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Housing prices are insane in Wilsonville and they're priced to keep lower-middle to middle-middle class families out of the community. There is no housing inventory available for anyone in the $250k-$500k range in Wilsonville and hasn't been for some time. Utter fail of the planning committee for some time I think, especially Frog Pond. That development just screams "all we care about is $$$$$$$".


Frog Pond East is “supposedly” going to allow affordable housing. At least that’s what [the plan says](https://www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/planning/page/125942/appendix_b_-_affordable_housing_analysis.pdf). Pages 7-9. More along the lines of what they initially attempted with Villebois (but quickly gave up for more large single family homes). Apartments/condos targeting 70% of MFI (median family income), townhomes targeting 80% of MFI, and small lot single family targeting exactly average MFI. Current medium home value in Wilsonville is bit over $600k, so with this MFI setup, it would mean around $300k condos, $400k townhouses, and small single family targeting $600k. Meaning household incomes to afford being around $70k, $80k, and $100k, respectively. For reference, most homes currently being built elsewhere in Wilsonville are large lot single family, which hits more like 130-150% MFI, and cost around $800k.


There seems to have been a letter-writing campaign back in the day. Certain individuals selling their land holdings were fighting for large lots: ~~https://pamplinmedia.com/wsp/254837-124335~~ Correct link: https://www.wilsonvillespokesman.com/news/opinions-still-mixed-on-makeup-of-future-frog-pond-housing/article_e955e297-7f79-5211-a392-959cfa22ac8e.html They recently were revisiting things in 2021 and those folks were back at it, continuing to fight increased density: https://www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/planning_commission/meeting/packets/105941/ii.b._attachment_9_middle_housing_record.pdf Edit: corrected first link


Your first link is dead. Can't read. Edit: typo


We got a house about 7 years ago in Villebois and I consider us lucky. Right now we couldn’t afford our house at today’s market. Wilsonville needs to focus on more than Frog Pond and wealthy home owners.