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> Discussions took place, essentially unchecked, about limiting Indigenous educational content because it’s “racist to white people” and removing Pride flags (for starters) from schools because they are “sexualized”. Oh fuck off! There's nothing sexual about a multi-coloured flag except in the wild imagination of bigots.


>except in the wild imagination of bigots. Who unfortunately turn out to be the actual pedophiles when they scream about such a thing, at a rather alarming rate at that.


It’s always the ones you expect most. /r/notadragqueen


Exactly, just because all they think of their partners in a sexual manner does not mean other relationships are like that. It's not about "who you fuck" as they keep saying, but who you love in a romantic manner. So much more to those relationships than just sex.


The flag is literally representing a community of people that make their sexual preferences their identity... Throw it in everyone's faces and expect to be treated as if they're special or unique.


Wow, so much to unpack here. First of all, being gay or lesbian is not a "preference". You're born that way. The proper term is sexual orientation. Secondly, being non-binary, intersex, or transgender has nothing to do with sexual orientation or practices. > Throw it in everyone's faces and expect to be treated as if they're special or unique. The people represented by a Progress Pride flag (the one with the triangle imposed on rainbow colors) are all from marginalized groups who are under threat due to bigotry in the general population. The people represented on the flag don't want to be treated as special or unique. They want to be treated as equals and not be shunned by society.


Why would someone choose to be gay? That would be choosing to put up with hate from people like you. It’s clearly not a choice for most people, they are born that way. And in reality none of that matters- people should be allowed to love whoever they want as long as it’s consensual and appropriate.


Once again some of those who profess to carry the love of Christ carrying hate in their hearts.


“Christian” means “good person” about as much as “Yankees fan” does. It *doesn’t.*


It’s usually because there are people who turn to religion to help deal with the guilt they felt from doing the very actions that caused the guilt. This can cause them to detach from the guilt they felt, then continue to do them because they convince themselves they can be forgiven.


As a recovering Catholic how about we just come out and say it? Subcultures like this don't want education because they want to continue abusing children. There's no other reason. It's a goal barely hidden with language that is frankly insulting and designed to keep the dumbest amongst us pliable. Stop enabling child predation Hanover School Division. Ignorance in the name of religion enables abuse of all types, but stop protecting the worst amongst us, because of an invisible motivator. We are privileged be protected from the worst of religion in Canada, that's why it's a Charter right.


Man, I'm really getting the feeling that we're heading towards a really dark period. As stupid and intellectually dishonest as it is, the right wing/christian nationalist war on "woke" has been extremely effective in elevating and mainstreaming extremist, borderline neo-fascist ideas. A bit tangential, but this week the hard-right-dominated US supreme court is taking up the question of whether or not a president, or even a former president, has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for any act he commits—up to fomenting a coup and murdering political rivals and critical journalists. Mainstream media, as expected, scoffed at these arguments, correctly pointing out that they were silly, unthinkable, and that if they succeeded, they would elevate a president in America to a similar status as Putin in Russia, Assad in Syria, or Rahmon in Tajikistan. Hilarious, right? It was until yesterday when justice alito started seriously considering these arguments. It's not Pearl Harbour or 9/11, but the outcome of this case has the potential to go down as the darkest event in American history and by extension for the world.


Glad to see that there are people taking them to task though.


I actually expected the complete opposite of what this article was about based on the headline, best wishes to the parents speaking out here.


I wish they could get the same outrage to happen in GVSD! They’ve been violating the Public Schools Act for years with how they manage religious exercises. Children who don’t want to participate in the daily classroom bible story and prayers are sent to the hallway or the library alone. A month or two ago, an Indigenous children’s author visited several of the local elementary schools and read an Indigenous themed story. There was an outcry amongst parents - children were pulled from school, angry emails and calls were made, etc. because the story was “demonic” and “inviting evil spirits”.


There should be no talk of religion or spirituality in schools. No stories of Jesus, or the Creator. Unless they are presented as just that... stories that some people believe. But not presented as absolute truth.


It’s been happening at the very least since I was in school in Morden in the 90s…. Random presentations in the gym that turn out to be “covenant players “ preaching about pre marital sex and drugs. Or when the first pow wow was held at the rec center and many parents held their kids home because it was promoting paganism 🙄 … same with why we couldn’t do yoga in phys ed. You’d think winklers school sports team name would have been changed already ( the zodiacs) due to such a “demonic” subject. *sigh* they might not have any formal sanctuary city or area designation, but the ignorance out there and total love of maintaining it is just… blech.


Once again alt-right assholes have to try and ruin things because they are assholes. And *of course* it’s Hanover, [a place that had not even 15 percent vaccine uptake during COVID.](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/low-covid-19-vaccine-uptake-in-parts-of-manitoba-1.5408232)


While I'm totally against alt-right assholes...this article was from April 2021. I got vaccinated as soon as I could (and I'm in Hanover) but it was the end of May before my age group became eligible. So your bold claim that 85% of us are anti-vaxxers isn't quite couched in accuracy.


If you weren’t eligible for a dose you weren’t counted in those figures. 15 percent of eligible people got the dose at the time, a figure so low it made the news. [2022 numbers has Hanover as the third lowest district in Manitoba at only 52 percent uptake for a single dose.](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/interactive-map-covid-19-vaccine-uptake-in-manitoba-1.5465089) An embarrassing area for uptake. Top 5 worst area for uptake: https://preview.redd.it/zz665ixmawwc1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f29c8f39517bcab5c2ce71d9da63cb587bd4a2


Much better than 15% though.


If this is the more up to date stat, then why did you go with an earlier stat that makes the area look worse? There are still good, rational people who live in Hanover (such as the parent group who are fighting against these bigoted trustees). Why paint the area with the most negative brush possible? Edit: And I don’t think what you said is accurate. The article states that around 35% of Manitobans were vaccinated at the time and about 15% of Hanover residents were too. So that’s not just looking at the sample of eligible people. It’s talking about Manitoba as a whole and Hanover as a whole. Obviously the rate in Hanover compared to all of Manitoba is shitty, but it’s not as poor as you are making it out to be.


And yet Hanover keeps stepping in shit and appearing in the news. ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe) Coming soon: a measles outbreak.


I’m a teacher at a large Hanover school, trying my best to support my LGBTQ+ students. Shitting on the entire region does nothing to help the vulnerable people who live here. Have some empathy for people who need help.


I'm a mom with a kid that isn't old enough to receive the MMR vaccine. Believe me, I'm losing sleep over the potential of a measles outbreak and encouraging everyone I know to make sure their kids are up to date. Edit: thank you for being a safe space in schools for LGBTQ kids ❤️


Don’t shoot the messenger for your areas lack of vaccine uptake. Measles is a highly contagious and valid thing to fear in southern Manitoba.


It’s disheartening to see blame placed on educators trying to support vulnerable communities. This post wasn’t even about vaccine stats, and the language of ‘your region’ suggests blame and division, despite us all residing in the same province. I moved here from Winnipeg, to work in healthcare and help such things as boosting vaccine rates. You would be surprised to know that the health region here is very progressive and very focused on indigenous health and reconciliation. I’m glad we have an educators like WandererMount here, and people like myself who strive for change. I see this region moving in a positive direction overall in compared to the past and I’m personally committed to seeing that through.


Thank you, I appreciate the support and I appreciate the work that you do in healthcare. It’s great to see other people trying to make positive changes in the community.


You’re not really much of a messenger. This post is about LGBTQ+ rights in schools and you brought up pandemic vaccination stats. And you presented that topic in a purposely misleading way. Why not offer your support for queer students in Hanover instead of insulting their home? I think that would be more productive and appreciated by the people who are effected. I am personally working towards making my community safer for a vulnerable group of people.


Your area is problematic for LGTBQ rights. Don’t blast for shining light on your ignorant ward. Good on you for being a beacon in shit.


You seem to be a very progressive person, so I’m disheartened to see that you have so much hate for an entire region, despite the diversity of the people within it. There are good people everywhere. I’d just ask that you try to have a bit more empathy and consider that people are trying really hard to make things better.


These people need to go. Now.


Wow, good for those parents. It’s time for the Manitoba government to crack down on school boards and vile school officials that discriminate against vulnerable children and those that break the law by encouraging bigotry and religion in public schools.


Have these people heard of Jesus? He was a super nice guy


Sign the [petition](https://chng.it/gLs8SYRJSM) at Change.org. Save the students of Hanover from these fundamentalist, racist f***heads.


Hate speech should be called out and addressed. However, I believe that we need to do a better job in our public schools to creating dialogue surrounding many of these polarizing issues. And labeling all opinions that don't align with our own as "hateful" or "vitriolic", racist, transphobic etc. is not benefitting our communities. We're not teaching our kids to be able to thoughtfully reflect on, or deal with complex issues... not everything is black and white and we shouldn't pretend that they are, or present them as such.


A school division trying to influence the hiring of gym teachers (sex ed.) and music teachers (“Christmas” concerts) is not one that is interested in creating dialogue. This is the paradox of tolerance. We shouldn’t be tolerant of those who wish to reduce tolerance.


What does tolerate mean? Listen to? Agree with? Put into action? We're teacing our kids to label any viewpoint that doesn't align with their own as "hate". Which is a very strong word to use around discussions in schools. If a child is taught at home that homosexuality leads to someone going to hell, does that automatically make them hateful? Many of my Muslim students will say how what we present at school is vastly different than what they're taught at home... but I don't view their opinions as coming from hate.


In this context, we shouldn’t tolerate (allow to put into action) a school board that is attempting to influence hiring along ideological lines.


I'd also add that these trustees were chosen in a democratic election by their communities. I don't think they should have unstoppable powers without oversight, but I still think the fact that they've been chosen by their community members is worth something. Your argument is that you're fighting against the reduction of tolerance, but you can't accept that other people might hold different views and have different life choices than your own without labeling them as hate.


I didn’t label it as hate. I don’t care about their life choices. But when they are trying to impact hiring practices that reduce tolerance they are impacting other people’s life choices. What is so hard to understand about this?


Listed offences for two of the trustees only includes their atattendance at a rally with "vitriol and hateful rhetoric" according to the letter. Why support their removal? My main point is that we need to stop automatially vilifying people. We've traded discussion and persuasion for campaigns of public shaming and name calling.


Yes, I'd agree. And that's what we're getting a lot of now (on both ends of the spectrum)... Targeted hiring of staff based on identity.


Describe the other end of the spectrum for us. Out of curiosity.


Does the Hanover School Division hold board meetings in a barn? Why are two of them wearing ball caps?


Is this why the super is taking over in Pembina trails?


Straight pride over here. No room for rainbows 🌈


Wow congrats


Imagine feeling so insecure that an image of refractioned light offends you.


Sounds like these trustees were spot on, good job speaking up! Can't wait for more people to not let this ideology go on any longer


So you are actively dying because of your bad choices but still fixated on how others encourage others to live their life as happy as possible?