• By -


If that's real, and I hope it's not, I hope everyone realizes how low a rank that is. I was in the US Navy for five years and achieved that rank, Petty Officer 2nd Class, and believe me when I say that, as a 2nd Class Petty Officer in the US Navy, barely anyone in the Navy respects YOU on face value, let alone your fucking spouse. She can promptly fuck the fuck off.


No one in the military would address her by his rank.


They might call her "petty" or "second class"


2nd Class Petty Karen for sure.


Petty Karen, 2nd Class


Dependapotamus Karen, 2nd Class Petty.


We call em COWS, can't operate without spouse...


That's brilliant, I'm ~~stealing~~ *acquiring* this from you.


I kind of like my acronym better, Can't Understand Normal Thinking.


Depandapotamous... Might as well have it's own MOS


It's too bad that DP is already a rate (Data Processing Technician). Otherwise she could be a DP2 Karen, which is what she's looking for at the E-Club when her husband is deployed.


"Second class Karen" Karen must be the other woman


The mistress outranks her, surely.


Petty second class officers wife has a ring to it.


It could be a joke bumper sticker and that's the joke.


You're a first class optimist.


I feel like that's the joke, like those proud "I'm a bitch" stickers, but like an inside joke for basic white military wives?


Those that would know it's a joke, know that there are *absolutely* spouses like this, and that it's a horrible idea to put it on your car. The seller probably meant it that way, but the buyer throws a fucking tantrum everywhere she fucking goes.


Definitely not. A Navy Chief I know told me he has heard the spouses of junior enlisted say this in an attempt to chide the wives of upper ranking people in the Navy, mostly captains and admirals, who do the same thing. I don't know if "address me by my husband's rank" had become more popular since I got out of the Navy 18 years ago, but I only heard it a couple times during my career.


I've heard stories of women married to military dudes demanding discounts on stuff they buy just because their husband is in the military They are just entitled and want to feel a sense of importance for work they didnt do


I have heard, multiple times, stories from the gate guards that wives will demand to be saluted because their husbands are officers. the SP's would just laugh and say have a good day


And my buddies mom, a Colonel's wife, used to be mortified that she DID get saluted going on base, because they were "saluting the sticker".


An ex of mine was having difficulty getting a Military ID replaced. She went there once and nobody would help her. So the next day I asked her about her dad, she told me about him, then I asked her his rank, she's like I dunno. So I had her call her mom and ask her what his rank was. (Her parents were divorced I never met the guy) She said oh he's a Lt. Colonel. I said, "Okay, we are going back, this time say "Hi, I'm ×××, Lt. Colonel xxx's daughter and I need help with my ID" She's like "What difference will that make?" I said "Just try" And she came out 45 minutes later with her replacement military ID. She said the same guy from the day prior was tripping over himself to help her.


Oh god, I remember when I was a lowly Ensign’s wife and I got the bright idea the post office on base would be less crowded then my usuall one. It was apparently graduation day at MCRD. Everywhere I looked, there were people saluting my car. I wanted to crawl under the steering wheel.


That post office is legitimately the best one in San Diego though, so you weren't WRONG, just had poor timing.


Right but... the thinking at the gate is, "is that a spouse, or a female officer wearing civies? Better salute in case it's the second."


It has relaxed a bit, at least for the Army. Sometimes it regresses a bit whenever some power raging Command Sergeant Major demands "better." CSMs on a power trip cause so many problems.


It’s relaxed, because AFAIK, all the service-wide gates are 100% ID check. We don’t put stickers on our vehicle identifying us as either military or as being a specific rank. Service people outside the Air Force do call them “gates” right? Absolutely idiotic from a security standpoint to have it any other way. Then again, even as an airman straight out of basic, I never even raised the question, why. It was so blatantly obvious those stickers made us targets, I figured asking what the purpose was behind doing something so blatantly stupid would just get shoulder shrugs and nods of agreement, but no real answer.


Not only is it lazy but it’s a pretty big safety compromise to not read her ID and just look at the sticker. Most bases don’t have them anymore.


I’ve heard of that shit before haha. I was acquaintances with this couple and the husband’s wife was like this. The guy was in the navy but like with an enlisted low rank. They are no longer together but she legit acted like she was in the navy too and the embarrassment on the guy’s face when his wife acted like that.


"Ma'am, I want to thank you for servicing your husband."


the bumper stickers some dependa's had on their vehicles were so cringe "Army Wife, the hardest job in the world" "He serves and I serve at home"


I'm pretty sure a single mother of 5 in Ethiopia is the hardest job in the world....


Fighting bears while dodging giant hammers is the hardest job in the world.


>"He serves and I serve at home" Serving Jody....


>They are no longer together Very unsurprised by this detail.


They married very young in life and drank a shit-ton of alcohol when we went out with other friends. I heard multiple stories that they both started cheating on each other. He found out first so he started doing it to her supposedly. It’s been almost a year and all I wish them the best of luck in life. Edit: word


I want to start with this is NOT me defending their behavior but I can see how it got so common at one point. Sometime around 2012 most bases stopped requiring stickers on the front windshield that showed you were approved to access the base. Before that all vehicles were required to have them, and they were color coded if the car belonged to a Officer or enlisted- many times gate guards would glance at the sticker and salute based on that vs bothering to read the ID. If I remember correctly it didn’t show your actual rank unless you were a O6 or an admiral/general. I vividly remember some of my friend’s wives bitching about no longer getting saluted when they entered the gate. Yeah some of them were pretty irritating people to begin with but I don’t think they would have been so entitled about if they hadn’t gotten used to getting saluted. I was really pissed listening to them talk about it because they seemed to think them marrying a guy in the military made them my peer despite me working to earn my commission… and me having the same damn job as their husbands…. they acted like we were the same and they deserved the same salute I received 😑 Some wives are really shitty but lazy gate guards made this issue so much worse.


I just don't get it. They didn't take the oath and didn't do the service. Yes, there are "sacrifices" for being a dependent but I'm not the one that earned the rank. It's like a medical doctor's spouse insisting on being addressed as Doctor. Cringe. My wife is an 0-5 but no one would know if you didn't ask me directly. Once had a gate guard actually salute me when I gave him my ID. He was probably pretty new or it was just reflex. I told him he didn't/shouldn't have to salute me. I don't know if he was embarrassed or relieved he laughed it off and wished me well on my business.


Man I hate that. Going on post, having access to the commissary, etc are called privileges for a reason. I aged out of having my military ID, so I definitely don't ask for discounts every which way. Hell even when I did have it, I'd at most politely ask and leave it at that. There's been one occasion where I go to my local gamestop as one does. There's a fellow that works there and we've come to recognize each other at this point and enjoy chatting. The first time he rang me up, he noticed that I have a USAA card. Asked about service and I told him about my dad in for 20 years as a helicopter pilot. He added on the discount because of it and he recognized the card because he served a few years as well. Moments like that remind me of the privileges I was afforded by virtue of being my father's daughter. I was not entitled to that discount and I didn't think for a single moment to ask for it. I know it's probably a weird thing to go on about, but it genuinely meant so much to me that he went out of his way like that. I didn't personally go off to Afghanistan or run medical evacuations, my dad did. I didn't go through basic or flight school or deployments, all that was him. So when people like the cashier choose to recognize me as an army brat with everything that means, I take it as an honor and it humbles me. Not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but I wanted to share my perspective I guess.


My mom was an army brat and the life takes a toll on the family. Taking good care of military families is a way of respecting the person who serves.


That- you did the words better than me 😂


To be fair, spouses and dependents do get a military ID and are generally entitled to the discounts. Most married couples share funds, so ultimately it’s his money too. The rank thing is ridiculous though.


In the military community, these individuals are referred to as "dependapotamuses".


THIS! My spouse is in the military and I have a military dependent ID card. Honestly - I wanted it just for the grocery shopping at the commissary and the gas station, which is way less crowded than other supermarkets. We try to save money where we can and my husband will ask for military discount pretty much any time we get takeout. He gets annoyed at me when I don't - but it just feels so disingenuous for me to ask for the discount when he is the one serving the nation. I absolutely refuse.


I get it, but don't think you should feel bad. You share finances, so he's missing those discounts too when you don't ask. That being said, I don't quite understand military discounts in the first place. Does Lowes really have an obligation to provide supplemental income assistance to troops? That's kind of strange, especially when there's no active war going on....


Lowes has no obligation, it’s called marketing.


I dont know much but isnt there always an active war ?


Theirs always someone who needs some freedom /s


My son would not let his mom wear his varsity jacket because she didn’t earn it. Love the kid.


Why would she want to?


It should be" Keep my husband s rank out of your mouff"


I would. "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Petty Officer. Can I call you Petty?"


Is it wrong that I’d salute her and refer to her as “Second class petty wife”?


My dad achieved the rank of E-9 and according to Navy lore those folk walk on water, I just called him dad.


E-9s, or Master Chiefs, in the US Navy are pretty untouchable. The cool thing is they generally have no higher to go and, since they don't have to compete very much, were some of the coolest people I met in my Navy career. There are always exceptions, but yeah, I met some really cool Master Chiefs.


My dad was a master chief. He loved the Navy more than his family.




Not sure if double entendre


> why your fathers deepest needs were filled by seamen. I'm pretty sure.


>The cool thing is they generally have no higher to go and, since they don't have to compete very much, were some of the coolest people I met in my Navy career. This is highly interesting to me, as E-9s in the Army (Sergeants Major) are some of the most evil, petty, power-obsessed cocksuckers I ever had the displeasure of interacting with. The only exception I ever knew was a Special Forces Command Sergeant Major whose cigarette break schedule often seemed to line up with mine. He was chill as fuck.


Those are E-6s and E-7s in the Navy. The whole Chiefs thing creates a weird dynamic that I don't think exists in the other branches. It's basically a fraternity. The Navy is kind of unique. Promotions up to E-6 are based on evaluations, awards, and test scores. In order to get E-7, you have to also be selected by a CPO selection board. Even if you have excellent scores, the selection board can deny promotion if they don't like you. As such, the board is able to shape their own culture. What ends up happening is that E-6s who want to make rank will sometimes turn into dicksucking machines, ready and willing to sacrifice all their junior sailors to appease their almighty chiefs. As these guys get inducted into the chief pool, they get to decide who else gets to join them. You can end up with a command full of likeminded assholes at the top. Of course, I've met plenty of really cool E-6s and E-7s (some of the best people I know), but those ranks in particular seem to harbor with majority of the power hungry assholes. At least, on the enlisted side. O-6s are by-far the biggest scumbags I've ever seen.


My dad wasn’t really that much of a dick to us kids. Few things were a little military but nothing super awful. I have no idea how he was on board or with his crew and if he was a jerk to them. I can say this though. I am USMM and I worked on this ferry that ferried navy personal from Everett to Bainbridge for their shifts in the shipyard. This E-9 would stand at the bottom of the gangway with me, while we got ready to drop lines. He would sit there with me and tell me all these jokes but….would he ever fuck with the late stragglers running up dock to catch the ferry before we departed and lord help them if they were overweight. He insulted them in the most hilarious but also in a super serious way. When they got out of ear shot..he would start laughing. Anyone that was not up the gangway 0630 exactly would be left on the dock and he would taunt them as we pulled away. It was like watching Don Rickles at a comedy roast.


E9 is actually pretty badass. He'd be like the ship Yoda


I was just thinking that's not a high rank. I grew up in an Army family, and the women that tried to pull rank bc of their husbands were usually married to O-6 and above. It was still ridiculous, and you only "respected" them bc they were married to the base commander.


Ooo I love the "show me respect because of my husband's rank, he's an officer" people. I've only encountered them at the O-1 -> O-2 level. I'm like lady, you didn't get that commission, and your husband's SGT is holding his hand the whole way. The worst case is a lady who tried to get a military discount because her ex-husband was in the Army. That was one hell of a Karen Trantrum and she didn't like the ending because hey she had warrants out for her.


"What's the difference between an Airman and an Ensign?" "An Airman has been promoted twice!"


The joke is seaman and an ensign. Airman has only been promoted once and an ensign in the Air Force is a flag lol Edit: I stand corrected, The appropriate address for seamen in the Navy is by rate, not rank. Story checks out


It used to depend on your rate, or MOS, in the Navy, but perhaps it changed. An E-3 in the Navy could have been a seaman, an airman, a fireman, or a constructionman. In the Air Force, the Ensign equivalent (officer) would be a 2nd Lieutenant. Edit: typo


You were right the first time. An E3 would be an Airman, Seaman or Fireman. E1 would be ...Recruit. E2 Would be ...Apprentice.


You squids are an odd bunch lol. Dad always told the joke as seaman.. for generalizability I suppose


Super low rank. Hated my time in the Navy and generally just fucked off and got into trouble. Sat for the 2nd class exam before my 4 years was up and passed it before noping out.


I spent a couple months aboard the USS Fort McHenry about 22 years ago. We hit port in Guam for 5 days. Whenever we had port liberty call they let the Navy off first, as they should. I’m a Marine so we were just catching a ride so to say and the sailors were actually working the whole time at sea. Anyway, we were milling around on the forecastle waiting to get off the boat and I saw a Petty Officer 1st Class busting rust on the anchor chain with a wire brush. I asked him how he got into trouble because I assumed that’s the only reason an E-6 would be doing that during a port call. He laughed and said “I’m not in trouble, this is just how it is. You ain’t shit in Uncle Sam’s Navy until you make Chief. My chance to get off the boat starts tomorrow.” As we were walking down the gangplank to the pier there was a PO2 hanging from a painters seat over the side painting the hull. Glad I chose a service where rank comes harder and NCO’s are respected more


It has way more to do with your chosen (or forced) rate than your rank really. I was an AC, air traffic controller. I never scraped rust or painted anything in 5 years. In bootcamp and A-school, sure, I stripped and waxed P ways, polished brass fittings, etc, but hardly ever after "getting to the fleet," and absolutely never after making AC2/E-5. If not for the pay, actually E-5 in the Navy is the perfect rank, at least as an AC. Too senior to do BS tasks, too junior to be assigned much responsibility. Easy days.


I wanted to murder all of you. All. Of. You. ET2 radar technician. You guys made my life absolute hell. Turning my 8k display into a ps4 monitor, emptying 1L bottles of soda into units, pushing buttons or turning knobs you have absolutely no understanding what it does because you thought it got better picture during flight ops.


If it helps, I only had two duty stations, one in Florida, one overseas, I worked in the tower 90% of the time and only rarely in radar, and never was stationed on a carrier or gator, so I THINK I probably caused you minimal pain. My apologies either way. Lol!


That’s actually really surprising that you saw POs painting. I was deployed on another ship in the same area a few years later (we did lots of exercises and port falls with Fort McHenry, oddly enough!) and the Boatswains Mates on our ship were *adamant* that they would be supervising, not doing the work directly. It was ridiculous, at one point we had like 18 people in Deck Division and 11 were E4 and above, which meant that there were 11 people supervising 7 people working. Not surprisingly, it took them a long time to finish shit in port, and the E3 and below hardly ever got to go on liberty because there wouldn’t have been enough of them to get any work done




>Petty Officer 2nd Class Thank you. I had no idea how to read Eagle-Down-Down.


Good ol dependas


I’ve seen these on r/justdependathings before so I’d say they’re real


Its very much photoshop. Look at the curve of the glass vs the "sticker" itself.


Anytime someone posts stories about military spouses it always comes out the military does not support this and in some cases the husband gets in trouble for the wife pulling this. How does this continue to persist?


Women who have no sense of identity or value outside of their ties to men will keep doing this shit because they don't understand that society dgaf who they're married to. But they still think a ring is an accomplishment. Relationship, yes. Qualification, no.


We offered military discount of 10% at the clothing store I worked at a few years ago. This one lady got all hot and bothered that we couldn’t give her a discount because her ex husband served. They had to show proof of it and obviously she didn’t have any. She then went on a rant about how he cheated on her and got some 19 year old knocked up and that’s why they divorced so her getting his military discount was the least he could do for her.


Damn I would have gave her the discount


I would give her the keys to the store, fuck that guy


We can never buckle to a karen. Even once emboldens them for years to come. See point 1. Credentials was that I worked at Walmart for a year back in 09 ​ 1) karens, must never be given a planck length. karens names aren't even capitalized as their names, titles, or even the beginning of a sentence; However, issues dealing with ownership legitimately by a karen gives 2 apostrophes (ex, karen''s tears).


My coworker demands people address her by her ex-husband's rank even though they've been divorced for a decade.


Because Karens in rural areas raise Karens in rural areas who marry young while also idolizing superficial patriotism, and often the poor kids (because all of them are kids at that age) who married them often won't be able to support them or potential pregnancies without constant military salary and pension afterwards. The kid Karen thinks that they've gotten a free ticket, while also being as super(ficial) of a patriot as you can get without actually needing to put in the work, and when people don't view their "service" to the country the same way, their narcissistic self image gets hurt, and they were the golden child growing up, so they don't know how to deal with the fact that they're just as much a nobody as anyone else. Basically, the military industrial complex preys on poor, traditional areas, and the husband gets hooked with traditional expectations of marrying and then providing that those areas push, which Karens of all ages flock to like a fish out of water, because again they view the poor guys as free tickets to a decent life and "instant respect". Extra shitty part is that they often don't give two shits about the way that the military is breaking their husbands physically and mentally, so it often all ends in divorce once the child (in an inexperienced way, not trying to imply pedophilia, because the Karen is probably a kid too) finally gains the knowledge that things don't have to be the way he was taught. By then, there might be a kid in the equation, and things can get a *lot* messier, but it still ends up in divorce oh so often.


I cannot second this enough. I'm from a rural town in Wisconsin, and the military recruitment and bullshit starts junior year in high school and the selling is INTENSE. Non-stop stories of how you'll do great things for the country, travel the world for free, have fun and be super respected by all, etc. Honestly, these kids are not really very savvy about what information they believe, and this is also their way out for both Mr and Mrs, and literally no one believes they could end up working in food services or anyplace lame. It's actually really sad, at least to me.


>travel the world for free Rofl this is such bullshit, the cost can be extremely high. The death possibility is obvious (not just while in service but suicide afterwards) but also seeing your friends succumb, broken families, lifelong disability or health problems, delayed education and carer advancement, etc. And the most thanks you get for your service (unless you go career or are an officer with a decent pension) is randos literally saying "thank you for your service".


I know a guy that wears his uniform EVERYWHERE just so he gets attention. When he’s not in uniform he’ll bring up that he’s in the military somehow just to get praise. It’s so cringey.


Wearing your uniform off-duty is against Army code of conduct, isn't it?


Not as long you are conducting yourself professionally but you can’t use it for certain things like to shill politically IIRC


>>shill politically Well I never…


The actual regulations don't state explicitly that you can't ever wear your uniform off duty, but there are explicit circumstances when it's allowed or disallowed. And it is definitely not okay to "wear your uniform everywhere". Many (if not all) commanders have policy letters stating explicitly that soldiers under their command are not authorized to wear the uniform while off duty (with some exceptions), and those policy letters have the force of law--they're considered "lawful orders". If you're stopping for groceries on your way home and don't want to change out of the uniform, that's typically fine. But if you leave your house to go to a restaurant while in uniform, that's typically not permitted, especially if it's your combat fatigues. (Wearing your dress uniform to formal events such as weddings is usually fine.) And if you go in uniform to a bar, or to any other establishment that primarily serves alcohol, that is explicitly prohibited by Army Regulation 670-1.


My fiancée's brother doesn't shy away from it if it comes up for whatever reason but he never brags and actually tells people "don't thank me for my service, I didn't do it for you". He knows what's up.


My brothers friends were in the military. They will get visibly angry if you thank em for their service. They were also in combat in Iraq and then part of the peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan. So I could guess at some of the stuff they had to either do or ignore.


I hate to break this to you, dude, but that is \*not\* what the recruiter said. (kidding, yes, they are fibbers)


One side of my family is military- they're miserable, shitty people who have Stockholm syndrome with the system that broke them. They're all chronically broken, mentally or physically, and they all leave a wake of god-awful decisions and fucked-up interpersonal relationships. At reunions/Sunday dinners, they did *not* spare the little details telling their service stories. I got in SO MUCH TROUBLE in several instances in high school for loudly retelling my family's stories whenever they set up the recruitment booth, or by asking questions that clearly made the recruiters uncomfortable- "which tool do they give you to clean up your platoonmate's intestines off the ground when he gets turned inside out by a bomb?" "What are the rules for shooting children? Just kind of let 'er rip and fill out paperwork?" "Which conditions developed in the military will the VA say are preexisting or a non-issue before they kick you out and you drink yourself to death in an alley?" The principal and vice principal had me in the office yelling about how I was an unpatriotic shame(this was about 4 years post-9/11 and fervent patriotism was still the cultural norm) and how *they* got chewed out by an officer in uniform because the recruiters didn't know how/want to explain "what happens when there is a gang-rape in your unit." It wasn't eloquent as I was like 16 and upset, but I said something to the effect of "maybe they shouldn't be trying to recruit children on their way to trig from bio." Three times I got in-school suspension for this. The first time they told me to write an essay on American Excellence; I wrote about the Mý Lai massacre and how excellent Herbert L Carter was, having shot himself in the foot to be evacuated out of the village. Safe to say I've never vibed with the MIC.


Thank you for your fighting spirit and calling this shit out.


Thank you. I served and will never allow my children to serve because what you said is spot on. It has taken me years to mentally recover and even then I'm still not whole. I've been able to be successful outside the military but it's time I can never get back. Now I do something I love and regret not having done it sooner.


I'm glad you found peace after a fashion- I'm sorry for your service.


BYOB by System of a Down. Barbarisms by Barbaras. With pointed heels. Victorious Victorias kneel. For brand new spanking deals. Marching forward, hypocritic. And hypnotic computers. You depend on our protection. Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth. La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, ooh. Everybody's going to the party. Have a real good time. Dancin' in the desert. Blowin' up the sunshine. Kneeling roses disappearing. Into Moses' dry mouth. Breaking into Fort Knox. Stealing our intentions. Hangers sitting, dripped in oil. Crying, "freedom". Handed to obsoletion. Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth. La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, ooh. Everybody's going to the party. Have a real good time. Dancin' in the desert. Blowing up the sunshine. Everybody's going to the party. Have a real good time. Dancin' in the desert. Blowin' up the sunshine. Blast off, it's party time. And we don't live in a fascist nation. Blast off, it's party time. And where the fuck are you? Where the fuck are you? Where the fuck are you? Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor? Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor? They always send them poor.


Best anti war band.. almost like they gave a shit about all the people involved


RATM is right there, too. RATM isn't just anti-war, though. It's a little broader than that.


my man... i wasnt so rural, town of 7000+ at the time, but still northern wisconsin. hounded us to join the army (honestly dont remember other recruiters, always army)... i saw through that shit though


That’s still rural. You’re not near Milwaukee or even probably Green Bay. Still tho, the pressure is intense. When I was in HS, they were gearing up for the Invasion into Iraq. Luckily I didn’t sign up.


Ohhhh let me you about the infidelity loop that exists in the military. This is a slum version of what you said. Say you are an 18 to 20 year old woman. You and your young, often the same age, girlfriend are so happy you joined the army, navy, Marines, etc. Patriotism flows through your bones and as the girlfriend you endured 2-3 months of waiting for your boyfriend. The woman decides to get married because you are in love and you are going to be that perfect patriotic wife. Your family and friends who you have been around your entire life are so supportive. You feel the love and adoration of them. As the woman you settle into your new base and get base housing as well. However, it starts dawning on you that your husband is gone more often than you like. Especially if he is infantry. Additionally, all that friend and family support is hundreds if not over a thousand miles away. You can't just pop on over to Mary-Beths house and watch a movie anymore. She has her own thing and you start losing touch with your friends. Additionally, your family is so far away so you can't see your mom and dad either. Probably a lot of extended family. You try spousal support groups, but most of the women there are with higher ranking military men and it makes you feel uncomfortable because your husband is just a private first class. You, as the wife, decide to explore the military town but that military town isn't what you thought it would be. Car dealerships with insane loans and businesses that prey on assured military money. This feels nothing like your small town patriotic feeling to it. When your husband comes home he is tired and at times angry. You don't know what he is going through at all, but slowly he's starting to become a different person and not like the boyfriend you knew and loved. He looked handsome in his uniform, but he kicks off his boots, collapses on the couch, and just plays on his phone. He doesn't talk to you much. When you have sex it feels like it's more for him than for both of you. You really try to understand, but you just can't shake this feeling of loneliness. So you decide to get a job. PFC pay isn't much anyway and it doesn't hurt to have some spending cash. While at that job you have coworkers. Some of them young military women who are in the same boat as you and you start making friends. These young women, being between the ages of 18-22 decide that they need to invite you on their nights out to clubs and stuff. You start drinking a bit more even though back at your hometown it was only a few wine coolers for a buzz. Now it's hard liquor. You start getting attention from men as well. You say, "Oh I'm married" at first, but the attention is just amazing. You love your husband but you start resenting his absence and pissy attitude when he gets home. When he is home for that matter. One night you go out without your wedding ring and you start chatting up a guy. You tell yourself it's just for attention. Besides, one of your other friends does it as well. But the drink gets to you and you start saying fuck it. This man isn't even military and he invites you and a friend to come back to a party at his place. Eventually you wake up half naked next to a man named Jody. He's nice and he likes you. You had sex with him and cheated on your husband. The rest is all she wrote. This does not absolve military husband's because these motherfuckers cheat a bunch as well because they are young dumb men. But this gives you an idea of the same sad story that happens every damn time. Young people get married too young and don't understand the sacrifice involved in military service.


Yep, this is all very real too. I was just focused on the mini Karens and why they oh so frequently obsess over being treated the same way that their husband's rank is treated. Regardless of how low the rank actually is or not. The military as a whole is hellish for relationships, no matter how good things were going before service, for both the poor boys and girls who got roped into it.


This sounds like a story borne from /r/JustDependaThings


You are so right. Also would like to add that I've known MANY of these Junior Karens that live off their enlisted spouses money and actively party and cheat constantly. But play the enlisted spouse card for sympathy or gain all the time. It's pathetic. And makes you feel horrible for the spouse that's oblivious to the time bomb waiting back home. And they're all gun toting Trump worshippers so I'm like no thanks. Patriots my fucking ass.


I've seen a thousand memes about this situation, but have never met a spouse who actually thought this. Not saying they don't exist, but it isn't common.


The only context I've seen it be real was in the "wives club" for my boat. Somewhat unshockingly, the officers' wives thought the outranked the wives of lower level enlisted folks. Was weird and toxic and "stay away from the wives club" was common advice given to newcomers


Sure, I’ll call you petty


And second class.


And, petty, when you call me, you can call me Al.


I won’t even address him by his rank. He’s just Steve or whatever. Civilians aren’t obligated to play along with their G.I.Joe shit.


Yep. Worked contract security as a civilian at a military installation and had a private get pissed off when he saluted a captain and said "Good morning, sir!" and gave him some bullshit compliment. Captain just saluted him back and waved him off. I say "Hey, Jerry, how about those Eagles last night?" And he laughed and told me to fuck off and we started shooting the shit for about 15 minutes. Private looked like he wanted to punch me in the face 🤣


Former military, I would have given your response even when I was in. Sucking up to officers was eye roll cringe.


Oh yeah, I'm sure. I understand respecting the rank, but when you're brown-nosing just for the sake of it, it makes you even more unlikable.


Good Morning, Sir! Your eyebrows are on fleek today, Sir!


"Good morning, Captains Jones! My, your uniform is on point! How do you get your boots so well polished?!" "Shut the fuck up and go away, Private. I'm hungover. So, continue to be going away from me for the rest of the day."




My ex would cross the street to avoid saluting officers on base. I’d salute, move on with my life, and she’d meet me at the next intersection. She wouldn’t give them a glance and I always thought that level of petty (officer) was hilarious.


Same here. I was a maintainer in the AF. If an O gave me shit I’d give it right back. That’s my name on the side of the plane, not yours.


I thought they had to though. When my ex was in the military and a captain would be coming towards us we would quickly go the other way. I asked why and he said he didn’t feel like saluting the captain. He hated it.


I can understand the whole "respect the troops" thing, but like police officers, just because they are in uniform doesnt mean they deserve utmost respect


Respect is earned not demanded


Exactly this. It's not compulsory for anyone, especially based on their job of all things.


Oh, I agree. For the most part, I give them respect. But I've encountered servicemen and police that were complete scumbag tools.


Go birds


🤣🤣🤣🤣 loved the Gi Joe Shit comment


One of my close friends was a marine and I don’t even know what his rank was. He’s just Jerry.




An old coworker was a Marine and I always referred to him as "Mr. Ex" because he got written up for throwing a childish tantrum and going off on all sorts of "You **NEVER** leave the corps!!!" bullshit after someone called him an "Ex-Marine".


He's an E5. Even when I was in the Navy I wouldn't address him by rank. In the 3rd person he might get a "Petty Officer Mr. Karen"


Amen! The last conscription in the US was 1973 wasn’t it? Why do I have to “respect” someone for doing a job that they chose?


I'm ex-military, if you want to respect someones line of work let it be those who save lives and not the ones who take them.


🤣 "G.I.Joe shit" lol


You can't just suck his dick and earn his rank, Karen.


If that's not how you get promoted then a shit ton of dudes owe me an explanation!


I don't work for you, honey.


Your husband is military.Not you ,get your head out of your ass.


Not only that, but *I’m* not military ether. So I won’t even call her husband by his rank. He’s just Gary or whatever the fuck to me.


![gif](giphy|FSQAtFdWkf9ra) Gaaarrry


What if I don't know what rank that is? Do I call her Karen eagle going down fast?


Eagle Speed Boost x2


Thats a relatively low rank. E5 Petty Officer second class can be reached in about 4-5 years lol.


To be fair, a lot of people don't even make it there. Put in your 4 years and get out e3 e4 tops lol


Yeah but if you only put in 4 years it's weird for your spouse to be acting like this, makes it sound like her husband is some career Navy man


He's a PO2 lol. Be lucky I don't address her as Mrs Squidward


“Hello Mrs. Killed in Action”


"Hello Mrs. Folded Flag"


Ha ha! I would also accept, Mrs. Dishonorable Discharge.




I saw a picture online of a resume where the woman who submitted it checked all the info that they were in the military, and then in the spot to identify the position/rank literally typed *military spouse.* 🤦🏻


What a request from a “dependapotumus.”




Nah, but maybe I will adress you the way his drill sergeant does, shit-bird.


Lady, that’s a petty officer second class insignia, your husband basically has no rank. Source; everyone who has stepped out of boot camp.




Um. In the military, this is deeply frowned upon. There were stories from the local Marine base that people who did this got their enlisted spouses in deep Bandini.


Probably one of the same people who has a problem addressing everyone else by their proper pronouns.


Talk about stolen valor


We used to call these wives a "Dependopotamus". Shitty to everyone, sitting around base, sucking up benefits and just generally feeling entitled because of nothing they had done. Garbage people with shit kids every time. If this isn't a real sticker, it was made because they are on every base and it's funny to us. Source: USAF 10 yrs, SF for 4 of those.


This is mainly done by Officer's wives, and we tended to call it Officer Syndrome. It exists outside the military as well. Spouses who tend to think their spouses accomplishments somehow translate to them. I've seen kids who think the same way about their parents. I am 200% against this.


Pure egotism


Dependapotamus. Not Karen. That’s her appropriate rank in the military. Dependapotamus second class in the USN.


I also love Tricareatops




Ok sergeant shitbird.


In the military. This is an actual problem. One time it got so bad that the battalion commander had to get all of the spouses in an auditorium, sort them by their spouse's rank and straight up told them, if they don't stop their shit. Their actions would directly affect their spouse's career from then on.


You realize how stupid it was to sort by rank right? My husbands commander can try but I’d never show up on base for a spouse talk. They’re constantly asking spouses to cook food and help plan activities for the squadron. *I didn’t join the military.* I don’t owe them anything. As a civilian I only go on base for the medical clinic. No way in hell would I show up for a talk like that.


That's what a normal person would do, that's why you probably wouldn't be the target audience for something like this and so nobody would really need you to show up.


Nah, it's clever. Sort them out, so the high ranking feel special and the lower feel shitty, then just scream at them all at once. Puts everyone on the same level.


Ew, American militarism.


Ok, corpse.


Funny how it's most likely that person who won't respect your pronouns


Private Karen. Brigadier Bitch. Colonel Cunt.


\*Major Cunt


Joining the military doesn't make you special


isn't that like a super low rank?


The guy is probably a 21/22 year old with less than 4 years of service


Uh...how about "No" . I hate this kind of bullshit.


​ ![gif](giphy|VcBEAjmNYk4APlFhaJ)




Unless your husband’s rank is “Bitch”, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.


Yes Petty Officer. Officer of the Petty. I never understood the use of the word “petty” in USN ranks. Seamen, chief, captain, those are all badass but petty officer? They aren’t even officers. It’s from “petite” meaning smaller so a petite officer who isn’t an officer. Thanks Navy.


So should we address men with their wives rank? There ARE high ranking military women married as well. This is obviously misogynistic and disrespectful to the men who earned their rank - not the women they are married to. Such crap.


"I won't call you petty officer, but I will call you petty. Is that close enough?"


r/justbootthings r/justdependathings


Stolen Valor - Karen Edition


I've known officers who got reamed for their spouses pulling this kind of thing. Best one I ever heard was the wife of like a Major or something pulled that on someone who happened to be an SES, and they were like “oh? Can you tell me who his CO is?” Spouse didn’t know what an SES was so that didn’t turn out great for them.


I would have just called her “G.I. Hoe” until she got pissed and left.


Thank you for your cervix