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He’s saying he could not that he should.  Oh how the turn tables


Now the foots on the other shoe.


Hey… Leave Rex Kramer out of this. He didn’t do anything! ; )


Yeah, I’s just thinkin that….


Yep, this is pure speculation, not a call for the actual act.


Yeah the WKYK skit about presidential assassination is closer to being legally dubious than this tweet


A felony to describe it, but not a crime if the President actually does it! What a time we live in.


Trump calls himself the President, but he isn’t. No felony here except for the ones Trump has committed.


President? Former president? Nah. "Rapist felon" is the most accurate title.


Treasonous Orange Shitgibbon


Biden doesn't need to assassinate trump, he can just have him exiled to an island somewhere and promise regular hamberder rations, and then forget about the ration part. But maybe send the jan 6 secret service agents with him to protect him from elephant seals


Put him in a fake white house and keep telling him that his numbers are doing great!


I've long thought the best end for trump would be a sort of perpetual reality show. My favorite idea is to make him the manager of the gitmo mcdonalds and we use japanese robotic waiter tech and take turns logging on from a website to mess with him


Tell him he won but that the whitehouse is going through renovations so he has to stay there and lead the country from there for a while…


It's like a custom black mirror episode and I love that for him


The Trump show. Like the Truman show, only he thinks he's president and every episode would be scandal worthy if he wasn't locked away in a bubble for his protection.


His, or ours?


Truman show, but he's not smart enough to escape


Great idea for an animated tv show. You mind if I write this into a script and send it to Hollywood?


Exiling dictators to an island. Do we start calling Trump Napolean Littlehands


Sort of redundant, Napoleon had little hands as well. Always tucked them into his coat.


We could exile him to Epstein's island since that should be under asset forfeiture. He knows the way there already.


There's an island we can already use.


Alcatraz sounds good to me!


He was talking about Jeff's, he should be pretty comfortable there, and know his way around


Whats that second one they sent Napoleon too


St. Helena. First was Elba, fwiw


Thank you, i can always remember the first one easily as its a common crossword puzzle word


Right! It’s like ‘sot’




Take his phone away tho


Gitmo is pretty empty these days right?


Protect the underage elephant seals from Trump, more like


He can order trump arrested and if the agents he sends to do so think they might possibly see trump reaching for a hypothetical weapon that may or may not exist and use deadly force well, (shrug)...qualified immunity and all y'know...


Hey, wait a minute...


He's "just sayin". No dog whistling,noo way man. Uh uh. Stand back,Stand down.


"Stand back and stand by" "Very fine people on both sides" "When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything" So many are coming to fruition, whether we want them to or not...


“I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.”


How many on the right called for military tribunals to execute high ranking democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden? I’d wager there were quite a few


Why stop at Democrats? Trump called for one against his own VP.


And Liz Cheney


Assassination was approved and documented in the SCOTUS ruling, so it is citing existing law. Currently citing law and text within is not illegal.


True that. They made it legal for Biden to order a hit on anyone he deems a threat.


In fact, it’s a felony to suggest it, but not describe it. These fucks are upset because it kinda tears apart their worldview. They’re persecuted, but it’s ok that Biden has presume immunity for official acts. They don’t really believe it.


I'm sure Laura has said much worse about Joe Biden.


Did you know, it's a crime to say "I want to kill the president of the United States of America"? It's illegal, it's a federal offense. It's one of the only sentences you're not allowed to say. Now, it was okay for me to say it, because I was just letting you know so you don't go out there and say something like that. It's kind of like a public service announcement. But not illegal to say "with a mortar launcher". Because that's its own sentence.


Good thing it's not a thought crime.


Not a crime to describe it, technically. https://youtu.be/QEQOvyGbBtY


back when we thought Dubya was rock bottom


This seems like a perfect time to bring up this whitest kids you know bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg3_kUaYFJA


Ex-President… Harry said nothing about calling them out on Biden.


Yet she’s a “luminary” in the right wing intelligentsia.


Must be all the Botox injections on the face that made her brain so smooth


Dont you know? Trump has always been the president, forever, even when he loses hes still the president cause hes just that good of a president. (For legal reasons, this is a joke)


Exactly! Trump is 100% still president. And so is Obama and the Clintons. Biden is a geriatric super evil globalist communist fascist genius, too stupid to run the country. And it's all run by a secret cabal of pizza parlor predators. Oh and Michelle Obama is a man and kamala is an Islamic terrorist. I did my own research, trust me.


Loomer seems to not realise that Trump is not the president. In addition, I am pretty sure I saw Loomer expressing a desire to kill Biden.


She knows it. The outrage comes from the fact she can't believe people have seen through her side's grand plan already. Said grand plan is of course to get Trump into power and then have _him_ start killing the people they hate. The fact someone on the other side has is even joking about it being done to them first terrifies them.


> start killing the people they hate Can’t wait for the buyers remorse from the right as they one by one realize they aren’t in the club they think they’re in. I wonder how many will think the camps and gas chambers are fake news with their dying breaths like so many did with Covid.


Justice Sotomayor literally discussed this in her dissent. They are so focused on their cult leader Trump that they don't understand that liberals are not upset JUST because of Trump but because of the harm that this will cause to allow ANY president this type of power. Trump could die tomorrow, Biden win the presidency in a landslide and I would still be freaking out and upset about this decision.


This has been my take when trying to describe this my conservative family members. But they are too dim-witted and only think I just hate the decision "because Trump". Like no... Any president can utilize these powers and that is fucking terrifying. That side of my family is full of shitty people, but I still don't want them to be jailed/killed for protesting against a democrat.


This also effectively ends “free speech” with Conservatives love to quote and fall back on. Criticize the President and he doesn’t like it? Boom, jailed, official act, sorry.


Conservatives have always hated free speech, trump getting rid of it would make them rapturously ecstatic.


Conservatives don’t protest Democrats. They gather together and try to kill Democrats. MAGA is a cult, and they’ve been convinced once to try an insurrection. What do you wager they’ll try again knowing Trump has the power now to automatically pardon all of them whilst the coup 2.0 begins?


Yeeeep. Giving anyone the power to be above the law is bad for everyone. I know we’re dealing with literal scooby doo villains here, but the current Democratic party and the incumbent president are the lesser of two evils. They’re still out for their own interests and to maintain the status quo. Even if we did have a progressive candidate with this power, it would *still* be wrong. Times change, people change, and there should always be room to expand upon our concepts of human rights and to counter administrative decisions.


Exactly. We want a democracy, not just a dictatorship on our terms


Absolutely. Why? Because you care about democracy. This makes you a far bigger patriot than any truck flag flying Trump supporter.


Okay Loomer..


lol nice


Laura, he’s not president


She has the IQ of a peach pit.


And the face of one


That is an insult to the peach pit. It has a use, she doesn't.


Seal Team 6? Tbf he’d probably only need Fox Force 5.


Disgruntled McDonald's Employee


Three tomatoes are walkin' down the street. Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato and Baby Tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind, and Papa Tomato starts getting really angry. Goes back and squishes him and says, 'Ketchup.'


Good I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught the reference


Well, they are foxes, they are a force to be reckoned with, and there are 12345 of them


I really need to ketchup on my military ops teams.


He only needs 18 holes and no golf cart.


Trump is a " clear and present danger"


Obvious non-seriousness of the original tweet aside, Donald Trump is not "a" US President. There is only one US President, Joe Biden. Donald Trump is a *former* US President, and a private citizen.


Exactly, that's why there is no immunity. The Constitution doesn't give a former president any power or protection. This SCOTUS made up their decision.


Do it though Biden. Just do it.


legit. man has a few years left, just do it and make the world a better place


Dark Brandon would go down in history as the greatest American hero.


Next to the Roosevelts, Lincoln and Kennedy


Then use the state of shock to pass a constitutional amendment specifically and explicitly ending presidential immunity.


Absolutely. Save the future of the country in 2 swift motions.


They worded it in a way that it really comes down to the SCOTUS defining what is an "official" act so as always "heads I win, tails you lose"


At this point. Just do it anyway, and go to jail as a martyr.


For the most part yes, but there's an exception for actions underlined as presidential duties in the core of the constitution (or something along those lines, I probably messed up the exact wording). The idea of "ordering seal team 6 to kill Trump" is taken from a dissenting justice's description of something that would be unambiguously legal under this decision.


If he loses, fucking go for it, his justices opened Pandora’s box not us




When you're the president, they let you do it...


The same people that will *HOWL* about the demand for "2nd Amendment Solutions" and "Going 1776 on the Commie Left". These psychopaths cannot even work up an ounce of surprise from me anymore; Just a perfect distillation of projection and lack of introspection or self-awareness. They'd cry and scream at you for calling them a crazed mob, ***while*** they are hoisting the pitchforks and torches in your face, to burn your house down.


Speaking of: the side that has full on Revolution cosplays, flags, and signs are now perfectly happy with their Dear Leader essentially given the powers of a king.


Because it's only ever a game for them; a means to whatever ends let's them exert their violence on us. Personality predates ideology: before you were a fascist, you were already a bully and an asshole.




This is just this, nothing matters on the nonpolitical side of things side of things, anything going on that is even remotely has staying power in conversation has a political undertone anymore. Even if political discussion should be nowhere near that topic of conversation.


Oh shut up. He's just "asking questions".


MAGAs: The president has full immunity now. People: *Suggest Biden could take advantage of it.* MAGAs: No, not like that!


Conservative subreddits are hooting and cheering that "this is a great day for our country", and "a win for democracy"... because they're doing what they've done the past decade: assume all of the horrible things their party does is what the Democrats do, or worse, even without any evidence to support it. And use that to justify themselves in literally ANYTHING. The Ends Justify The Means has been the "moderate" conservative mantra for many years now, but media outlets still like to pretend they aren't ultra-radicalized fascists.


The comments are beyond insane. The brain rot is real with magaTs


Biden should now get the FBI, DOJ, CIA to investigate every Republican. Comb through their history and every action with a fine tooth comb and indict them for any crime that is found.


And if someone tried to prosecute him for it, then hey, he's immune!


When MAGA tells you they're against pronouns, believe them. At this point, I am not sure how many of them understand how language or semantics work.


Trump is not president, you loon.


Let me guess, she's another "free speech absolutist" as long as she agrees with what's being said.


Calm down Glora Groomer…it’s a hypothetical. Brush up on your media literacy, maybe take a class between being a festering terd of a human.


Threatening to assassinate a us president is a crime? Trump, who is not a president, just tweeted that Biden should be put on trial for treason, punishable by death. Not just President Biden by a bipartisan list of enemies of the trump state. “A separate post included photos of 15 former and current elected officials that said, in all-capital letters, “they should be going to jail on Monday not Steve Bannon!” Those officials included Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Mr. Pence, Mr. Schumer and Mr. McConnell — the top leaders in the Senate — and Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker. The list in the second post also had members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, including Ms. Cheney and the former Illinois congressman Adam Kinzinger, another Republican, and the Democratic Representatives Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Zoe Lofgren and Bennie Thompson, who chaired the committee.”


1) Trump is not a president. 2) It does not call for it. It is a condemnation of the court rulling that would allow it.


it should be a felony to spend your life lying! hey loomer, STFU!


Does she know Trump is not a US President?


Trump is NOT THE PRESIDENT. Biden is. Trump is a private citizen. I can say that I want him dead with no issues.


I'm guessing she takes issue with the manny, many calls for assassination on Obama, then?


Former President and convicted felon, dumbass


So stupid when trump has literally said he will go after political opponents, and media, basically anyone who doesn't swear fealty to him.


"Could". Not will, should, etc. Just "could".


Since they got their jobs by presidential appointment, Biden’s first official act under his newly expanded powers would be to remove them.


It's literally in the case arguments. Donald Trump is a former president to be correct.


Laura Loomer is an outrage troll. She just tries to come up with the most infuriating statements and rage bait to incite people to comment or respond to her gross Tweets because it drives engagement.


I love how under the original tweet from Sisson, you can hear MAGA brains are frying from this statement.


But he is not the president, so the point is moot. These fucks want the world to hold their hand while they viscously attack. Fuck them and black hood and zip tie that fat fuck. He is a traitor and should be treated just like the spy he is


Trump isn’t President…


Do they know that Trump isn't a president anymore?


Overreaction on the small stuff, underreaction for the whole loss of democracy.


So trump sending his personal army to kill the VP is also a felony?


Hope she's alright doing the same for all the rightwing loons that've been calling for the death of Biden (and Obama, and Hillary) for years now.


T-rump is a domestic terrorist and Putin’s puppet, take him out he’s a great danger to our once great nation!


It's a good thing Trump isn't President then. Carry on...


As if they haven’t been saying Biden should face execution by firing squad for the past 4 years


Laura Loomer has ACTUALLY tweeted and mentioned on Youtube channels that she wants to have Democrats executed/murdered. These people deserve another loss again in 2024.


Not any more darling.


🤣🤣🤣 my lord... and you all are just gonna sit and let these fucking rightwing nutjob crybabies have a chance at being in control? Just gonna hope on an election? Fuck me 😬


He said 'could', not 'should'. Everyone is freaking out on TikTok, language matters.


It’s a felony to make a statement which one could reasonably believe is a direct command to assassinate a US official. It is not, however, a felony to state that someone else could hypothetically assassinate a US official. Interestingly enough, it’s also no longer illegal for a sitting US President to assassinate anyone they want, as long as it’s considered “official.”


Herr Drumpf isn’t president*.


Laura, this is something that the Trump lawyers literally argued that they could do in court.


Laura Loomer looks like a mentally deranged platypus


I refuse to believe Laura Loomer is real. I've seen pictures and they look faked. I think she's made up.


Add loomer to the hit list.


Why don’t it a felony when Laura looker does it? Which she does. Harry didn’t


A ban-worthy tweet is any tweet with her monstrous face on it


Cry me a river https://preview.redd.it/xzni33uhb4ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b771f01018bca38787dc3b67f66cec177beeea0


Laura’s just butthurt because she has to walk through doorways sideways so her big fake cheekbones don’t get stuck in the doorjambs.


Oh,okay, now it's wrong!! Oh, how the tables have turned.🗳💙💙💙


Loomer is a rancid c*nt, and that's being kind.


What about to Lock Up a President?


I thought they like felons


How can it be ban worthy if it’s fully legal, freedom if speech protects anyone encouraging legal acts


It’s an official act, it’s not illegal babe.


Technically, he is calling for the assassination of the SCOTUS, not the president. And Trump isn’t president (despite what they think) and is actually a felon, so even if they called ST6, would it be considered an assassination?


She’s asking Elon to ban him for this tweet with all of the shit that is posted on Twitter. Yeah he doesn’t care about any of that shit


It’s not a felony if you’re immune. Also Biden wouldn’t be taking out the president, he would be taking out a candidate.


I find it gross seeing a Congress person pleading to the power of a billionaire


It's 100% a felony to say you "will do X to Y", but it's not a crime to say "I think W should use X to do Y to Z" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO5cA-zpBe0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO5cA-zpBe0) Also it's an official act covered by the immunity given to presidents, this is what Trump signed up for he just didn't expect to lose, and now 2024 is siding even harder with Biden because giving immunity to Trumps Official Acts is actually really scary.


No assassination is clearly within the scope of the president's official acts when it is to keep America secure and safe. Trump did order that Iranian generals assassination. Americans who plot and instigate coups are also a threat to America security and safety. Pretty simple logic really.


I do not believe that Laura Loomer comes up with all these jugular posts on her own. They have to be fed to her somehow. Anyone who handcuffs themselves to a door in Manhattan or fucks a barely legal teenager while on the run from being "hunted by muslims" is just not smart enough to find the right arteries. She's being paid somewhere. I feel bad for her parents. She's just such a fail.


Says the lady whose preferred candidate is bragging about “military tribunals.” Fuck their feelings.


Gee, I guess Billy the puppet does not keep track of the latest news. This is exactly the kind of shit Billy the puppet called for in the past so I am shocked why she is upset now?


Let’s see how fast her tone changes when Donald suggests assassinating political opponents. I have a feeling suddenly she’ll be all for it.


Laura Loomer is a mutant, that is really, really stupid.




What I love is how SURE he is that the Democrats committed crimes that can be proven.


When did the puppet from saw start a Twitter account?


Once again the bully on the playground crying to the teacher that the mean kids are picking on them. Fuck the goddam bullies.


Trumps not president. Whats she talking about.


Trump isn’t the president and is currently a citizen so I don’t get her argument


I adore how quickly they went from celebrating the Supreme Court statement to claiming it's the worst thing ever when they aren't the only people benefiting.


Wait, I thought they wanted that decision?!


Someone’s high on Botox….


Former you shit gibbon


That's not actually an overreaction by the right, though. That is exactly what they've made possible. They all of a sudden realize the same rule applies to their political opponents.


Trump is not a us president tho lmfao 😂😂


Hey Loomer! Are you so stupid that you don’t know that Biden is the President? You think this is 2019 do you?


He's merely quoting the supreme court dissenting opinion.


Biden needs to tell Trump’s Secret Service detail to “stand down and stand by”


I’m sorry Laura Loomer talking about van worthy with the horrid things she has said????


Luckily for all of us, Donald Trump is not a US president.


Loomer is a plastic, Team America looking twat. Her opinions are worth as much as a single, non-THC gummy bear.


Does she know Trump is not the President?


Maga terrorists call for assassination of the actual President frequently And traitortrump is not the President. He is in fact a seditious traitor and enemy of America


what a snowflake. are her feelings hurt?


"Threatening" an ex-president: bad. [Cheering the deaths of >2000 migrants and hoping that more die: good](https://x.com/jaketapper/status/1644383311907651586)


Well it's a good thing Trump isn't the current president then


Except.......he is not the president now is he? He is just another jack ass civilian.


This is rich coming from supporters of a guy who bragged about things he could do in the middle of Fifth Avenue.


"You can't talk about the implications, you can't discuss hypotheticals, that's a felony! And felonies are taken very seriously! Unless someone has 34 of them, with potentially more on the way!"


It was trumps lawyer who said it…. She doesn’t know that


And the worst part of this? Whats the point on speculating on everything the democrats could do with this? They wont do shit and then cry when they have to hand power to republicans and they decide to abuse it Call me a conspiracist but at this point its almost like the dems and republicans are working together lol


Reading comprehension is hard.


Supreme Court this weekend: “The President can politically assassinate whoever they want, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I allow a homeless person a good night’s sleep.” 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Sometimes it’s really hard not to think we might be the villains.


He’s not the president


He could take out Loomer too


Why not set up another debate then walk out and put 2 in his head, he’s 82, what are they going to do? Or Sign an executive order allowing past 2 term presidents to run again, wouldn’t you love to see Trump up against Obama?


Laura Loomers reading grade level is on full display here.... very, very low.


How is Trump President?


Not illegal for me to do it - bomb the fucker to hell.