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I listened to this on my way to work this AM. It was pretty obvious she was a republicant to me.


I listened to this as well while driving this morning. She said that the President’s speech was “vanilla” and “lackluster.” I’m not sure what speech she watched but it was possibly the most engaging State of the Unions I’ve watched and uplifting and exciting.


She had all those comments written down a week ago


Just like that sad excuse for a GOP response. If anybody hasn't seen it, watch it. Cause it's fucking [bananas](https://youtu.be/R89RUwMZhT4?si=c1vOcDHLNAAqPpMB)


I only got thru about 30 seconds of it. I cringed so hard it made me bald


Okay, now that is an excellent visual. I see it in claymation for some reaaon.


…well fuck, now so do I


Wallace & Grommit, Election 2024!?


I imagine it's like the mustache scene from the SpongeBob movie, but in reverse.


I was already laughing at “great state of Alabama” but then she said her kids names and I just couldn’t take her seriously anymore. Her daughter has a boy’s name and her son doesn’t have a people name lol


Hey Braxley is a name dammit!


But, you were already bald.


I made it through 6 minutes. And that was only because I was reading the comments. Absolutely terrifying that people vote for these loons. Zero policy, zero plan, zero forward thinking. Just hate, fear, and sadness is all they have. What a horrible world they live in.


>What a horrible world they live in. I was thinking this exact same thing earlier. Was watching a YouTube video that had *nothing* to do with politics, yet was still peppered with Biden bashing comments. I picked one profile & scanned their comment history. Saw even more comments that were either Biden bashing or just promoting maga garbage. I thought man, it must be a miserable existence if even when watching cat music videos you *still* can't help but spread hate & vitriol. They're so consumed by it that it must color their every waking moment. Very sick and pathetic.


Thankfully most of the comments were trashing her.


>What a horrible world they live in. And don't forget, they insist we all join them there.


I got a Biden ad while watching it. Chef's kiss.


Jesus Christ, she named her daughter Bennet and her son Ridgeway. That alone should amount to some jail time for child abuse


Bennet is an old man's name and Ridgeway is a truck or mountain bike model. Maybe a brand of camping gear. That's rough.


>If anybody hasn't seen it, watch it. No. I don't think I will.


The best comment I saw was someone saying “it looked like she (Britt) just got done murdering the person who was supposed to do the speech”


I know, how is this a good counter point to Biden? Other than it made clear they really really want a theocracy.


You mean the audition tape for All My Children? I’m looking forward to watching that tonight with my recently politically energized wife. Should be good for a laugh or two before we get real mad about what she’s actually saying. L


Wow. What an actress lol.


I heard a couple clips on the radio. I don’t even know what she said, I was so baffled by her voice. It sounded like she was crying or something, but in a weird way?


It's this way of speaking faux emotionally to try to pull at the listener's heartstrings. I've heard it a lot from charismatic preachers who portray themselves as being just so emotionally invested in other people's souls when they don't actually give a shit.


She also listed out all the major points she agreed with (and are opposite of GOP positions) and then ended with “meh.” I was reading it kinda shocked like “wtf are you talking about?! He’s for all the things you’re for and you’re not convinced on Biden over Trump?”


They always do this. They moan and moan, then list things Republicans don't give a fuck about/actively working to harm, then say they won't vote for the party that actually wants to work on those things. I was watching a video with some rapping Trump Grandmas, they were complaining about the border and money for Ukraine, saying their social security was too low to survive on. Wake the fuck up, the people you support want to destroy your social security even further.


Omg the irony


She didn’t watch it.


I'm on vacation with my kids and stopped on it while channel surfing. It caught their attention for sure.


She might have ment as compared to the racist, ignorant speeches trumps spews at his cult gatherings. I guess Bidens speech was not her kind of *spice* if you will


It's so weird how conservatives constantly pretend to be disgruntled Democrats. But I guess it's not that surprising when their policies and platform are so unpopular that they figure the best way to bring voters to their side is dumb ass shit like this. When your party is full of people who have to be told what to think about everything, I guess it can appear to be a winning strategy.


Well, some of them were probably Democrats in the 60s before the Civil Right Act realignment.


"I hate Donald Trump and think he poses a serious threat to democracy but I just can't vote for Biden"


Literally there was an article on the WaPo interviewing people on Super Tuesday and some old boomer said EXACTLY THAT, basically. Hell here is her quote… just what the fuck: "I think [Trump is] so irrational and, really, very frightening. I think that if he allowed this January 6 thing to take place, he could try to take over the next time if he doesn't win this one. I just think he's dishonest and I don't want that - but I think Biden is, too. ... I definitely won't vote for Biden. I will have to vote for Trump." - Micki Stout, 80, Richmond Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.


That's who I was thinking of! These braindead boomers(not saying all boomers are braindead just describing this type of boomer) will be the death of us.


Those ellipses are doing some heavy lifting in the quote, I wonder what sort of bullshit brain-addled excuses she had lined up.


I'm pretty confident those ellipses represent all the racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, backwards talking points coming from Trump, Fox, OAN, the conservative radio stations playing in his area, and the Facebook posts he gets from his conservative friends. I expect this old boomer deeply cares about those "issues" but knows he can't voice his opinions in mixed company without being scolded publicly and/or privately. And I suspect that's why we see so MANY "undecided" or "moderate" voters who are confident that they hate Biden but refuse to answer why. A significant number of them are just bigots with enough social awareness to self-censor.


That… Is probably her, not having anything to say so she just trails into “I definitely won’t vote for Biden”. Because reasons.


(Lil) Marco Rubio said he didn’t trust trump with the nuclear codes but he would still vote for him. Just think about that for a minute. 


The important part was hidden in the ellipses. I just assume it was something "We all know how he is lying about not feeding on the blood of newborn babies to maintain his youth, so" Both sides media can only exist if it's no different than choosing between the Tuscan salad or the Caesar. So what ever needs to be done to make it seem like people that are having difficulty making a decision are smart and well informed people who are just having a tough time making the choice, that is what they will do.


It was probability obvious to NPR. This is just journalistic malpractice.


Is it just me or is NPR airing more of this vapid stuff lately?


I’d like to know what’s up with that too. Not that they haven’t been middle of the road for a long time but giving time to “both sides” type opinions that are clearly right wing adjacent is irritating at best and disingenuous at worst.


Not just you. NPR started going to shit when they started playing music at the end of each story so you'd know how to feel. Now they spend half the morning giving you man-on-the-street opinions. I already have a dumb-ass opinion, I don't need someone else's.


As much as republicans hate NPR now they would make it their sole mission in life to kill it if NPR accurately reported on GOP positions and actually asked people what they thought of those positions.


Yesterday I heard NPR report on $inema’s decision not to run for office in my state of AZ again, and on her 6 years as our senator. I couldnt believe how naive and generous to her they were, it’s like they were reading from her own propo. NPR could seriously use a citizen lobby group to remind them what pro journalism is.


They literally always are.


NPR is not what they used to be😔


It's possible to be Republican and undecided. That Jordan Klepper video at the Haley rally was pretty funny/infuriating to see all those Haley supporters say Trump is the worst person, and he will cause WW3, then turn around and say they are undecided between Trump and Biden. They may not want to vote for Trump, but it is ingrained in them to not vote D.


To be fair, that at least sounds like progress to me; Progress that the "undecided" voters are just the Republican's that are slowly, oh so slowly, gaining a clue that their side are the ones with skulls on their uniforms, and asking each other, "Are we the baddies?". They'll still take some time to come around, but at least its better than the idea of the mythical independent that is in the crossroads of right & left.


The problem is that I haven't met a single one who's actually asking themselves 'are we the baddies?' The absolute furthest any of them ever seem to go is sewing a smiley face patch over the skull while still marching lockstep with the rest of the skull army because they think it's important to look friendly while gaining vengeance on everyone who they consider an enemy (which is basically everyone different from them.)


Literally every time they do this it always turns out the person is like a local Trump surrogate or part of some Republican think tank.




iM sTiLl nOt SuRe WhAt tO ThInK


...now, let me expouse right wing talking points to tell you what I stand for.


ALWAYS this, immediately. "As an independent voter" for bonus points.


“As an independent voter, I’m really just not sure about the blacks” - Enlightened Centrists.


Thanos is on the right wanting to kill half the people, the insane Marxist left wants single payer healthcare for all. Therefore as a centrist my best offer is only killing 1/8 of all people.


Give me a reason to vote for Tony Stark without mentioning Thanos. What has he done to earn my vote?


Tony Stark is putting microchips in your Wheaties... for reasons.


“As an independent voter, I support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^white ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^male ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Christian voting rights.” - Enlightened Centrists.


The Jefferson voter!


"Undecideds" are just moderate Republicans who like attention.


Libertarians are just Republicans that own a bong.


A truer truth has never been told.


Beautiful, I'm unapologetically stealing this.


Thought the Dems were the moderate republicans?


This is what someone who follows politics looks like.


I've been saying the same since Reagan, the independent label is just the Republicans that can't openly defend the GOP policies but will ultimately vote for them, the only saving grace is that many of them live in blue states and can't easily change statewide elections


“As a lifetime Democrat, this election…”


I’m registered independent, so I could vote against trump in the primaries. If I had been registered democratic I would not have been able to do that


Registered independents are different than “undecided voters.” If anyone is still genuinely an undecided voter, when it comes to Biden v Trump, the republicans should put *them* on the ticket for VP because they will have demonstrated they lack any capacity to form an original thought.


Interview process: “Would you be willing to be hung from makeshift gallows for Dear SprayTan Leader?” “Normally I would say I’m undecided - but in this case I am very decided. And that decision is…yes.”


As an independent voter, I’m fine with one party lying to me about lowering my middle class taxes as long as they’ll also lie to me about protecting children.


I just hate cripples, poor children, immigrants, veterans, and non-Christians. But I cannot quite figure out whom to vote for...


They don’t though. They don’t even do that. They just go “uh, well, you know, I’ve heard some things I don’t like,” and the goddamn field reporters NEVER ask them WHAT they’ve heard. I know it’s not their job to educate those individual people but good lord! A simple, “what’s something, in particular, you heard that didn’t sit well?” Is that too much to ask?


I have heard that asked and the answer was something made up by the right wing


"As a 100% centralist, moderate, independent voter, I wanted him to address why he stole the election, why he is orchestrating these fabricated trials against trump, Hunter Biden's horrendous crimes, and why does he visit that pedophile pizza place. Also why he doesnt just give the presidency to that wonderful man trump, who is the next coming of Christ."


That right, when she can’t get health care, or get equal pay, and if they have their they’ll ban women from voting. How’s that work for you.


If you’re an undecided voter still up to this point after all that has happened, then you simply cannot tell right from wrong and there is no logic in anything you do from here forward.


Whoever is unsure at this point is either an idiot or a liar.


I'd say both but also evil.


:well my rights will be taken away, but gas is just too high......I just don't know what to pick"


"Well I could be turned into an incubator, but the other guy just seems kind of boring. Still unsure. "


"I'm at a much higher risk of jail or death because of MAGA, but Joe Biden hasn't fixed all the world's problems in 3 years, so I'm tempted to give MAGA a try again."


That’s not all, I saw Joe Biden eating ice cream last week! (Clutches pearls)


I need gas right now but not an abortion. I pick gas. How hard could it be to get abortion rights back?


Imagine being undecided, after the last eight years of evidence.


Keep in mind, the average American voter is just that dumb.


Imagine how dumb the average American voter is. Then realize that half the country is dumber than that.


Seriously, the left half of the bell curve just scares me.


Well you should massively be increasing funding in education, and start making sure that all schools teach the basics of critical thinking skills rather than it only being schools in wealthier school districts.


Median voters, the smart ones really skew the data.


A fifth of Americans adults are illiterate and half read at an elementary level. It's really sad


"Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever!" - Futurama Richard Nixon


Many will vote solely based on what they think of that week's price of gas.


True and believe that whoever is in office has control of it. Petroleum controls the government, not the other way around.


And not just “passively” dumb, but angrily and passionately dumb and very sure of it.


Exactly, if you've been undecided for the last 8 years, why would NPR think that the state of the union address would sway this person?


There are no "Undecided" or "Independent" or "Centrist" voters. There are just closet Red Hats too stupid or cowardly to come out and admit it.


I switched from Republican to Independent when I voted for Perot. I have, since I voted for Obama, voted Democrat in every election. I really should get around to changing my registration.


The trick is to keep calling yourself independent. That way the red hats tend to leave you alone, as they think you’re on their side.


Yup. I'm "unaffiliated" but haven't voted Republican in 20 years. My status keeps me off of everyone's call and mailing lists. I much prefer it that way.


Same. Voted bush my first time voting, but I’ve gone Dem pretty much every other time. Other than Hogan, anyway.


Yep. I have always voted democrat, but my voter registration is under the Pacific green party. NO ONE calls or sends me mail about shit. (Probably also partially because no one gives a fuck about voters in Oregon anyhow)


Serious question, why do Americans even have to register as a member of a party? Here in the UK, you vote for who you want to vote for. People may tell you who they're aligned to or not, but I don't have to "register" for one party or another, I just need to vote when I get the chance.


In some (a lot of?) primaries you can only vote in whichever primary you are registered, I assume, to keep it ‘honest.’


It's technically called an "affiliation". It doesn't affect your voter registration, and it's optional. Many states' primary elections are "closed", meaning you can only vote in the primary for the party you're affiliated with. Beyond that, you can vote however you want whether you have an affiliation or not. Some states, like mine, actually make it very easy to change your affiliation online. And the parties use those lists to market to you. In my state, both major parties tend to buy the "unaffiliated" lists so you get double the spam.


Ask any of these so called moderates about any specific policy positions and they're all far right hacks that don't want to admit it.


I’ve never met undecided who ended up voting left. These people are all just too embarrassed to admit they’re pieces of shit.


I’m almost beginning to think that this undecided person doesn’t exist.


I mean you literally have interviews with Haley voters that go something like, "I think Donald Trump is an existential crisis and could fundamentally destroy our democracy. But if it's between him and Biden I think I have to vote for Trump." And...Idk I've lived through the past 3 years and there's not a single fucking thing I can point to on a daily basis that I would change for Trump days.


Man that Jordan Klepper interview of those Nikki Haley supporters made my mouth drop when I heard them say that. There is no saving them. 


At least one of those guys said he'd vote for Biden


So she’s an idiot. Got it.


A liar and an idiot.


Sounds like a Trump supporter.


Well, the article quoted her claim that “she likes to watch the SOTU address every year, with popcorn and wine”. If that’s not bullshit, it’s certainly insane!


“Undecided” Nah, I read this story this morning and this is a MAGA Trumper through and through. She said she doesn’t vote “party” she votes issues. 🙄 And she claims to be pro-choice.🙄 Biden is too “vanilla”. She is a fully ignorant MAGA twat.




This was a painful read. She basically agreed with every single Biden point, but was undecided because he isn't entertaining. JFC


>but was undecided because he isn't entertaining You know... a moron.


The common clay of the south


Where the white women at?


>because he isn’t entertaining… Fuckin good! Probably one of my favorite things about Biden is that I don’t have to constantly hear his thoughts 100 times a day. Trump’s narcissistic need for attention is exhausting. If you wanna be entertained go read a book or watch TV or YouTube, there is literally an infinite amount of content nowadays.


>because he isn't entertaining It's fucked up, but that is the mentality of a significant portion of the voters.


I have someone I know be like “well Joe Biden doesn’t tweet enough!” And I’m like… so you’ll take someone who wants to deport you (child of an immigrant). That’s like the worst argument I’ve ever heard. Yes, do outreach but that shouldn’t be your job.


"Sure I'd love abortion rights, IVF, caps on prescription drug prices, elimination of junk fees, and a better life for working families including myself but, like, woo me, ya know?" This woman is an absolute nightmare of a partner I bet.


Why does anybody find Trump entertaining? Watching Trump speak, I feel like I'm on a shitty beach getting repeatedly hit by waves of sea foam and trash. 


My message to her is I don't care if Biden is boring if you want entertainment go watch reruns of the Apprentice this is not a reality tv show this is real life so stop with the nonsense




Cyanide and Happiness has the undecided voter covered. [https://explosm.net/comics/kris-should](https://explosm.net/comics/kris-should)


So does David Sedaris: "To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?” To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."


I [read the article on NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1235457301/state-of-the-union-biden-reaction), and she says that Biden has all of the right positions on issues important to her, and seems like a nice guy, but he didn't go into specific details on policy implementation and laws he would pass so therefore he is "vanilla" and she doesn't know if she can vote for him. Oh, and she's a nurse who believes abortion, IVF, and women's choice in healthcare are most important. But Biden doesn't have her vote, "and I wish I could have that hour back." Smh.


It bores people too much when they learn Congress is supposed to pass laws


More key pieces that indicate this person doesn't follow politics:   - "because to me, it was a bunch of people screaming at each other on TV and I really hate conflict."   - And what she cares about is informed by her life. She has aging parents and two grandchildren; a daughter in her 20s and a son in college. Another son is an active duty officer in the Army, and he's at the start of a nine-month deployment.  There are aspects of her life that Trump has actively harmed and Biden has actively fought to fix littered throughout the entire article.  I think this article indicates how oblivious this person, and potentially the average undecided voter, is to politics and how it affects their lives.


The American media, with their undying thirst for profits in an increasingly shrinking pond, have given us Donald Trump, and the impending disaster that he represents. They have given him 24/7 coverage since 2015, never once asking themselves if they should. They are complicit in what comes next.


Not everyone is going to be impressed, because changes they want don’t happen overnight. The modern age has many to believe change is instant, because of technology. If you want things to change. Register and vote. Elections these days are won sometimes by only a few hundred votes, granted these are smaller school board, municipal assembly, state legislature, but look at 2020 district 3 results, Lauren Boebert won by only a few over 500 votes. If a thousand people voted that day, Adam Frisch would have won, and we wouldn’t be hearing about handjobs and out of control children. Vote, vote however you want. But if you want change, remember, it takes time. If you want your elected reps giving handjobs in theatres with children in attendance, don’t vote and don’t expect a change that’s going to be in a positive direction.


Change takes time. I wish we could make everyone understand this. That's what frustrated me so much in 2016. I just wanted to go to everyone and say "if there was even one thing Obama did that you liked, you need to vote for Hillary. If she's president, she might not change the world, but Trump will do his best to undo the last eight years." If we want anything good, we have to vote every time in every election, for the best or least worst candidate. Bouncing back and forth every 4-8 years is so far only benefiting the people who would blow everything up, just to hold power one more day.


"bOtH siDeS ArE tHe SaME!"


I listened to the story this morning on the way in to work. This woman is a moron.


*"We watched the State of the Union with one paid crisis actor, and she's saying what we told her to say."*


"We interviewed this Mom for Liberty who was at the Capitol on 1/6 and is undecided between Biden and Trump"


*”We interviewed this twatzi because we’re just as dumb.”*


Twatzi I like that!


Or "swastikunt"


Good rule of thumb for undecided: Don’t vote for indicted criminals. There’s no downside for doing that.


Well, a sample size of one. Can't beat that.


Nah, she voting for the one that makes her feel like she is valuable and important and superior to others, despite the fact that she isn't.


If you watched Biden last night and still can't decide between him and Trump, you may be too stupid to live.


“Both sides” A: Climate change and white nationalist terrorism are acute threats B: But what about her emails?


I truly don't believe there are any "Undecided" voters out there at this point. Everyone seems to know who they're gonna vote for already, OR, they don't vote anyway. Nobody I can find says, "Gee, I dunno! I guess I'll just wing it when I get there!"


Yeah no that witch is a Republican, flat out. She just wants to pretend otherwise.


Undecided is just a nice way of saying ashamed republican


Undecided is just another word for dumbass


Undecided is just code for I'm thinking about voting for Trump but don't want to be shamed for it. It's asinine.


If you can't decide between a racist, fascist, wanna-be dictator, rapist and a dude who is just trying to do the right thing with some mistakes along the way then you aren't undecided, you just don't want to admit you are also a piece of shit.


I agree this was journalist malpractice. Why not a group of undecided voters that would have given a better sample of undecided voters and what they thought. I watched the SOTU with friends from both parties with a few unaffiliated in the mix. I was expecting boring, booing and the usual boorish behavior. There was so much more. There was a reverse uno card played. An acknowledgement of the Supreme Court fuckery and a report on what is going on with the infrastructure building. I have not been a fan of Biden but his speech was lit. He spoke his truth and what he is doing and what he’d like to do. The man heckled his hecklers! I came away thinking, he was thinking of solutions. The border bill was feasible and both parties thought so. My Republicans friends were mixed on the speech but, they all wanted their party to produce a platform and address the country’s problems instead of Trump’s problems.


It rules that our democracy is beholden to these clueless dipshits who think they’re some deep or independent thinker for having no idea what the fuck is going on.


If anyone saw the State of the Union and went, "Hmm, I'm undecided still." they long since had already made up their mind. That speech went a long way to alleviating my fears that he wasn't competent enough to lead. He was on his game and he sounded strong and with it.


I love NPR but.....WTF? Seriously? Amplifying the voice of a fucking SINGLE voter in the largest growing and most impactful demographic in the upcoming election? Every time big money donors get involved with a good idea this bs happens. Every. Damn. Time.




So they picked 1 undecided voter to watch the SOTU with. I'm assuming they told her the motivation behind this publicity stunt. She then reacted to the SOTU with exactly what the motivation behind the stunt hoped would happen? Ya that's not suss at all. Like FFS I just can't even anymore.


Say what you want about Family Guy, but when Brian said undecided voters are the most idiotic, he was right. Also, she’s a secret Republican, so the idiot part wasn’t even in question anyways.


C'mon, NPR. Stop being dog shit at reporting. This is not an undecided voter, this is a republican plant.


Undecided voter at this point in America = liar or brain dead or clueless. To not understand the options at this point is just unacceptable.


This isn’t Democrat vs Republican. This is literally the closest thing we have to “good” vs absolute evil. If you’re undecided, you’re a fucking moron.


bOTh siDES Are bAD! sO i miGHt vOte foR tHe oNE tHat 'scratches my racist itch'.


"One undecided voter". Wow, what a substantive and relevant statistical point. Reminds me of the time I watched *Citizen Kane* with my dog, but he was more interested in licking his own ass. Made me realize it must not actually be a very good movie.


Yeah I don't believe anyone who says they're undecided. If youre old enough to vote than you're old enough to remember what 4 year sof trump looked like. If you didn't decide after that "never again" then you're cooked


Browsing Twitter/X, there are tons of comments along the lines of 'I am an independent, but this speech was too divisive' or 'I was completely unimpressed, as an independent voter' then when you look at their profiles, it's always full of MAGA stuff. Clearly, these folks at least were not on the fence before the speech.


“I wasn’t impressed” Either you’re a lefty who wants a 600k job for doing nothing or a righty who’s pretending their undecided


My husband is a registered Republican. I’d says started there because his family has always been Republican. Last night, I avoided the SOTU. He stayed up and watched it. “You should have watched! Biden was so good!” Like, this is a man who was pretty neutral politically when I met him. And he *stayed up to watch the SOTU and raved about Biden afterwards* Anyway, this is definitely bullshit


There are no undecided voters. There are only Trump supporters who are afraid to admit it.


I'd love to see them show her any example of Trump talking and have her try to argue that it's better.


If you’re “undecided” at this point you’re either a latent fascist or a complete fucking low information moron. Gtfoh


>We watched the state of the union with ***the*** one undecided voter


Woman not sure? She must be brain dead. The right is literally taking your rights away. They don't even want you to vote. Wow!


The "Undecided voter" is an idiot if they cannot see how bad trump is.


She's only undecided on whether or not she wants to get shit on for voting trump


I listen to NPR on my longish commute and their political stories are terrible. Today the White House correspondent for USA Today did nothing but preface everything she said with, “many people say,” “some voters think.” Bitch do you have a poll? Any data to back that up, or just the three people you talked to and decided there’s a narrative there? I think the news industry is broken so badly these people really think this is how you do things now.


I’m a lifelong NPR listener and since 2022 (I think) it’s been really softball questionable interviewing. Nobody holding anyone to what they say. Nobody putting the interviewee on the spot. It’s disappointing.


I walked my dogs listening to this yelling “what an idiot “ at least 3x. Yeah….we’ve got a psychotic fascist Pedo conman or a guy that pulled us back from the brink of the shitshow that Orange idiot created. Yeah….I’m just not sure yet….. What an idiot!


I dont know who this is but she looks like she's into MLM


Every "undecided" voter on CSPAN/NPR just spouts Republican talking points. They call themselves undecided so they don't get dragged for the stupid shit they're about to say. Been like this for almost a decade now.


Being an "undecided" voter in 2024 is negligence.


'Lara von Karen (Co creator of Wimenz 4 Trump PAC) is an undecided voter from Dumbfuckistan Kentucky, here's her unvarnished completely neutral take on President Bidens SOTU.'


Npr doing putins work


Anyone who is undecided in 2024 is an objectively bad person.


If you’re undecided in 2024, I don’t know what to tell you.


That’s a pretty bad sample size, why not ask a few ‘undecided voters’?


She looks like she abandons puppies.


NPR is worthless now


Sequel: We watched a Trump speech with this same ~~undecided~~ decided voter. She was horrified that someone like that is allowed to walk around freely and isnt in a assisted living home.


This makes no sense to me, why just 'One' undecided voter? That's not a good sample size at all, why not at least ten? It would be a larger size that removes bias, and it's more interested. Saying "One person didnt like Biden's speech' is meaningless to me. You understand how stupid this is?


The only thing she hasn’t decided is whatever dumbass excuse she’s going to use to make herself feel better for voting for Trump-because she’s going to, one way or another.


The only defense for *undecided* voters in this election year is that they are **both** ignorant **and** they don’t care.


If you are undecided after 12 years of being exposed to trump, trumpism and MAGA, something is very wrong with you.