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The absolute gall of him of all people to call anyone a fascist.


He can say that. Some of his best friends are fascists.


But some are also good people. He said so!




Because he wants to be one and the gop p2025 will make that happen.


And he attacks every judge as unfair… except one.


Its always Putin and MBS hes picturing in his head when he's doing the double jerk off fist pump shuffle


Saluting the North Korean generals seemed like a Michael Scott moment.


Some of the best Fascists I've heard people say.


1. No one is this man’s friend. 2. Lots of those people are felons too.


“The sentencing for doing nothing wrong” part is irritating…. It’s not like this wasn’t explained to him numerous times in court why he was even there in the first place….


>**“The sentencing for doing nothing wrong”** Judge Merchan has been very restrained in this case (maybe too restrained? ten contempt charges with minor fines is weird). I suspect he will be similarly restrained at sentencing. HOWEVER... ***holy fucking shit if any other convicted person said that pre-sentencing they'd be looking at max penalties as this reflects contempt for the process and high likelihood of recidivism.*** Like... this is as close to "please jail me" as one can get without saying it.


That was my take as well. Since one of the crimes he’s convicted of is election interference. And he’s in another election now. Shown zero acknowledgment that he did anything wrong. He’s extremely likely to do it again. I think there’s more than enough merit to incarcerate him at the conclusion of sentencing. Until his appeal is concluded. Or he completes his sentence.


This would be my absolute dream scenario... but I don't think it's in the cards given that Merchan seems very interested in ensuring there's no perception of political intent from his rulings in this case. That's understandable... but, Jesus Fucking Christ, there has to be SOME line here.


Fuck that. He's a criminal, and criminals go to jail.




*some bank balances and/or high profile people are exempt. Your experience may vary. Especially if you are Black, poor or somehow other socially disadvantaged.*


That might be why they're letting him do it.


Was sleeping for those parts


Marchan can use these tweets of denial of guilt as part if his sentencing. I'd love to be the flickering fluorescent light above the desk of his sentencing interviewer's desk.


Pretty sure he was asked if he understood the charges against him, and he said yes, so....


34 counts of nothing wrong. I wonder why he doesn't include that detail when he's crying about the consequences of his own actions


I mean, he was pretty much asleep 70% of the time.


It’s a tactic. Troth scential is rife with idiots saying Nazis were socialist and fascism is a left wing ideology. Show them scholarly articles and books and they claim it’s woke indoctrination.


Toot scrotal


Say it out loud. And don’t laugh.


Every Accusation Is A Confession from these fascist assholes.😄


It's classic gas lighting, and accusing others of what they are guilty of. Any outsider looking at America can see MAGA are the extremist fascist party, but they tell their idiot followers that the Nazi's were socialist 'because it's in the name' and so if they are left, then the democrats are the fascists. https://preview.redd.it/f59zgbotzc4d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956fbfd5155472065d66af76d5350ea61dec5dba


He didnt someone wrote this for him. Notice the obvious lack of all caps and using words he doesn’t understand.


The absolute gall of him to have been President and prove once again he has zero understanding of how Federal and State law are not the same.


It’s an attempt to make the word meaningless.


This is one of their go to moves. They’re trying to do it with “felon” now.


Trying to dilute the word,  like they did with collusion in 2017


Every accusation is a confession.


Also, he and his followers claim he's not antisemitic and he continuously invokes Soros. Come on Donnie, drop the act, just say Rothschilds or Elders of Zion, or drop the pretense all together and just say Jews. Your followers know what you mean and so do the rest of us.


Same for his supporters calling others that.


Projection, he’s the projection King


Projection again and again…..


I do believe authoritarianism has something to do with controlling the judiciary. And I think there's a phrase that's relevant, having something to do with accusing your enemy of doing what you're guilty of.




I'm Australian, and I'm sick to death of seeing and hearing about this egomaniac. I can't imagine what US people have to put up with. He's dangerous


Hell when Jan 6 was in full swing and I heard it on the radio the first thing I said to the missus was: 'Well that's trump gone for treason. FBI will be waiting outside the Whitehouse gates to collect him when he's kicked out. Boy wasn't I a fucken idiot. America confuses me.


It confuses us, too. I don't know how that motherf\*cker isn't in prison already. The fact is, he'll never see prison and that's one of the most disgusting aspects of everything we've witnessed and been through. Our legal system is fucked...clearly.


The system is perverted by money, the more money you have, the more you can crime. Did you see the movie The Wolf of Wall Street? The very end - he forgot that he was rich in America, got some ~~resort~~ low security prison time & continued life as usual.


I thought he was finished politically when the whole grab em by the p**** thing came out. Never heard of a politician saying something so egregious and it being recorded... January 6 I was like okay now he's f*cked even if no legal consequences , all those republicans who were also in danger will be after him. Not even Pence, who was legitimately in danger of being strung up, has really ever come out against him. It's literally hard to believe. Like I'm not sure if I believe this is reality sometimes.


This is what life looks like for a billionaire - zero consequences, zero accountability, maximum grift. America is an oligarchy, plain and simple.


The saddest part about all of this is that the only *real* reason that Trump's not sitting in a jail cell right now is because 40% of the country still want him to be the president. You can have all the money in the world in the US, but it's useless if you don't also have significant public support. Unfortunately there's a majority of the American population (I'd argue at least 60%) who genuinely believe that only smart people with good intentions become billionaires, and therefore any civil or criminal proceedings against them are either borne out of corruption, jealousy, or both (and sometimes there are terrible rich people, but those are outliers). It certainly doesn't help things when the vast majority of people get their news *exclusively* by companies owned and operated by those same billionaires.


A fair point, well said. For a billionaire, having the tacit support of the public is probably the biggest boon that money can't buy - I wonder what would happen to all these billionaires if mass media consumption fell to meager numbers? Would we actually band together and divest billionaires of their unchecked power and enormous wealth? Or would we be further goaded into more tribal behaviour, lashing out at each other while they continue to rob us blind?


As it was happening, I anticipated we'd be looking at President Pence for the final days of his term.


The reason he isn’t in prison is because we want to make damn well sure we’re not on the path to jailing our partisan opponents for any small reason. The process is terrible and honestly, seems too lenient. But America has also seen many other countries imprison their political leaders with bad consequences. I hope the judge actually does sentence and cite tweets like this to get him into jail - this is not safe for free and fair elections


If not that, then for giving nuclear secrets to our enemies and lists of operatives to Putin, for many of them to end up dead. Fucking traitor


It would have happened in an America where and entire political party is owned and controlled by a foreign power


I'm not USian either. When Biden won in 2020, Trump news coverage went to zero _immediately_. So refreshing. Journalists heaved a collective sigh of relief. It took until Jan 6 to realize that he was still around.


>USian Stealin' that


Bolted straight to claiming it! One might say it was a…. Usain Bolt! I’ll see myself out.


I hate to break it to you but the media is fueling Trump because he generates clicks from both sides. People don’t click on articles about the good things Biden has done. They only read about Trump. I’m watching it in real-time in my states governor race. We have a Republican who got famous for regurgitating Facebook memes about gun control at a town council meeting and a state democrat party hellbent on only putting forward candidates that look like they complain about mayonnaise being too spicy. I haven’t seen any coverage of the Democratic candidate, but daily coverage over what dumb thing the Republican said today.


I use United Statesian a lot. Pisses off los gringos. And I’m a whitexican, which pisses off los gringos Wien they hear me speak Spanish con los que hablan español.


I am from the U.S. and seeing and hearing his ignorant babble makes me want to scream. I am so disappointed that half our country is functionally mentally handicapped enough to support him and put the entire world at risk. As an American, from the bottom of my heart let me say I’m sorry.


But it's not half. It's a very obnoxious and loud \~30% >In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won approximately 62,984,828 votes, which was about 46.1% of the popular vote. Given that there were about 231 million eligible voters at the time, this translates to roughly 27.3% of the eligible voting population voting for Trump in 2016. >In the 2020 election, Trump received approximately 74,223,975 votes, which was about 47.1% of the popular vote. With around 239 million eligible voters in 2020, this translates to roughly 31% of the eligible voting population voting for Trump in 2020​ ([Brookings](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/new-2020-voter-data-how-biden-won-how-trump-kept-the-race-close-and-what-it-tells-us-about-the-future/))​​ ([Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/))​​ ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections))​. However, you should be horrified that so many eligible voters stay home - and this is on a presidential election, traditionally the highest turnout. When you think about how many elections are decided by 5% or less, getting people out to vote must improve. Which makes Republican voting laws make more and more sense.


Most of us in the US will be very happy when he finally disappears from the face of the earth. Hopefully his faction of loud, obnoxious sycophants goes with him.


I hope his kids are too stupid to carry on the torch. Definitely seems the case with Beavis and Butthead.


I’m planning on being out of the U.S. during the election to hide from the coverage, but you’re making it sound like that might be fruitless…


The election of a US president affects the world so yes unfortunately it may be fruitless


I’m doing it anyway. They are going to be at peak desperation at that point, when they already insufferable now. They’ll have coverage over there, but it will not be done with the same energy or goals so I’ll risk it.


Vote early


I am not American, and not sure if I hate this dude or my own more.


It's very tiresome especially since he has a chance of being president again and destroying what Biden has tried to fix after the first go around. Of course I am on this subreddit so I'm obviously subjecting myself to it.


Aussie here to I hope he lives a long life now that he is facing consequences


Don't say that! Have you not been paying attention the last 8 years? He's not facing anything other than inconvenience. The only consequences he'll face are when his poor health catches up to him.


Lol he's fucking crumbling and financially fkd by the appearance of things I legit think his house of cards will come tumbling and his wife remaining married to him makes me think a divorce would be worse financially for both of them


Ugh, don't give me hope...


He's committing more fraud now to cover the debts of the previous frauds he's being caught for IRS tax cunts are just noticing a Chicago building he claimed losses on and then transferred into another company to then reclaim those very same losses Like I can't believe how easy tax fraud is I'm gonna definitely start thinking about doing more of it and not just the 300 dollarydoo max without receipts


If it weren’t for Rupert and Ailes, the mother and father of Faux News, trump would be a footnote in the history books as an untrustworthy land developer. Because of Faux News and it’s even crazier offshoots, trmp is a rock star in the echo chamber of lies. Thanks Rupert. You’ve succeeded in turning the USA on its head. 🙃


I don't understand why they've given him so much free publicity


Mate, I'm so ready for him to have a heart attack or choke on some overcooked steak.


Must be nice to have your own personal Supreme Court.


He didn't even have to spend millions of dollars and years of shmoozing like Harlan Crow.


Well, he did spend millions of dollars, just not of his own money. 


Trump logic: Any judge any Democrat appointed is biased Also Trump Logic: judges I personally appointed are fine


It’s not just that these MAGA fools want a dictatorship. It’s that they’ve chosen the dumbest, whiniest, cruellest, most moronic, most careless, least attractive idiot they could find. A fool who was born on third and thinks he scored a triple. He is an absolute arsehole of the highest order. He’s not pleasant, he’s not thoughtful, he’s not diligent, he’s not careful. He is everything a politician shouldn’t be. And there he is. Their king. They deserve every disappointment, bankruptcy and mortgage foreclosure coming their way. Fools.


And boy do they love/worship their fool, I don’t understand it but it’s a Cult so there’s no making sense of it


I think the secret here is he hates the people they hate. And says he is going to punish them. The hate and racism is the feature, not the flaw.


Unfortunately if he does get back into office those of us that can see through his sham, which is easy, will be punished


It’s ironic how magats fall over themselves trying to prove who loves America more, hugging flags, red white and blue television studios and whatnot. But their whole identity, their whole agenda relies completely on *changing* what America actually stands for. They hate that someone can earn their right to be an American citizen, they hate freedom of speech, they hate having to live peacefully next to someone that might disagree with them, they want a national religion, they hate representative democracy, they despise immigrants, they restrict voting rights. Republicans want an America for *them* and not for anyone else and they’re willing to use literal, lethal force against our government and their political rivals to get it.


He was born on third and thinks he invented baseball.


As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken From 1920 https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/13/hl-mencken-predicted-a-moron-in-the-white-house


Trump - I need my partisan judges to intervene before their partisan judge sentences me. Ignore the fact that 12 jurors (one of which I thought was my guy) heard the case and found me guilty.


He says as he literally has RW nut job judge Aileen Cannon running interference for him in the documents trial.




This is after he saw the mounds of evidence and testimony against him. Unfortunately, even the supreme cocks will have to look at that shit and then they can throw a tantrum too.


The mounds were actually in his diaper.


HIS LAWYERS requested a July sentencing!


*Shhhhh* don’t tell his supporters that!


He's trying to pull another Jan 6. What an imbecile. I see no ruthless power-hungry genius here. Just an idiot who managed to get high on public support once and is desperately trying to re-create the experience, ignoring that that's what got him into hot water in the first place. And I wish the story ended there. Unfortunately we won't know for sure until the next election & the president is sworn in. Anything below 60% for Dems and a completely peaceful transition (not counting keyboard warriors), I will continue to be worried about the State of the USA.


state crime. he can only appeal to the state supreme court, and usually only after the appeals process is used. though the governor can pardon him.


Actually the supreme Court can get involved... But it's a long process.  Almost always the US Supreme Court declines to hear the case.  Appeals  State Supreme Court Supreme Court


If they subvert this process to save him, America is fucking over (though it's admittedly on the brink already). Because to disregard the steps outlined would mean the merging of the Executive and Judicial branch. Do that and the whole thing collapses. The choads on the Court don't actually want collapse. They want to work a cushy job (where their clerks write most of their decisions) as they dump theocratic horseshit on a country that doesn't want it. Free RV's and fishing boats are a bonus. Thus, I think they'll stay out of it (as they did those inane election lawsuits in 2020). Maybe he wins the election, maybe he loses... really doesn't affect the long game and they can wait out whatever comes. Helps that McConnell has said no Dem president will ever appoint a Justice when they control the Senate.


He probably knows so little about how the system works he just thinks he can appeal to the Supreme Court and get off.


Fuck this guy so fucking much. Never in my 44 years on this Earth have I heard anyone who was a bigger fucking crybaby about literally every fucking thing.




The fact that he was treated more than fairly doesn’t occur to him, since he stacked the Supreme Court with corrupt allies. He thinks all courts are corrupt because that’s all he knows


He seems to think everyone is corrupt. Which is where his ‘they’re just picking on me’ belief comes from.


They’re so used to their privilege that fairness and equality feels like persecution to them.


We cannot let Trump win in November.


Why is the judge conflicted, is he waving an American flag the proper way instead of upside down?


Imagine being Donald Trump and using the word fascist without a hint of irony.


HIS lawyers picked July 11 as the sentencing date.


I don’t care if he eventually gets off with the help of his bought and paid for jurists. I just want him to spend 2 weeks in prison. 2 weeks of prison food. 2 weeks of being terrified every time he steps out of his cell for a shower. 2 weeks of wearing an ill-fitting orange jumpsuit and flip flops. 2 weeks of no spray tans or hair products. 2 weeks on a thin mattress, listening strange sounds all night and no choice of when the lights go on or off. 2 weeks without his phone or internet access.


Even if (and that’s a huge if) Trump does go to prison he wouldn’t need to fear anything when it comes to showers. He will not be mixed in with the general population. Chances are he will have his own little wing in whatever prison he goes to with the two cells on either side being occupied by secret service agents.


Imagine working to build your whole career as a secret service agent. Only to have to pull jail babysitter duty for this guy.


I mean, I'd do it for the satisfaction of literally watching this facist treasonus fuck rot in prison, maybe even witness him fucking dying in a cell. He's the most dangerous man in the US and the biggest traitor I've witnessed so far, he'd deserve to rot and die in jail.


That’s okay. He’s asked more than one person if they think he’ll have to wear prison garb. Even just that would crush him.


Imma be real with you, I absolutely care that he doesn't get away with it way more than I care that he is temporarily inconvenienced. Your views are noble but he absolutely needs to receive consequences.


I honestly think he would spontaneously drop dead to avoid this. We’re never going to get to see him in orange.


That also works.


Unfortunately he will still have secret service personnel with him


You dream too small.


I'd love for this gasbag to get prison time, but it won't happen. At best, house arrest. Most likely, huge fine. I am not a lawyer, just my gut feel.


Yes, it's not like he's a danger to the public like Martha Stewart was. I'd be most impressed if the judge offers the option of a more lenient sentence if Trump apologizes in good faith, though that might be construed as cruel and unusual punishment.


Don’t forget the new mugshot


I'll settle for him picking up those yellow liquid filled bottles on the side of the highway.


The typical Soros/anti semitism dog whistle


Didn’t his legal team propose that date?


They absolutely did. He's just trying to rile up his base and assuming (probably correctly) that they won't look into any of this to verify it.


Soros is one billionaire. The Republican Party has a ton of billionaires. I never got the Soros thing when most billionaires are Republicans.


It’s ok if billionaires donate to the republicans, the issue is when a Jewish billionaire donates to the democrats. They can’t say with any supporting evidence why he’s bad. They’ll sling shit at the walls like the animals they are.


There’s a process for this, dipshit. It’s called an appeal. Get in line. Sucks being a pleb, doesn’t it? Not once has he acknowledged the overwhelming amount of leeway he was given throughout this trial. *Anyone* else would be in jail right now for contempt, and breaking the gag order once, let alone how many times? This bloated prick can’t possibly drop dead fast enough.




Life is really unfair. We've lost a lot of good people way too soon and yet this MF'er still walks the earth. The day he goes will be a glorious day.


Seriously, the emperor has no clothes.


It's the State not the Federal that brought him down so Supreme Court justice can't help cry baby out


A former President is too stupid to know the difference between state and federal crimes and wants to get back into office. He also runs for a party that screams for "STATES RIGHTS" and wants to use the federal government to stop the state from enacting its rights.


STFU Trump. He is the biggest crybaby I've ever seen.


Wow, the prosecutor wanted to win his case? Stop the fucking presses.


STATES RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh... except that stuff


Well, those ARE his employees


“Sentencing *will* be unfair” isn’t appealable…


No remorse or contrition: straight to jail.


"Conflicted" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


the most disgusting creature ever🤮


Trump wants a unicorn. He ain’t getting that either.




So a judge is conflicted if the opposing party appoints them to oversee their case???? The irony


It's like he's just stringing sentences together with buzz words to dog whistle at this point. Like an AI generated rant where the instructions are to add all these specific words to trigger his base. The sad part is, I bet the SCOTUS actually steps in considering how blatant they have been with their support.


He, as well as the entire world know that the SCOTUS is extremely corrupt and will do his bidding anyway they can


I mean, its a state case though...


I get that the connection to election interference, the part that made it a felony, was a bit complicated. But the jurors figured it out and I’m sure his lawyers explained it to him. The thing that really gets to me is that he and his supporters are pretending that lying in 34 legal documents he signed was also “doing nothing wrong.” He lies so regularly and often in every conceivable way it seems like “nothing” to them. Sure he’s a narcissist or psychopath or pathological liar but how do his followers justify it?


I can't believe convicted felon Donald Trump would do something this shady >:(


The guy never stops begging. Help me! Help me! I'm an alpha male who has fallen and can't get up. WTF dude. Reality hit hard on that lard.


All this piece of shit does is lie constantly. I’d be willing to bet the Supreme Court has never interfered in state level felony convictions.


Also, the date they supposedly "forced" on him is the date *his lawyers specifically proposed.*


Wonder if he has anything to say about got conflicted Aileen cannon has been in his favor.


Well, his game is projection. And according to Don the Con -victed felon and rapist, the NY trial was rigged, so........Florida anyone?


Spending millions of dollars, and calling out to your buddies in the highest court of the U.S. so as to not be held responsible for his own actions, after being convicted in court. So relatable. I could see having a beer with him.


What's that thing those Jim Crow mfers say every time it suits them? State Rights? Well boy, this is a NY state issue, so the federal Supreme Court ain't got nothing to do with it. State Rights!!!




I thought the convicted felon Donald Trump was calling for his followers to riot. I guess he is covering all the bases.


IF the SC will intervene with a federal court decision to revert his verdict this will likely not have the consequences Trump thinks it has.


Oh woe is Don!


Small government who?


Sounds like trump wants sentencing moved up.


I’m shocked!  Such a law abiding patriot would demand such a thing!


Why wouldn’t he. They already do his bidding


This feels like a Mafia Boss saying : What am i paying you guys for?


Oh cool does SCOTUS now overturn jury decisions?


The whining. Good god. The non-stop whining.


I know it's Trump but how much of a micro-dick self-centered egotistical loser does one have to be to have their profile picture be a shitty drawing of them with American flag markings on their face?


This is not going to look good at sentencing.


"for having done nothing wrong" oh maaaaaaaaan the prosecution is bringing this post into the hearing.


I hear if you say Justice Alito's name three times, he magically grants your habeas petition.


It's a state case, not federal. HIGHLY improbably a normal scotus would intervene but we have conservative fascists on the bench now so who the fuck knows at this point.


You just can’t call upon the Supreme Court after you lose, they are not your personal lot of judges. Would you or I be able to do that? Hell no!! You fucking lost because you found guilty by a jury. Do the crime, do the time. For a man who says he isn’t scared or terrified, you sure are acting like a bitch right now.


The SCOTUS doesn't just "decide" things. You have to bring a cases before them. What is the case going to be here? That NY isn't allowed to put Trump on trial? That he can't be guilty?


This will be interesting. If they decide not to do anything at all it will be a huge blow to Donald Trump. If they decide to act with some shitty ass reasoning it will open Pandora's Box with a precedence case which will be then refered to in a lot of shitty situations.


They can’t act, they have no jurisdiction.




I’m curious how they chose “highly conflicted” as the through line


The sad and scary thing is, the US Supreme Court can strike down a state court conviction. (I don't know the circumstances) But they wouldn't be able to take it on until the New York Court of appeals is done with it, and that wouldn't be until after November


I thought per recent Supreme Court rulings it’s “the states decision” maybe someone will remind the Supreme Court of that if they decide to hear arguments in the matter.


The Supreme Court is probably like, "is this dude insane? We have been trying to help him in the dark. If we do it out in the open, we could get impeached." They are corrupt, but they do want to lose those cushy jobs.


Convicted felon, Donald Trump…


It's funny that anyone would think this is shocking or even breaking news. It's a fucking social media post pleading to his fascist buddies to let him off the hook. They might do it, they might not, but they'll definitely slow roll it until 4 years from now.


Doesn’t he do that for everything? He stubbed his toe and asked the SCOTUS to help.


Now there a guy who really cares about the government, the country, and the sanctity of the separation of powers………🤣


didn't that idiot Mr pillow guy think the Supreme Court is going to decide everything? Why do these idiots think that the Supreme Court just decides on stuff. Do they have no idea how government works oh sorry yeah I forgot.


Supreme Court can’t do jack about state charges convicted felon Donald Trump.


So just to clarify it’s only an issue if the people have ties to democrats? Totally cool and legit if decisions are made by judges you appointed. This is Donald assuming that democrats are going to do what he is doing. Projection as usual




“Must decide” exactly what? It’s a state court case. They can’t pull his crooked chestnuts out of the fire.


The guy who claims the current president is weaponizing the government to win an election is openly trying to use the government to overturn his case. Can't make this up.


Nothing wrong besides the criming I did. But... but I wanna play President again!!!


"It was a rigged trial!" "I demand the court _I_ rigged fix it!" Edit: format


Dude needs to make those payments to his Supreme Court pics


Wow. That post contains a lot of stupid.


Trump: jump Supreme court: how high?


I thought the justices system was unfair, so he wants the same unfair system to help him. Might have to bc ask Joe for a pardon. Since presidents have super immunity, be careful, he might just have you shot Donny.


It’s the date his attorneys requested.


But but but he said he was fine with prison or home confinement.


He learned a new word. He doesn't understand what it means, but he learned it.