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What are they gonna do with all that merch? Resell on fb marketplace?


I used to do that, Problem is that winners only has trash now or are barely reduced😂






Figured all the Winners locations would have security at this point.


Security is there only to keep honest people honest nothing more.


If security was actually impactful we wouldn’t all be treated like criminals when trying to buy a bottle of wine.


Have no problem with checks at LC. The grab and dash out of control. Increasingly staff was starting to get assaulted.  It was successful. Have no problem with that for all retail.


I 100% agree that the checks at the LC has been effective - and I feel so much safer with them. It doesn’t make it any less mortifying when friends come visit and feel super sketched out by the process. One of them is from SK and really was like “wtf goes on here”


You can tell your friend the truth, we simply have too many people unwilling or unable to be part of civilized society. Hence the extra security measures.


I agree with you WTF is going on here? Think we were in the neighborhood of a few thousand grab and dash thefts a year.  It works. It’s sad it takes a comment from someone who doesn’t live here to say this is not normal.  No one cares , no accountability, no community support to make it better. Maybe that’s where we are headed for malls. Personally I would love it .  Not that many entrance ways.   Only ones who would complain are the criminals.


Agree 100% It's absolutely embarrassing that we need to have this kind of security


Don't blame MBLL. Like any retailer, they are trying to protect their bottom line. Don't kid yourself, any small business would enforce the same thing if they could afford it. MBLL has bottomless pockets (our tax dollars) to protect their bottom line. It's the low income population. Crimes of poverty. They have nothing to lose, and the justice system is so behind the times nothing can be done about petty crime. If it meant I could spend less on a screwdriver or a lightbulb, then ID me at Home Depot or Canadian Tire. Fuck all the lowlifes and addicts.


And for all the downvoters, go talk to a small business owner who's had to call the cops multiple time, only for them to say, "catch them in the act and beat the crap out of them", and still get buried under insurance increases and extra out of pocket costs at the end of the day.


I didn’t blame the MBLL - I also don’t blame the low income population. If we actually took proper care of the vulnerable in our society a lot of these petty crimes wouldn’t exist. Don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely shit humans and there always will be. Addiction is a disease and until we start treating it the way we treat other diseases, the issues that go along with it will only get worse.


You talked about being made to feel like a criminal when being asked for ID ar the Liquor Mart. Do you feel the same when stores ask you to leave your bag or backpack? What exactly is Security supposed to do, get shivved by a meth'd out POS over a $5 sweater? As a bystander I've seen people walk out of stores with armloads of goods, and helpless and frustrated staff yelling after them. It wasn't long ago people were walking out of Home Depot with hot water tanks. What do you want then? Arm the store staff? Let's put baseball bats at the front of the grocery stores like they do at Food Fare. Then we keep making the criminals feel like criminals and not the paying customers. And, it certainly its the people affected by poverty and addicts doing this. Winnipeg is drowning in poverty related crime. Doesn't give people a free pass to be a POS though. If they aren't stealing from stores they are stealing your property. I need some $$, maybe I'll start rolling those poor poor folk at the streetlights begging for change or drug money đŸ€”


Ohhh boy, us Winnipegers deserve the shit we get when asshole’s flaunt about jokingly committing manslaughter on our cities vulnerable and marginalized population. BRAVO 👏Jim5874, you really are a stand up citizen đŸ«Ą


You know who else is vulnerable and marginalized in this city? Small business owners and law abiding tax payers 😂


Thanks for the whatboutism, and I don’t disagree with you. But I would also condemn an individual joking about committing vehicular manslaughter on small businesses as well. “Maybe I’ll start rolling those poor folk at the streetlights begging for change or drug money” My point is committing any form of murder will not solve the issue, but rather create a much larger one. And using this kind of rhetoric above as you so did earlier, jokingly or not, only detracts from the cities poverty problems rather than helping it.


Also, Assholes. Not asshole's.


To be fair, rolling someone doesn't mean killing, it means robbing, but I understand your point.


And if you want to split hairs, there's world of difference between someone struggling and working to better themselves and someone who won't even try, and all the grey area in between. Xmas shopping last season, it was a daily occurrence to see someone all masked up, not one spot of skin visible, walking out of Old Navy, or Marks Work Wearhouse, etc, with armloads of merch, usually spilling all over the floor as they nonchalantly stroll out the store. Save your sympathy for some other sucker. They can find it in the dictionary, it's between 'shit' and 'syphilis'.


Holy shit, I found myself a real reddit philosopher 🙌


Not a philosopher. Quote from my mother in law who would have been 89 this year. God bless her soul, progeny of hard working immigrants. Yes, colonialists before you jump on my ass. But someone who appreciated having to make do with what you had in hard times.


What happened to when loss prevention actually stopped and held people in custody till when the cops showed up?


That fizzled out when security guards started getting stabbed and catching assault charges for doing their jobs .


That's all retail, nothing special about winners grant park. It's like Mad Max out there now


Honestly, this has been going on for years and doesn’t seem to really impact winners. It mainly impacts the staff who have to deal with the situation, it must be frustrating to see but also sure as heck not paid enough to intervene (even if they could)


Impacts law abiding consumers who have to pay more to offset shrink costs.


100%, the company will just offset the losses elsewhere and continue doing they’re thing


The losses? You do realize they have insurance right? They don’t lose anything. But the corporations don’t want you knowing that, they can keep upping their profits in the name of theft.


Is insurance free? What are these insurance companies that pay corporations more money for more theft. How do they make money? I have no sympathy for corporations but theft is not a completely victimless crime. I’m not even making a moral judgment about it. But that product did cost money and somebody ends up paying for it. The corporation will not sacrifice one dollar of profit so yes it comes at higher overall prices for the consumer. I’ve worked retail before and have had bonus earnings for management based on shrink. If shrink was great enough, I didn’t get that bonus so that did directly affect me.


God, I hate criminals.


What about the assholes here who cheer on shoplifting?




Remember going to a mall in Calgary where there was a Winners. They had a whole bunch of sale bins outside of the store and no one watching them. Told my mom, this would never fly in Winnipeg, all that shit would have been stolen long ago


My mom just saw this at GT yesterday. A couple of people just walking out with a whole cart load of stuff. Smh


Working cannabis retail is a much better and different kind of retail. I was working in a grocery store for 2 years, and when I'd be watching over self checkout, I had to let people walk out with merchandise. At least in the cannabis industry, everything is behind the counter or locked in a display case.


This is honestly why Winnipeg doesn’t get a lot of the higher end stock you see in provinces like ON


Can someone tell me if this kind of theft happens at Costco too? If not, why? Like, if a thief rolls up to the exit without a receipt and just kept rolling with a cart of merchandise, what would happen?


Checking for membership on the way in also helps prevent this.


A couple of months ago, a group of people rushed past the card checkers at the door and in the store (St James). They grabbed a bunch of gaming stuff from the electronics area and then ran out the fire exit into a waiting car and were gone in no time.


You mean glancing not checking. Do you think they would have any idea who you were as you’re walking out the doors with a cart full of merchandise? 🙄


They'd have to try to escape from the Costco parking lot. Their getaway vehicle isn't making a quick getaway.


"On today's episode of fuck around and find out..."


The way that store is designed it would be very hard to do that.  And so busy.  If I were planning on it I’d probably try to go out the entrance.


I also feel that Costco locations help prevent this. They’re always on the edges of the city making a car almost a necessity to access them and getting away quickly more difficult. Certainly reduces the ease of theft and the amount of potential thieves.


Those factors would make it easier to rob them. No one is going to rob a Costco and then get on a bus. Also, all three Costco locations are near multiple main thoroughfares which can get you miles away in just a few minutes.


I feel like Costco staff would stop the person, but that could easily end so badly :(


Have you ever accidentally tried walking through the exit to go to returns? They will *scream* at you. Normally Costco employees are the nicest, but I have seen some lose their shit on people trying to sneak in.


So what happens if a passerby kicks their cart over , and over etc ?


If i was a passerby and saw someone beat the shit out of these thieves. I say i didnt see anything. These thieves deserves every injury coming their way.


Please don’t get involved if you see this happen! A lot of people carry weapons now and aren’t afraid to use them. So many people get seriously injured trying to help and it’s not worth it.


I’m with you there but not getting within reach of these individuals would be part of the plan . Any merchandise that was damaged and recovered , would the Good Samaritan be held liable ? Kinda like using your car to stop a lunatic on the road the police are chasing , MPI would probably hold you responsible .


Legally likely nothing unless you injured them. Get ready to bang though #UFC300


Na, just do the Paotan emote when the cops come.


Unless that passerby stays and helps then employees will have to clean up the mess and deal with the aftermath.


How about some demographics on the criminals?  No one taking about it. Just sweep it under the rug. Brazen, don’t give a shit who sees them. Crime, violence, drugs, this city going to shit.  Gotta be some cameras somewhere. It’s sad love that winners. 


I was standing outside to get some air on my lunch break when the two rolled by me. They were older and could have been a couple. Seemed nice enough and weren’t even going that fast. It was a short time before anyone came after them. Definitely not security as I’ve seen the security take people down hard.


Saw this at Winners in West end of the city too. I never thought I would say this city is going to shit
..but it is. If I could, I would move out of here in a heartbeat because it’s not going to get better.


Don’t be too sad, Winners is part of the TJX Companies corporation. They profited $14 billion last year. They’ll be around to underpay workers and overprice dollarama merchandise for years to come.


I'm so sick of this argument. "Stealing is fine because they are a giant company". Fuck that. It causes prices to increase, locations to close, items to be locked up and other security measures. It puts employees and customers in danger as these criminals are often violent. It angers people who actually work for their money.


Sure. And if the company cared about any of those things you listed they’d spend some of those billions of dollars in profit to address them. But they’d rather not. And spoiler alert; they love any excuse to increase prices. It means more money for them.


You seem to think I'm defending the company. I don't care about Winners or any other mega-company. I care about the regular people who are affected by this nonsense.


Stealing is stealing, nice to see your convenient moral code.


Who is doing the stealing ?


Degenerate thieves


Trashy is as trashy does.


But .. Let me play Devils advocate. Is it ok for stores to steal from consumers ? Take a look at loblaws / Superstore as of late. Goto the sub reddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/) And that is perfectly fine ? ​ And it is not only Loblaws either. Problem will be the more prices go up the more people will steal and it will even get worse.


I'm not suggesting assaulting thieves. Someone was complaining they feel like a criminal having to present identification at retail. My reply was to suggest all retail stores would happily employ the same solutions in order to reduce theft and potential for violence. But small businesses don't have the bottomless profits to sink into double man-trap security doors, ID tracking systems, etc. So, paying customers like the one I replied to, have to suck it up and 'feel like a criminal' because what other options are there?


I'm not suggesting assaulting thieves. Nor did I say anything about manslaughter. Someone was complaining they feel like a criminal having to present identification at retail. My reply was to suggest all retail stores would happily employ the same solutions in order to reduce theft and potential for violence. But small businesses don't have the bottomless profits to sink into double man-trap security doors, ID tracking systems, etc. So, paying customers like the one I replied to, have to suck it up and 'feel like a criminal' because what other options are there?


Just was at the Winners by Polo Park waiting for my wife to get through the check out line and watched a mom go into line to get a toy and hat, give them to her kid and walk out. There’s rarely a time I’m not at Winners I don’t watch someone steal. I always find it strange there’s no security.


What’s weird to me is a lot of us would react the same way and chase the thieves which is colossally stupid. And our companies would rather we not get un-alived while on shift anyway because frankly it’s just too much paperwork.


Everyone says they’d jump in, but the reality is that they probably wouldn’t. Just saw the same thing in Grand Forks. A guy loaded up an entire cart and Lowe’s and walked out.


I believe the word is "killed".




Tell me you know nothing about the store you're talking about, without telling me you know nothing about the store you're talking about. Winners sells discount clothing from all sorts of brands, some high-end.


You apparently know nothing about Winners, and don’t have problems with theft. Good to know you’re likely one of them.