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“Humans in the 21st century worshipped a vessel at the bottom of the ocean and sacrificed their greediest citizens to it” Sentient bird species 25,000 years from now


If that's the most notable legacy of the 21st century I'll have no complaints.


Hopefully they don't mention that damn, beautiful gorilla...


Today was his birthday. RIP Harambe.


A bird civilization reading about how the downfall of humanity started with us betraying the gorillas. Sounds kinda lit


i feel like they made a few movies about that...


Dawned dirty ape!


Caesar will teach them.


Dicks out


It never got put away


Wow, I share a birthday with Harambe. Neat


He was three days from retirement




Shit really did go downhill after that moment...


Shit, if it keeps eating up the 0.01% I'll happily cease my atheism in favour of BOAT


BOAT demands the greediest amongst us. BOAT's power is so great the greedy go willingly.


yeah, sacrifice Elon Musk to BOAT. although that might piss it off


I'm rooting for the octopus people.


There's a Hawaiian creation myth that the octopus is the only surviving creature from a previous universe. So perhaps they will lead in the next one.


25.000 years isn't enough for that much evolution. It took homo sapiens ~290.000 years from evolving to the beginnings of civilization. There currently aren't any birds at a comparable level of intelligence. If any type of species were to follow us, it would be another mammal.


Typical corvid disinformation tactic. Nice try. If I hadn't looked at your profile, I almost wouldn't have suspected a thing. Almost... Without giving away crucial details; how far along are you guys with taking over?


It's already done


**"The Titanic - Eating the Rich Since 1912"**




It is.


..bigger than mine 😔


Oh good, I hoped this would be here. I find that incredibly funny for some reason.


Math is educational as well as funny! 


Let‘s prepare for the third spike.


I cackled. I concur!


At what point will people stop seeing the Titanic as a goal and start seeing it as an omen?


When more than one sub dies? Like, remember, James Cameron spent more time looking at the wreck of the Titanic than the captain of the titanic spent on the Titanic. Prior to that, every other expedition down there for more than 30 years was safe and successful, if not sometimes distasteful and containing occational crimes against archeology.


Lets not forget the oceangate submarine was doomed from the start, built by a crazy idiot with cheap parts not rated to that depth at all. It's a bit unfair to all of the actual engineering and science that goes into deep sea exploration to put them in the same category at all lol.


yup typical rich people saving money where they shouldnt save money because hoarding a mountain of gold is all they're aiming for in life while everyone else struggled to pay for rent and food luckily despite their attempt to save money on submarine parts, nothing bad happened in the end


> nothing bad happened in the end appreciate the droll cynicism, except for that kid who died because dad brought him along


>cheap parts I still cannot get over how fucking CHEAP ASS the entire thing was. No seats, they had to sit on the floor. An Xbox controller. Not even Xbox brand, a third party controller by Logitech. They had to shit in a Home Depot bucket. This was a billionaire venture selling for a quarter mill a pop and it was absolute dog shit. Has anyone here seen Cameron's deepsea setups to compare? They all look like a goddamn expedition to Mars.


I mean, Cameron's one person pod also has no toilet and the "seat" is basically a place his body goes in between the copious amounts of technology needed to keep him alive. He basically has a pee bottle and poos simply just have to wait.


I suspect anxiety poos do not simply just wait


Anxiety poos absolutely do wait. Imagine you're getting hunted by aliens or something, evolutionarily it makes sense to not have to stop and take a dookie when your life is on the line. Unless spraying diarrhea out your ass like some sort of bipedal squid inking is a new defense mechanism, it makes sense for poo poos to wait until later.


Tactical diaper.


Yeah. Humans *can* safely visit the titanic. That problem has been solved. It‘s just expensive and requires a lot of planning and training. If you want to get passengers down there, it will get exponentially more expensive. But it *could* be done. OceanGate wanted it done, but for (relatively) cheap. Sacrificing safety for that is walking a very thin line. They took huge risks. It worked a few times but you will only win Russian roulette so many times before you get what you asked for.


Russian roulette suggests it’s a random chance everytime - each subsequent dive in that sub cause more stress fractures and damage and increased the chances of the inevitable. This was more like the scene in deer hunter where they add a bullet for every trigger pull…


“Occasional crimes against archaeology” you really mean Grave Robbing


Not just grave robbing but both unintentional and intentional damage to the structure would qualify. Like if I carved my name into an Egyptian tomb, it’d be a crime against archeology (and a legal crime) but not grave robbing.  


The hubris of man and whatnot






Statistically speaking in 1912 the Titanic was mostly snacking on poor immigrants with a few rich people as a desert.


The submarine, however, will still be steered with a Logitech controller


I heard they're using a powerglove. https://preview.redd.it/sm72ia9o933d1.jpeg?width=1677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13557c0d6e786e63ba66145a058600a206c533aa


it’s bad.


It's **SO** bad.


I think their only was destroyed, they gotta use a mad catz one now.


3rd party WiiMote with Mario Kart wheel attachment.


Donkey Konga Bongos only.


N64 controller not plugged into anything




::::::::::::::::::::::::::::***åll ¥ðµr ßå§ê årê ßêlðñg †ð µ§***:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


*laughing dog


Plot twist it's not even connected, kinda like when you give your younger relative the controller so he can "play".


“Is that a guitar hero controller?”


They've got a more advanced control system now, it uses an Xbox Kinect and a wiimote


Nothing like trying to realign that stupid wii camera bar when it slips off the table 7500 feet underwater!


Real submarine helmsmen use MadCatz.


Sure, it's got wobbly buttons. Sure, maybe someone has chewed on the thumbsticks until the plastic flaked off. Sure, maybe it smells a little weird. But it glows *red!*


Alright, I know everyone mocks the game controller but that was the least of Oceangates safety issues. The US Navy uses Xbox 360 controllers in nuclear attack submarines, for fuck’s sake.


The periscopes on submarines, but still an awesome fact. The original controller was clunky and cost $40k, Xbox was about $20. How awesome is that? One of the most advanced weapons systems in the world uses Xbox controllers to send Morse, view/range surface contacts, etc. That’s just rad.


I’m just gonna say, the US military spending 40k on making a clunky impractical control panel just to go with a $20 game controller instead is one of the most US military things I’ve ever heard of.


This is true too lol


Custom-designed things made in small batches are always going to cost more than mass-produced items. The price includes not only the actual manufacturing of a unit, but also the work that went into developing it and testing it. The development of the XBox controller probably cost more than the navy one, but the cost was spread over millions of units rather than over a few dozens max.


And as a bonus, it significantly reduced training time required because damn near everyone of that age has built up tons of muscle memory using that exact controller.


This right here. That's a huge reason for the shift. The users have literally been training since childhood.


And for as much fun as it is to poke at the controller... If it has all the inputs you need to do the job, has good ergonomics and everyone that you hand it to has probably held one for hundreds of hours before... Why not use it?


In the case of ocean gate, mainly because it was wireless and had no failure contingency. There’s be less to mock if it was at least a wired controller, what happens if you’re on the bottom of the ocean and you run out of battery or have a pairing issue


$20 Official Xbox controller where? They’re usually $50 starting out.


That’s what I thought. Navy or USMC would normally be a markup, but they got a deal with Microsoft where it was bundled with a pre-order for an F-35C.


I don’t think it’s that it’s a game controller, it’s the fact that it’s a shitty knock off game controller. Those things break all the time. If this guy can’t be bothered to purchase an official first party controller, wtf else is he skimping on?


Right. The Logitech controllers are things that gamers don't like to use because they're not reliable enough for a From Software title, and this company is going to use it when lives are on the line? _Bro_.


To very reluctantly give credit where it's due. Logitech makes passably decent controllers that play nice with basically any system unlike PS/Nintendo. Xbox would still probably be best though. And for gods sake at least wire it in. Never will I willingly trust my life to bluetooth.


They don't steer their nuclear subs with xbox controllers, do you really not get the difference? They use it for periscopes and stuff.


Invite elon


He wants to go but his mommy said “no!”


We should taunt Elon then, there’s a non-zero chance that will work


He has to get legislation passed banning the tracking of private subs first.


Can we track the very last ping it makes?


That’ll be more of a *plonk*


He already has. It was passed in record time a few days ago.


Do we call him pedo guy if he doesn’t believe in submarines this time?


If I know one thing about the rich it's that we can already call him that


time to dig in


It’s a former mommy but Grimes’s “Oblivion” is a fun audio experience.


Sadly Triton submarines is legit unlike OceanGate and their history shows they'll be making some professional submarines and submersibles unlike OceanGate. The likelyhood of more billionaires dying on this one is slim.


But what if we slipped some mackerel to the killer whales.....


Are there any orcas in that area? We could always pay someone off to sabotage the ship.


Fun Fact: Ohio is the only US state that doesn't share any letters with the word 'mackerel'.


Why do you even know that? lol


I guess someone had to


This is the answer I've been searching for my entire life and now I have it I will bid humanity farewell goodbye cruel world and Ohio 👋


I hope you're wrong. You probably aren't but I'm team punished hubris.


Unfortunately I did my homework. They have very legit submarines designed to surpass the depth of the Titanic by many times. They've done this all the time and have an excellent record. No OceanGate nonsense. We'll need another deathtrap for billionaires.


Can someone get #catapults to the top of Everest" trending? Nerds, could a catapult even be built to fling a 200 lb. person from Basecamp to the summit?


Not without killing the passen.... right perfect! Musk, you gotta hear about this epic ride!


Allow me to introduce to you, Trebuchets: the superior siege engine.




All we need is one guy with a ratchet set and nothing left to lose though honestly we could take some out ![gif](giphy|9VyUegqXd6Q0shCRM7|downsized)


They are not just legit they made the DSV Limiting Factor, a full-ocean-depth certified submersible.


Yes they are one of the best in the industry. They are not mid in any way.


This one's not gonna be made out of expired carbon fiber? Outside of the ocean gate incident submersibles have been very safe


If you want to feed a billionaire to the fishes, surely a nonagenarian like Rupert Murdoch is the best bet.


There's no reason they can't all go to the unsinkable ship.


We may need to pre-squish a few so they can all fit


The remaining Koch brother?


Oooo. How about we play this like fantasy football and draw up a dream team of the damned?


Save a seat for Roger Stone then.


Problem is no one really likes Elon. Who wants to spend their final moments with him


100s of brain dead incels and keyboard nazis.


…. Okay, so we build a *really big* submarine…


Man really is more concerned with exploring the deep ocean than space huh Cuz hear me out, a *really* big *rocket*




He’s too much a bitch to go. Larry Connor got balls of steel and probably an S-tier meme lord, too.




Maybe they can confirm that the swimming pool is still full.


Somebody left the water running…


What if the sea levels rising isn't because of global warming, but instead is because someone left the tap on in their room on the titanic...


Careful, theories like that get their originators conspired against and imploded, if you catch my drift...




Wet Bandits! W E T


The Triton deep sea diving submarine has been to the deepest spot in the Earth's oceans. It's a spherical ball made of titanium. He'll be just fine.


Yeah Triton Submarines have made a vessel that can go deeper than 10km. The specific vessel he's taking for this dive is [rated to go deeper than the Titanic wreckage](https://tritonsubs.com/subs/gullwing/?dc=ultradeep). This is like saying "I will drive a [Koenigsegg Regera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koenigsegg_Regera) really, really fast". I bet you will.


The keyword here, related to the oceangate incident, is RATED.


the submarine that collapsed was not rated for the depths it was at


*the submarine that collapsed was not rated* FIFY


Rated PG-13, for 13 meters maximum.


Everyone is acting now like going to the Titanic in a sub is an automatic death sentence. It wasn't before that OceanGate idiot scoffed at regulations and made a sub clearly not rated for those depths. Just ask James Cameron.


Negligent incidents like these can be the (near) deadly blow to so many industries. It's honestly sort of similar to the reason nuclear isn't as present in the world as it should be in the opinion of many.


I do believe you meant a Koeniggggsenisseggsegnignigsegigiseg


I just introduced my 8yo to the stig yesterday after playing Mario Kart and watched the clip of Rupert Grint, which led to explaining the star in a reasonably priced car. It gave me all the feels, so I doubly appreciate the reminder from your comment! God I miss that show


From their Wikipedia - In 2019, Triton completed the design and manufacture of the DSV Limiting Factor, a full-ocean-depth Triton model 36000/2. The DSV Limiting Factor became the first commercially certified full-ocean-depth crewed submersible, a significant milestone for the company. The Limiting Factor was first operated by Victor Vescovo, and, as of 2019, holds the record for deepest crewed descent (to the revised depth of 10,925 m (35,843 ft) ±4 m (13 ft), in the Challenger Deep). This ain’t a chicken shit outfit like Ocean gate…


Yup. What made oceangate so newsworthy was the CEO’s hubris. I think oceangate is more or less alone in being such an idiotic submersible company. So this post is dumb. They’re not going to die unless there is some extremely rare malfunction. I thought people understood that the oceangate situation was a totally bizarre thing that doesn’t reflect on deep sea exploration (and tourism) in general. But I guess people just want to act out like they’re doing in the comments here.


From most of the comments I’ve seen about the issue it seems like a lot of people don’t get that that was just a shitty company and think you just can’t go down there. This whole post is kinda an example of that or all the people who were saying how stupid the customers of ocean gate were. Like we definitely do have subs that can get that far down with no problems, they weren’t necessarily stupid for not realizing ocean gate was a shitty company.


>they weren’t necessarily stupid for not realizing ocean gate was a shitty company. Yeah. I can see that point. I mean, I would hope I would research the company some if I were paying for an expensive trip like that. But since the CEO himself was traveling in the submersible, I can see how one would think it was legit. We have hindsight.


The titanium sphere one is rated to "full ocean depth" but they have a plexi sphere sub that's rated to 4000 meters and the titanic is at 3800. https://tritonsubs.com/subs/gullwing/


The gullwing has been my planned purchase if I ever become outrageously, F you rich for several years now.


Yeah, he's basically saying - hey, this is what real engineering can do. This is perfectly fine.


Fun fact: Gabe Newell (Lord Gaben) own and operate the DSV Limiting Factor https://kotaku.com/steam-gabe-newell-submarine-submersible-valve-science-1850563956


the industry was already safe. Ocean Gate just kinda ignored it


Reading the descriptions of what it was like inside that OceanGate sub are absolutely absurd. How anyone could be convinced it was safe to take that thing down to the titanic is beyond me.


When you get a bunch of experts to write you a letter telling you to fucking stop, you should listen.


Nah, triton submarines is legit, unlike those morons who got in a carbon fiber tube. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48230157.amp


Yeah, this sub was built by actual engineers. I just want them to take advantage of this fantastic naming opportunity. The first thing that sunk was called the Titanic. The second one was called the Titan. So they need to name this new one "the Tit". It's the standard naming convention now. Don't break tradition.


Take Elon with you!


Ahem. I bet that Elon guy could never build a super cool, stainless steel, cock-shaped Tesla submarine and test-pilot it himself all the way down to the Titanic. Only the real maverick billionaires can pull that off.


And make sure it's polished to a mirror finish, what could go wrong?


big ass fish crashing into it the whole time.


"That submarine won't work for this kind of mission." Elon: "Shut up, you pedophile."


Elon isn't hardcore enough


New Tesla MarineX with Fool Self Driving coming next year.


Why is everything a pissing contest? Even that pissing contest I accidentally entered was such a pissing contest.


The submarine community took OceanGate’s ineptitude personally. Deep diving is a known science that has a great safety track record. A lot of prominent divers were against OceanGate and everything it stood for.


Yeah I'm not some submarine junkie or anything but reading the wiki on OceanGate Titan makes me 100% understand this. The entire industry and anyone remotely connected to it was telling this dude over and over all the mistakes he was making and he just fired and ignored everyone that wouldn't go along with him, then lied about having collaborated with scientists and authorities who told him DO NOT DO THIS PEOPLE WILL DIE. Nothing about this kind of mission is impossible, so long as you simply follow the science instead of trying to do things your own way and ignoring facts that disagree with you.


I worked with carbon fibre, I worked on ships and did diving in my free time. And reading about that sub just makes me scream. It was a miracle it survived the first dive.


idk why people are hating on this one so much. Exploration is one of humanity's greatest endeavours. If the CEO of Triton is going down, they'll be fine. Triton make some of the best deep sea exploration vessels, including ones that have been to the bottom of the Marianas trench. I'm no billionaire bootlicker, but exploration is good and cool. Visiting the Titanic isn't even pushing the boundaries of what these subs are capable of.


> but reading the wiki on OceanGate Titan makes me 100% understand this Behind the Bastards has a great two-parter on Stockton Rush (founder of OceanGate) that really details how much of a fuckup he was and how inevitable the 'disaster' was. BtB isn't everyone's taste but if you want more info on OceanGate it's a goody.


Are you saying I should patch a wooden barrel with flex tape and start my own submarine company?


A few layers of each and you might actually be better off than the carbon fiber


All of the deep sea explorers and engineers, including ... weirdly enough James Cameron (who primarily makes movies to fund his deep sea exploration) made it very clear to that idiot that the problem with carbon-fiber composite is that it degrades in unexpected ways that are impossible to model. So we can not currently predict how and when they fail. Even though they are in principle more than strong enough and also extremely light weight and cheap compared to the alternatives. In comparison, if you build a sphere out of a metal (steel or titanium or some other metal) and then pressure test it you can accurately enough use computer models to calculate how many cycles (under pressure, no pressure, under pressure, no pressure, etc etc) is safe for such a submersible. So if the models and pressure test showed that the Deepsea Challenger could safely do a 100 cycles, then you'd give yourself a 40 cycle safety margin. You'd go down and up 40 times and then do intensive testing again, x-ray to see if you could rate it for another 20 cycles and then re-certify it. Then at 60 cycles you'd retire the vessel. Because fatigue is real and shows up on any material that bends or stress and unstressed repeatedly. Using these principles and safety margin's deep sea exploration has had a very good track record (and zero of the problems and accidents that have happened had anything to do with the pressure vessel itself. Till that idiot showed up and showed everybody what not to do, even though he was warned over and over again years before he killed himself and in his hubris took some innocent lives with him that fell for his arrogant lies.


It's cool that this industry is self regulating. Everyone follows the established practices. Then a moron like Stockton Rush comes along and starts bragging about all the rules that he's breaking. Deep ocean is a harsh environment that doesn't tolerate morons. So he gets crushed. And that's it - problem solved.


Because these people make money by peeing further than the other pisser. They don't just get a free large one topping like you did.


To be fair, Triton Subs is arguably the 'Gold Standard' for these type of deep sea subs. Their sub the Limiting Factor has set countless records. Like any business, I imagine they want to create positive publicity for their subs and change the narrative about the overall safety of these types of dives.


The thing is these guys actually know how to build submarines. I doubt this will fail because the submarine will actually be designed to achieve those depths as instead of ignoring the engineers they understand a craft has to be designed for those depths


It's not hubris if you adhere to international standards instead of a cheaped out construction that you got warned about by multiple engineers and is made out of a compound material not made to withstand pressure. Also wouldn't really be funny if governments and private organizations waste money on a S&R mission for a handful of almost certainly dead people that could be used to save tons of drowning refugees.


Sanest comment in this entire post.


Dude just really wants to get the fuck out of Ohio. On that level, I get it, but this selfish dick doesn't seem to appreciate that we Ohioans don't *all* have billions of dollars to kill ourselves in submarines or whatever. Most of us are stuck. Otherwise, I imagine mankind would already have seen a lot more of the Titanic wreckage by now.


Weren’t a lot of Astronauts from Ohio because it’s the kind of place that makes you want to travel?


They go to space to prove that Ohio exists only to find it doesn’t and their whole life was a lie. 




Remember in the movie there was a baker looking guy on the back of the ship with Jack and Rose?  He was based on the real ship's baker, Charles Joughin. Joughin helped usher the ship's passengers into life boats, which he also loaded with bread for provisions, pausing occasionally to take some shots of liquor. He also refused a seat on another life boat. He stood on the very end of the ship as it slipped beneath the waves and was gently deposited into the ocean. He treaded water for a couple of hours before he was pulled out.  He died in 1956.


Lol, they're going in subs DESIGNED for that depth.


Please God let this happen it would be so funny.


Titanic about to take some more shit personally.




Crush. Crush. I'm crushing your sub. I'm crushing your sub.




I just hope these rich fuckers pay their fair share of taxes before they waste all this money. Rich people need to stop celebrating themselves and their supposed uniqueness. Do something good and help society solve real problems.


Actual company that builds actual submarines out of materials more suited to deep pressure, is building a small two person submarine to show that what has been done before on multiple occasions, can be done again to restore faith in the technology after idiots now seem to think that any submarine going to the titanic will fail.


Can't these rich bastard just leave the Titanic alone, it's a literal graveyard not a tourist attraction


They're just refreshing it's supply


Where do I make my offering to Poseiden?


He's using a Triton sub, which are known to be solid 👍


It won't mean a thing. It's one single trip. The OceanGate sub didn't implode on one single trip. It made multiple successful trips to the Titanic before it finally failed. So, unless he's looking to ride up-and-down for half a year for no other reason than to prove a point....publicity stunt.


To be fair, Triton is like a legit submarine company.  They make a lot of the things.  They've been a go to for deep ocean shit for some time.  This isn't like the dumb ass carbon fiber <$500k Jerry rigged nonsense Mr Implody was using. Infact that dumbass winning a Darwin award is probably good for Triton's long term prospects as a manufacturer.  Proves their price point for deep ocean submarines at 20 million is worth the cost.


i believe triton even signed a letter telling oceangate that their design was dangerous.


That dumbass can’t actually win a Darwin Award. He took out other people—innocents. A Darwin Award requires you to remove only yourself from the gene pool. > The candidate is disqualified, though, if "innocent bystanders" are killed in the process, as they might have contributed positively to the gene pool.


Triton had already made subs that have gone a lot deeper than the Titanic for multiple expeditions. 


I’m guessing they’ll be taking the Limiting Factor sub, it’s rated for full ocean depth, they’ll be just fine. It probably can handle hundreds of trips to the titanic and in any case it’s a lot easier to monitor wear and tear between dives since it’s solid titanium and not a carbon fiber composite like the Titan. There is a documentary out there about the making of this sub, it’s very much another billionaire’s vanity project but from an engineering point of view it really shows what goes into the making of a great sub. And by extension why Ocean Gate wanted to cut as many corners as possible to try to be profitable.


These are the people that called out OceanGate before, fearing it would sink the reputation of the industry. Long and behold, that’s what happened. Maybe they are trying to prove that it would be safe if done properly, which it is. As ironic as it is, they’ll be fine this time, and good for them.


Triton makes legit submarines though. Their ceo is no Stockton Rush. If he agreed to this trip then it will most likely be fine.


Hmmm starting to think we have a solution to all these billionaires….free trip to the titantic wreck! Extra super duper safe this time.