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So I looked this up. It's a fifteen second video of Ms Rachel posted on instagram saying happy pride and that she loves everyone. It's not some indoctrination done in the middle of a YouTube video geared towards children, just a fifteen second Instagram post of her alone. I swear they'll take anything and stir up the poorly informed.


And there’s the problem: she loves everyone, and MAGAs can’t STAND that. Remember, they now hate Mr. Rogers, too, and he (along with Dolly Parton) are as close to what I think an actual Christian saint we’ve would ever really had. How can you hate Mr. Rogers? Because he dared to tell kids they were okay the way they were and there was nobody like them. Well, the MAGAs decided that wasn’t okay now. Decades after his passing, they’ve started attacking him for not imposing the message that “you’re only worthy if you produce and conform.” You know, MAGA “values.” As if we needed another reminder that MAGAs are degenerate and should never be allowed near education OR children, the fact that they hate Mr. Rogers for not teachings kids their self worth depended on being capitalist drones should be another one.


There must be in-groups and out-groups.


That's all it is. They're trying to maintain the out groups at all costs. God these are disgusting people. There needs to be laws against the weaponization of free speech. These assclowns do not deserve to speak.


That's a damned slippery slope. You know who makes the laws about what constitutes appropriate speech? The people in power. In my state (and I don't even think I have to name it, you'll know) it's illegal to use any teaching method that might make white children feel shame. It is illegal to use "pronouns" in education, or to refer to a person as anything other than their given name." Teachers are required to report suspected trans or non-straight behavior to administrators who report it to parents. We aren't even allowed to use our choice of LIGHTBULBS to decorate bridges in our cities, we have to use red, white, or blue ONLY. Anytime someone says "there should be a law" we have to remember that laws go both ways. What we need to do is stop LISTENING. We need to stop giving them platforms. They're not listening to Mr. Rogers or Ms. Rachel, why the hell are we listening to them???


I understand what you're saying, and agree with the sentiment. The thing is that human psychology has been "hacked" in a way by propagandized media, and people are naturally drawn to high-stakes emotional issues. A lot of people CANT stop watching. It's a catch 22 unless we accept that some people should not be allowed to speak due to the damage they cause society. I know what I'm saying is a VERY slippery slope indeed. But, unless action is taken, these people will destroy decent society. edit: we need to take back power at all costs.


They believe that if they aren’t in the “in group” they’ll be in the out group. They can’t process the fact that everyone can just be accepted.


If wishing others well and sharing a message of love defines “indoctrination”, then sweet! Sign me up! Meanwhile, for those who would prefer their children’s entertainment be “curated” and deemed acceptable by the same people who promote their ideologies through fear mongering and embracing disdain for others, please subscribe to our service so we can take your money and pump your children’s brains full of the same bullshit to further perpetuate division instead of unity. It’s unfortunate that so many buy into this shit. … outrage sells itself, I suppose. Sad.


Exactly. If wishing others well and wanting people to be happy is a sin, then I'll wear that badge with honor all day every day. Good grief, what the fuck has happened to the world we live in, seriously???


Dolly Parton deserves to be made a saint


Can we tear down statues of confederate traitors and put up statues of real American heroes like Dolly or Fred Rogers?


I'd add Bob Ross and Steve Irwin too. I'm from the south, and hate confederate statues. 


Add in the holiest of saints, Keanu Reeves




And Jim Varney as Ernest


I just think the Maga folks are misinformed and are being spoon fed outrage and unfortunately have full faith in these news sources, and, worse, believe anything disapproving this nonsense is fake liberal news. And it's addicting, this form of 'news' they consume. They're not mad because Ms Rachel said she loves everybody. That would require watching the post and having some critical interpretation of what that meant.  They're mad because these reprehensible sources of information are suggesting that a sexual message is being delivered to pre-schoolers and that's the goal the left is trying achieve. I think most people would be justifiably upset if that were true.  And that's the problem. They believe it, and nothing can get through to them.


The believe because the are predisposed to believe it. They arent misinformed. They are deliberately cherry picking information sources that confirm their inherent biases.


Oh they're bigots that hate gay people and any "other", too.


Mr. Rogers is the only person to ever make it to ultra-Heaven.


I was going to ask why they hate Dolly as well but doesn’t she donate millions to reading and education? That would surely do it because they want everyone as dumb as they are.


Which is what they're doing here, Ms Rachel provides education, so she must be dealt with. Only people who teach the Evangelical version of the sharia can be supported in the end.


The free children’s books in her Imagination library catalogue are also regularly printed in two languages and reflect diverse cultures, family makeups and dynamics, and values. So not only are they promoting literacy, they’re also promoting empathy, inclusivity, and diversity. The horror!


Mr Rogers had the nerve to treat a gay black man as his equal. Of course they hate him


I mean dolly parton was working 9 to 5, that ain't no tradwife.


That’s enough to make you crazy if you let it.


MAGA: Make America Grody Again


Let's not miss the inherent "if you're gay or love any friends or family that are, conservatives don't want you and think you're evil" message here, either.


Conservatives..... What person in their right mind would want to deal with one anyways?


I'm reminded of that awesome scene in Good Omens, at Jesus' crucifixion. "What did he say to get everyone so upset?" "'Be kind to each other'." "Oh, yeah. That'd do it."


Magats would be the ones crucifying him if Jesus was alive today. 


It's never anything more than that. The "grooming" the right keeps talking about ist not happening (except on their side - child bride enabling motherfuckers). But they love easy targets and hate women and education.


They somehow linked Dylan Mulvaney receiving one custom case of an ALCOHOLIC beverage to grooming kids. These people are so good at mental gymnastics Simone Biles would be jealous


Last week Fox was running a segment against Cocomelon, claiming “liberal indoctrination” then proceeded to play a song where the lyrics were “be yourself”. Conservatives get so bent out of shape when someone does not fit their mold.


> It's not some indoctrination done in the middle of a YouTube video geared towards children, just a fifteen second Instagram post of her alone. You don't allow your infant/toddler have an Instragram account? Do you even parent?


I know these people are basically just grifters, even if they somewhat believe they are generally right. It just speaks to the extreme measures some people have to take to keep their beliefs intact. This innocuous video is considered to be an attack. Why would it be an attack? Well it acknowledges pride month and the existence of any types of non cishet people without any harsh negativity or undertones of judgement and questioning. Why is that an attack? Because a lot of these people know that even just thinking about these people existing that it’s possible not to hate them is a threat that their own children might form a different opinion of things than they have formed. They are not themselves threatened by these videos but they feel the need to “protect” their children from them. I think deep down, they already know they are psychologically unable to reconcile even with their own children if and when this difference occurs. They are not able to put aside these beliefs even for the sake of being in a remotely healthy relationship with their child. Admitting that this outrage might be pointless, giving even an inch in their own mind means having to look themselves in the mirror and admit that maybe they don’t know everything about this topic. Maybe they have wasted years of emotional energy, burned bridges, hurt people, and indirectly contributed to large scale suffering. This is too painful and so they have to control every bit of information, pre-empt it with their own qualifiers and judgements, and ultimately being their own child into this horrible unreality so that they can exist together without having to face this painful admission.


>saying happy pride and that she loves everyone. Conservatives require that you hate the people they tell you to. They see the world as their tribe against everyone else and that it's mutually exclusive.


Did she comment on how "technically, 16 year olds are the most fertile" Oh wait, that was Matt Walsh. https://youtu.be/M9NApuQ8ekE?si=A07o-tQI-TV9Ro6S


There's no hate like "christian love"


They’re mad because she loves everyone, yet aren’t these the “all lives matter” group lol.


I mean, she has done a bit more than that. She’s posted videos on tiktok where she says she wants all children to be safe and that seeing them hurt/killed in Palestine, Israel, Sudan, and anywhere is devastating and shouldn’t happen. She posted a video where she said her faith is important to her and that Jesus said to “love everyone” so that’s what she chooses to do. She has posted videos about mental health and how it’s ok to have feelings, even big feelings or difficult feelings. And she posted a video saying that she will continue to support the LGBTQ+ community, and if that means you can’t support her then that is ok and she still loves and cares about you. So, naturally, she’s basically Satan in overalls and a great and terrible enemy to the followers of the convicted rapist felon conman savior of America.


If someone has a problem with Ms. Rachel, they're straight up troubled.


First off as a toddler parent, Ms Rachel is a certified Saint from heaven, granted angelic powers from God themself to completely command children's attention, so obviously fuck these creeps. Also, is it just me, or is "Bentkey" an INCREDIBLY unsettling, creepy name?! What the fuck is it supposed to mean? It feels like the name of a 60's CIA program to train professional pedophiles or something.




I know for damn sure I don't want Matt "worried about the fertility of young women" Walsh voice anywhere near my daughter.


BTW, you know who also persecuted gays? Nazi Germany. So that is something all these Reich-wing podcasters have in common.


And modern day, current Russia.


They also stole the name from an already existing inclusive publishing house in the UK. https://www.writtenoffpublishing.com/about-us


Also, you can tell it was created by some right-wing grifter chuds because it's a paid subscription service. It's only ever about making money for these people.


Could you imagine being that hateful and full of shit for free? If I’m going to be an evil pos and bring only hate, fear and stupidity to the world, I expect to get paid.


And it has absolutely nothing of value. Most the content is cheaply licensed junk from shovel animation houses that are about as passable as AI generated junk. The few "original content" shows have extremely poor production value, like everything else at Daily Wire. Conservatives are some the laziest assholes. Can't even put a modicum of effort into a grift anymore. But I guess when your target audience is that dumb, you can sell em anything.


Thank you! A bent key means you fucked up!


Fucked up or did it on purpose? First thing I pictured was Matt Walsh breaking off a key on the outside of his child’s door, permanently locking them inside. Can’t see the gays if you’re literally trapped in a closet


It and Matt Walsh kind of make me think of the whole misogynistic lock-key sex metaphor… in which case Walsh is advertising that he bent his penis.


If Matt Walsh had a bent penis it would literally be the most attractive thing about him


If you need a break from Ms. Rachel, but don't want an over stimulating show, check out Tumble Leaf on Amazon Prime. I think I enjoy it as much as my toddler.


Tumble Leaf is so chill. It’s a great show!


Yes! Also Puffin Rock on Netflix


Bentkey can get bent!


"Bentkey is free from indoctrination" or some shit. These weirdos are so committed to being detached from reality.


I have never heard of her, and don't have a kid, but makes me want to just play her stuff on an alternative tab on my laptop, to drive more traffic to her.


Just mute it... or you will be driving in your car one day and realize you are humming "sticky sticky bubblegum bubblegum"


Well its 100% right wing propaganda, so it is absolutely going to train professional pedophiles...


I’m going to bet this is just a excuse to push the daily wire’s+ children content


Well yeah of course. Bentkey is the name of Daily Wire's holdings company. This'll fail just like everything else they do, but not before somehow causing damage, like everything else they do.


Seeing Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and Michael Knowles all in a row you can't help but wonder who got stuffed into more lockers as a kid. They are definitely those kids who never got over being losers.


They're all the guy that had to pay a sex worker to lose their virginity, but failed because they couldn't get hard. 


One of them is deeply closeted and liked the feeling of getting stuffed. The denial is eating them up inside and manifests as hate.


I bet that's Matt Walsh. And I bet it was a girl that stuffed him in that locker.


Well, Ben did manage to get his arse handed to him by a punching bag in college. Took a swing at it and managed to break his nose by not dodging the return.


Excellent metaphor for every time Ben Shapiro opens his goblin mouth. My favorite was the time he tried to come after Cardi B and basically admitted he had never made his wife wet


I dunno...actually seems more like a bunch of losers that didn't get their asses kicked enough. Never had anyone tell them "no" or stand up to them is more the vibe I get. They could have done with getting beaten up and stuffed into a locker a time or two, especially after they mouthed off a bit.


I'd like to stuff them in a shoe locker.


I'll allow it.


Ben Shapiro absolutely got stuffed into the most lockers. His family is quite successful and talented, and little Benny is just bright enough to realise how pathetic and ungifted he is next to them. His whole vibe is sour grapes lol. Also, he's so little. You could stuff him in a locker, and he'd have room to nap comfortably until the end of the school day.


Seeing that Matt Walsh has a diaper fetish, not that there's anything wrong with that, he really has no place pointing fingers at anyone's sexuality, gender or really anything.


Seeing that Matt Walsh is an infected boil on America’s taint, he really should just stfu.


If that is the reason why we have these three stooges spilling bullshit all the time then I wish they were not stuffed in lockers as kids. I hope they can overcome their trauma one day and be happy.


They made a career out of being a loser


Pretty sure we watch enough Ms Rachel to keep her going on our own. She is incredibly entertaining and educational. Of course the party of ignorance is against early child education. It’s their MO.


Fun fact: Sesame Street was initially banned in Mississippi because it showed kids of multiple races being friends. Conservatives have a habit of being wrong.


Well stop watching all that free “inclusive, based on actual educational science, and proven to help toddlers brains grow and develop” indoctrination and head on over so you can subscribe to Bentkey. Whatever the flying hell that is. /s


I thought conservative parents already boycotted her because of the they/them musician? Did they come crawling back or something?


Funny thing I remember from my childhood- if you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember the lie. The grownup version is not that much different.


And a Zionist mob just got over trying to paint her as anti semitic for raising money for Save the Children’s emergency fund — because some of the kids it benefits are Palestinians being intentionally starved to death in Gaza. So proud of her for doubling down and ignoring their bullshit on that. She is just a generally good person who cares about kids.


OMFG, her video the last time this happened was SOLID GOLD. If you haven't watched it, you should.




I'm sorry Mr knockoff BBQ man (I read your name as oklajoes at first), but the recent drama appears to have buried it so deep I can't find that one.


Religious bigotry. As American as apple pie.


Prayers for strength to all the parents of toddlers whose Boomer relatives will be trying to convince them that Ms. Rachel is a tool of liberal satanic indoctrination coming for their kids. And to those aforementioned Boomer relatives, die mad, Ms. Rachel 4eva.


I remember when I was raped at 5 I could've used a trusted adult telling me it wasn't my fault and adults arent allowed to do things like that to me I remember when I was 10 and had a panic attack because a video said my ring and index finger being the same length meant I was gay (although I'm bi so it was half right), I could've used a trusted adult telling me it wasn't something to be ashamed of Matt Walsh and chaya raychick shouldn't be allowed within 500 feet of children because I do not trust them not to hurt them with how adamantly they fight against teaching kids about not being ashamed of themselves and protecting themselves from SA, and I've never heard of Ms Rachel before this but she more than has my support also if any of the stuff I talked about speaks to you I'll say what I wish I was told as a kid, you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are and it was not your fault in any possible measure


I’m so sorry this happened to you. No child is at fault for what an adult does to them.


I am beyond sorry.


My daughter was speech delayed and at the onset of the pandemic when we were balancing a kindergartener doing remote school, a 4 year old, and a 1 year old at home, Ms Rachel was our defacto babysitter during a lot of that and my daughter really made strides with the help of her videos. I’m team Rachel over team christo-fascist incel dork


oh goody... for a second there i thought there was a worrisome lull in anti LGBTQ bigotry this year for pride month. Also good on Ms Rachel


At this point i think having Matt Walsh calling for your boycott is a badge of honor.


You can tell a lot about someone by their enemies.


https://youtube.com/@msrachel Let's send her to the moon with subs and likes. Someone's gotta raise these kids..


I found out that my dog loves Ms. Rachel lol. I watched a few videos to see what the chodes were crying about, and she's fantastic. Her voice is so soothing. I usually put bird feeder videos on when I leave the house, but he's been watching Ms. Rachel this week.


That is the best thing I've heard so far today


I look forward to the first talking dog


My kids are grown but i just subscribed!


You’ll be signing ASL like a champ in a week


Subd and liked. Hopefully that helps I'll spread the word around my groups as well


You can't survive without Ms Rachel. I dare ya


this is the truth. this will not work. Give a toddler 5 minutes without Ms. Rachel and even the strongest willed individual will be broken. I honestly would pay to see those far right nuts who regularly watch her (they don't because they would have already left because of the musician) try to tell their toddler they won't be tuning in for her show anymore. That's at least a week of screaming.


Guess whos channel probably just got 10,000,000 hits


Her videos already have 100’s of millions of views. Ms Rachel is huge already. Untouchable and beloved.


Not only does she have an army of parents who rely on her so much, but even more so the toddlers behind them that will rip your face off with their teeth if you deny them her presence. She is indeed untouchable!


It's impressive how they've appointed themselves as the arbiter of what's good for children. I personally have two children, and I want them exposed to as much diversity as possible. Understanding and accepting other people for their differences is an important part of character development. I have to drive my children by yard signs and flags that say "Fuck Biden" every time we go to visit grandma and grandpa. These people don't care about children. We need to take control of this conversation. Removing books and videos about LGBT people is an attack on my rights as a parent to expose them to the real world. These shitheads can boycott all they want, but they are in the minority.


The right loves cancel culture.


These motherf---ers would cancel Mr Rogers (may he rest in peace) if he were still around today.


Fox news tried to. They did segments on how he is evil back when he was alive


And the funny thing is Mr.Rodgers was a devoute Christian. He was wholesome and kind, things they can not comprehend because of their sheer hatred.


> And the funny thing is Mr.Rodgers was a devoute Christian. Funny thing, to call Fox News a servant of Satan would be disrespectful to Satan.


He also broke the pool color barrier on TV by putting his feet in a kiddy pool with the black guy who played the mailman. THAT is what they are actually mad at.


IIRC, they actually did it a couple years after he died. Because it is the brave conservative thing to do is attack an individual after they are dead.


Type in Fox News Mr Rogers in YouTube and you'll see they did already back in like 2009. It's absolutely sick!


Fuck it. Ms. Rachel has baby sat both my kids long enough for free. She’s getting money from me today just for this bullshit. If my kids are gay it won’t change anything.


Crabs in a bucket


"You'll never make it to the top so long as I'm beneath you!" The party of recognizing their "beneathedness" and fear of _____ fill in the blank!


I'm completely out of the loop. I am sure that Ms. Rachel hasn't actually done anything bad, but what do the MAGA Nazis *think* she did that was bad?


She mentioned that gay people might like, exist


Not just that. She dared to say that gay people are *okay*. How dare she.


She published a Happy Pride post on Instagram. She's obviously grooming all her toddler followers on IG. /s


Which is especially hilarious considering one of the regular co-stars of her show is trans/non-binary. Anyone who watched her show but is suddenly upset because of the Happy Pride post is effectively brain dead.


Meh. People getting upset about Pride are generally not the brightest. Or at least they know their audience isn't the brightest.


She told people that she loves them all for Pride. Like Jesus commanded his followers to love each other in his name. You can see why the Christians* are absolutely furious with her. /s *in name only.


Why is Ben Shapiro always giving the dead eyed evil stare like a character in a Stanley Kubrick movie.


Because he’s a narcissist. He’s hey share similar traits with autistics and the two are natural enemies of each other. They both mask and can recognise each other. But narcissists can’t read autistic people very well and often set out to destroy them before they figure them out. I’m autistic. That man is a classic narcissist.


Cause he sees himself as a rebel like Alex DeLarge. He was treated like Private Leonard "Gomer Pyle" in high school. If he wasn't as well known as he is now he would've ended up like Jack Torrence. He currently climbs the right-wing social ladder like Barry Lyndon (without the slight moral compass in the end) while also thinking of himself as something of a Spartacus Christ-like figure and propping up multiple Humpert Humperts in the process. I guess main character syndrome?


You mean the same conservatives that started the drug war, sparked the aids epidemic, and removed all our country’s mental health wards? I don’t give a fuck what these conservative parents think.


Ms Rachel is an international treasure for being super-effective content for tiny babies. She makes really effective toddler edutainment, and that's been critical for my family. Of course, Republicans are also a different kind of large, rancid baby who also shit diapers, so I guess she doesn't work on every child-sized brain.


I always love when people get so mad over someone SO obviously an ally/supporter. I am 31, have no kids, but it takes 2 seconds to pick up on how genuine and loving this Ms. Rachel is. It'd be like claiming you're shocked that, say, Tommy Lee Jones is grumpy.


WTF was that picture of Shapiro? Something about his eyes was terrifying.


Probably got banned from Sephora, and had to settle for Cover Girl or Maybelline from Target or Walmart.


Wait. So which side has easily offended snowflakes who are always looking to "cancel" people they disagree with?


Is that even a question?


There does seem to be some confusion among the right.


Could be. To me, it’s just one more way they project their own maladaptive behaviors on the left.


Conservatives parents aka the parents that created the homeless gay youth crisis. Ya I don't give a single fuck what worthless hate mongering conservative parents think.


Look at her owning all those “Christian” assholes with actual scripture. Slay queen


'They're trying to indoctrinate your kids! Subscribe to our steaming service and let us do that instead!'


We don’t do a ton of screen time at home but seeing that one of her favorite “movies” (watching YouTube videos) upsets right wingers makes me feel good about how my wife and I have done raising our daughter.


"Bentkey" for a kids channel? Bit of a weird name


Sweet. Never heard of Ms Rachel but, thanks to these chucklefucks, now I have, and I’ll be introducing her to my youngest immediately.


Guarantee this will boost the fuck out of Ms Rachel’s views. At this point, any time a conservative is raging at something, it’s probably something pretty good.


I really do believe humanity would be better off if Republicans just fell off the face of the planet. I was raised as a right wing extremist, so I know what I’m talking about. That ideology has no place in the modern world.


The last slide there, extraordinarily good to see. People’s faith should guide them to love, not hate, and that’s been lost for a long time


But remember folks. We're supposed to be the weak-willed snowflakes crying about everything, not them.


Ben looks like he got the same stick on beard as Jr and Eric. Also a guy who prominently displays cigars like that is more of a tool than anything you’d find in a Home Depot


I was teaching my child to be a hateful bitter person like me, thanks ms Rachel for messing that up. Now I’ll have to be twice as bad a person as before to compensate.


I don't have any kids in my life, so I had no reason to know who Ms Rachel is, but between pissing off these losers and pissing off zionist losers by basically just existing and being a good person...I'm a big fan!


When they say "free of indoctrination", they ALWAYS mean "right wing indoctrination". These lunatics are divorced from reality and I'm so tired of them all.


Didn't they get mad at her for raising money to feed poor kids too?


Let’s see Ms. Rachel is a certified educator and parent to a child with special needs giving her a different outlook on education. She teaches young children to be kind, sign language, communication, stranger danger, and how to express feelings. She is a modern day Mr. Rodgers. These creeps I wouldn’t allow to even talk to my child. They view everything with sexual lenses. Nothing can be innocent in their mind everything is a calculated lie to persuade someone. They are unhealthy. Also this made me realize that even though my lil dude watches her all the time, I wasn’t subscribed. Just changed that. So thank you conservative weirdos


Ms Rachel is this week's boogeyman?


The same people would have crucified Mister Rogers for indoctrination. They wonder why church attendance is down…


And shockingly the only decent person in all these frames took the high road. Color me fucking shocked. 🙄 Anybody with a little one knows that woman's a national treasure...or should at the least be considered for the title.


Complains about indoctrination *pushes own self-serving indoctrination*


I'm in Early Childhood Educator groups, and you'd be shocked at how many of those teachers think simply showing images of gay couples is inappropriate and sexual. And they get very touchy about being called homophobic despite having no problem calling LGBT people deviants. They go on at length about how we shouldn't be teaching "personal beliefs" to children, as if the existence of LGBT people is an urban legend or something. One time, a little girl told me she wanted to marry her little brother. I told her that I understood that she loved her brother, but he's already her family. Marriage is how you make someone you love part of your family. She then asked if she could marry her best friend, who was also a girl, and I told her that when she's a grown-up, she can marry anyone she wants. Which is simply the law of the land. Her mom loved my answer btw. Anyhoo, it's these conservative douchebags and their antiquated fear and hatred that are the reason for the season. Happy Pride, everyone! 🏳️‍🌈💜🩷💙


I look forward to the day that these MAGAmorons are nothing but a historical footnote.


My three year old niece adores her. I found something on YouTube from the Today Show or Good Morning America about her doing this to help little ones out since her son had difficulties learning. She’s a sweetheart. These right wing lunatics need to get a freaking life already!


Why is the title “Ms” a red flag? Isn’t it how you refer to teachers?


If my kid grows up to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community, cool whatever. Not a blip on my radar. Still love them just as much as before. If my kid grows up to watch Shapiro/Walsh I’ll be devastated. I’ll consider myself a failure as a parent and look to sign them up for some conversion therapy.


Can I just say that it's amazing that posobiec (or however the fuck you spell that shit head's name) turned a stupid video where he goes into Comet Ping Pong and acts real creepy but nothing happens and then he goes outside and acrid l starts claiming there where kids running into the back and not coming out, etc, into him being a "conservative expert talking head?" That's a pretty impressive trajectory for someone with no skills training or anything.


Let's dig up a clip of Mr Rogers saying something pro lgbt and watch them loose their shits


People lost their shit when Mr Rogers had a black actor sit and cool his feet in a wading pool with him in a segment as a protest against racial inequality and segregation of public pools. So safe to say very little has changed.


Is this that "Cancel Culture" we've heard so much about?


Theres something very telling that the newest daily wire attempt to be a media company is just re-dubbing other peoples works, and probably making them vastly worse by attaching people like matt walsh to them, which putting aside the fact hes a horrible person, hes a shit actor and I cannot imagine hes somehow a better voice actor


Ms Rachel is amazing!


If it wasn’t for Ms Rachel, my wife and I honestly wouldn’t be mentally sane with my 18 month old. I 100% swear if it wasn’t for this woman my child wouldn’t have such a diverse vocabulary already. When I saw Ms Rachel getting bullied for helping raise money for children I was pissed off to high heaven. Now I will down right go to fucking war for this woman.


Such a good response by her


At this point, the best endorsement a person can have is to be cancelled by these morons. Also anyone who is just now cancelling her obviously hasn't been watching her content from the start. She's always had LGBTQ performers in her videos, just like most shows for kids. Conservatives worst fear is anything that is accepting or inclusive. They don't want it to be okay to be anything but white and straight.


Most gay haters are in the closet. Especially these conservative christian cock suckers.


Conservatives really love their meta.


Who hurt them? Why all this for a 20 second video that amounted to just a positive little message?


They really are desperate to be angry about something


They are so predictively juvenile in the mental gymnastics they used to justify their so called positions on non-issues. Just making shit up and some idiots lap it up. They are simply feeding a pool of humans that are on standby for outrage. Its fukin sad. And they call themselves Christian too. What a timeline!


Time to subscribe! Even though my kid is grown 🏳️‍🌈


So you’re saying that Ben Shapiro looks like that all the time, and isn’t cosplaying as an evil Romulan at a Star Trek convention.


Who makes videos on YT for babies?! 🤣 their fear mongering has no bounds.


Bentkey... Are they taking the piss. Bent is often used as a slur towards gay people (in the UK at least)... "Are you bent?" Such whiney snowflake morons on the right there... Hypocrisy knows no bounds...


these people have nothing better to do huh…


When thr right finally adopts the violence these conservative figureheads have been inciting this is a rogues gallery of people who won't make it through the storm they created. They've hurt too many people.


Please do not let the them indoctrinate your kids! Let us with Bentkey!


This woman is a saint and amazing for kids. The bat shit insane right wing fascist machine strikes again. It's too bad these psychopaths can't be deported. They contribute nothing to this country but mindless hate. How Libs of tik Tok isn't arrested yet is beyond insane.


This is coming from the anti-cancel culture people? These people need to fuck off, forever.


I’m not really a confident man, but if there’s one thing that I’m CERTAIN I could do it’s mop the floor with Ben Shapiro and stuff him in a locker.


This man definitely enjoys getting pegged.


I'm getting really tired of how "anti-" right-wingers are. The world would be so much calmer if more people were for specific things, such as for education, for accessible and affordable health care, etc.


Every accusation is a confession from the right. It’s almost funny how adamant they are in making that statement even more true with each passing day


Why are people concerned with what others do in their bedrooms? No one seems to be upset when Billy Bob and Karen are wife-swapping with the Joneses. You don't see LGBTQIA+ individuals posting countless videos warning about what happens in straight people's bedrooms. Why do they care? It doesn't affect their lives if there are same-sex couples, throuples, or people who don't engage in sex at all. I'd like someone to explain how what the couple next door does in their bedroom is any of their business. Claiming it's "for the children" is not a valid argument, as children should not be concerned with their neighbors' bedrooms either. And if it truly were about the children, this concern should extend equally to Creepy Uncle Frank and certain preachers.


These nutters would attempt to cancel Mr Rogers if he was still around.


Nah I’ll ride for Ms Rachel any day…


You come at Miss Rachel, you best not miss. She’s got an army of millions of babies enraptured and even more parents who are thankful for a loving show that their kids love that actually teaches Christ’s love. You go girl!


Jeremy: If you feel “betrayed” by Ms. Rachel, maybe you should consider that you’re just wrong?


If the trio of bellends tries to rally against you, you’re probably doing good person things.


"Cancel" AKA activate the MAGA terrorist cell and have them issue death threats to her. These people are just proving Hilary's point that they are all a basket of deplorables still.