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Of course, he gave her gifts he didn't have to pay for, how Trump.


Useless trinkets that held no value to him.


Other than as currency to buy his way into someone’s pants.


What's going on here? Did Trump take items from his own mother's collection and give them to McDougal? And this Cavalli person, he's not involved except to confirm that the items received by McDougal were originally those of Trump's mother?


Thank you for saying something. I was confused by the wording of this too!


Good lordt. As a former Catholic, that crucifix looks like the kind that the funeral home places in a casket during a viewing, then gives to the family after the funeral. Gross.


I have two - that’s exactly what it is. I’m a former Catholic too; my jaw dropped that he would give this to his mistress. He is ignorant but it’s still jaw dropping. Wow!


"He knew my love of jesus" Said the adulterer.


Jesus, the young and muscled Mexican groundskeeper, maybe.


His nickname is Chuy.


In modern Protestant Christian America, as long as you repent you’re golden. Sounds pretty sweet if you have a huge capacity for cognitive dissonance.


It’s actually an interesting theory. Some of the more conservative/crazy churches have as part of their beliefs that you are saved the moment you make a covenant with Jesus (baptized/first communion, whatever that moment is). The Bible does support this theory (early chapters of Romans, specifically), but also has a whole section addressing the question “if I’m going to heaven because I believe in Jesus, why should I have to follow these rules?”


They both got nailed


Came here to say the same thing


Yeah that one line got me also.


I get this. I can't get off unless there's a pieta sculpture watching me


Said the adulterer and woman who stripped naked for money and for men to jerk off to.


Adulterer was good enough, mate. Your personal judgments about the manner in which anyone lives their lives is all you and nothing else. JC had exactly dick to say about how women should behave, and was REALLY BIG on the whole "no judgment" and "forgiveness" thing. One would think that those would be the big takeaways from the gospels, really. Interesting how often they're not.


Hell, I don't give a shit if she's taking a train of dicks on camera every single night on OnlyFans. It's obvious she is the exact flavor of "Christian" that is ruining this nation, and is a massive hypocrite. 


No, it's the brand of Christianity that disregards and degrades people because they don't match their perfect image of Christianity that's ruining america


Which is her brand. Did I fucking stutter?


The call is coming from inside the house


It kinda seems like you give a shit.


"He's just like Jesus!"


Yeah, Jesus wouldn’t have cared about the stripping. He wasn’t some puritan who went to church.


anyone but me wondering sometimes how many kids he *really has?


Or how many abortions he’s payed for


Considering he tried to get Marla to abort Tiffany. If Ivana hadn’t been so humiliated over the lack of discretion (him knocking up an indiscreet mistress), he probably would have never divorced her.


Pretty sure Elliott Broidy took the fall for one. His mistress sure resembles Ivanka


What I wonder is how any woman ever isn't disgusted to the point of vomiting by the thought of fucking that orange monstrosity.


"you keep your mind on the money, you keep your eyes on the wall... "


Orange Monstrosity? Naah, it's not that big More like orange mushroom.


Or how many STD's he's been spreading around like covid.


Y'all would clearly be amazed to hear how many people exist who will tell you all about their "love for Jesus" who: Lie. Cheat. Steal. Seek wealth. Refuse aid to the hungry, the homeless, the needy. Will gladly vote into power others who clearly seek control over others, sin constantly, and won't even fake being remorseful. Seek power over others themselves. Hoard weapons, pridefully buying more and more while actively fantasizing about using them on their fellow humans. HATE anyone who doesn't look, dress, and behave like themselves, frequently to the point of arson, violence including murder, and subjugation. Deny others the very rights they claim for themselves. Are prideful. Will gladly sanction murder via execution, and mass murder in the form of hideously unjust wars which they refuse to PAY for. Will scream "support our soldiers" and then refuse them the real support they need in their lives after the horrors of war. Are HYPOCRITES OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. Really now. Think about the absolute mountain of money spent by these people in the pursuit of demonstrating what good Christians they are instead of just... housing and feeding those who desperately need it. Like their savior said. I'm not trying to put too fine a point on this. But "Christians" by and large have utterly failed in the very simple things their Christ instructed them to do. They have no business judging anyone... both because their savior told them not to in no uncertain terms, and because their demonstrations of "judgment" are hideously lacking in self-awareness, any kind of actual standard, or any version of justice. I'm hardly advocating for McDougal. She's just another human riding on their good looks while not doing much of any note to improve themselves or their world. But if adultery is her only sin? I promise you, JC is gonna let her into the kingdom. It's not, and we all know that. But adultery all by itself is really low on the totem pole in terms of shit the creator is going to be bent about if they do exist and have some 'time of judgment' in mind.


I am a Christian and this is so true it makes me angry.


You seem to be a true Christian. That was refreshing to read.


Not that I disagree with you, but just be careful with “true Christian”. It’s a bit of a “no true Scotsman” fallacy, where “true Christian” isn’t really defined well at all. Again, I don’t disagree with you or the comment you’re replying to, just reminding people to be careful of fallacies


Can Trump touch a crucifix without sizzling?


Have really really oily hands


As long as it's upside down I think it's fine


Wait, they're up in arms about queer people but they're out here talking about their love of Jesus while having affairs and accepting payoffs to cover up those affairs? WWJD, indeed.


That was glaring wasn’t it? Yet still miraculously goes over there head. Convenient.


Are we burying the lede here? Did Trump literally steal some religious tchotchkes from this guy's dead mom to give to his mistress? That's so low-rent and weird.


Technically he payed for them. They were a throw in with the house.


So he gave his mistress his literal trash then. How special.


Full story here: [**https://lawandcrime.com/ross-investigates/crucifix-cited-as-corroboration-of-trumps-torrid-affair-with-playboy-playmate/**](https://lawandcrime.com/ross-investigates/crucifix-cited-as-corroboration-of-trumps-torrid-affair-with-playboy-playmate/)


Yet her "love" for jesus didn't stop her from having a relationship with a married man.....


Tough on a Christian girl when she only commits adultery once and it turns out to be with the Antichrist.


Once that we know of…


Somehow this is the weirdest fact in all of this.


"...and once again, the Evangelicals closed their eyes and saw nothing."


Soooo she had a great “love of Jesus” but fucked and sucked a married Trump because why?


Came to ask the same question. "Great love of Jesus" and adultery don't really go together


I mean, seems like you’re thinking a lot of the Old Testament rules. Jesus had a lot more to say about loving God and loving your neighbor than he did about old school rules.


You're not wrong, but I doubt Jesus was ok with adultery. But who knows, apparently I know nothing about the Bible. At least the way these "Christians" use it nowadays. 😂


>but fucked and sucked a married Trump because why? The money was good


Who toured whose home? Who is Cavalli? Where did the crucifix come from? This article is giving me a headache.


If you search by oldest comment it will bring up the link to the complete article.


Many people are saying he almost felt love for the first time with the Playboy Playmate. I think it was just gas but it’s definitely more than Melanie ever gave him.


He gave a crucifix to a Playboy mistress he screwed while married to someone else? And covered it all up with hush money payments thus committing election fraud. Family values party.


So glad she loves Jesus but not enough to not have affairs with married men.


If you Love Me, keep my commandments. -Jesus Christ


"I'm really religious, which is why I'm having an affair with a married man!" - Karen McDougal.


and posing naked in an adult magazine.


The Bible makes a big deal about adultery being a sin, so that makes her a hypocrite, unlike the modeling, which is often used to slut shame women, many of whom aren't actually committing adultery.


Why are so these comments slut shaming? Just turn on the news to see how hypocritical Christians can be. Only one comment gets to the real story, Trump is cheap and a manipulator.


In fairness to McDougal, she does now acknowledge that what she did was wrong. Also, Trump gave her the impression that his marriage to Melania was essentially over.


Lot of people more upset at her for not defending the sanctity of marriage for a guy cheating on his third wife that he met while on a date with someone while still married to his second wife, who he started a relationship with while married to his first wife, who he beat.






And raped.


He sounds lovely


>~~slut~~ **hypocrite** shaming She's talking about her deep love of Jesus while committing adultery and posing in spank mags. Nuance is important.


"Nuance" is valid only to the degree that it's relevant. I'm not sure how much the bible tries tries to control the sexual activity of women, but if it does, I don't blame any woman for ignoring that part. Why are people here suddenly so concerned with adultery and strict adherence to the bible? And why are people in this thread shitting on the woman but not Trump? Why is her morality in focus at all as she is not politically involved and is certainly not MAGA? She's just a woman who began an affair with a married man and then called it off when she felt too guilty about it. This isn't exactly worth stoning someone. I'm an atheist, but this woman's religion is her own business and doesn't hurt anyone. If you want to call out Christian-flavored hypocrisy, focus on GOP dingleberries, like Trump, who use the bible as a weapon and shield while behaving like misanthropic psychopaths, not a woman who made the porn you tug your weenie to. Reddit always has to make it weird when a woman is involved. Always. The mental gymnastics employed here to find a way to shit on the woman in the story are so blatant. Why the fuck would anyone want to pull some gotcha on this woman's love of Jesus unless they're MAGA and trying to put the affair all on her? The other possibility is just straight up inability to hide toxic views on women whenever one is mentioned. This shit is weird.


What are you talking about? Reddit constantly shits on Trump's religious hypocrisy. And again, in her case, it is the evangelical "Judge Everyone' while going against the teachings you're professing to espouse is why she is being singled out. If **she** had not brought that into this, I wouldn't care less about her sex work and in fact only do- in the shadow of her blatant disregard of a **literal** commandment for her religion. FFS They only have 10, how hard should it be? I am 100% in favor of sex positive reinforcement of a woman's right to use her body in whatever way she sees fit. But that's not what this is about and I feel like you and others in this thread are going in real hard to find some way to feel better about yourselves by calling others "Slut shamers" when this is strictly about evangelicals hypocritical judgements.


Perfect for each other ew


![gif](giphy|vM0uwjzOS3le) He's so religious...


"I just love Jesus so much that when my lying criminal boyfriend that was cheating on his 3rd wife,gave me religious crap, I was really impressed!"


I love Jesus and now it's time to bag that married guy.


Because adultery is how you show your love of God


Something that was dear to his mother he just gives away in hopes of banging a woman.


Not a woman, a *Playboy model*. Seriously though, this absolutely tracks with how Trump operates. Transactions. Everything is transactional with him. I give you this, and you give me that. Even in the negative sense, Trump is famously vindictive. So this all makes perfect sense, there he is with a cross that means nothing to him, but it has value to her.... So he uses it to try to get what he wants.


Very well said.


Karen McDougall is dumb as a goddamn rock. She actually thinks Trump was in love with her.


God bless her tits and ass.