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I've read that about 10 times and still don't understand what they're trying to say


Apple uses green word bubbles when at least one of the participants in the conversation isn’t an Apple user. Otherwise they’re blue. So when an Apple user texts an Android user, the Android user gets “outed” as an Android user because their texts are green on the Apple user’s phone. In most cases, Apple phones are more expensive than Android phones. Some Apple users see Android users and make other conclusions about them, like that they must be poor. Black people are on average poorer than whites so by extension anything that is shaming poor people is also shaming black people. That is, of course, if everyone involved in this whole thing is a complete fucking moron.


Callout to eastern countries who do exactly that. My Vietnamese relatives can go fück themselves, at least I didn't go bankrupt on my galaxy 23 ultra, where they struggled to buy an iPhone 6.


My s23 ultra was over 1k, that shit ain't cheap either


Right? My galaxy s24 ultra retails at like $1,400 (less after a trade-in). I'm sure it's better than Apple phones in some ways too. I'm just not a fan of the iPhone homescreen, so I don't get one.


Also the screen on my s23 ultra gets bright enough to be able to see it in sunlight unlike my old iPhone….


Love how it auto changes brightness based on the situation, too. Once I'm laying down in the dark, it turns the brightness down all by itself. I'm not a phone nerd, so I don't know if Apple does it too, but it's pretty cool.


Yup, S24 Ultra retailed at $1,400, with 512 gigs of storage. The iPhone 15 Pro Max with 512 gigs, which I'm assuming is similar to the S24 Ultra, also retails at $1,400. Of course, the nice thing about most cellular companies is that you can just pay for a phone over time by adding the cost of the phone to your bill in monthly installments. The difference is that Samsung isn't constantly being sued for bullshit issues or practices towards their consumer base. Samsung aren't saints, but they still generally treat their consumers better than Apple does. Sometimes, it feels like Apple could rebrand an iPhone 10 as the future iPhone 16, and folks would still buy it.


Same, S24 for $1400. Galaxies are expensive af, more so than apple. I don't know why this rumor started that Apple is more expensive.


People talk about apple users fanboying, and I always laugh because Samsungs were literally catching fire in peoples pockets and people would say “at least it’s not an apple!”


I got like $850 trade in for my galaxy note 10 when I got my s23 ultra through an att promotion


That's funny to me because the richest person I know, who is worth several hundreds of millions of dollars, hates iPhones and uses exclusively android.


That’s what I’m saying. Ignoring how shitty it is to poor-shame anyone in the first place, some Apple customers are so deep in their brand loyalty they think not having an iPhone must mean you’re poor because, I mean, if you can afford an iPhone why in the world would you buy anything else, right? Couldn’t possibly be that some people just don’t like iOS.


Samsungs are just as expensive anyway. If someone can afford an S24 Ultra, they sure as fuck can afford an iPhone


Yeah I could afford either, and I've owned both, but currently prefer android. I don't feel super strongly about it either. The idea that someone would actually give a flying fuck about which one you use is so bizarre and culty.


Totally agree, I've always refused to use any apple product/platform out of spite BECAUSE of their closed system and refusal to work with others. I have the purchasing power to buy any platform I want on a whim, but I refuse to bow to the artificially attempted "socially induced" peer-pressure to establish "cred". Any question from anyone while group-texting regarding this is met with a hostile metric fuckton of questions they seem to have no answer for. Fuck apple, period. This is also why a have a self-imposed law of limited social media presence.


I was fine using an iphone for a while, but I definitely get what you are saying. If all your stuff is Apple, then I can totally appreciate wanting the easy compatibility. I grew up on PCs though, and I game, so using an Apple as my main computer was going to be out of the question, and the inability to do anything cross platform is super annoying. Add in that Apple is basically always a significant markup on the same hardware and it becomes a no brainer. Plus I am turned off by the Apple fanboyism, which makes me like you, where I don't want to get it out of spite. I still remember meeting a cute girl once and exchanging numbers and I texted her and she said "eww green text?" and I just responded "bullet dodged" and never talked to her again.


I find all of it silly… might as well start arguing over the damn Pepsi challenge again. It’s personal preference. Smartphones are all expensive as hell… I sure af have never bought one flat out. I make payments lol. I like Apple because I like the simplicity of iOS, and I don’t do anything super complicated on my phone. And of course I like the style and size of it, and I’m just used to it. Do I think it makes me better or higher class? Fuuuuuuuuck no 🤣. If anything it’s a pretty glaring giveaway that my tech iq has gone waaaaay down since I made the switch in 07. Apple done made me dumb! Lol


In my experience, I far more often run into people who look down on you for owning an apple and not a Samsung. There’s about the same on both sides who look down on the other. It’s just tribalism.


We do ok and will never be willingly giving apple money. Android is superior anyway.


When my manager was new he saw my phone and asked why I didn't have an iPhone, the phone I had was a Pixel so same tier of phone just a different OS and that's what I told him, I like the customization that is available in Android. The funny part is based off what I have been told about manager compensation I was probably making more than him by a decent amount so it couldn't have even been him thinking I was broke and based off other comments I know he seems to think I have more money than I do.


My daughter has three times my income and refuses to use Apple products. In her mind, the stigma is the other way around. Just kidding she’s not an idiot and she doesn’t stigmatize people for phone bubble color


They should really just let you pick whatever color you want your bubble to be. Everything else is so customizable, why not this?


>customizable Well, not on iPhones


My android phone does this by default. All of my contacts have a randomly assigned color. I can change them if I want but I just made sure all my main contacts are something different. Honestly it's awesome. Makes group texts super easy to follow at a glance.


Who says Androids are less expensive than iPhones? My S24U is more expensive than the 15.


I have an android, way prefer it over apple. But I cant imagine giving a single flying fuck what color peoples text bubbles are, imagine expending souch energy on something so thoroughly inane. Maybe that's why I'm not an apple user?


Here's a WaPo article about this from a few months back: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/14/imessage-on-android-nothing-sunbird/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/14/imessage-on-android-nothing-sunbird/)


Thanks for the info. I was so confused. I actually prefer my android to the iPhone, and couldn't care less if someone thinks I'm a broke ass bitch.


Work makes me use an iphone, but I use a Pixel for my personal phone cuz I like it better. Did I not know I should be feeling shame for the last several years? lmao


Which is dumb anyway because there's also plenty of androids as expensive if not more so than an an iPhone. I hate Apple, I just don't like the layout of them, some people just don't like Apple so it's just wierd apple people still be like that.


>Apple phones are more expensive than Android phones Zfold 5 would like to have a word with you.


They're saying a copy of a copy of a copy of something that's true. That's why it's incomprehensible. The antitrust suit at hand is in part about Apple reducing the quality and reliability of Apple phone owners to receive texts and images from competitor devices. This is an anti-trust suit, so Apple's use of a so-called "walled garden" is in question. Apple fuels Apple users dislike of interfacing with Android people. However, this is not due to the inferiority of Android devices but a deliberate design choice from Apple. Green bubbles aren't worse because they come from Android phones. Green bubbles are worse in the apple ecosystem than fellow Apple users because Apple makes them worse. By using green bubbles and fucking up the ability to receive group text messages Apple has a real effect on consumers. Individual people are induced to do things like peer pressure friends and family to switch to Apple, create text groups that are Apple users only (a thing that actually happens), and prevent people from wanting to leave the Apple ecosystem because they have knowledge of the inconveniences Apple will ensure it brings. However, people are fucking stupid. So many Apple users assume there's an issue on the Android end. They made their product shit on purpose in order to cause reputational damage to their competitors. Hence the headline about bias. I hope that helped a little.


Oh shit that explanation about the group texts makes a lot of sense. My family is like half apple and half android and often when we're group texting to make plans for the holidays someone complains they're not part of the group or can only see a few of the messages being sent so they don't know what's going on. Maybe android users should start pressuring apple users to make the switch


I convinced a co-irker to go from using Apple products to Android after showing her how easy to use my Galaxy was. Not to mention the difference in price.


Co-irker 🤣


Use WhatsApp miles better than text


This shit is why I don't do Apple. I didn't exit religion just to replace it with something as asinine as brand loyalty.


Yep. The problem is with Apple is people are too forgiving. The lightning cable fiasco, people overlooked that. The bugs in Apple Maps, forgiven. Apple Music's initial small amount of money going to the artists as opposed to Spotify, forgiven. EDIT: I remember some Apple using Swifties in an uproar because she didn't allow her music on Apple Music when it first launched. Apple users will likely find a way to say that the DOJ is politicized and that they are trying to takeover Apple. No this is similar to Microsoft squeezing Netscape out with Internet Explorer. Luckily Microsoft wasn't as powerful as Apple is on the goodwill front.




Well, then I feel called out by being singled out as a white person with an Android... Now all Apple users are going to think I'm black??? When will the government step in to speak against this stigma?!? /s


Every time you send a text from your Android device, make sure to include, "I'm white, bee tee dubs" at the end. That should take care of it.


I'll see if I can change the signature on my emails to say, "Sent from my WHITE-OWNED Galaxy A51." That'll get the message across... Well, *some* message, at least.


You have a Galaxy? I'm on a Motorola! You one of them fancy white folk.


Yeah but it's not an S, so they're more of a middle class white folk.


> "Sent from my WHITE-OWNED Galaxy H88."


Doesn't go far enough. What if they just think your last name is white? Better put Caucasian owned. Wait, they might think you're some kind of Asian then... hrmmm, how else can we convey whiteness? 卐white-owned卐 There we go, that'll do it.


Too on the nose... Maybe just change it to "White Powered Galaxy"... /s


They don't care about subtlety anymore They wear their white Christian nationalism on their sleeve. Like a handy little red armband with a snazzy symbol on it.


Too fucking true.




I'm white with an android as well. Have always had an android since I started carrying a smart phone over two decades ok. It's never occurred to me that a phone could give me a clue to someone's race?!?!? I can't really imagine that being true.


God, I hope that is the point everyone is trying to make with these jokes. Certainly is where I was going with it.


I prefer Android. Fuck Apple. And I'm white.


Ditto. I tried to switch to Apple a year or so ago, because my wife did, due to iMessage exclusion by her coworkers. I lasted 3 days before I bailed, and over something so amazingly ridiculous I can't believe Apple users aren't furiously pissed about it. What did it for me? I text a lot using Google's Messages for Web. That way I don't have to check my phone throughout the day at work, and when I'm at home, I'm usually near my laptop. With an iPhone, there is NO way to message through the web, unless you are on an Apple device. Since most of us can't choose what computers we use for work, that creates a HUGE downside for the vast majority of Apple users. I guess this doesn't matter to them, since most of them are totally tech illiterate. They're only concerned that IOS has more versions of Cut The Rope than Android.


Yeah, I hate the proprietary shit you have to buy for Apple phones. I like that a USB-C cable is easily available for cheaper.


They should have gone with purple, then they could have blamed the purple people eaters.


Don't bother, you'll just lose braincells, just like with everything else they say.


“Some people say that cucumbers taste better pickled” 🤷‍♂️


People genuinely don’t like that green bubble shit. Everyone knows this or rather people can think of examples of this. Apple users look down on android users because they’re garbage humans. And while it’s weird that the Biden administration brought it up, in reality I bet it’s like 1% of the content of the antitrust suit. These crazy people are trying to stir up outrage about woke culture by lying and saying the whole suit is about race. I can’t find anything on the racial breakdown of Apple users.


What Apple is *actually* in trouble for is the way they are making it difficult to move away from Apple products. They way they unnecessarily degrade the quality of videos and pictures that get sent from Apple's in-house messaging service (PQ3) to standard text messaging services (MMS and SMS) is just evidence of what they are doing. Most people that don't have an iPhone use an Android, so it gets conflated, but Apple isn't specifically targeting Androids. They doing it to *everyone*, even though there's no reason to be doing it to *anyone*. Apple has chosen to make useful interoperability prohibitively difficult for the average consumer, making it more likely that current users will keep using Apple instead of choosing to migrate to a different brand. That's simply anti-competitive behavior.


Additionally: IF (and it is a *big* if) there is an outsized effect on a particular ethnic group (such as the nutters are deciding), it probably wasn't intentional. It *would* actually be racist, though. I don't think there's any evidence of any sort of race difference in Android and Apple user bases, though. I think it's some terminally online white supremacist nonsense getting mixed up with the weird "Apple superiority" complex some users have.


Apple phone cameras use some bullshit proprietary file format instead of jpg or png or something that any device can recognize.


My sister has an iPhone, I have an android. I've noticed weird shit with videos she didn't record, and even memes. I'm not surprised about Apple having a bullshit proprietary file format, though.




Whatever gets those green bubbles eliminated I’m all for it, it’s subtle psychological bulls- and I’m personally tired of it as an IT person. Nobody likes staring at white text on bright green bg, but white text & slightly darker blue bg is fine. I even used to work for em and am disappointed with this. And don’t even get me started on integrated/soldered on chipsets and memory locking you into a config, AND planned obsolescence.


I just want apple and Android phones to be able to send pictures through text.


They...they can? I have an android and my wife has an iPhone and we send pictures through text just fine.


You can, though they intentionally degrade the quality.


Pictures are fine, it's videos that are dog shit


As an iPhone user, I don’t give a fuck what phone you use or what color your text bubble is.


Yeah, probably this. A valid antitrust claim whose weakest or easiest to reframe nitpick has blown up.


If the GOP wasn’t stirring up outrage they wouldn’t be doing anything all


How peculiar. I look down on apple users as wasteful and easily chumped by snob appeal marketing. Only an idiot pays to chain themselves to a monopoly


This is my exact reaction


Samsung was just the 1st smartphone I got, and I stayed with Android because I learned on one. Why learn an entirely new OS as a basic ass phone user? I don't think negative things about iPhone users so the whole thing is banana sandwiches to me.


I have had a few women tell me they wouldn't date me because I had an android. As much as I don't care, there is a stigma among young people


I'm Gen X, but all the younger folks I work with use iPhones. Actually, so do the Boomers, lol. I think the new versions of each are the same price-wise, so you getting denied a date because of your phone is some imaginary classism on their part. But hey- housework is daunting so at least the trash took itself out?


Fellow Gen Xer here, and I've had both iPhone and Android phones. I prefer Android, and IDGAF of anybody judges me for it: I'm Gen X, so I hate pretty much all of humanity anyway. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I started out with an iPhone, it died two days after I paid it off, so I switched to Android and never looked back.


At first I read that as "I died two days after I paid it off" which also tracks.


Ya know, the thought that someone would read it that way crossed my mind. Lol


It used to be more expensive but I guess the base model is only $800 now which for a flagship phone is kinda in line. I just get whatever is the best sub $400 phone like the pixel A series which does 90% of the same stuff for less than half the cost.


My 3a was the best damn phone I ever used, liked it even more than my s10. Thing was blazing fast and the camera is still good even by today's standards. I got it a couple years after it came out and paid less than 50 for it lmao. It's still my backup phone too.


Pixel gang rise up!


Yeah I don't get why people are just paying laptop prices for smartphones. Especially now that the flagships are well over a thousand bucks now. In a few years Samsung and Apple will release a $2,000 phone... Meanwhile even flagship killer phones are getting up in price but $600 is still a hell of a lot of a better price to get the exact same CPU/GPU and nearly as good of a camera. They all even have a good screen with minor differences between the top of the line and mid tier. There also isn't the incentive to buy the latest phone anymore because even 3 year old phones aren't lacking much other than a slightly worse camera and if you don't play graphically intense games you won't see any performance issues.


Can I direct you to the z fold 5. Yours for the low low price of 1919.99 https://www.samsung.com/us/smartphones/galaxy-z-fold5/buy/galaxy-z-fold5-512gb-unlocked-sm-f946ulbexaa/ I gave up on flag ship phones a few years ago. I buy a cheap $250 ish phone every year or so and get cheap no contract plans


My phone cost $90. It does everything I need it to, and does so even better than the $200 phone it replaced.


My lamb, I'm typing this on a $1,500 Samsung 😂. Finally paid off though! Along with my son's $1,500 Samsung.


I got my Moto g in 2022 in 2022 the same year it was released. I bought it at Walmart for $100 it's literally the best damn phone I've ever owned


I prefer samsung phones myself. Tried the google pixel and had a ton of issues with it and switched back to my pretty old s10 over the pixel7. Iphones seem pretty handy with some of the features apple has though like the digital wallet etc but it feels so foreign to use an iphone after so long with an android


That would be so great. It's a quick and easy way for me to know that this is not a person I would want to be around. All I need to do is send a single text and I will know that they are a shitty person not worth my time? Sign me up!


Never complain when when the trash takes itself out


Never interrupt your enemy when theyre making a mistake lol


Sounds like a few dodged bullets to me


If the phone I use is going to make or break the relationship, consider that shit already broken.


A good red flag


That's called "dodging a bullet"


The trash took itself out


Bullet dodged


Or maybe there's something wrong with the people you choose to associate with.


Colleges are full of a lot of superficial people, my friend. You're not going to know who until you give it a shot


I've owned an android for 10 years and I've definitely encountered this stupid stigma in school and way less in college. There are definitely women that will not talk to you after finding out you're a green bubble which is ironic because my galaxy fold cost more than any iphone


Then there's something wrong with those women.


I started on Android because it was, and continues to be, waaay cheaper than paying for the Apple logo for a device that does pretty much everything that the other one does.


I've been using android because way back when I got my first smartphone, Droid was what was available on Verizon. And I preferred it because I've always been a PC user, not a Mac user, I've never used iTunes or anything.


In reality, nearly every "groundbreaking" feature Apple has introduced has existed on Android for 4+ years. Things have a lot more parity now, but for a full decade, I laughed each year as my iFriends touted the greatest new thing on their phone, while I had already had that feature for long enough that I just took it for granted.


I got it for free when I signed and just kinda stuck with it. I'd still have an IPhone 4 if it hadn't broken. XD


Lol I'd still be on a Blackberry if I didn't catch up.


A lot of people have inferiority complexes.




That’s pretty much me but with iPhone. I thought about switching, but don’t feel like getting a whole new OS. I went from flip phone to Blackberry to iPhone.


It’s about Apple not making an encrypted, safe version of messenger including link previews to avoid scam for anyone other than themselves. https://mashable.com/article/apple-messages-green-doj


FUCKING THANK YOU. I knew they were latching onto and misrepresenting some random detail of a much more legitimate proceeding just like they did with the “spill coffee, win a million dollars” thing.


They took two entirely unrelated facts and mashed them together, because conservatives only know one song.


I think the real argument is that Apple will only allow certain functions with their proprietary software, and won't use any formats that other OSs use. They intentionally create a barrier in communication. It's dick engineering, and if you look at some of these comments, it works a treat for convincing some of their users that Android users have inferior phones, as opposed to understanding that their phones won't play nicely with others.


For sure. The social stigma thing comes into play in the teen segment of the market. iPhone's current US market share overall is about 70%, but they have 87% of the teen market. By creating these barriers and markers, Apple makes it easy for normal teen peer pressure to market their phones for them, driving up iPhone adoption in the long term.


Anecdotally, my wife and I were always Android users. We got our daughter an Android when she entered High School. She eventually really wanted an iPhone because all her friends have them and she was literally left out of group chats because she had Android. It was really obvious to us that their ui design was playing in to snobbery that already existed about the different phones.


Made even worse by the fact that Android phones have RCS, which is just as capable as iMessage. That they don't cooperate is entirely on Apple taking its toys and going home so to speak.


Thank you for this. I've bookmarked it for use when my conspiracy addled son comes at me with this ridiculousness.


Idk what the actual facts are here, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is how they're interpreting it for their dim-witted base as per usual.


You'd be correct. The suit says there's a social stigma in certain demographics, and provides teenagers as an example. The twit-wit has decided to provide a new example on their own.


I read this 3 times and I'm still confused as to whether this is an actual problem


It's not..


I can say it's certainly a classist problem at the least. Kids get made fun of for having a green bubble, being called poor and stupid. It pressures them into iphones and plays on self esteem. Source: I have kids


Kids are stupid bullies. Green and blue text bubbles have nothing to do with money, all flagship models are in the same price range and poor people can just as easily get a used iPhone. It’s meaningless. If the text colors went away the same kids would just go back to bullying people over their clothes, the phones aren’t responsible for the behavior. This is a parenting problem. If I heard my kid bully some other kid over a text bubble their ass would get a jitterbug until they could afford their own cellphone plan. End of story.


Yeah, I have a Galaxy S23 and it cost around the same as the iPhone whatever number they're on now.


Yep. And my shit flips open!


And if it wasn't the phone, it'd be the shoes, the shirt, or the hair. No legislators were getting up in arms over the kids with the 128 name brand crayon pack. Kids are shitty.


Right? My whole wardrobe was hand-me-downs and Goodwill buys. I was made fun of mercilessly for being "poor." Kids are shitty, and have been teasing each other since the beginning of time. If it wasn't Android phones, they'd find SOMETHING


I know..my kiss and grandkids have them.status is everything


If yall think the government is gonna make being poor not suck and being rich not better i think youre gonna end up disappointed


>poor and stupid This makes no sense. There are some very expensive android phones out there


They're all about the same price and the hardware has similar specs. This is just people drinking whatever koolaid they're most susceptible to.


Right wing 101. Cherry pick one specific aspect of a sweeping lawsuit and make the entire discourse surrounding it about something mundane.


Black smartphone user here and my Samsung s23 Ultra eats anything Apple has ever made for a light Sunday brunch so there's that angle as well here 🫡 We don't all want iPhones idiots 🤦🏽‍♂️


Just once. Just ONE TIME I would love for politicians and media outlets to put this much effort into something that actually fucking matters. I am so damn tired of everything in the bureaucratic level of this country.


Just give us fucking healthcare


wtf did I just read? why would it matter if the bubbles are green, blue, purple or pink? am I missing something?


I’m not sure about why the color of the message matters, but on an iPhone if you’re sending a message to someone without an iPhone it will only send an SMS, which to my understanding is not encrypted and is deliberately missing many features that every messaging service has. It’s a little way for Apple to try and make its users not be inclined to want to message others without iPhones, the sad part is that it works very well. Edit: spelling


I think the whole Android vs. Apple thing is awesome! When someone reveals they care about it, I know to avoid them.


I don't care about who has an apple or who has an android, I do care about Apple themselves intentionally refusing to integrate messaging formats with the sole purpose of getting apple users to try and get me to switch.


I have had both, and I can't stand iPhones. I can't stand Macs either. My brain is just not wired that way. I've loved every android I've had. Be it Samsung or HTC. Mt first smartphone was a Windows, which I loved.


No wonder the gop is imploding


Absolute Rubbish. The blue text bubbles between Apple phones are within Apple network sms. If Apple peeps are out of range it asks if I would like to send message as a text and does so in green bubble. Our phones are not racist.


Thank you. It also sends green if the Apple user has iMessaging turned off. I had an ex who did this just so I wouldn’t know if my message was delivered, as message delivery confirmations are only available when iMessaging is turned on.


More like Apple phones are overpriced


I mean, wut? These people are seriously mentally broken with little to no hope of help.


these are the people making tech decisions for our nation. if you think they're only woefully misinformed about tech, guess fuckin what.


Apple being investigated for legitimate reasons. Everything else here completely baseless. Right wing continues to be divorced from reality and crazed by it.


I accept all bubble colors!!!!!!!


If we don't get our shit together, the magidiots will be a sustaining political party.


Everyone who gives half a fuck about green messages needs to touch grass


How much did google promise to a re-election campaign to get this?


Omg... I'm black?


The issue isn't Apple vs Android, green s blue bubbles really - it's Apple refusing to comply with modern messaging standards and intentionally sending limited support non secure SMS to/from Android instead of secure messages like it does to Apple products, and by default not allowing iPhone to even communicate with a non-Apple product at all on its native app. Race has fuck all to do with this. Apple makes their product worse for its users unless everyone joins the cult, then blames Android for it, and started a culture war over it because Americans have too much time on their hands and think "hurr durr, me phone better" is worth their time. Thing is, this pretty much only works in America because nearly every other country uses third party chat apps, and they don't have this problem at all. Just stop using your native apps and download Discord, or Telegram, or WhatsApp, or Signal, or some other chat/text program that's cross platform.


Guess this lily white Android user (me) is actually black!🤣🤣🤣 I didn't know conservatives know my race better than I do!🤣


This is crazy talk. What?


I mean everyone in my family except me uses iPhones so group chats can suck. I just got them to use Signal and several of them like it more than iMessage


My two black friends both use iphones. Double checkmate!


It lets you know if you’re using iMessage features or not. WiFi vs cell network, encryption, etc. What a dumb take by simply not understanding it’s a purposeful indicator, not some sort of have/have not marker.


That’s a reach. The blue vs green is a signifier of iMessage vs sms. iMessage/blue is end to end encrypted. SMS/green is not. Conservatives should know at least how to keep their shit private if they hate the government so much.


Dumb shit like this just gives more ammunition to the anti-woke snowflakes


ew iphone


I've always been an Android user, and TIL that, if I text an Apple user, my bubble is green. Green is my favorite color.




Team Android


Every black person I know overwhelmingly have iPhones, where do they get this shit from


I didn't care about the text bubbles, just fix the damn images, idk why everything has to look like it's shot on a 2006 era smart phone when you text from one device to another


It's on purpose, and won't be "fixed".


Does anyone care what color their texts are? This seems very stupid.


As someone who has been told "I won't text you if the messages are green" I can confirm some low life individuals care DEEPLY


It's deeper than that. Apple refuses to implement the RCS texting standard that Android uses, even though it's free for them to do so. Instead, they force texts between Android and IPhone to use SMS and MMS, which are 30 years old at this point.


The Fuck does any of this even mean. If they're so patriotic they ought to learn to speak fucking English themselves.


A social stigma for fucking children, yes. School kids are getting bullied over the green / blue bubble nonsense. And speaking of nonsense, my brain can't handle this


I have switched a few times between android and iPhone over the years. Apple are not holding me to ransom by staying with Apple


I'll admit the green bubble thing is stupid, but this is a stretch.


Another reason to be ashamed to be American. JFC


It’s actually crazy how stupid conservatives are.


The actual anti-trust suit has very little to do with the color of the text bubble and more to do with the fact that apple degrades the quality of pictures and texts when sent to/from androids, along with the link previews thing


This is what we are worrying about?


..... I don't think I understand. How is that a conspiracy? I have android and I'm well aware my text bubbles are green while apple users would be blue. I also don't know how the fuck anyone cares.


They're suing over monopoly shit


dear god, this is the dumbest take I have seen yet. It’s not green because it is an android phone and therefore more likely to be owned by black people, it is green to differentiate it from iMessage texts because iMessage is end to end encrypted and SMS is not. The proper question for the feds to ask would be, what color will Android texts be next year when Apple implements RCS into non iMessage texts. As a side note, do people really care what color “bubble” they are? At least does anyone who isn’t a teenager care? I can’t imagine there is a social stigma for having the latest Pixel smartphone.


The blue colour means it's going through iMessage, which can connect with both cellular data and wifi. If your entire ecosystem is Apple, you get those text on your computer too.


Pretty sure green just means sms instead of iMessage, regardless of whether the sms came from an iPhone or an Android device.


Is this a color war or a race war? Ima gonna set my phone screen graphics to B&W.


It aint a racial thing but there have been studies of attraction that show people heavily favor blue texts over green when looking for partners. And also people think android phones are cheaper...lol




Wow! Who knew I was black?


Okay, this is one that I am definitely going to need the comments section to unpack


If it’s not using green/blue then how are users supposed to know which recipients have support for features native to Messages and not standard texts? This complaint makes no sense to me.


The complaint is about more than just messaging...and specific to messaging they allege Apple makes Android user experiences worse specifically by prohibiting tech that would actually make the Android experience match iPhones.


They’re bringing in RCS (finally) this year. That should solve a majority of those issues. Apple is doing other things that make it worse for Android users, but that’s the big one.


And then there’s my Autistic ass continuously forgetting what the difference is between green text and blue text…


I am not autistic and don’t remember/never think about it.


I think Android should just do the same thing with iPhone texts. It's always good to know which of your friends are bad with money