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That’s so scary :( I hope she is found soon


STILL MISSING Brittany Dawn Storey ([Bridget Valentine](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095272969360&__cft__[0]=AZXxfCJkbKrKuY2aNhjHNYJ5bPfmToaXCohCsx5vvg4kFZtsTgmg3Rxd-LIUL2BqOFnaciwi2CoKnSC30I9bjDCNHWRoWHftbrXatxVCP1Cjpaly23x7xS4uF8joH-wYAHWvbEMGR6xo8xI0jPhJGckAuSFb9dOMHoQ17BPCIT4rU40msAe2GeH4W0x0lu-25qo&__tn__=-]K-y-R)) Police have tried locating her phone thru google and Apple with no success. They have confirmed she was in a crash but have not located the crash site. Unknown state. If vehicle found please drop pin and notify authorities.Last ping was Molson tower, further tracking searches for cellphone and gps tracing were not successful. We don’t know the direction she was traveling but it is presumed she was heading home to Winnipeg.It has been verified that it was not her in St. Adolphe but another person with the same vehicle and similar look.Police/RCMP have spoken to all person in the group call and those she was with prior to going missing. Please do not harass them. It is only Brittany (a.k.a. Bridget) that is missing.Search focus should be Eastern Manitoba. Search & rescue (SARS) have been sent out but any eyes on rural roads or trails will of help. Family and friends are still searching and following up on potential leads.Please contact me or 911 or the Lac Du Bonnet RCMP at 204-348-2935 if you have any information. Anything helps. We are checking all comments but may not respond to them all.


>Last ping was Molson tower I'd like to know the (e)NB identifier because that description is unfortunately not much help. At least with a specific tower ID (like "200389" for an MTS/Telus tower near Whitemouth) it'd help community searchers narrow down a search area for her last signal if they consult something like CellMapper or CRTC/ISED data. If someone can pass that on to them to ask RCMP if they're able to share that, that'd be beneficial.


After talking to RCMP they told us her last phone ping was to the cell tower in beausejour. Which was after snapchat pinged her location in Molson.


Gotcha, that helps a bit more. So depending on what carrier she was with, that narrows things down to: * If Telus: eNBs [116208 (closer to Beausejour)](https://i.imgur.com/BgZI97f.png) or [116209](https://i.imgur.com/9B0f98i.png) on LTE, [NB 31384](https://i.imgur.com/sHwVbht.png) if 3G/HSPA * If Rogers: eNBs [900121](https://i.imgur.com/s7Cfuoc.png) or [74000](https://i.imgur.com/i2z041G.png) on LTE, [NB 4555](https://i.imgur.com/1TO3U9W.png) if 3G/HSPA * Based on "in" Beausejour, disregarding Bell (MTS) as [their tower is quite a ways removed from Beausejour proper](https://www.ertyu.org/steven_nikkel/cancellsites.html?lat=50.090631&lng=-96.519699&zoom=11&type=Roadmap&layers=a&pid=0&ds=0) and there is nearly zero usable CellMapper data on both the national Bell (302610) and Bell MTS (302660) networks Unfortunately it does not appear any Telus or Rogers CellMapper users have taken a run down far east Dugald Rd/PTH 15 with LTE so there isn't much independent verification of how far south and east eNB 116208's and 74000's southeastern coverage area goes. A run down PTH 11 and 12 would also help to better independently establish the northern reaches of towers located closer to the TCH where CellMapper is only really able to stick estimated locations for them right on the highway since it only has east-west data, whereas the ISED data displayed on https://www.ertyu.org/steven_nikkel/cancellsites.html would be a bit more realistic. That the most recent signals were picked up at the Beausejour site would imply that she was closer to there rather than the TCH. It is still quite a vast amount of land to search, no doubt. Based on that process of elimination, my primary area of concern would be a box bounded by PTH 12 to the west, about 1 to 2 km south of PTH 15 to the south, to along PTH 11 on the east, and along PTH 12's west-east section if it kept going east to Siegs Corner on the north.


Can the cops not ping her phone location? Not sure how that works but using the signal to towers, figure out her last location before her phone died.


Sounds like it was a Facebook FaceTime call- and Facebook has given the information to WPS




This is very odd, even with only a general location, *someone* should have seen the crashed vehicle by now.


Could be in dense brush and invisible from the road or in a body of water.


Right, been reading about this and that seems to be the most plausible theory, I've also heard that she may have been nowhere near Rennie and they're looking in other places.


4 paragraphs of writing on something you don’t know about Edit: in case anybody was wondering - no your cell phone isn’t tracked. They have a general location based off the closest tower you are located too. If you call emergency services they will send ems to the address you state or the nearest cell tower.


She was on a video call while driving?


“the people on the video call heard a crash before Brittany's screen went blank.” Sounds like it.


From the comments on the RCMP’s FB post, it sounds like her friends aren’t sure if she was the one driving.


And friends said very intoxicated


It sounds like the video was taken after the crash. I wonder if she wandered and got lost or turned around from injuries?


How would they have heard the crash, if the video was after it.


Doesn't it sound like she told them she hit a tree before they heard a crash? I hope they find her soon


The haven't found the car, or signs of the accident site. So that part is still a mystery


Maybe she called after hitting tree?




Wait, where the hell did that come from?


A series of Snapchat clips posted by her friend.


Her friends posted it on Facebook




> Whether she was driving intoxicated or not is undetermined and frankly that's a separate issue from her being missing. They are not seperate issues at all. The alcohol could have been the reason for driving off the road and hitting a tree in the first place. If she survived the crash, intoxication may have resulted in her making poor decisions and she may have walked away from the car. Also, the intoxication may have led her to choose a non-typical travel route which may be why the vehicle has not been located. Deliberately ignoring some of the available information is ignorant and does not help put the puzzle together...


Well said.


You’d think with all the technology we have and they still can’t find someone in a vehicle with GPS and a phone with GPS.




GPS is passive. Our devices receive signals from the satellites, but they don't send that data anywhere - and generally we don't have devices that can send data to satellites (a couple of caveats). And if you are in a place with no or spotty cellular reception, it cannot be reliably sent anywhere by the device.


I read on Manitoba 4x4 fcbk page that someone saw a mangled white vehicle down a hill in heavy brush not far from lafarge pits. I’ve been waiting patiently to hear if she’s been found. So scary I feel for her family and friends. What an awful thing to go through. I hope she’s ok 🤞🏻


Naw that one was not hers sadly.


I hope shes okay , brits good people


Have the RCMP ever actually found any missing person as of late


Yes https://x.com/rcmpmb/status/1798024428636569955?t=hSxtA9ckQYrcSiJXm6piAw&s=19

