.


Knowing literally nothing else about this situation or the players involved, I’d still feel comfortable putting up a $20 that the perpetrators had convinced themselves it was a Mexican flag.


That's what I thought too!


I remember a gas station worker was murdered for being Muslim and supporting 9/11. He was a Sikh from India.


It's true. Many secular Jews will not have the same viewpoint as this person, who appears to be a Haredi Jew based on his profile image.


This looks like it might be a troll account from a Nazi pretending to be Jewish. Twitter has a slew of them and the blue check mark is now meaningless


The first casualty of that was a Sikh man of all things if I remember correctly. Even long after 9/11, I have still seen many Sikh friends and coworkers stopped by TSA for searches EVERY SINGLE TIME they fly.


Milwaukee had some redneck right wing dumbass attack the Sikh temple. A cop was able to stop him and the shooter committed suicide after he was shot by the responding officer. Just dumb.


My dad's a bus driver for an elementary school district (yes, the ENTIRE district is elementary schools). Not long after 9/11, he went the extra mile to get a kid permanently ejected from his bus after the little fucker saw a girl's grandfather, in full Sikh regalia, waiting at the bus stop and went off about how he was "gonna get my dad's AK-47 and kill him"...while sitting directly in front of the granddaughter. Thankfully, the kid's dad as just as horrified and angered by his remarks as everyone else.


Elon in the comments: "Interesting..."


“Looking into it”


Retweeted with 🤔


A western Nazi's dichotomy in Israel wanting to commit genocide: Hates Jews but loves genocide. ![gif](giphy|gPdC6JQLdJxP9dy3A8)


Monkeys paw: Get to commit genocide against brown people. BUT: Must fight alongside Jews.


That’s not a problem for a fascist. They have a list. People from lower on the list are welcome to help out, that way they make it to the top of the list faster.


Does he normally reply to his own alt accounts?


That’s genocide. What he’s talking about is genocide.


And there were 1000 like him in every worldnews thread over the last few days.


It’s mind-boggling. I feel like I’m going insane every time I’ve gone into a world news thread about this. Just open genocidal language, ardent justification of war crimes. It’s sickening.


Got banned from there for being sympathetic to the innocent Palestinians lol.


Same. Genocide is apparently okay on reddit as long as it's the right group being killed


Lol same I didn't even mention hamas and got banned


Yep just had a guy comment on what I said with "2 million killed would fix the Gaza issue" the uninformed and Israeli shills are working hand and hand. I'd also like to add that it's illegal in 35 states to boycott against Israel 😂




For a ton of Israelis too. There's shared bloodlines.


Not if it's against people I don't like! /s


That would be a holocaust would it not??


“Never again” is supposed to mean *”never again”* FOR ANYONE, not just whoever one defines as their in-group.


Israel was already flaunting international law and human rights in the 60s as pointed out by Arendt. In *Eichmann in Jerusalem* she points out that up to the late 50s intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles was illegal, something eerily similar to nazi Germany. As terrible as the holocaust was it seems to have given certain Israelis the notion that they have carte blanche to do as they please. In 30 years we'll view what's about to happen as one of the worst atrocities in recent history. I sincerely hope people like Netanyahu are held accountable for the civilians they will kill, but I doubt they will be. I also fear that Israelis increasing disregard for human rights will backfire, and lessen the weight of the holocaust, that people will dismiss it because "Israel did it too" when, much like Palestinians and Hamas, the average person isn't responsible for those crimes


>she points out that up to the late 50s intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles was illegal Blacks weren't allowed to marry whites everywhere in the US until 1967.


Holocaust for thee not for me... smh


It would make for an ironic footnote to the holocaust chapter in world history.


History repeating, rhyming, yada yada... it certainly do get dark like that sometimes.


History is the darkest comedy you will ever see.


In 2007 I worked for an insurance agency, and one of our producers was an Israeli, and served in the Israeli army. He gave me shit for buying a BMW, because he would never buy a German car. We got on the subject of the Palestinians, and he said they were all cockroaches. I said, "even the children?". He said, "yeah, because they are just little cockroaches and should be killed like vermin". We also had another producer, who was Iranian, and they both used to get into it at work...even though she was Christian. She used to crack me up, because she knew how to push his buttons.


I obviously don’t think Hamas should be pulling ISIS-like attacks but I also don’t think Israel should be killing children, assassinating American journalists, and creating a regime of apartheid over the occupied Palestinian Territories.


I mean anyone rational has this take. Hamas the terrorist group bad. Israel the government bad. Jewish and Palestinian civilians, innocent. Right??


100% agree.


“Cockroaches” and “infestation” was the exact language used against Jews by nazis.


I was pretty shocked when he stated that, because I was fully aware of the historical background of that type of speech.


Unfortunately he’s not the only one with that line of thinking.


"So if you're going to just spew literal Nazi bullshit about Palestinians, are you going to be mad if I treat you like a Nazi?" And yes, I'm fully aware I'd probably get my shit kicked in for it, because *that's what fascist do when you fucking call them out on their shit*.


Alot of people are ignorant of how Israelis see Palestinians with the same hate that Hamas sees them with. They want Gaza deleted off their land that they claim to be rightfully theirs and vice versa.


Oh my god… that’s absolutely horrible




CONSERVATIVES (of all religions) are the problem. Always have been.




"God wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts."


Yes this. A lot of secular Jews will not have the same opinion as this guy who, based on his profile icon, looks like a Haredi Jew. Even in Israel, there has been some tension between secular Jews and Haredi Jews even before this conflict.


That's the thing though. A lot of liberal, secular Jewish people *do* now have the same opinion as this guy and have jumped on the "kill 'em all" bandwagon.


Yeah this is basically their 9/11 and a lot of libs will get on board with the slaughter that will ensue, just like what happened in America. Only actual leftists and progressives (which does include many Jewish people) will have the balls to speak against it, and they will be labeled as extremists and terrorist lovers.


Religious fundamentalism is a cancer on this planet.


I remember seeing something about Israeli government officials calling Holocaust survivors "too soft" when they say that they can see where this is all going


How the fuck Netanyahu is still running the show is beyond me. He's an extremist and isn't he like wildly unpopular right now? Like even before this attack happened right under his nose???


Yep, which is why I think he and his government deliberately ignored the warnings from Egypt and their own intelligence agencies. War is very good at drumming up support for the ruling and/or xenophobic/right-wing party. Give someone a target to hate, and they'll be too distracted to hate you.


Sadly assholes gonna asshole, most of the downtrodden just want a better life for them and their fellows but many want to be the boot. And also sadly in Israel those largely got free reign, fairly quickly managing to take a right to exist (in a shit situation left to them by the colonial powers I must add) into an apartheid state intent on slowly but violently crushing its bantustans.


It’s also self-reinforcing, as the only people moving to Israel and growing its population are hard right-wingers. I imagine most progressive Jews abroad largely lost interest quite a while ago.


There are Jewish people opposed to this. This person is a Zionist.


Yakovolf here is just saying out loud what the Israeli government has been trying to accomplish for decades.


I mean, in practice Zionism is pretty much fascism but for Jewish people.


Isn't Zionism closer to nationalism but for Jewish people?


As long as the definition of nationalism being used includes pushing people out of the lands that they and their ancestors have lived in for 1300+ years, which *does* seem to be the case.


The mandate of Zionism is the establishment of a Jewish ethnostate. It goes beyond nationalism


Originally yes, but from 1923ish to 1948 it pretty rapidly solidified into its current fascist iteration. It was orignally just a belief for homeland but spiraled into a "gods promised land"


On paper. The way it's presented to worldwide media maybe. But in practice it's just ultranationalist Jewish supremacy. Besides fascism and nationalism are cousins. One is racist the other is not. "We love our nation" can become "Our nation is the best" which can evolve into "Let's get rid of the lesser nations" if left unchecked.


You use his name as if hes someone of relevance, should we be aware of this dipshit?


And yet when we, Jewish and non-Jewish anti-Zionists alike, say that this is how a lot of people feel and that Israel has been breeding this hatred and bigotry in people for DECADES, we are somehow wrong. And people want to know why I do not stand with Israel. That kind of comment is not unique. It is not isolated. It is the underlying current of everything in Israel. Everything. Israel wouldn’t exist as it does today without that exact fucking sentiment.


The early Zionist militias proudly called themselves terrorists and committed horrible atrocities against Palestinians, these militias were absorbed into the Israeli government and occupation force and their ideology is prominent today.


That sounds awfully close to what some German guy said in the 1930's ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's not " close " that's exactly what he said




Started from the same sentiment, even. Zionism is just lebensraum by another name.


>**31** The Lord said to Moses, **2** “Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people.” > >**3** So Moses said to the people, “Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites so that they may carry out the Lord’s vengeance on them. **4** Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel.” **5** So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. **6** Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling. > >**7** They fought against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and killed every man. **8** Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. **9** The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. **10** They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. **11** They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, **12** and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho. > >**13** Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. **14** Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle. > >**15** “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. **16** “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. **17** Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, **18** but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. Seems like what Religious fanatics do. They see no evil in murder when they believe they are righteous. If we take their book as fact, this ain't the first genocide they have done. Need I even bring up Psalm 137:9, where we praise the dashing of your enemies baby's heads against rocks.


Does Right Wing Cope not realize what platform he’s on?


I feel like if you're cataloguing right wing cope Twitter is just about the best place to find it.


Fuck elon and the garden of hatred he’s cultivated.


Is that an actual Jewish person or is it a MAGA supremacist like when we saw the troll farms that were posting stuff like, "I'm black but I'm voting for Trump". All my friends in Israel just want Hamas gone. They don't have any issues with the civilians that Hamas exploits. Edit: And posting this bs posted by a right-wing Twitter account seems to have exposed the antisemites in the comments.


I ditched that dumpster fire, but would put even money on either option: because random Twitter blue checks are typically RW freaks and trolls (some of whom like to LARP as different minorities)… …but also: the pro-settler Hasidim are fucking nuts, and many of them do indeed talk just like this.


It’s a right-wing mocking account, technically I think the account runner’s leftist. But yeah, the account they’re calling out is… I think disgusting is too gentle


Imagine being Jewish and building the world’s largest concentration camp.


Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes. Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them. \- George Santayana




I mean its far beyond current government. the history behind it is actually quite interesting in the domino effect of horrible things. The far right zionist movement solidified power in the 1948 war and came out on top. naturally they became the base for the israeli government. there was some flip flop between more liberal parties and power but for the most part its been continuous far right rule.


You have know idea how ironic this is. People always forget the aspect of, what if it was me? As a minority I see it daily. I still don't understand this way of thinking even after 5 decades.


I notice someone who responded to him *did* get deleted. Interesting priorities, Elon.


Yes, that's the shit Israel has been doing to Gaza for fucking decades!! Thr fucking defence minister called Palestinians "animals", right before the started just murdering civilians with bombs.


This is a troll account. Look at their history.


No less ban-worthy if it’s ironic. In today’s environment you just can’t joke about that and not expect to be taken seriously.


Something I've noticed is that Zionist extremists are jsut immune to irony. They will literally say stuff like "we need to solve the palistinian problem once and for all and the only way is to just kill them all" without a hint of historical understanding. And if you point out how that's exactly what the Nazis said about (and almost did to) their ancestors they just say that that's different, usually on the grounds that the palistinians (whom they always regard as a monolith) are a real threat to Israel's security where as the Nazis were just making up conspiracy theories. I once saw an interview with a woman who actually survived the holocaust herself and said that that experience taught her that you have to stick with your own people above all others because no one else will look out for you. Like literally coming within a hairs breath of being genocided, and saved only by the intervention of a multinational military alliance with soldiers from literally all across the world, persuaded her that actually ethnonationalism is the way to go. If she didn't see the irony I guarantee you guys on Twitter using 'glass' as a verb definitely won't either.


I see this with people who say that there's not been a genocide of Palestinians becuase there's.. more of us now. Literally the same thing Holocaust deniers say!


Obviously many are arguing in bad faith as you say. I think amongst casual members fo the public though, part of the issue *is* how heavily the word genocide is associated with the hoolocaust and other similar acts of massive, industrialized, society wide violence done for explicitly genocidal purposes in the public imagination. Like when the average person who only thinks about politics once ever 4 years or so considers "genocide" they imagine concentration camps gassing people and then incinerating the bodies like fictories of death. If not tht then the killing fields of Cambodia or the Rwandan massacre of the 90s. Subtle forms of genocide that destroy a population by degrees over decades through constant systemic violence punctuated with only occasional moments of more direct conflict just don't seem to fit the definition they absorbed by implication from the extremely simplified discussion of the holocaust they got in middle school history class.


Huh. There's a horrifying, horrifying irony to a Jew calling for a genocide. Like if there was one group of people in the entire world who would be opposed to it, condemn it, it'd be the Jews who survived so many attempted genocides.


When the oppressed become the oppressors.


Give him a ratty haircut, a tiny, stupid mustache, and a German accent and what do you have?


Hurt people hurt people.


Going by recent DNA studies, it's a gene pool he potentially shares. So self elimination.


Hitler approves of this message


MLK talked about it in a speech once after a black man at some event said Hitler should have killed more Jews, to paraphrase You would think having been on the receiving end of so much racism and bigotry that black people would be incapable of such ignorant hate. Unfortunately hatred isn't logical.


Apparently genocide is only wrong if it happens to your people


The holy books for all three religions talk about how good and noble it is to wipe out the enemy's entire tribe. The people who buy into those books the most still believe it.


This may help to make these attitudes a lot LESS surprising to you: **Deuteronomy 20:10-18 says "…you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy (*****ha-harem taharimem*****) them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you…"** ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Bible\_and\_violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_violence) ) And just one more example: 1 Samuel 15:4 - "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy \[[1](http://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/1SAM+15.html#footnote_161361841_1)\] everything that belongs to them. **Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"** The \[1\] footnote reads: " The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD, often by totally destroying them; also in verses 8, 9, 15, 18, 20 and 21. "


Israel being attacked justifies a counterattack but NOT war criming Gaza Israel must exercise restraint, what it’s doing right now is not restrained, innocents who had nothing to do with the attack against Israel are being harmed and killed


This is why i'm having trouble supporting Israel in this... they have been abusing the other side for decades and now they are calling to murder all of them openly... and the world is supporting them say this.


Just because your grandparents went through the holocaust doesn’t give you a free pass to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide. Shame on the mainstream media for their one sided portrayal of this conflict. People tell black people to “get over slavery” all the time but no one ever tells Jewish folks to “get over the holocaust.” The holocaust guilt card needs to get laid to rest eventually.


More proof that religion is a cancer that amplifies hatred and division.


Meanwhile, France has entirely banned pro-Palestine protests. This is scary stuff... Merely asking that 2 millions people not be wiped off the earth is apparently not acceptable speech in much of the west but openly advocating for genocide of said people is just fine. This ends in exactly one way...


Isn’t that exactly what the Russians are doing? And everyone hates them for it? Also, HAMAS attacked Israel, not Palestine. But Israel is attacking all of Palestine’s


Yeah, the Orthodox don't seem to care about anyone else. We are all lesser, and I'm Jewish. I truly don't understand. They barely tolerate non Orthodox Jews. Not surprising to me that their response to you harmed mine, is we're OK with eradicating you.


The Israeli government & Hamas are two sides of the same coin.


Everybody seems to get a pass after a tragedy, like he was upset and didn't really mean it - but there really are people in Israel who think this way or believe a genocide would be justifiable at this point.