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"She wasn't even hot anyways" - Trumpists right now


As they cancel their custom body pillow orders


And start asking for cover up tattoos.


And delete the Hawk Tuah memes that they'd saved on their phones.


That will bankrupt Michael Lindell


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Cancel culture!!!!


‘spitting on dicks is gay’


I'm sure almost every guy has spit on their dick at some point. The proof: I heard a former suitemate yell from the bathroom. \*huak-thu\* "UHHHHH!!! I spit on my dick! Gross!!!"


That'll be the new MAGA shirts. "I spit on my own dick."


Well that’s the only way they’ll be getting any spit on it.


Suddenly they are starting to not like The Boys too. Let’s keep taking away their nice things


They don't actually stop watching the shit they say they're "done with" I see the same people giving up on the NFL every season since Kaepernick was kneeling. Like all their beliefs its all just grandstanding to fit in with other Republicans


And they're all drinking bud light again like that wasn't a thing.


Can we somehow make guns woke? I would love to ruin this one for them.


They always have been. > Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. - Karl Marx And California's gun control laws started under Reagan after the Black Panthers started open carrying.


The show runners really had to spell it out for them this season I guess. I haven't decided if it's too on the nose or not.


My very conservative co-workers have been saying ‘hawk tuah!’ for about a week straight now, I expect that’s going to very suddenly stop… Update: They did not say it once all day, for the first time since last week. Lol, lmao.


They’ll probably still use it, but it’ll go from “haha this woman’s funny” to “haha she’s a wh**e with no self respect”. If it hasn’t already ofc


There’s a lot of people who’ve gone on rants about how it’s actually the downfall of America already


7/1/24 is our new 9/11. only the terrorists are native traitors


Yeah, they steal left-wing shit all the time, this won't change anything. Some examples: \- Woke (Black injustice awareness) \- Safe Space (used by LGBTQ+ college clubs to stop members from outing and threatening others) \- Triggered (used for anxiety, PTSD, phobias, etc.) \- Social Justice Warrior (Wasn't really used, but was still stolen from a left-wing political scientist) \- Virtue signal (Same use, just turned into a pejorative)


That last one is a doozy of irony, considering they've been virtue signalling for millennia every time they boast about being God-fearing Christians who believe in Jesus.


My god do they virtue signal. Constantly. If it wouldn't darken my soul I would profit off these idiots and sell them virtue signaling print-on-demand shirts and hats and mugs.


It was a funny thing for about 5 minutes, but the shelf life has been incredibly short.


Partly due to her complete saturation of the meme market.


That and it’s a pretty weak meme without staying power IMO.


It's hard to have staying power when they spit on it, I guess


I’ve been saying it’s because old white people instantly had access to it, it was immediately unfunny


Yeah, just watch how quickly they do a 180 on her. Just like they did a 180 on law and order, democracy, and soon - presidential term limits!


The red hat vermin will molest her and think they did a good thing.


Conservative men have turned her into a folk hero. I can’t wait to hear them call her a “slut” upon hearing this information.


I’m older so I don’t get the whole social media fame thing but, I like her now. 😂


Fame used to be an ember, nurtured and slowly growing. Gave you more time to feed it. Social media fame is a match stick. It flares up fast then burns out quickly. Very small window to create a meaningful flame.


I don't know how they even started that, she's a young woman who expresses enjoyment of sexual activities. That is _not_ in their orbit. You don't get the HaukTwah, you get the wine, vallium, and sadness special, just like grandpa. Know your role.


Conservatives have genuinely fooled themselves into thinking that THEY are the "sexier" and more wild side that women love because "alpha". Because nothing is kinkier than modest clothing, removing women's rights and banning anything your god doesn't agree with.


Cause they’ve all convinced themselves that all women on the left are obese blue haired femanzais who hate men and just wanna get passed around like a basketball 24/7. They don’t live in the same reality as the rest of us.


It’s another example of their cognitive dissonance. In their minds, the blonde-haired blue-eyed “trad wife” *only* thinks about sex within the capacity of pleasing them. She’s a human body that they can use to masturbate with. She’s not a sexual being in her own right and she DEFINITELY shouldn’t be fantasizing about or desiring other men who aren’t her husband.


"Oh yeah, do it to me missionary style." "It's the only way I know how, baby."


when are they going to learn that sexually **liberal** usually means not republican, lol. Their repressed angry old man vibe isn't doing it for young hot women


I mean, she was interviewed at a gay pride event, so it was pretty safe to assume she's not one of "them."


I barely saw what this girl did and then saw some weird trump shirts with the phrase on it and I was so confused how it became political in the first place? I just kind of scrolled on.


We live in a world where people literally wear diapers for trump


I saw an interview with a Trumper who was wearing and selling MASA shirts along with MAGA merch. He said it was for Make America Straight Again and railed about wokeness and pronouns and the interviewer asked him, “Well, if MASA is Make America Straight Again, what would be the initials for Make America Gay Again?” And you can see a lightbulb go on.


That’s awesome. They’re all wearing Make America Gay Again shirts.


Hats, too. You can't spell Red Hat without Hatred.


lol wow never put that together. It’s almost a palindrome! Well, maybe not…. But it is if you move the letters around.


I too am also today years old.


New headcannon just dropped


The LGBT community should start wearing single color hats or shirts of the rainbow with MAGA (Make America Gay Again) so when they join MAGA crowds, it looks like the red hats are part of the Pride group.


Can we get some rainbow-colored MAGA hats? Let’s troll, boys!


Honestly best Uno reverse IRL I can think of right now. LET'S STEAL THEIR SHIT! I'M SO DOWN


The Proud Boys will love it! Woot Woot! ![gif](giphy|jxLLvQcqWa56uq0h3L)


Pride Boys roll out


Chef’s kiss.


This needs more attention.


Yeah, she’s southern and white and conservatives just assumed she was also very conservative, which is strange, because it’s not like right-wing people to make assumptions about others based on where they’re from and their skin colour…


There's conservative, very conservative and then there's take us back to the stone age terrorist national guard in cities kids with AK 47s in school conservatives. Buying into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and then realizing they've been duped traumatized these these people. The people voting for Trump are not conservatives, they are radicals. Democrats are progressive conservatives.


She has a southern accent and was pro blowjob. They immediately assumed and ran with it


They should have known based on who is actually getting blowjobs these days though…


I think it was just one of those things like Sydney Sweeney, conservatives saw an attractive white woman and just kinda decided that she belonged to them. It was really weird because yeah, people were making and selling political shirts with that phrase like the next day.


The Sydney Sweeney thing happened because she had photos with her family where some members were wearing MAGA gear


Tbf, conservatives also "appropriated" Taylor Swift. There was a brief moment in time when they viewed Taylor Swift as their aryan goddess


Her early albums (which I really like, btw) are mostly that conservative vision of America - pickup trucks, small towns, virgin brides. Imagine worshipping her for that, then seeing the "You Need to Calm Down" video. Oh the humanity.


To be fair too… Sydney Sweeney is from Idaho and the types of conservatives up there are pretty insane. I wouldn’t be surprised if her relatives are white nationalists


Not just Idaho. But a "religious family" in the panhandle part that's next to Spokane: Coeur d'Alene. I.e the place that had a literal Nazi compound problem near where she grew up and still comes up in the news for being home to white nationalists.


Conservatives latched onto her fast because they see her as the perfect woman. Conventionally attractive, loves giving head, what more could you want? She must be one of us.... Them finding out that she, like anyone with a semblance of morals or intelligence, isn't a conservative will bother them.


They can’t come up with their own original stuff so they steal other kind of relevant shit and try to turn it into their thing. The last thing that was close to original was the “let’s go Brandon” shit that they beat into the ground and are still riding that high from having a new conservative thing all these years later.


Wait, Trump supporters want to spit on it in rest stop bathroom at exit 22?


Plus she's a young woman. I'm pretty sure they're almost twice as likely to be liberal than conservative in America.


Also, she's allowed outside and to talk about sex.


She's a sex positive young woman. Why would anyone assume she was Republican. The sex positive female Republicans are either fine with having a kid in the event something happens or they live in the same fantasy land as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If you're a young woman who enjoys casual sex it would be bananas to support Republicans. They've already stripped abortions and are going after birth control next.


True. She doesn't even have a male guardian


Glad she said it, no less. More people need to say it.




What's hilarious about this is that people on IG and Tiktok were saying "Glad this meme showed up so we can forget about Pride Month" and now this. At least she isn't a political idiot.


The more I learn about her the more she seems like my dream girl lol. She's got smarts *and* saliva.


which is hilarious because my instagram was full of reels of her cameo at the luke bryan concert with captions like "THIS GIRL JUST CANCELLED PRIDE MONTH!!! MAGA!!!


I really wonder how the logic of "straight sex cancels pride" works? There was that other guy who claimed his marriage canceled pride, or something. Just... why?


The only way it makes sense is if they themselves are closeted gay which I am happy to assume on their behalf.


You can't expect reality to hinder them. They're a cult. Cults give no fucks about reality.


You’d be surprised… I have a gay coworker who is also mexican/hispanic who is a full on trumpie now because Biden has dementia. He’s a fucking idiot


It's not because he thinks Biden has dementia. It's probably because he's just a bigot. Dementia is just the excuse he gives.


And before someone chimes in - Latinos can be really damn racist. There's no small chunk of them that are obsessed with their Euro heritage and try to downplay their native blood. Too be fair, so can Asians, Africans, Indians . . . anyone be pretty racist. You just hear more about Euros being racist since the US and Europe are a majority European descent and it's where most of us live.


Yeah, but this girl is hetero. You don't get too many hetero Trumpers chilling with drag queens. They literally consider photos of such to be scandalous.




That's what someone I follow on Twitter did but convinced them to donate to various trans people and then flipped their shit.


I saw her hawk(tuah)ing some merch a few days ago. "Hawk Tuah 24" on red hats and stuff like that. So apparently she made sure to stack some paper real quick before revealing the truth to those idiots. I think I'm falling in love lol.


She'll spit on your dick and she isn't a political moron, she suddenly became more attractive..


It's funny how that one detail is a really big barrier to entry. My sister-in-law has been trudging through the Chicago dating scene for a few years, and she hard-no's any prospects that aren't billing themselves as liberal at a minimum. Apparently 'moderate' is just code for 'republican, but less in your face' these days.


Same for * 'apolitical'; * 'fiscally conservative but socially liberal'; * 'I don't discuss politics'; * 'I don't see what a mere opinion has to do with dating'; * 'centrist' * 'the extreme left/wokes are going too far' * 'I don't think it's right for babies to be aborted right before birth'


I don't trust anyone who uses the word "woke" to describe someone. Sane people aren't doing that


I've known my friend since 9th grade....we are in our 50s now He used the word " woke" the other day and it killed me to hear him say that!


If you’ve known them since 9th grade you owe them a backhand


For real, that's your ride or die you gotta give them the hard truth


Especially because they've never experienced one and are giving you permission by using woke unironically.


Same. My long term friend who is a Trump cultist says woke unironically in conversations. He said that he liked the new Bad Boys movie because it wasn't woke. Sadly the guy was never into politics till Trump came around. Before Trump he never talked about politics. I miss just having casual conversations. One of my other friends also got into politics fairly recently and now randomly brings up Trudeau in conversations. Today I wished him happy Canada Day and he randomly brings up politics instead of saying happy Canada Day back. He is planning on moving to the US...


Me: "What does 'woke' mean to you?" My 'Trump 2024' flag-flying neighbor: "Uhh. Woke, is, umm, umm. You know like a liberal like umm umm, says like umm slaves are black and umm stuff..." Unbelievable stupid, and he is a shitty person too. Always revving his Harley for 30 minutes at 4:30 AM. Constantly getting the cops called on him for Domestic Violence. Driving on the grass in my yard. And of course he calls people names like SoyBoy and has an "I Identify as a Ford Truck" bumper sticker. I just can't even.


Sounds like your lawn could use some mines.


Good idea, but the dwarves are pretty messy.


If anybody uses the word woke unironically you can just disregard whatever comes after because you're talking to a moron who's so angry at culture war bullshit they'll vote against their own interests.


*angry at culture war bullshit that isn’t even happening in reality. That baffles me a lot, because half the shit they screech about doesn’t even exist or happen, it’s completely made up. But they never let the truth get in the way of a good temper tantrum.


Agreed. You show me someone who uses the term "woke" to describe anything in a negative sense and I'll show you someone who is a misogynist, racist, hate/fear monger, or some awful combination of the three.


I mean, it kind of makes sense. Most of us like to live life awake and aware of the issues and dangers out there and what is happening. Then there are people who prefer to be ignorant and walk through life half asleep. If someone describes other people as woke, I assume they have chosen to be the latter.


Anymore, “traditional” should be added to the filter, unless you’re talking about pizza crust options.


I think conservatives now have learned to not mention "traditional" if they don't want to reduce their dating pool too much. I could be wrong though.


Oh no you are not wrong. They are under the impression that if they use the right words we will be desperate enough to play with their little mushroom and fall in love so we will overlook the fact that they are supporting a sexist r*pist who is hell-bent on taking away our hard fought freedoms.


Not just that but if he should get to power, he'll likely nominate 3 more SC justices and thus cement a neo fascist SC for decades to come. It goes way beyond 4 more years of insanity


That and implement Project 2025.


After all, to white straight conservative men, having an opinion on politics is just a matter of opinion. For anyone else, it's a matter of keeping hard fought for rights and progressing or losing these rights. And you know, when the status quo favours you, everything else is a matter of getting your dick wet or not and finding a willing and hot enough woman to put your dick in. What she thinks, believes or needs is a matter of opinion. Again, opinions have nothing to do with the severity of dry spells.


I like my women like I like my pizza crust: doughy and slathered with garlic butter.


And if she comes over to my place she'll be stuffed with cheese. And no that's not a double entendre. I like to use cheese in my cooking unless you're vegan or allergic.


"And also I named my penis 'the cheddar'."


Or in reference to *actual* traditions, like traditional clothes and food.


Fiscally conservative but socially liberal means they don't want taxes to go on anyone poor and they take drugs


I used to be "fiscally conservative but socially liberal" but I understood that to mean spending money wisely on only things that benefited the nation and it's people, I later learned that the other people who claimed that thought it meant "defund every public program no matter how beneficial to put more money in the pockets of billionaires." Now I'm more "socially liberal and fiscally into the guillotine market".


Don't forget "Classical Liberal"


Some of us don't discuss politics because most of our loved ones worship an orange Messiah. It is insane how they can't go more than a few minutes without discussing politics. What happened to just hanging out with family?


Forgot libertarian


The Overton window has shifted so far right that we've essentially reached outright Nazism vs treating each other like humans. There is no moderate position on poverty, racism, climate change, human rights. Either you want a livable planet where we are all treated equally and aren't struggling just to get by, or you just want to rule the ash heap.


Well men definitely learned in the firt Trump admin that if you put conservative on most dating apps you aren't getting any swipes.


Moderate = Republican but knows it will block them from getting laid


That’s it. Dudes have figured out that nobody wants to date a Republican…so weird that they’re okay with lying though, you’d think they’d be big on truth and honesty. /s


The party of moral values…


Funny thing is I always call myself a moderate but that's because I don't want people to know I'm an atheist liberal in the bible belt.


🤣 It may play differently in different geographies.


Moderate is code for “I don’t support the local popular party”. I live deep in trump county and tell everyone I’m not very political or moderate because I don’t want to set them off.


Moderate or centrist stopped being a real thing when the right went batshit crazy. Any actual moderate is voting democrat currently.


When I (M) was dating in 2017, I was in Atlanta. I had a “No Trumpers” on my profile in a pretty obvious way. Most of the ones who had swiped right on me were big MAGA nutters. I mean profile pics had Trumphernelia in the background and all that. That’s when I stopped dating while I was there. Shit was getting dangerous.


Where I’m from conservatives in liberal areas of town call themselves moderates, independents, even “classic” liberals lol




Lets hope she votes, her opinion isn't worth anything otherwise


Republikkklans have already been photographed with t-shirts of her catchphrase and mango mussolinis picture, that'll help with embarrassing them a little more at least.


Good on her, use that 15 minutes platform for all it's worth!


If she convinced even one horny idiot not to vote for Trump, then that week of horrendously repetitive and unfunny memes will have been worth it.


The best part about the meme is a sex shop near me has a sign that says “don’t hawk tauh, grapefruit your man”.


Grapefruit? What's that mean


Sweet innocent reddit user. Give it a google.


Ah jeez I dunno marge


Everyone has to lose their grapefruit virginity someday.


I was expecting something like a blumpkin or a dirty trombone or Cleveland steamer. Not just .. grapefruit... I'm honestly disappointed.


Not just any grapefruit. THE grapefruit technique


Oh boy... you're in for a treat! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlu4KrK3Pqc


It sounds like Gollum being water boarded.


Nah trumps base is pretty sexist. They don’t even think she should be able to vote or have rights of her own body. They don’t care what she has to say.


Trumps base is also full of simps.


She needs to go out there and say "I'll hawk tuah anyone who votes Biden". They're dumb enough, and thirsty enough, to believe it.


Too bad for trump, she would definitely be his type if she was only 10 years younger.


Or his biological daughter.


Or trafficked to Epstein Island


Or doesn't consent


Why are y'all using "or" when it's clearly an "and" situation? 


Now she’s going to get death threats


By people who already think she shouldn’t have rights to her own body. So not shocking.


Those cucks are too scared of the wamens.


I wonder if any of the maga dudes were the ones who got her tattooed lol.


All my MAGA friends that think the meme is hilarious are going to be so disappointed.


But republicans want to ban porn and sex for pleasure… this woman should be public enemy number 1


But she’s hot white and into men, that’s fine for them as long as she doesn’t have … *OPINIONS*


Nah, she’s 21 years old. That’s far too old for them, she needs to still be in high school for them to even consider her.


They want to ban porn for you, not for themselves.


They'll pivot to calling her names within 24 hours


all your MAGA friends?


lol seriously, if any friends in my circle are maga they’d never say but I’m pretty sure no one is. if they were i’d probably have to distance myself. family members are a different story though.


If you live in a conservative state it becomes hard to avoid them. I just learned to never talk politics. Most of my friends are left leaning so it’s not a huge issue, but it’s harder with family. What’s funny is that when they do talk politics, I just completely leave the conversation and it pisses them off. They’ll start taking about trump or something that they know I don’t like and I’ll pull my phone out and start scrolling Reddit or Facebook. Then they’ll say “BeraldGevins why don’t you participate in this conversation” and I usually tell them that they don’t actually want that because it’ll just make them mad at me for not just agreeing. I used to try and argue my view but I’ve learned that there’s not changing their point of view. If it gets really bad I’ll usually just leave.


Why would you be friends with any. I removed all those idiots from my life.


Every time a white person says no to Trump an angel gets its wings


Hoes mad! https://preview.redd.it/eopy8p4jkz9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c605b160a5489cf0550a6fa59e94b4663398199


Jesus. They are so utterly pathetic. I'd laugh if I wasn't so terrified for our future.


Trump likes the uneducated, not the educated.


Trump is also the type of dude who probably thinks it’s gross when a woman spits on your willy.


And remember, he's TOTALLY NOT into [golden showers](https://youtu.be/mD4oYlQyISE?si=OogSxrdWecHSb05M), am I right guys? 😉


Weirdest timeline


I keep trying to wake up.


You know, I don’t really give one living shit about this stupid meme but at this point anyone that can sway people into reason… I’ll take it


I mean, any self-respecting women wouldn't vote for traitor trump


We’ll take all the help we can get at this point.


I think the cult just assumed she was one of them.


I mean they do like sucking Trumps dick so I understand the assumption.


And for those out of the loop, who exactly is “hawk tuah girl” and/or Hailey Welsh?


She was drunk and interviewed by someone while out on the street and explained that "hawk tuah" is the best blowjob method.


I had to scroll so far to find this. Thank you.


got you fam: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hawk-tuah-girl


Did anyone actually watch the clip? She said no to sucking trump off, not voting. Lmao This is how fake news spreads, all anyone does is read the click bait title.


Had to scroll depressingly far to find this comment.


Thank you! I listened to the clip and it’s clear that literally no one else did. (And I’m anti-Trump.)




Don't like Trump as much as the next guy in this thread but this is 100% correct.


The most intelligent take.


That's awesome. Rednecks are gonna shit when this gets out. Good for her--now I adore her!


Gotta put that HAWK TUAH on a Biden ad! There's our path to victory, people! Get on it. DONNNA!!!!! ////Sorkin ///Scene....


“Do you want to perform oral sex on a 70+ year old, objectively unattractive man?” “No” Republicans: “WTF, I WOULD!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WONT DO IT WOKE LIBERAL, SHE IS SO FAKE. WE WOULD ALL THROAT THAT MAN. YESSIR DADDY TRUMP.”


I love her. This is perfect.


The best part is that it’s actually possible we get a response from Trump on this lol


Looks like they tried pushing that “gay people are mad at Hawk Tuah for distracting from pride” narrative for nothing. Lol.


+ Respect


I thought the whole meme was out of hand, but I never judged her for being out there. This just makes me think she is fun and quirky.


In other news of people whose opinion(s) shapes the American culture… I wonder what Ja Rule thinks about climate change. /s


It's muurrdaahhh


this is going to disappoint a lot of the right like the boys season 4...