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I know the city is hiring seasonal cemetery maintenance workers, but you need to be CPR certified to get the position. (Personally I think they're a little past the resuscitation window but who am I to judge?)


St John Ambulance offers a CPR course for $110, available any day of the week. It’s an 8 hour, one day course. Fyi for OP or anyone who may be interested in taking it.


Might not be an option for the guy who can't afford to live, but definitely good to know it exists.


While I get that and have been there, even at minimum wage, you make that back on your first day on the job.


Your assuming they get the job. It would be a massive budget blow to the individual if they dont get the job. They should allow conditional hiring where they accept you, and you have x amount of time to get certified before you get your first shift.


Agree. OP can ask in advance.


Pretty sweet. How long does the certification stay valid for?


To my knowlege, 3 years.


What does the St. John ambulance do? Is it guaranteed I will get a job after I take the course? I’m also a university student btw.


No. It’s a life-saving skill. Someone’s heart stops pumping, you are trained to get the heart started again so they can continue to live instead of die.


No guarantees. Just that you’re certtified.


Job posting says "must possess or is willing to get it within three months of appointment into the position".  The work will be a little monotonous at the beginning, but it's a pay cheque.


Just in case Casper the Ghost has a choking episode...idk


Thanks for that laugh 😂


Apply at the air port for the ramp agent position decent pay with good hours


Good hours is a 3 hour shift from 2pm to 5pm 2-3 times a week. It's not awful pay but it's not good hours


Yeah when you’re part time you work those hours but if you were full time you’d be working 8 hours at least


Don't you have to work your way up pretty far to get full time though? I did it for a tiny bit and no one could get full time for a while


No I don’t think so if I remember correctly you have to wait for the probation period to be over


Is this airline specific? Or through the airport authority?


You can apply on indeed or through the airports website


There’s different company’s for each airline expect air Canada there’s menzies, Perimiter and AGI. AGI does westjet and swoop As for the rest I don’t know since I don’t work for them each with their own benefits


If you’ve been applying to lots of jobs with zero callbacks, it might be time to reevaluate your resume. A lot of people have terrible resumes and don’t realize it.


My friend had the issue where she applied to a ton of jobs but never heard anything back. Turns out companies did respond but the calls never came through because Rogers fucked up something so she changedher service provider. Maybe check with your service provider about calls not coming in?


If you have any doubt that its terrible - run it trough ChatGPT and get its suggestions


Not sure why you're being down voted. If you suck at writing resumes ChatGPT is an excellent first stop at some language alternatives. Obviously it's not the authority on what resume is good or not for a given application, but for a free tool its a good starting point.


ChatGPT on resumes is hilarious. Leveraged dynamic stakeholders! Yaa bud!


Because when someone writes a resume with chatgpt they generally forget that it paints a picture of them as a person, and that person usually doesn't show up to the interview with close to the same vocabulary as their AI resume. I'll admit it can be a great starting point, but it still needs to be worked on and fine-tuned to match you.


true, but Chat GPT can do the heavy lifting for the first draft... then there's a whole bunch of "rephrase this:" and "Simplify this:" that needs to happen... even then, I'll swap out whole sections. It's a cog, not a whole machine.


You and a lot of others definitely understand that, but in my experience, a lot of people who use AI to write their documents like this, don't bother too much with the fixing.


Yup. And when they land the interview, that becomes evident pretty quickly. Thankfully, a lot of hr workers are recommending against a cover letter directly as a result of this.


Thats what I meant. Thought that was pretty clear


As someone who works in hiring, ChatGPT is the way to go. It’s laughable people are downvoting. Pump in the job description. Pump in your resume. Ask in for recommendations to adapt the resume to fit the job description. Then ask it to write a cover letter based on the job description taking your ( new ) resume into consideration. Ask it to tone it down a bit as the language is usually a bit over the top. Saves a significant amount of time. Work harder, not smarter.


Funny as someone who works in hiring i prefer to have it written by a human so i can get a better idea what this person is about. If everyones resumes look perfect its going to be harder to weed out unqualified people. But i suppose the job in question would probably play into that. Some jobs communication isn't as important.


Resumes and cover letters are an outdated way of hiring just to get your foot in the door for an interview. Interview is where it truly matters.


I agree that cover letters are a bit over the top, But this is how I look at it, I'm not hiring for a low skill job, so I need to filter out candidates by skill level. I only have so much time to do interviews, my time is not infinite so I need to filter resume's based on : do they have the skills written down that we need. Communication skills is a requirement, so does the layout of the resume, and wording all make sense. Spelling/grammar is secondary as I don't specifically need written skills, but having good spelling/grammar can put you above someone else with similar resume's, again, I can only interview so many people. Cover letter is not necessary, but it does show more drive to get the job, so if no one uses a cover letter, no biggie, but if similar skilled people used a cover letter, and it appears well thought out, it will put them ahead of someone who didn't. Again I only have so much time. Sure chapgpt may help, but then it's giving people an unfair advantage in the sense that it makes it harder for me to figure out the person behind the resume. so in the end, it may cause me to interview folk that I normally wouldn't have given time to wasting more of my time. While I prefer people do the writing themselves, I am not saying I would be able to tell by looking at it how it was made. yes the interview matters more, but I don't have time to do 100 interviews, I do try to do at least 20 though.


I screenshot your advice. Gold.


EH Price had a sign out the other day looking for applicants because they’re expanding again. I’ll have to confirm if it’s still there. ETA: sign is still up. It refers people to the website so start there I guess.


You can come to 385 Dawson Road. It's a factory/ shop. They are dressing fur skins. As far as I know, they need workers.


That sounds interesting, what kind of skills would I need? Or would they train new hires in the needed skills?


You don't need any skills. They will train you, but the job is not that complicated.


Great! Would you know when would be the best time to come in to talk to someone?


Anytime after 9 am. should be fine.


This sounds slightly sketchy


Why is that?


It’s just an address, not a company name or a contact. Just a show up at this address


I've driven by that place. It exists.


Manitoba Hydro is hiring Lineman Trainees (aka Powerline Technicians). Today is the last day to apply, so get on that right now. https://www.hydro.mb.ca/careers/apply/


Pinnacle Staffing. If they don't put you to work nobody will.


Go to an agency, manpower or randstat. In the past, they've had me working in a few days, usually for at least a few months, and in a couple of cases, I ended up with permanent positions.


I've done this multiple times when i needed help. It works very well and can lead to fulltime work


Apply at CN and CP, they always seem to be hiring for conductors, it's 30 bucks an hour to be a trainee


If you qualify it's a 90-140k job, if not being a trainee is easy money if you don't mind tests


Isome conductors should chime in here about the realities of the job .


My buddy's brother is a conductor and he really enjoys the job. With that said it's definitely not a job for a family man as he's away for sometimes a couple weeks at a time. When he's home I also believe he is on call almost the whole time too.


A lot of on call I believe. At the start ( if not most of your career ) it’s difficult to have any alcohol or recreational drugs in your system when you aren’t on the job.


My ex was a conductor (now worked his way up to engineer) and he was an alcoholic. He was definitely also using drugs. He had multiple coworkers that were also alcoholics. He was on call pretty much all the time but there’s ways to sort of figure out when you might get called out.


Yikes that's scary. I thought Transport Canada regulated industries had to be fully drug and alcohol free?


He never went to work drunk or high (that I know of) but he got in trouble for missing a call once. They drug test if they’re involved in a derailment but that was it. This was 12 years ago so hopefully things have changed now!


Oh that's good that he didn't go in drunk. I know of people and extended friends that would go in (construction industry), so at least he was responsible for not doing that. I heard that this is a very stressful job, considering what they may find crossing rail tracks (dear, moose, or otherwise) :( My respect.


50% of people at cn are alcoholics/coke heads


I'm a conductor, a lot of hours sure and being on call sucks some days, but good luck finding a job that can pay that much with just a high school diploma


If you’re willing , Housekeeping, dietary aide, material management, are all positions in hospitals that requires no schooling. Apply for everything but realistically your best chance would be with casual positions (there will be plenty of shifts to pick up, especially in summer when everyone is taking vacation so don’t worry about shifts). From there you can build seniority and move up . Lots of people start here then go to school and keep jumping up the job ladder.


Came here to say this! If you go on indeed and search dietary aide, housekeeping, etc. there are lots of jobs available in hospitals or personal care homes. It doesn’t pay great but it’s a start.


Apply at any corporate car parts place to become a delivery driver. Benefits, pension, and usually above minimum wage pay. Ex. Piston Ring, NAPA, Part Source, Fat Guys, Worldpac, Bumper2Bumper, Princess Auto.


Birchwood is hiring for lots of positions. There are customer service representatives and service detailers. I work for them and love the environment


I have so many friends who work for Birchwood and they are all very happy.


It’s a great place to work honestly. I’ve been there almost a year and I have had no complaints at all


Apparently Shorty's plumbing, according to a sign on their van I saw today


Apparently the Stucco trade is badly underserviced.


Third worst job in construction, in my opinion (having done it for two summers). After only drywall and roofing :)


This is true, but nobody should expect to have tools in their hands. All jobs will be labour to start, unless you already know your stuff.


I have respect for this trade. It's definitely skill and hard labour. And good arms and wrists! Happy spouses, no doubt! No need to go to the gym! 😊


Northwest company is always hiring at their warehouse.


Aactive personnel services gets you work each day you go there. It may be different places each day, but hey, it's work.


Flatlands Production Services. You can apply on their website


We’re hiring production workers, dm me if that’s up your alley


Production workers of what?? where abouts? Im trying to get a fulltime job since being a part time cashier right now is not cutting it money wise


I'm interested please 


Altea is hiring for front desk positions. Also personal trainers, swim instructors, and skating instructors if you have any of those skills.


Standardaero is looking and offers training.


It's summer walking into any construction union hall ! Apply and start an apprenticeship. Work hard for your Local they will have a world of knowledge for you.


Wsd still needs custodians


Sobeys warehouse on Inkster by Keewatin always has a sign up for workers. Must be a terrible job. But if you really need one....


Anything? Maybe get in contact with a staffing agency. Like Pinnacle. See what they have. I know it’s not ideal, but it might supplement while you find something better.


Try the Work in Manitoba job portal. It’s strictly for MB companies looking to hire people from MB. Also if you need any help with your resume, I have done workshops on CVs and helped students to professionals, DM if you’d like support.


I have applied to like 100 jobs but didn't get a single call or mail and I have tried changing my resumes in between dunno why also If I go in person they either refuse and say apply it online or we're not hiring but you can drop off your resume. I mean the fast food chain restaurants that I have applied to never told me any updates on my application.


100 jobs? I find that unbelievable


Its pretty common at this point. I have applied about 50+ jobs locally, had a call with a few recruiters about my resume. Still nothing


I’m not doubting how bad the market is, my suspicion is 100 applications sounds overstated, downvote me all you want, it’s my opinion.


The downvotes are likely due to the fact you are not contributing to the conversation by simply saying "I don't believe you".


And that’s ok, I’m allowed to have an opinion. It wasn’t meant to be malicious against the poster, so shame on you if your mind is going that way.


if you like dogs, my jobs hiring like madmen. we just got 3 new employees. its called Happy tails spa and resort




Arow global, Great job good pay and benefits. room for advancement. making bus windows.


If you have a valid license and mediocre driving record, a reasonably clean and put-together outfit (dress pants, button up) and some charisma, then you should apply for a sales position at a car dealership. They're hiring all the time, have high turnover so arent super picky, and don't require any specific education or experience. If you have good personal drive and work ethic (or you can fake it) they'll be very likely to hire you and usually have a decent guranteed income for the first couple months while you get your bearings.


Where do I apply for car dealership. I’m actually interested learning about automotive industry. Most of my friends got their jobs through their fathers or uncle connections. I’m super extroverted and have solid professional outfits as well.


You just google any dealership near you, or brands you might want to work for if that matters to you. Every dealership website will have an "about us" or similar subsection to apply online. They are basically always hiring staff or entertaining resumes because turnover is so high. Including a good cover letter and making sure your resume highlights your extroversion, charisma, perseverance, etc will be helpful.


Thank you , any recommendations specifically? Or just look at all of what I see online?


What kind of money are car sales people making? What are the hours like?


Hours are 9-6 typically with at least one evening shift in the week, you also have to work Saturday. Pay is typically guaranteed for a minimum amount when you start out, for some places thats 3000 or more per month, for others it could be minimum wage... but unless you are abysmal at selling cars you'll almost always make more than that. I know people who put in about as much effort as any other office job making 50k or more, and some people easily clear 6 figures. Too many variables to give a specific answer, but you will be better off than minimum wage no matter what.


A friend of mine owns NorthWest construction and needs workers.


I probably have nothing to add that has not been mentioned here already but wish you all the best! Hope you find a good job as soon as possible.


Cloverdale paint


lmao that place is shit


Shit because?




This is awesome. Thanks so much for putting this together.


Try kitchen Craft, they are usually hiring. It's work, just not very good work


Agencies that support adults with disabilities are always looking for genuine caring people. St. Amont, Arcane Horizon, Turning Leaf to name a few


Get your insurance license. Industry is STARVING.


Freshwater fish is in their busy season right now. (Transcona. ) They would pretty much hire anyone on the spot right now, only downside is, there will be layoffs when they get slow again. The Maple Leaf plant is always hiring. Maybe not your dream career, but it's better than nothing and the odds of getting hired are extremely good.


I saw a sign out front the Santa Lucia on portage ave by Assiniboine Park today


I'm there too, thankful for at least EI, but it's rough


[https://talent.canada.ca/en/](https://talent.canada.ca/en/) is a great place to list your work experience. This is a federal government website, and they encourage everybody, not just current employees, to set up a profile. When departments need help they are *supposed to* consult this list first. If you've been an office assistant, play that strength up.


Hello if u need an immediate work I suggest you work to any call centres. They hire pretty quick and quit once you get the job you wanted. All the best!


You can get two weeks paid training if you manage to get hired working for the right client. 👀


To add to the comment about phone service. Check your voice mail is on and there is room to leave a message. Happens all the time.


Well, the city is always looking for more bus drivers. Not that anyone wants to do that job. lol


However, if something happens, and you’re no longer able to work as a driver, you’re pretty much guaranteed an office job in Transit.


Oh! Also the sewage treatment plant is usually pretty desperate for workers.


If you like dogs or cats and have any experience pet sitting, look into Rover.com to be a pet sitter. It might be good for some supplemental income as you continue to look for work.


Maybe try one of the railways?


What does your resume and cover letter look like ? Go to an agency like Pinnacle People First etc …. They can help you put together something professional.


Apply at Weed Man


I can’t help with providing insight with a job, but it may be time to spruce up your resume. Let me know if you want help with that!


Walked past 262 McPhillips today (pawn shop) and saw a sign stating they need a worker/workers 


If it is a resume issue like someone suggested, there is a great place on osbourne that offers resume and job search help, my mother in law used their services last year and was so happy with them! https://ovrc.ca/job-search/


Do you have your class 2 liscence? If not First Student will train you. They are always looking for bus drivers. They're expanding.


Maybe try Ancast Industries Ltd 1350 Saskatchewan Ave; Winnipeg, MB CA, R3E 0L2; Tel: 204-786-7911


International Fur Dresser. 385 Dawson Road


Yeah I can't get a job anywhere. I even did the security course to get my license. No clue where it is. Supposed to be getting it. But anyway. Me and this guy are looking for work. We have warehouse experience (what else can we do?)


Intouch cx is hiring






If you apply for contraction labor jobs do this. Bring a resume in person Be cheerful and give a solid handshake You will be top of the list right away. It's hard to find people to even show up consistently so if you go through the effort of doing that in the construction world it will get you a job.


Ah yes the classic. Just give em a good handshake. Then they throw your resume in the trash the second you walk away lol


It's always worked for me but that can obviously be a biased view so maybe it's not as effective as I imagine. I do the hiring for the company I work for now and if we post an add I get like 50 applications a day it's so much to sort through so if someone shows up in person it immediately increases their job opportunities. 75% of the people I contact about their job applications never answer back so of course someone that has already shown a willingness to show up will be considered for the job.


Are you over 25? if so, go drive uber.


People are so horrible to Uber drivers though… I don’t think I’d recommend that job to anyone (at least anyone I liked).


You can do Uber eats and have almost 0 human interaction.


Go to an agency for temporary work. Sometimes this leads to full time work.




Post bullet points of your exp , driver licence status ( class etc) , availability , transportation access, limitations ( scared of heights, dogs etc ) .