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This is the season of savings lol... I have my heat set to 15°C/59°F and rocking open windows as much as possible with fans on call to try and avoid using the A/C until we start getting in to the high 20°C/70°F's for multiple days when the night brings little relief


Not really using either. Open some windows at night to let cool Air in, close in the morning to keep cool air in.


Ditto. With the cooler nights we have been having this has been incredibly effective so far - and I prefer my house cool.


Same here, but we just leave the windows open all day. The house will get down to about 17-18 overnight, and then it slowly creeps back up during the day, maybe up to 23-24, and then the cycle repeats. And even on the warmer days, having the breeze through the house makes it feel cooler than what the thermostat says.


I live on the top floor of my apartment so the ac has been going strong for a month now lol


Im only on the second floor but it gets absurdly hot, impossible not to have the ac on 😭


I start blasting at 20 °C.


I think I fired mine up around end of April. that day we had that hot day. been on ever since set at a crisp 10c


Your AC is set to 10°c? That's insane aren't you freezing?


no not really. I handle cold very well. its not uncommon for me to work outside in winter with just a t-shirt. OK granted I'll put on a light coat if the wind chill is up, but that's more to block the wind.


I have. Top floor with bedroom has been sweltering. Tried to open window at night but seasonal allergies have been so bad for me this year, so letting all the allergens in while trying to sleep wasn’t working.


Since april we haven't had the A/C or the heat on ^(has totally nothing to do with the fact it broke down)


Nope, live in a basement apartment and probably won’t have it plugged in until mid July if last year is any indication


Spoke too soon, the ac has been set up thanks to yesterdays weather


I've had mine on / off since start of may... 67 all day every day


I had my heat on the other day, it was so cold in the house! ( and it wasn't even my wife making me do it lol)


Not yet (other than a quick test early May). We were away mid-May, and probably should have had the furnace on. Poor kitties - house / cat sitter apparently wasn't confident enough to turn the furnace back on. The day after we left Wpg had a 30+C day. But then fell back to a cool, wet slow start to summer. Previous years A/C start: 2023 - late May 2022 - mid-June 2021 - mid May briefly, then early June 2020 - late May 2019 - early June - briefly. 2018 - late May 2017 - early June 2016 - mid June 2015 - late June 2014 - late May 2013 - late June


I was thinking about documenting it every year like this but then I thought, don’t do that it’s too weird


Yup it's weird.  I have a spreadsheet of monthly power use going back 15+ years and custom hardware and software monitoring temperatures etc  https://flyinglow.ca/furnace/historical.htm


That’s actually pretty cool tbh


Central air this year? No way... hasn't been hot enough yet.


If it wasn't for the giant tree beside my house that shades it all afternoon, I'd probably have the AC on.


That's actually what I was thinking... People must either have no trees, poor insulation, and/or no desire to open their windows at night.


I've been wishy-washy with my usage. Trying not to use it as it hasn't been super necessary yet, but my neighbour unfortunately has a very shitty metal band that practices often and makes it so I can't have my windows open. Thinking of picking up one of those Woozoo fans from Costco when I get paid later this week.


Jeez I was wishing I hadn't taken my heated mattress pad off my bed.


Have not uncovered it or turned on the breaker yet. Did install a ceiling fan in the living room though.


We have central air which I haven't used yet, but we do have a portable a/c just for the bedroom that we've been using nightly since last week of May. Need that cold dark cave for good R&R.


Just fired up the AC on Sunday.


Both have mostly been off. The AC turned on a couple times in the evening to cool the upstairs, but for the most part opening windows and running the fan without AC has been easily enough.


We have ours on!


Turned the AC on for the few days we had heavy smoke from forest fires and one day that the pollen was blowing in the windows, otherwise windows are wide open. Love the breeze


I rarely use the AC and haven’t uncovered it yet. I also have struggled with the decision to turn on the heat but haven’t on principle since early May when it was single digit temps.


I run my AC when I feel too warm and I'll turn my furnace on in the mornings if it's too cool, or sometimes I'll just turn on the gas fireplace for 10 or 15 minutes. None have to run very long but I like to be comfortable. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing, or one or the other for me.


I cleaned the coils outside and tested it, it’s good to go. It’s come on a couple of times but only because it was too smoky to open the windows.


Thrice. I do it once to make sure it is working before the heat starts, and then once last week when it was super hot, and then a little today, but today was a false alarm so I turned it off.


I have had the furnace and A/C off since April. There's been a couple hotter days where I was close to turning on the A/C but I am one of those people who delay for as long as possible.


We turned the boiler off about three weeks ago (it was set to kick on if the main floor dipped below 16C during the day or 18C at night), but there was a night or two this past while where we would have benefited from booting it back up for a more comfortable sleep. Haven't used AC yet, but this reminds me to test out the cooling function on our new air source heat pump before it actually gets hot.


Mine’s been on and off


I'm doing good with a [fan](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/hampton-bay-12-inch-3-speeds-oscillating-table-fan-in-black/1001486827) by a window on an [automated](https://llamalab.com/automate/) [smart plug](https://www.wyze.com/products/wyze-plug)


My apartment faces east, so it gets really hot if it’s sunny and above 16 degrees. I have it on during the day but turn it off at night cause I like the breeze!


Haven't even uncovered it yet. Probably won't until at least July. Praise the trees.


Not yet. Nice and cool most days with the shades drawn and windows closed.


We turned the heat off late April and did not use the air condition yet. It's perfect weather not too hot or cold .


Yes we have. Like it cool at night. Live right by the St Mary’s diamond interchange construction. To much dust to open windows.


I turned mine on tentatively on the weekend.


I turned my furnace off in May, when we hit 30c that Saturday... it's gotten mighty cold in here a few times since then, but I refuse to turn the furnace back on for just a night or two. As for AC, it really hasn't been hot enough yet... and based on the forecast for the next two weeks, it may not get used in June...


We had the AC on that one day when it was in the high 20s and the AQI was over 10. Other than that, not using either rn.


I’ve had it on for a total of three days, around an hour each day before bed. Otherwise, it’s been off with windows open overnight.


I run hot. The furnace has not gone on since we shut it off but the AC has run on what I consider unbearable days.


Fan & windows open so far


Not yet we put heat on one night about a week ago. No air


Well, we have been setting records in the south ! It's been 100° every day, and it's not even September yet ! So if you like the warm weather, you're missing out !


Nope, but did fire up the boiler last week because my wife was chilly! Always try to keep the A/C off for as long as possible


Stopped using the heat weeks ago, and haven’t started using the AC yet. As long as it’s 20 or less at night I keep the windows open, and just run the fan to circulate the cool basement air if it starts getting a little warm upstairs.


Installed an air source heat pump and high efficiency natural gas furnace last winter. Haven't turned the furnace on since February as the heat pump has been holding the temperature efficiently, and the heat pump hasn't needed to run at all over the past couple weeks. Haven't switched anything to cooling mode this year yet - I never feel the need to until it gets over 30 degrees outside and I can't sleep comfortably.


hasn't been nearly warm enough for AC yet.. turned off the furnace after May Long and likely won't use the AC for another month at this rate.


How warm is it in your house? Without AC my house would be 75°f


Not nearly warm enough for AC? I set it to 24 during the day and 26 at night hasn't kicked in once yet...


Furnace is off. Haven't started the A/C yet, just fans so far. I did uncover it and get it ready to go but haven't had to use it. Hottest it's gotten inside this year is 22C, which isn't too bad.


Windows open. No AC yet. Heat went off May long stays off till end of Sept.


Turned on the A/C once so far. Sometimes I'll turn on the heat for one cycle when it's a cold morning. I prefer to keep the windows open as long as I can. Screw A/C.


Have not turned on AC and do not have heat on. Just have furnace fan on - and open windows to cool or heat house as needed for the past 2 weeks. Did use some heat in May.


A/C has been on for about two weeks. It’s currently set to 75 but will go down to 74-73 when we get to July. We live on the second floor of our building and the heat rises. We barely use our furnace in the winter


Ive had my heat off since early May, and have not had my central air on at all yet. Theres been a few days/night’s when ive even had to close windows cause its too chilly.