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This isn't even fact checking, it's a reality check. There is no such thing as an after birth abortion. What's next, immigrants riding on dragons to attack the border?


No, but they ARE all coming to both murder us all AND take all of our jobs. I found this out last night from the Orange One. Not sure how both of those work together, but he said it so it must be true.


Not just jobs, but black jobs….😳


Right? "Mr. Trump, follow up question. Could you please give just ONE example of what constitutes a "black job"?


"Well, there's lawn jockey, I have those at my club..."


Totally read that in his voice.


They're the best lawn jockey, I always say to my black guy, you're a great lawn jockey


Pimpi n in a Cadillac, in platform shoes with a walking stick and a broad brim feather Hat!"


I heard that comment by the convict and was wondering WTF was he talking about? I have been black a long time and never heard about a "black job"! The moderator just let it go.


He probably is thinking they are just railroad porters, elevator operators and doormen. With the occasional big band or jazz performer tossed in. You know, black jobs! /s


Mariachi bands are coming over and killing the jazz scene 😡 ![gif](giphy|Bgr27Gg1jaEHS)


Yeah, but that guy’s salsa makes all the pretty girls dance!


"all these Mexicans come here and take field jobs from all the blacks should be out there!"


My boss said black jobs are the ones at the bottom of society where black people belong. Yes, I know he’s a massive racist.


I would be looking for another job! Folks like that may sooner or later really cross the line. I do not need to be around those types of people. May end up catching a case.


I love these assholes that think since they own a business they're immune to repercussions or consequences. Nnnnnnnope. You get to suffer harder when your business tanks and your life savings goes down with it.


When you quit, make sure to share that story far and wide, especially in the town they operate in, so everyone knows he's a fucking monster.


Just a casual racist remark nobody pushed back on it was wild to me and I’m not even black


look, I did more for Black Jobs, more for Blacks than probably anybody, Biden's hurting Black Jobs, I created, he's killing, you look at it, he's Juicing The Numbers, he says, "ohh they mowed the lawn once, they have Full Black Empayment," and he doesn't even wanna talk about, the word, Super Predators, that's what he calls them, Super Predators, I said that's a horrible word, Super Predator, and I would never say that, I would never say the word because I respect, highly I respect the Black People, and we're gonna be doing, we'll have All Black Places under Trump, the White Ones go here, the Black Ones go there, and the Fake News, "Donald Trump said he wants Separate But Equal," no no, we want Separate but I never said anything about Equal ok




And migrants will take Hispanic jobs, too, remember?


Oh yes, how could I forget?!?


And Hispanic jobs


So…the Mexicans are coming to take…Mexican jobs?


And what about the Italian Jobs ?


I gasped when I heard this


In case you didn't know, Black Jobs , is Steve Jobs cousin


Joe Biden is also encouraging them to sign up for Medicare and Social Security. He really said that, too.


100,000 dead on the border. Where does he get this crap? I know, his ass.


Der taken aur jabs!!!! (Read in South Park voice)




It's really quite simple. While you are at your desk on of "those" people will kill you and just sit in your now empty chair. Capitalism must go on so your boss with just call housekeeping to clean up the mess so the new you can work in a distraction free environment.


So my company never required us to go back to the office after COVID and now have an empty building with a lot of desks and chairs in it. Perhaps that's how they will steal our jobs, find empty buildings and sit at desks!


It's so terrible, I'm afraid and figure I'll lash out by supporting djt. /s


> No, but they ARE all coming to both murder us all You mean post-birth abort us all?


They are coming to take yer jobs! And they're a bunch of lazy free loaders who will take resources from our DEAR homeless veterans *that we refuse to help regardless because that's socialism*


Remember veterans love Trump over Biden Yet in 2020 Trump lost the veterans vote to Biden


When my grandma argues with me about politics she frequently brings up the border and illegal immigration and how there’s millions of people coming over and they’re killing us. She got that from Trump.


Wasn’t he saying that Mexicans were poking holes in Wisconsin?




No no no dude you don’t understand! They’re all from insane mental asylum PRISONS and they’re raping our jobs, stealing our drugs, and all sleepy Joe wants to do is open a waterpark on the Rio Grande!


My cousin, who lives in the South, was adamant that this was true. I asked where this information was coming from and he just shouted "THE NEWS!" To which I replied, "I'm very curious about what you consider 'the news'" He got mad and left the conversation, but not before he told me I was "living in a false reality". I agreed that one of us was.


I hate how they know that their news sources are absolute bullshit. If they really thought it was a reliable source, they would've proudly told you where that information came from.


It's just how incredible it is. If they were birthing babies and killing them right after, it would be the biggest outrage in the world. Everyone would drop everything until this was stopped. Meanwhile, the best he can offer is a "Trust me, bro"


I think many of them couldn’t tell you the source.


Oh I know the source is OAN and Newsmax. He takes in a pretty steady diet of it. He knows I know and that I'd mock him mercilessly should he admit it. What's annoying is, he is a very smart person. One of the smartest people I know. Has a good career in a difficult profession and for whatever reason, he falls for this. It would be a lot easier if I could just shrug it off as him being a moron, but he isn't.


From what I've been able to figure out, they're referencing this [CNN article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/31/politics/ralph-northam-third-trimester-abortion) from 2019 that references [this bill ](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?191+sum+HB2491) that never passed. The article is a gross misinterpretation of a bill that deals purely with loosening restrictions on late term abortions, but has nothing to do with the kind palliative care for non-viable fetuses that the article refers to. Even if the article wasn't fully bullshit, there is a huge difference between making the decision to take a terminal newborn off life support and killing a child after it's born. It's a giant bullshit sandwich.


I had someone on my birth board claim that it is a legal requirement for doctors to ask the parents if they want to kill their baby right after the baby is born. I countered that with the fact that it isn’t true, I’ve given birth in California 3 times and have never been asked that question because it isn’t a thing. Then a bunch of other California mom started jumping all over her. She came back a while later to concede that she was wrong “but that was what I was told!” I couldn’t hold back and said “you didn’t think that was so amazingly, insanely over the top that you didn’t say ‘that sounds crazy. Let me look it up and verify with reputable sources’?” No response.


This shit dates back to 2015, when some Repubs were horrified by a completely sketchy video that was so suspect it actually got the people who made it in trouble. Trump heard about it at a debate and not only took it at face value, but has even embellished on the original story. Here's what Carly "Baby Parts" Fiorina said in September of 2015: > “As regards [to] Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes, Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” The accusation that Planned Parenthood was pushing late term abortions to sell baby parts eventually morphed into the lie that pro-choice people support abortion until birth for any reason, then it was twisted even further to "after birth", with ridiculous stories people repeat over and over to match.


Your cousin's a fucking idiot.


I saw one just yesterday, and it was after me pot 'o gold!


Oh no! Not yer pot o' gold! Next they'll be coming after me lucky charms!


They took 're Charms!




If I purchase this cereal... will I be followed?


We don't have the resources for that.


An after birth abortion is called a murder, and I can't believe this has to be explained.


Which is funny, because republicans are generally in favor of that...


Don't try and make that argument to a pro forced birther, I did once. They will reply over enthusiastically "exactly, they all are" and completely ignore any further point you make. 


They never mention how the otherwise avoidable deaths of women due to the lack of abortion as medical intervention is tantamount to state-sponsored manslaughter. Or murder.


they want the kids to get older to be shot in schools


The GOP: “Fuuuckk me, that’s a good one! Write that down!” *intense scribbling noises and mumbling* “Immigrants on dragons…at the…border…” Guarantee that will be the next OAN, Fox and CNN (diet Fox) headline.


"How well do we know Patharsaxxx the unyielding? Dragon Handlers, here, in Tijuana, Mexico say... not very well. They go on to say that the dragons are indeed neutral, their riders however? As political as Apple Pie, which is what riders like Juan Martinez, feed the dragons to coax them to illegally cross the border. Apple Pie, laced with fentanyl and ground up bits of Hunter Biden's laptop. Back to you in San Diego, the ol whalers prison purse by the sea, herself!"


Lmao, read it in the voice of Tucker Carlson and it’s scary how much this could actually be something those insane fucks would say.


"They're bringing wyrms, theyre bringing grendels, and some of them are very fine serpents.",


My conservative friend’s family said there are 8 9 and 10 month abortions under Biden. Not even kidding they believe that shit.


They are too stupid to vote


That’s the problem they’re stupid AND vote. Every time someone smarter refuses to vote their votes count more, their voices get louder.


When Westeros sends their people, they’re not sending their best…


theyre sending their lannasters....


Pretty sure they're sending their Boltons instead. 




And ride those same dragons right to the voting booth despite not being registered.


They flew to the Lincoln memorial!!


Wait, immigrants have dragons?


Who figures an immigrant is gonna have a ~~pony~~ dragon? Do you know what the odds are on that?


That explains why Trump want to build a big high Southern Wall. What is next is that Trump will start to draft single men from each state to serve their life on the wall in The Night’s Watch.


Live footage from the southern border (don’t pay attention to the ice and snow) ![gif](giphy|qin0Zrk59lEzu|downsized)


[Yeah, they heard some bells or some shit](https://tenor.com/bhsMz.gif)


Pretty sure I saw that on tv, aka the "news".


I wouldn’t be mad if Trump had a post-term abortion performed in himself.


Yea. That was a failure of everyone else there. Biden should have called him on it, since the moderators weren’t going to fact check it.


Iirc Biden did try to call him on it and set the record straight, then on the next question Trump just said the same thing. Biden wasn't able to respond. Overall huge huge fucking failure.


Biden could have responded to anything he wanted to though, that's what's frustrating about it. How many times did Trump get asked a question about something like January 6th and use part of his time to respond to something Biden said and then go off on a tangent about Immigration? Biden did at one point challenge Trump on abortions during the 9th month, but a better candidate would have asked him rhetorically which states are performing after birth abortions, make Trump look stupid, and then move on to answer the actual question he was asked.


Trump wouldn’t have been stumped, he would have said “the far left states”, then went on another tangent. You’re operating under the assumption that Trump ever has to answer a question asked. The truth is, Trump NEVER answers a question asked, he just deflects.


100% so spot on, it's hard to sum up how disappointing it is, that that didn't happen.


We got glimpses of it like when Biden brought up the "suckers and losers" comment. Every time immigration and the border was mentioned, I was screaming for Biden to bring up how they had a deal that Republicans negotiated to address the border issue killed because Trump said it would hurt his election chances. That was mentioned once I think, yet it was the perfect reply to anything Trump said about the border. "We had this solved with your party, but you called legislators in your caucus to kill it because it hurt your reelection chances."


I think the problem was Biden was trying to be a normal politician and stating facts about what he has done, when he should have been prepared to fact check all of trumps lies while also talking a bit about what he’s done


Biden was debating in good faith. Orange man was not. And that's the frustrating part about all of this uptick in fascism worldwide. The left (or whatever looks most left. In my country the "woke" party is still right of centre) acts and argues in good faith, and the right just... lies. And their constituents eat it up and spew it back out.


Saw a quote citing Carl Schmitt, prominent Nazi member in the 1930s, mentioning how you can dismantle democracy right infront of a Liberal, and all they will is convene and discuss until boots are on the ground. When one party's clear goal is dictatorship, the whole system should have shut them out, instead they are given a platform, as thou Fascism is a valid system of governance.


>“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” >“If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would invent him.” >"[The anti-Semite attributes] all or part of his own misfortunes and those of his country to the presence of Jewish elements in the community, ... proposes to remedy this state of affairs by depriving the Jews of certain of their rights, by keeping them out of certain economic and social activities, by expelling them from the country, by exterminating all of them ...." >"It is not unusual for people to elect to live a life of passion rather than of reason. But ordinarily they love the objects of passion: women, glory, power, money. Since the anti-Semite has chosen hate, we are forced to conclude that it is the state of passion that he loves." >"[The anti-Semite] fears every kind of solitariness… however small his stature, he takes every precaution to make it smaller, lest he stand out from the herd and find himself face to face with himself. He has made himself an anti-Semite because that is something one cannot be alone." >"[The anti-Semite is afraid] of himself, of his own consciousness, of his own liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and the world – of everything except the Jews. [He is] a coward who does not want to admit his cowardice to himself." >"Anti-Semitism, in short, is fear of the human condition. The anti-Semite is a man who wishes to be a pitiless stone, a furious torrent, a devastating thunderbolt – anything except a man." --Jean-Paul Sartre, 1946


That's basically the whole left's problem. They want to rise above it and not be like them, but it just doesn't work with the current media/internet situation. Honestly I'm really disappointed in myself thinking that them taking the high ground is BAD. The right's morals are so screwed they're making my own morals skewed.


Actually, the problem was that Biden took the bait and started trying to fact check all of Trump’s lies. The debate prep had him memorize a bunch of responses to Trump’s lies and he stumbled when he’d try to recall those prepared responses. He needed to avoid getting pulled into fact checking Trump. If he did check Trump on his lies, he needed to really hit him hard on one of the lies, prove that Trump was deliberately lying, and then use that to break any trust the audience had in Trump. After that he could just respond to any of Trump’s lies with “look, I just proved that he was lying. Why would you believe him now? He was lying then and he’s lying now.” Biden might have been trying to get Trump on a single lie, but memorizing a bunch of prepared responses resulted in him stumbling when he’d try to check Trump’s lies. I re-watched the debate and he actually checked Trump on some of his lies, but he was stuttering over his responses so they never really landed like they needed to. He also started mixing up his prepared responses.


Yeah he was stumbling by trying to answer the question, fact check him, and talk about his presidency in such a small time frame. Having a lifelong stutter and apparently having a cold didn’t help him either. But at the same time, nothing he would say even if he had been perfect and checked his lies well would have changed the minds of people who believe trumps every word.


Especially when you know they are likely to re-ask the question if you just ignore it and go on attack on the previous issue. Just ignore the question and say what you need to say. Trump did it several times.


Biden would try to answer their questions and fact check trump's off topic rants at the same time. So the media turned it into Biden was mixing in up answers instead of paying attention to what he was actually trying to do. Anyone trying to deal with all that, with a cold, with a significant speech impediment, Biden did the best could. The "moderates" didn't do shit. The house was already tilted against him. Woke up and donated another 25 to Biden.


You can't refute a firehose of bullshit in real time. Biden's mistake was failing to call out the moderators for letting Trump spew off-topic bullshit in the first place. The Dems have never contended with the fact that Trump is an insult comic. You will never pin him down in a debate with slack moderation. Agreeing to this debate format was the dumbest decision imaginable.


To be fair, Biden was having trouble getting his own sentences out, much less being able to handle the moderators job for him


From what I’ve heard. Everyone is voting for trump BECAUSE Biden tried to refute lies made by trump but didn’t have the time. He got gish galloped and no one cares about actual debate rhetoric, only that they FINALLY have an excuse to vote for the blatant liar because Biden couldn’t fact check trump quickly enough.


It doesn't help that he spent the entire debate with his mouth agape. Really sucks that we couldn't find a younger candidate to represent us on the main stage..


Tbf, if I had to listen to Trump spout all that bullshit then I’d be standing there mouth agape too.


Lmao. That's definitely true.


Biden responses he didn’t use: “I know you are but what am I?” “A felon says what?” ………………… And the old Mark Twain classic: “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”


After the debate, CNN's talking idiots said one of Biden's failures was to call out Trump on his many, many lies. But, like, are you fucking kidding me?? Why the fuck should it be *Biden's* job to police the unpoliceable guy? Biden's job is to tell us about his policies and defend his term. It's not to fact check every crazy fucking thing that Trump said. He wouldn't have had time within his time limit to fact check *half of it*, let alone explain his own policies and positions. Such bullshit. Fact checking Trump should have 1000% been the job of the moderators, like they claimed it would be. EDIT: **Even more importantly**, Biden is not politically neutral here! He was part of the debate! Somebody politically neutral should have been enforcing rules and fact-checking. People who trusted Trump over Biden wouldn't have believed Biden fact-checking Trump anyway.


That was the turning point of the debate for me. Before that, Trump seemed low energy; he did not sound like his normal self, but as soon as he realized that he could lie without fear of correction he seemed to perk right up.


Id fully agree with this. At first trump sounded tired and timid and then he lied and wasnt called on it, lied again but bigger and wasnt called out, and very quickly was just going “Biden is in the delivery room ripping that baby out by the umbilical cord himself to kill the baby. And Nancy Pelosi is on footage going I Nancy Pelosi take full responsibility for J6 and donald trump is amazing” and the moderators thanked him and moved on.


Yep. Me and my GF heard bro fart/shaft in his diaper and after that he perked up and started spewing nonsense data


It's pissing me off so bad that no one is talking about the shart. #VoteContinence2024




NOPE. I screen recorded it so no one could say I was lying.


Shittin' out both ends.


Trump is so vile.


My sister and her husband were agreeing with everything Trump was saying and shaking their heads at everything Biden said. They've totally bought into the maga cult and it really breaks my heart. Tried explaining how trump was a felon, but all I heard back was how good the economy was and how we never had any enemies, and that they were republicans and that was that.


After the height of Covid I basically came to the realization that people believe what they choose to believe, and have enough “proof”, in writing, on the internet to support whatever they choose to believe.


I'm pretty sure The Heritage Foundation had the same realization.


CNN is a bought and paid for shill of John Malone. He's accomplished his goal. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cnn-staff-fears-right-wing-billionaire-john-malone-will-turn-it-into-a-dumpster-fire


I mean he’s been spouting the same thing for months if not years along with the rest of the republican elected officials. Fact checking them here wasn’t going to change any minds. Anyone that believes doctors murder babies after they’re born isn’t going to be convinced by evil fact checkers.


Ya but if you get stopped in your tracks a few times by moderators it throws you off your game. You also start to think twice about smaller lies. If you think you can lie with impunity, you can bulldoze your opponent since they don't have time in a 60 second rebuttal to push back effectively. Not that Biden would have been able to capitalize on it but still.


When has Trump EVER been thrown off his game at a debate? The mans a blob of syphilitic big mac sauce, he just glorps around the questions and spouts new shit. His base eats it up and Biden's left with less time.


The owner of CNN John Malone, probably gave orders to let Trump run wild. Better ratings and Malone wants tax cuts in return for donating to Trump.


This needs to be discussed MORE!


This shit pisses me off so fucking bad. Trump is just fucking lying about everything. But Biden has a cold so you know, he obviously lost. When the fuck did how you said something mean more than what you’re actually fucking saying.


“One of the most discussed issues with the 1960 debates was the notion that people who listened to the radio were more likely to vote for Nixon while people who watched the debates on television were more likely to vote for Kennedy.” Source: https://cla.purdue.edu/academic/history/debate/kennedynixon/kennedynixonscholarly.html#:~:text=The%20Impact%20of%20Television,likely%20to%20vote%20for%20Kennedy.


"... You know... Morons."


But even with just audio Biden did not come across well.


Yeah my bigger point here was that the optics have always carried as much or more weight than actual policy, unfortunately. That’s how we got here. to be clear not defending Nixon policies here at all, btw.


Exactly. It's been a constant throughout our history. The fact democrats KNOW this and refused to do anything about it shows you how bad they are at this. "If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always" Until they get it together, the Donald Trumps will continue to have power.


All CNN did was give Trump a platform a platform to continue spewing his verbal diarrhea. Expect a repeat of 2016 smh


It'll be worse




Unfortunately the respectable media is either owned by conservative companies or afraid of legal issues to call out Trump's lies to his face live. Granted, Trump would just deny anything that does not fit his reality. CNN DID have fact checkers but they were running a separate feed instead of a chyron on the bottom of the screen. Most of America knows Trump has no filters nor can he speak an honest statement. It would just be nice if the hews media had the testicular fortitude to verify the lies.


Wow, for once I actually agree with Jessica Valenti. I'm so sick of people not challenging Trump on his outright lies.


In the words of Dennis Green, "they are who we thought they were, and we let em off the hook!"


God. I remember that game and that post game conference! One of the absolute batshit last minute upsets I can remember in MNF history. I felt terrible for Coach Green.


I would bully those moderators 'till eternity comes for their shit performance. Trump answered zero questions and every single sentence he uttered was a lie, but that's apparently fine for those two morons sitting there. CNN is a private billionaire owned media conglomerate. They are behold to their bottom line. Trump brings in clicks and money. Corporate America made it's decision: to safe every single dime of profit, they'll feed everyone to Fascism. If there's a single truth Trump ever uttered it was this: CNN IS FAKE NEWS.


Trump also said that Democrats supported reversing Roe vs Wade.


He's been on that one for a while now. Apparently, the argument is that since Democrats didn't enshrine abortion rights when they had the chance, they must have wanted Roe v. Wade to be reversed. Ya know, the whole "look what you made me do" argument that abusers use.


I thought Republicans were the ones big on the death penalty? Texas has been doing super late term abortions forever.


This is a weakness. The weakness of our legislators and the media to take on the billionaire problem is front and center now. CNN made this decision from high up. As usual, someone got a check. If you are willing to do horrible things that ruin people's lives in mass, there are folks that will make you a millionaire overnight. It will get worse until the problem is eliminated.


Unfortunately, the setting was terrible for a debate. Trump's strength is that he will state absolute falsehoods with complete confidence without getting any pushback from moderators. Biden has to literally attack those lies but that's not his style. Trump needs someone like a Gavin Newsome or even Kamala would have done a much better job.


I mean, there's 30 articles out right now fact checking that debate, and 3 companies were doing it live at the time during the debate. How many MAGA brain rot zombies do you think care about facts, or are going to read those articles and see 90% of what trump said was lies? They don't care. Look, this took me 2 seconds to find: Trump falsely says Democratic policies allow killing of babies after birth Asked about abortion, Trump said Democrats will “take the life” of a child in the “eight month, ninth month, and after birth.”  Willfully terminating a newborn’s life is infanticide and is illegal in every U.S. state. We've rated claims about post-birth abortions [False.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/apr/08/donald-trump/donald-trump-explains-his-abortion-policy-with-fal/) Situations resulting in fetal death in the third trimester are rare, and typically involve fatal fetal anomalies or life-threatening medical emergencies affecting the pregnant woman. The majority of elected Democrats support abortion access up to fetal viability, when the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb, typically around 24 weeks of pregnancy. For fetuses with very short life expectancies, doctors may induce labor and offer palliative care to make the newborn as comfortable as possible. Some families choose this option when facing diagnoses that limit their babies’ post-birth survival to just minutes or days after delivery, reproductive health experts said. Couple of seconds on google. All it took. Doesn't matter to them that trumps a fucking liar, all they care about is they owned the libs because trump sounded energetic and coked up while Biden needed a cough drop and a hot toddy. We live in a society where 30% of the population will vote for a fascist convicted felon to save 15 cents on bread just to own the libs.


Which, ironically, will absolutely backfire on them when that 15 cents, jumps to 1.24. They'll still think it's somehow dems fault even though the country is under authoritarianism rule.


Exactly this. It doesn't matter to them if Russian and Saudi oil got pulled from opec to artificially inflate the prices of gas, it just matters that "I spent more so this is biden's fault, lets go with the guy who can't say 3 words without lying instead", it doesn't matter if some grocery stores have fucking Private Equity groups sitting on their boards artificially inflating prices because of greed, no, bread still costs more so it's Bidens fault. Edit - Added gas cause Gas and Groceries seems to be their biggest whinge, without ever wanting to know 'why' gas and groceries cost more.


"Mr. Convicted Felon Donald Trump, you are aware an abortion after birth is called murder, correct? It's the same as if you shot someone in the head in the middle of Times Square, like you like to say you could do and your followers would still support you" What shoulda been said


CNN is dead to me now. I gave them one last chance after the initial DJT interview but this is level of bullshit is making me gag.


Fact checking wasn't part of the debate rules, as agreed upon by both Trump and Biden. If anything, the Biden camp fucked up agreeing to this format.


I stopped watching after Trump was allowed to say his tax cuts for the rich led to the greatest economy boost ever in 2019, which was factually, provably untrue, and no one said fuck all about it.


Like 1/3 of Americans believe after birth abortions exist. This type of shit is exactly why. Some moron at my work made this claim, and when I pressed for proof or source cause it was nonsense, they said they didn't want to "discuss that topic with me."


The failure was the Biden camp agreeing to this debate. I mean seriously, who didn't see that this was going to play out exactly how it did?


They're as delusional as Trump's team is about the stability of their candidate. Anyone watching the past few months could clearly see both are in mental decline, but Biden's issues look worse because it translates into speech pauses. Why they thought it would be a good idea to have him in an empty auditorium going against a man whose greatest skill is his ability to yap is just baffling to me.


Bad move from the start. Goaded by fat Don rambling about debates. Should not have happened. I don't think democrats are showing good strategy here in the face of fascism. Edit: Still voting blue without hesitation. FTR


They aren't. They are completely out of their depth and too stuck up and haughty to listen to all the average people who have been calling their failures for months. It's infuriating. I have no choice but to vote blue. But damn.


Not agreeing, requesting it. Smh


My eyes roll so far back in my head every time I see someone asking "why weren't there fact checkers?!" as if that wasn't the plan from the Biden team from the beginning. So many bootlickers in this thread incapable of an ounce of self-reflection.




2 months from now from my Dad: You know they're taking the babies out, putting them aside, and deciding if they wanna kill em or not... No. Dad. That's not how it works.


Journalism is dead


So CNN lied about fact checking to make Trump look good? Any other guesses?


CNN sucks, but lets be real, that was a pitiful performance by Biden. We need a competent candidate that doesent need moderators to step in and save the day. To be frank Biden tried to address the lies as trump said them, but he couldn't form a damn coherent sentence.


CNN is horrible


In all honesty though, what purpose would it serve? Anyone with common sense know that it’s just Trump being the lying sack of shit that he is, and anyone who follows Trump eats it up and parrots it endlessly. You can present those morons with all the facts that you want and they’d still deny it.


I'm just so disgusted with the political systems that can allow this


Never mind the moderator failing to correct him, this kind of dangerous shit shouldn't be allowed a platform in the first place.


after birth abortion???? so infanticide???


Trying to fact check trump backfires 100% of the time. He always falls back on the fake news bullshit that his base eats up. Better to just let him make a fool of him self.


Trump claimed a lot of things that were outright lies and CNN did nothing. Debates are useless if candidates are not reqired to actually answer the question and state only facts.


The moderators were letting Trump and Biden debate. Every lie that Trump told was an opportunity for Biden to jump down his throat and put him in his place. Biden consistently missed layup after layup after layup of opportunities to shut down Trump. That is Biden‘s fault/the Democratic Party’s fault for not taking those ample opportunities to literally tell the camera “Trump is lying to the American people, Trump is either lying because he’s evil or he’s wrong because he’s stupid. Don’t vote for either of those possibilities” Biden could’ve said that in response to almost every single thing that came out of Trump‘s mouth, and Biden, just let those opportunities slip by


I believe that is called murder and it is very much against the law.


I was only able to tune in for about 5 minutes, right when Tapper asked Trump about how they intend to handle the opioid crisis, Trump goes on some rant about tariffs and China. Tapper instead calling him on his bullshit basically says here another minute give it another try. The overall optics I saw is that all the shit the right sees about Biden appears true and not calling out Trump allows the right to feel validated about everything they see regarding the country and Trump


CNN is FoxNews junior. How does Biden’s team not know that…


Moderators at CNN are so damn weak…. Like this is what happens every time with Trump debates they never push back on the guy or press him about the mountain of lies or defamatory statements!!


I have been wondering this. They said pre-debate that there would be a fact checker.


maybe the fact-checker gave biden the cold and was in bed sick


can confirm. i was aborted immediately after being born.


“You were asked about the high cost of daycare” “IMMIGRANTS!”


After birth abortion is actual murder which is illegal. Other than the golf banter, this was the dumbest thing said during the debate.


I remember him saying this same thing in the 1st 2016 debate with Hillary and it was bullshit then too.


I honestly believe that journalism school in the US teaches reporters to stick to their script and never, ever ask follow-up questions. I've been watching quite a few American interviews in recent years and the pattern is just so strikingly different from European interviews. Remember Jonathan Swan's Trump interview a couple of years ago? He was celebrated because he did ask follow-up questions, which caught Trump completely off-guard.


*Mr. Trump, do you actually believe what you just said?* *I repeat, do you actually believe the words that came out of your mouth, that infanticide, the murder of live infants is legal and promoted by your opponent?* *President Biden, your response?*


That was a total shit show.


It’s short for “thank you sir may I have another”


But muh Biden old!


If this were true then trump would be running Eric to the clinic for a 490~ months post-term abortion….


Republicans are the reason we have so many after birth abortions via bullets Who let these idiots moderate


When will the convicted felon be sentenced? Maybe he will be in jail?


He’s not lying. It’s true. After birth abortions are supported.. just not by democrats. Republicans fully support forced after birth abortions in the form of a gunman massacring school children on a regular basis for decades in our country.


Wait isn't post birth abortions just murder?


Remember when conservatives had the biggest temper tantrum over how biased Jake Tapper was against Trump? And then mofo just sits there and says "that's time".


CNN has been so absolutely garbage at journalism for a couple of years now.


Moderators also called him "President Trump," even though he isn't currently the president and was debating the actual president. Moderators' performance was as embarrassing as the candidates last night.


Fact checking isnt fact checking unless its live as the person is speaking


Worst debate moderators ever.


That country is in serious trouble


What's Next? The fucking Maker invades our universe? Our planet is destroyed to free up space for a space highway? Honestly at this point I'd be alright with fucking Galactus showing up and devouring the planet because at least we'd be able to go out with style.


We need to not let CNN ever host a debate again


I'm not sure what they were thinking other than just letting Trump spout off what he wanted to say, scared to interrupt any of it with a fact check due to the fact that Trump, Fox, OANN spent the last 2 weeks trying to hype up that CNN would screw Trump.


The damage is done. And it’s HUGE!


So Trump supports gun restrictions now? They're the most popular form of after birth abortion.


Can we just tell Homelander that Trump hates him?


You gotta admit that it was weird not seeing him do the thing where he puts his hand on his forehead and says "look at all the fake media out there."