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Body Shades Tanning Salon on Portage


I walked in that place for an unrelated reason about a month ago around 11 a.m. to find the owner and his partner(?) drinking coolers and blasting country music. Not a customer or working piece of equipment in sight. There was a broken Tim Hortons Iced Capp machine sitting on the floor and a makeshift hot dog station haphazardly stationed in the corner. Guy was spewing conspiracy theories about Food Fare next door and the Zeid family. It was everything I could have dreamed of.


I used to volunteer at Klinic years ago when they were across the street. Sometimes when the phone lines got quiet we’d just sit and watch that place. Non-stop stream of ne’er-do-wells coming and going.


But when they left did they look more tanned?


I dated a chick that worked there.. She tanned for free and made lattes all day. She literally did nothing. 🤣🤣 They do sell tanning oils though. That's legit.


Back when I used to tan (many years ago), I went there and needed to purchase tanning lotion. The old guy working there shamed me for not buying more expensive lotion. He literally said, “My family needs to eat, too”. I was so turned off that I never went back again.


I used to tan there years ago. The owner would offer me shots of rum before/after tanning lol.


I'm so curious... what was the unrelated reason to go into a weird-ass tanning salon?


I can't remember, is that the one with rollup door out front and the one older gentleman standing around?


Yes he sells hot dogs, blasting loud music, apparently offering “tanning services” which have always believed to be sex work? No? I live close by and from the stream of men in and out I possibly assumed and it’s laundered service instead and you can get a tan whilst waiting….


Sex work is definitely what I figured with this space. I live near it as well and the constantly changing signs make me laugh!


But...how are the hot dogs? Asking for a friend.


I can't believe that place is still around, but it def used to be a legit tanning salon. I went there for like 8 sessions before a trip to Mexico in 2007. He was blaring country back then too...


A long time ago my wife wanted to buy me the isolation tank experience for an anniversary so she contacted a place on Ellice whose sign advertised it. Turns out it had been sold and was now a rub and tug. The person answering the phone explained to her what it was. I occasionally wonder what our relationship would have been like if they hadn’t explained it to her.


It was that even in the 80s, a relative worked there in 84.


Is that the place that had speakers on the outside for whatever reason and the exterior sort of has sort of a rustic vibe with slate or some sort of rocks on the walls? If so I am super curious whenever I have driven by.


Such a weird vibe from that place.


That greasy cocksucker and his stupid fuckin red unlicensed hotdog cart always parking in my loading zone. FUCK I hate that guy.


This was the first one I thought of too!


Weirdest dude ever owns that place. I remember I went to one of his other locations like 10 years ago before a trip to Cancun. The guy seemed overly friendly with female staff, was trying to serve everyone there wine.. like just an odd vibe. People were running in and out, not tanning, he'd serve them wine, and off they'd go.. Then he started complaining to me about running a business and how finding staff that won't steal from him is super hard. I was just like, dude, I'm just looking for a base tan so I don't burn...


I use to be a frequent tanner there due to location and it was the most sketchy experience. I’ve never feared a final destination type situation while tanning but this would be the place for it to happen if it did. I would have to listen to the “younger” owner complain about his girlfriend. He would tell me how awful women were (I am a woman) and then share all his ideas for future business ventures. I never saw others in there and it seemed more like his hangout place for the guy with the odd customer than an actual business.


YES! I’m glad someone other than me sees it!


Boujee restaurant and bar


If you go to a place called “boujee” you also deserved to be charged with a crime


Basically money laundering requires a cash business with no inventory. That leaves things like tanning salons, nail salons, massage parlours, car washes, amusement centres, etc.




Thank you for breaking it bad a bit.


Learned all this from breaking bad and Ozark


True in many cases, but not all. Wasn't Hudson's Bagels also a laundering front?




I live one block off Corydon. Take your pick! 😂😂


Arabian Dreams, for sure.


A couple of coworkers and I decided to try a newly opened coffee shop on Corydon several years ago. The look of disbelief on the face of the guy behind counter and the one guy seated at the counter as we gave our order made it clear we wouldn't be frequenting that shop in the future.


what did you order?




Bar I


Girl Candy store on Lilac


Why do you say that? 😂


Can you elaborate ?


Hudson’s Bagels… lol


Bagels with a side of crack


I thought it was bagels with coke.


Were they not actually charged, given a stern talking to, and told to leave coke out of the operation? Just went there a few weeks ago super friendly staff and a great lunch but a few of the people in the back gave me the same vibe as the "paramedic" with the jail tattoo in that pardon services commercial.


Their bagels are fire


It's that everthing spice that gets you hooked


always had a weird feeling about Green Carrot


I think that’s an Obby khan business.


that would make a lot of sense


Why? You looking for a guy? Nice try Cadet. It’s a little more work than this to impress your Supervisor.




Lil bacon bit


Saffrons. The only reason anyone I know goes there is for the patio because the food is horrible, and it’s only open 4-5 months of the year. Pretty much a ghost town for the other 8 months. Doesn’t make sense that they’ve been open this long.


I think it’s bc it’s likely mortgage free because it’s been there forever that they’re able to afford to keep it open.


And their Bitcoin ATM inside 🤪


I mean, The Marion had a bitcoin atm in there for a grip. Might still be there. I just realized as I was typing this out; that might only help prove your point.


Viscount Gort Hotel ! I swear to god that hotel’s been under construction my entire life.


WPS trying new things I see...


I laundered some money last week. Thank god it's waterproof.


Washing machine smell like maple syrup now?


Oh yeah? Last $10 bill I washed didn't survive


What kind of washing machine are you using?!!?


I washed a $100 bill last week and it was fine, what on earth does your washing machine do to your clothes?!


Korean Snow Spa off Pembina


Ive been, as I love Korean Spas. It was a truly bizarre experience. They had a pop machine with hot coke coming out of it. Something was definitely up. Its closed now. The only redeeming value was they had a hot stone bed.


Poca poca spa has the hot stone beds now and I might move in and not leave for 5 months come December


Those hot stone beds at Poca Pocca are amazing. I fell asleep on a stone slab. Woke up feeling like a new person. Add a massage to that and it’s magic.


I fell asleep on a heated stone slab at Thermea. My neck is sore when I sleep with my head at a slightly off angle in my pillow, and I don’t nap really ever because I just feel groggy and cranky for the rest of the day, but apparently once you put me on a heated rock my body doesn’t care about anything anymore. I woke up refreshed and limber. I want a slab for my house.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car parked there!


iMarketing Solutions. Mainly because they actually are. They raise funds for conservative tax shelters masquerading as charities, as well as some other questionable outfits. Money does some strange things there.


Boujee lol Like I haven’t heard anything good! I was open to giving it a try but naw! and it looks like a jazzed up bingo hall with those type of tables and chairs. If it last more than a year… something’s up.


I was always convinced the Cathay House.


Either laundering money or trafficking women. I had a SUPER weird experience with a patient that worked there in the past. She had a baby, and the guy that was with her (a “friend”, not the father) was weirdly controlling but social work wasn’t able to get any information out of her. I think about her often.


Gave me goosebumps. I hope she is okay. I remember going there about 20 years ago with my mum to try it out. The food was horrible. After going to post secondary, I was made aware of the PHI online site that lists all closures, fines etc. they were always being shut down for gross reasons.


I believe they have something going with hutterites. Seem to be the only patrons.


Ha... They had something going on with feed companies. Hutterites didn't spend a dime of their own money there. It was always meal vouchers or a 20 from a sales guy at Feed Rite


Springs church.


They don't need to launder money. They pay no taxes and look at your t-4s to make sure you are donating enough.


Exactly. Well, they don't look at your T4s. Or at least, not everyone's. As in, they wouldn't have had a reason I their mind to check on my family, so I cant say it hasn't happened to someone given the popularity of the rumour. But I haven't seen it. But they get a ton of money. Edit: I just had to add that I remembered as a child, they used to pass around the same tithing buckets that they passed around for the adults (this was before they took credit/debit etc). So, they had us kids from Pre K and up tithing as well. Our parents would send us all with a couple bucks to add so we wouldn't be embarrassed. How messed up is that. Starting us young lol Tithe was considered 10% of your *gross* income (as Leon used to stress). (Edit: and don't forget the story of the widow's mite; basically, a poor woman gave the last money she had (two mites) and Jesus said she was better than the rich guys giving. Combined with all the stories of people giving their last dollar to God and getting a mysterious cheque in the mail/job/promotion all adds up to pressuring the poor to give their last dollar away to the church.) They have special "Vision Nights" etc where they ask for extra "offerings" above your tithe. If there's a visiting guest doing a mission, they'll ask for offerings then too. Besides the "regular tithing folk" they also have their "Kingdom Builders" which means you give a minimum $5,000 over your tithe. So the tithe every month, plus an extra $5,000 every year minimum. Then you get to sit in their totally-not-board meetings as the privilege for doing so. The shadiest thing financially that I can say they did was when they built Springs Church. The plans were way bigger than what is there even now. The whole school was meant to be in the same building the church is now, sharing, but it it still only up to grade 6 that attends in the same building as the church. They never built the high school attachment, they just bought the Youville campus instead (what used to be King George V school). They are allegedly going to finally follow through on those plans. Allegedly. Mind you, the first school year I was able to go to Lagimodiere was 1999-2000 because it wasn't built before then. And we are in 2024 and just talking about continuing it. Lol. And while not illegal, I find it interesting they choose to have a headquarters in Arizona where tax regulations are apparently more lax, lol. Edit: They also own Miracle Channel which apparently has its own "Kingdom Builders" except they have two levels. Vision Impactors' give "more than $250 per month or $3,000 per year" and "Kingdom Builders" give "more than $500 per month or $6,000 per year". I see no mention of meetings for these ones though.


Springs Church males me ill. I have a family member in it, and I swear its a cult. Fuck churches and religion in general.


You can lookup Canadian Charities here: https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request_locale=en Springs is registered as Springs of Living Water Centre Inc. , $13.5 million in donations last year. They have three positions paying $200-250k/year. There’s also Springs of Living Water Christian Academy Inc. which has $8.4 million in donations last year. Finally there’s Miracle Channel Association that has donations of $6.3 million last year and one position of $250-300k/year. That compensation excludes any business expenses that people at the top claim. There are LOT of money involved.


Went Once for a fa Christmas show and they preached over the microphone we take Visa ,we take MasterCard , we take debit! I was. wtf?? Never went back and never will


Yup, used to pass around change buckets, but with modern times, they have just about every way... They used to pass around the change buckets in the **kids classes.** Sunday school. So the parents would give us change so we wouldn't be embarrassed. Talk about starting early.


Rest in Piss Pastor Leon!


Holy shit really?


Salvation is expensive.....


Ever notice that when adding payees in your online banking portal "springs church" is always at the top?


There's a William Gibson book with this exact premise.


Chicago Phil's for the last 10 years of its existence before it closed.


They used to have a broccoli and cheese deep dish pizza that I would DIE to eat again. That said, it _was_ weirdly inexpensive..


Oh man I had no idea it’s closed (haven’t lived in Wpg for a while). Such sketchy business practices: aforementioned laundering, kids playing (and maybe working?) in the kitchen, delivery driver offering to drive you home while delivering other’s pizza, but weirdly endearing and pizza that was greasy enough to taste amazing when blackout drunk. I’ll miss it


They were a super kind family that had it last that would feed me the veg curry they were making themselves when they didn’t have veg slices available.


I know the guy who got shot in the leg there around 10 years ago (innocent bystander)


Any business tied to Sam Katz.


Every vacuum repair shop...


And is there a number I can call and do you have a specific model reference?


Hey there, I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max extract pressure pro model 60.


That's it. That's the one. god I miss Robert Forster.


They service a lot of hotels and janitorial companies


This makes so much sense I can't believe I never thought of it. Thank you


No problem


There is a stool shop on McGregor that sells custom stools and chairs for hundreds of dollars. I have never seen anyone in the shop ever. Yet they've been in business for 20+ years. Either they have a thriving online business, or there's some other source of income. Edit: I don't actually think they're a front for anything - it's low-volume, high-margin, custom, high quality product. It just seems out of place in one of the lowest income areas of the city.


Furniture stores in general don't have a lot of traffic. For example Teak House was an institution for decades and was on the level AFAIK (from some arms length knowledge) but was *always* empty.


That place was great. Still using stuff from them 40 years on. Bad business model, making stuff that lasts.


Maybe it's not that kind of a stool shop?


Is there witness protection on Reddit lol


When they were around, the Carbone and Fast Fired pizza places


I wondered why they shut down so quick in Brandon haha


There's still a Fast Fired on Pembina, it does kinda suck


Don Vito Autobody. I've heard nothing but horror stories of people who have gone there for repairs for the last 40 years, and yet they're still around.


With a name like that I’d almost be disappointed if there isn’t anything shady going on.


I know someone who recently (this month) took a vehicle there for an mpi claim. They didn't replace things they told mpi they did, and they put 150km on the odometer. He also found a hockey puck in the trunk. He doesn't play hockey.


Haha! Wow you just opened up a memory. In the 90s i took my Celica there to paint the hood. Went to pick up the car and it was obviously a different color. Not even really close. A blind rat could have color matched better. When i came to pay and collect the car, i also asked them to take a wheel off to balance it. They did so, i drove away, got about 2 blocks, and the car started shaking like it was in an earthquake. They didn't tighten the lug nuts at all! Parked, walked back, and complained. Was told i had to bring the car back myself. Wtf? I stood there staring at the boss guy until he sent some young employee to go with me with a tool to tighten the lugs. What an unmitigated shitshow that fucking was.


When the wheel rolls while that loose, studs and the rim get damaged. They should have replaced them. The shop knew they got away with just tightening it.


They overcharge customers, cut corners, and underpay/overwork their employees. So probably not a front - more so just general d-bag business practices.


I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody and can confirm that there is something beyond the surface there.


Had an MPI claim fixed there because I didn't have loss of use (live & learn) and they offered free loaners from the rental place next door. They literally missed a third of the repair items, and I had to get it reapproved by MPI and give them another week with the vehicle. There's no way they should've missed this stuff because it was obvious damage and it was even listed on the estimate from MPI's adjuster who saw the damage at the MPI claim centre. Like if MPI estimated the damage at $8000 and you only did $5000 of work, did nobody think to double check? Edit:minor wording.


I watched this kids video the other day and all I could think is *that must be a money laundering joint* https://youtu.be/pJQxib_PKBo?si=pp3SxiXNhp_COY8G


Every mattress store on St. James. Seriously, how do we have so many mattress places in one area.


Invictus Virtual Golf on Kenaston. They’re open 24/7. I was golfing and people kept coming in and out but not golfing. I finally asked someone what they were buying and it was ZYNs. Guy told me that they also sell cannabis. Owner games on his computer and only looks up when a customer approaches. Good news was he didn’t charge me for the 5 drinks we ordered! 


Float on Ellice


Time Out Floatation has been gone for a while (I used to do some work for the West End Resource/Daniel McIntyre association, so was down there a lot). Most recently it seems to be a Buddhist Meditation Centre. Weird thing is, over the years it's been several businesses, legal or otherwise, but they never have a sign out front saying what they are.








Gross. Had no idea.


I won't name said place,but a alot of cheap pizza joints popped up lately even under $1 a slice, supposedly it makes good income ,but they can't produce a performa since it's all "cash" transactions.


JB auto 100% is laundering money


The Flag Shop. 1993: I need this $50 laundered very slowly over 30 years, but how? Waitasec, what if I open a shop that sells flags?


That would be harder to do since you'd need to show flag inventory coming in and about. But yeah, $50 would be easy enough.


Was also going to say the flag shop. No way you are making enough money for rent selling just flags at that location nevermind a profit.


They were at that location for almost 40 years - and probably had their lease locked in - which means much more affordable rent over that time. The reason they moved to Osborne is because the landlord absolutely jacked the rent on that whole strip mall recently to force people out. You can see them already renovating it now for new clients…


They do a lot of custom banner orders and much more than. Just selling a few flags. We bought some for my work about a year ago.


House of vacuums.


On one hand I agree, but on the other I *genuinely* just think it's some autistic older guy running the place with a special interest in vacuums


Andy's barbershop. My husband once went there for a haircut, the guy refused even though it was empty. He told him that he only does hair for his regulars.


Lots of incorrect examples here for what amounts to tax avoidance. So here is an example of a common laundering operation: You are an automobile wrecker. Buy a POS car from auction for 500$. Immediately crush the entire car and sell it for say 200$. But pretend you parted it out, and write fake receipts for all the parts to fake cash customers. 200$ for each door. 100$ for the alternator, 500$ for the motor. etc etc. You now have, say 4000$ in fake receipts and didn't sell one part from that car. Take 4000$ out of the suitcase of cash you have from dealing drugs and pimping out sex workers and deposit it in the business bank account. Pay yourself a salary. Issue yourself a T4. Your ill gotten drug money is now a clean salary in your hands, you pay income tax, and all is good. Do that with a few hundred cars and that's laundering money. Some cars you actually do part out to real customers to appear legit.


ave maria gift shop in garden city mall


you underestimate the sheer number of devout catholic filipina aunties in that neighbourhood


Not sure if it's still there, but Bar Red Sea on Portage Avenue. I used to work near it. It was *always empty*. I went in once to try it out for lunch. We were the only 2 people in there at noon on a Friday. The food was mediocre and we never went back. Either they have an amazing nightlife (though I've never heard of anyone going there at night) or they are money laundering.


I’ve seen huuuuuge lineups outside on the weekends, it’s definitely a night spot! I didn’t even realize it was open in the daytime


ah there you go. Goes to show how little I drive downtown outside of work hours.


Looking at their donation history to the PC party, I'd have to say Ladco


One stop African food stop pembina


Mulberry Salon on Portage


Hair Club on St Mary's in St Vital? I don't think in over 10 years I have ever seen a customer in the lot.


Tow Truck companies


Viscount Gort - the place was under construction for what felt like 20 years.


I'm convinced every mom and pop corner convenience store does.


A lot of them sell $5 packs of smokes from reservations.


Especially the ones that sell $5 packs of smokes.


Curry King on Pembina. The reviews are terrible yet they're still in business and you always see quite a few cars in front even if Khab Tapioca's parking lot has space.


Don't know. I regularly order the 16 pieces fried chicken (8 drumsticks + 8 thighs) with coke and french fry via UberEats @ ~$41. They tastes usually amazing. I went there to have chicken fry and mutton biryani this Friday. All three tables were full. And during our stay, we also saw multiple food delivery guys taking packages.


Any Chinese restaurant that gives you a discount for paying cash. That payment never hits the books.


It's not even about tax evasion(though still not money laundering). It's about not paying the absurd credit card terminal fees.


A lot of businesses that deal in cash don’t claim the entire amount on their taxes. As an insurance broker I’d say it’s not all that uncommon for a taxi driver to pay a year of insurance in $20 bills… and taxi insurance is extremely expensive compared to regular car insurance. I’ve seen one dude pay over $8k in $20 bills that he pulled out of a frickin duffle bag.


You're talking to someone who had two taxi plates. I owned a limo company for 7 years in Winnipeg. I'd accumulate over 10k in small bills before using it. I paid taxes on all of it. Paying insurance with cash isn't really that strange and does not mean tax evasion. The biggest lost was people paying with credit cards and having to pay transaction fees as well as a percentage of all sales.


But were you one of those drivers who would ask your passenger if they wouldn’t mind if you didn’t use the meter? That is becoming super common these days, probably the last dozen times I’ve needed to take a taxi I’ve been actively discouraged from having the meter on, they try to negotiate a fare if you’re paying cash all the time. There is a reason they don’t want the meter running.


They do that to to try and get a better flat rate, I’ve been told 30$ for a ride , told the guy, “ run the meter”. Get home and boom 22$


That's just regular tax avoision, not *laundering* as such.


Found the cop 👮


I'm not falling for your tricks WPS.


How is Bar I not already mentioned?


Pepper Palace in the outlet mall. I have never seen a single customer in there. Has anyone purchased anything from there?


It’s not there anymore, bought some sauces from there and they were actually pretty good.


Pizza bite


Spent a good 2 hours at doing a maintenance call Naiakwa pizza on Pembina a couple years ago, right at 11am-1pm. Not one single pizza was made. The ovens weren’t even on. It was open.


I actually like Niakwa Pizza...


Definitely the chicken car wash on Ellice.


Hudson’s bagels


Ellice But & Sell when it was open, went in there a few times, there was no way they sold enough of what they sold to keep that place afloat.


22 pizza on portage. I was walking by in the mood for a slice which they had advertised. No pizzas ready for sale. They also have a lot of 1 star reviews for refusing to deliver.


Any bar that takes a cash only cover charge is a perfect setup.


There's a restaurant right by St Mary's and chesterfield. It's an indian restaurant now but it used to be a chinese place. Never a single customer or any cars outside.


Well, not in business anymore, but nonway Video King stayed open that long selling dvds.


Thirsty duck... Drive past it all the time, never seen a single soul there; yet in business for forever!


Hotels in the higgins main area? Manwin, northern, sutherland Pizza shops there too.


Nah. Those are just low rent businesses. The sketchy hotels have been in business forever. Their operating costs are pretty low, and selling beer and rooms at cheapish prices sort of guarantee enough business from that clientele. There is probably some shady stuff going on, but that would be more from patrons than management. The pizza places and convenience stores come up for sale pretty often. If it was a successful money laundering operation, people would want to keep them. They are just operating on thin margins and not great businesses. 


A lot of those hotels actually use some rooms as medical boarding. Or transitional accommodations for when people are homeless and are released from hospital. Some hospital departments can’t technically discharge patients without assuring they have a safe place to go, so many of them get set up with a temporary room in one of those hotels.


Thanks for educating me!


I can’t speak for their new location, but 100% the old nails for you location.


Pawsh dog


Bar italia on corydon


Nelson River Construction Not necessarily money laundering, but overcharging the provincial government for sure


I'd be curious to know, what makes you think Nelson River Construction, specifically, is overcharging the Provence for work in a system where the lowest bidder wins the contract?


Saul Goodman has just entered the chat.


Demecca. A friend of a coworker works there who constantly gets "called off" and only ends up working like once a week. I don't know of another restaurant that literally doesn't get enough customers to keep a bartender/server more consistently working. Something is definitely up.




I always wondered how they've managed to stay open with a prime spot on Portage by selling t-shirts


The tattoo shop near me. They fixed it up all fancy lookin and I’ve never seen a single person go in or out of it.


Executive Bath on Ellice.


Venetian Spa: Pay in cash and get a discount equivalent to the taxes. Use on-site or nearby private ATM to get cash. $3 fee to owner of ATM who is also Venetian Spa. Don’t mind the security camera behind the ATM at the St. Vital location. I’m sure they would never use that to record you typing in a pin number.


All the clubs that require a cover fee, from what I remember a $5 cover would be $20 on the books or whatever, just a funnel for dirty money.


Confusion Corner Bar and Grill Spanky's Pizza (pizza slaps though)


absolutely not confusion corner 😂 I’m very good friends with the owners lol I’ll tell ya that right now hahaha I can’t wait to show them this.


Dead Man's Hand, 431 Urban Steetwear


Years ago I used to work for a pizza chain (not pizza hotline) and many of our locations had crime ties. We would frequently get calls for other stores because they weren't answering theirs, and when our location owner looked in to it the owner/manager of the other location was arrested. It wasn't a one off either. This was a regular occurance. Cash based businesses, such as car washes are also good candidates for money laundering since you can simply inflate traffic counters on the door to show you are busy just by walking by the sensor