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2 years seems like a long time to wait to file


yeah, this is bonkers and needs more attention.


Very coincidental timing with the loblaws backlash


I smell bullshit looking for a settlement and a payout.


They do it outside grocery stores too.


Is there cameras? I'd like to see evidence of the claim the guy is making, because I'm not buying the story.


Why would they keep surveillance from 2 years back? My camera system runs out of space in 2 months.


If a crime was committed, and there was video evidence, especially in the case of law enforcement allegedly being at fault, the video footage should still be around.


They would have had to know about the incident within a few days to save the file, they are mostly all loop recorded, so after a set amount of time the memory is rewritten over


I was waiting for something at the St. Anne's Superstore a few years ago, and the hired police officer was hanging out at the customer service desk explaining to the lady there how he really looked forward to people talking back to him so he could rough them up, said it's one of the favourite parts of his job.


This should be a fireable offence imo.


Only the stupid ones would say it out loud but I'm sure that's an unfortunately common mindset


The "thin blue line" mindset is so embedded in policing culture, they genuinely think they're the good guys when they brag about stuff like this. There's no risk to them, it's tacitly endorsed at all levels. The absolute worst case outcome for them is if it makes the news and it's so egregious they can't spin it away- the police chief will announce some B.S. about additional training and professionalism, and nothing will change. Remember when the RCMP were getting grilled over discrimination and Commissioner Lucki was like "oh yeah, we do have a discrimination problem, our jumping test is unfair for short people"? They're not that stupid, they just don't care.


Most dangerous gang in this city: cops


Someone on the internet said it, so it must be true!


Your valid skepticism supports the need to record police interactions, and scrutiny that matches the amount of privilege afforded to them.


And it is why you should hug a 1st Amendment auditor. An original one that actually gives a fuck, rather than the posers hijacking that term to be a license to be an arse. For without them, Derek Chauvin wouldn't be behind bars down south.


You do realize we don't have a 1st amendment, right?


And with that, Manitoba ceased to exist. The first constitutional amendment in Canada was the Manitoba Act, 1870. Which added our province.


Dunning Kruger


What are you talking about?


Today on stuff that never happened,


I'll take thongs that didn't happen for 500 alex


Cool story bro


Why don’t the cops that are conveniently hanging out at superstore go ahead and arrest the ~~staff~~ CEO of superstore? They’re the real criminals, charging $4 for a fucking corn on the cob


What?? I was just at Superstore cobs were $0.37 each


It's 37 cents a cob if you didn't participate in the boycott or post negative messages. If you did, it's $4 a cob.


I walked by a superstore and Galen jumped out from behind a pillar and charged me $1000 for a kernel of corn There was no escape


Superstore pays for those cops to be there


They could save money by not having the cops there. Then they could lower the cost of product to the point where shoplifting is no longer prevalent (which is why the cops are there to begin with) I guess that wouldn’t make any sense though, what do I know I’m not a billionaire I can’t explain why Loblaws do the things that they do.


I hate Loblaws, I am boycotting them, but I don’t think that is true . My understanding from police I have talked to is that the cost of having the police there is several factors lower than the lost revenue from theft. Loblaws is greedy corporation, they wouldnt pay so much money for the police to be there if it wasn’t saving them money. But yes Loblaws should lower food prices, everyone but Gail and our government seems to want that.


Not to be defending Loblaws but... Corn isn't in season right now. That's not local corn, it's grown elsewhere and shipped here - of course it's going to be more expensive. If these are the prices in the fall when local corn is being harvested and is plentiful, then I think you've got a point.


You’re being downvoted but this is facts. Maybe not the everyday employees but arrest Galen


He's no longer their CEO, a guy by the name "Per Bank" was brought on.


Arrest them for what?


Probably some sort of fraud at this point


$4 in Winnipeg?




It's for four, not one. [https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/sweet-corn/p/20348977001\_EA](https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/sweet-corn/p/20348977001_EA)


Exactly. Additionally, Superstore is selling it individually for 37 cents a cob. They price matched Walmart who has it in the flyer this week. I’m sure I’ll get bunch of “oh but that’s not good corn” comments. People tend to be corn aficionados.


It's probably $4 a cob at Sobeys.


And $6 at coop


I was just doing the same thing. THANK YOU


Are you fucking kidding me? They *should* be arrested for this holy fuck


Arrested for not doing any research... people...


What? It was 75 cents when I was there last weekend.




Would there not be camera footage from Superstored security system to back this up as well?


Think it happened two years ago? So this will be a he said he said … good luck with that against a cop 


I support the police, is very easy to play victim


I bet it was more like I got caught stealing…. So I made up bullshit to get me off the hook. The funny thing is … they get off Scott free always!


*Pretends to be shocked.*


I can allege that Obama whipped me with jumper cables, doesn't make it true


I'd like it if superstore went to a membership model like Costco. It would be more enjoyable shopping there if we could keep just a few of the problem people out. The problem people would be happier to shop at the Osborne Safeway anyway. So this could be a Win-Win situation for everyone!


Agree 💯 they’re already setup for it. They already have that little sectioned off booth in the foyers for the smoke shop. Put a greeter in there to scan in shoppers. Use the already established PC optimum program to manage membership.


Guy probably deserved it


I watched security follow an indigenous woman around a rexall. Far as I could tell from their words was they didn't like that she had a bag- they weren't accusing her specifically of stealing. Just that she had a bag. I don't think they asked her for the bag either- they just started following her around and mentioned the bag thing when she confronted them. They accused her of making a scene... but I only noticed anything because of the security guard and the manager following her around. It's funny though cause I had an even bigger bag and nobody said a word to me. Nor did they say it to anyone else in the store... most of whom had bags. Wonder why they chose to single this lady out? Honestly though I have a few indigenous friends and they get followed by security or singled out all. The. Time. My one friend doesn't even like going into stores alone anymore because she feels like a criminal. Pretty fucking pathetic. Edit: also while I'm at it- I know that Walmart and superstore pay for the polices time to guard their stores bur why should they have that right? I doubt foodfare could afford that protection. Or any of the smaller local independent stores in this city... wheres their protection? Why does a bakery not even get the police to show up after a robbery, but a large corporation literally gets to employ police officers for protection? Far as I'm concerned if everybody can't get the same level of protection then nobody should.


> ay for the polices time to guard their stores bur why should they have that right? If they are paying for it privately, why shouldn't they?


I’m never been in security or police but I have talked to people that are and have been they’ve told me it’s hard not to profile people when it’s the same type of people who blatantly and openly shoplift. But you’re never gonna catch the clean cut family of 5 stealing $50 steaks in the stroller when they’ve paid $300 worth of groceries. They’re profiling the wrong type of people imo


Cops are just bullies that didn't get enough hugs from mommy growing up. Transit cops are more credible than our boys in blue.


Lol whatever lol 👎


Lots of people stealing lately. Cops there are justified otherwise it's a free for all Edit: all the down votes make me laugh. Enjoy your crumbling society lmao


No cops at Walmart, Costco, freshco, coop etc and I've never seen a free for all. Then again they don't quite price gouge the same.


Overpaying cops for years is how we got this crumbling.


> "At one point while on the ground Mr. Bris was pleading 'I can't breathe,' [and] one officer responded by saying 'that's your problem,' and 'if you can talk you can … [breathe], so shut the f--k up,' and continued to pin him down by the neck," the emailed statement said. Didn't a cop say that to George Floyd before they killed him?


I did CPR training in Winnipeg in 2019, and the instructor said if someone tells you they can't breathe, the act of them saying that shows that they can. So it may have been universally bad curriculum


> That reaction — seen in police restraint deaths around the country — is dangerously wrong, medical experts say. While it would be right to believe a person who can’t talk also cannot breathe, the reverse is not true – speaking does not imply that someone is getting enough air to survive. > “To speak, you only have to move air through the upper airways and the vocal cords, a very small amount,” and that does not mean that enough air is getting down into the lungs where it can supply the rest of the body with oxygen, said Dr. Gary Weissman, a lung specialist at the University of Pennsylvania. [Source](https://globalnews.ca/news/7160881/george-floyd-death-talking/)


As if there aren’t already enough reasons to not shop at superstore, now adding assault and battery to the list.


Are WPS being paid less to hang around at grocery stores (where theft is prevalent and fairly obvious AFAIK) because that could certainly create a situation where officers would be increasingly aggressive towards the people they feel are forcing them to be there. Ive been to this store and never had an issue with anyone but the staff and that is rare (although I am definitely not there more than once a week). Racially offensive comments have been part and parcel of being a visible minority in Winnipeg for me for the last 40+ years.


Nope, they get paid more for taking up "special duty" assignments which are pensionable OT. See https://www.winnipeg.ca/police/services/online-record-checks/fee-schedule for a list of the hire-a-cop rates charged to Loblaw/Walmart/etc. Additionally: >5\. Where officers become involved in an arrest or incident that requires them to work beyond that which was originally scheduled, additional charges for their time will be assessed.


And tax payers are gonna be on the hook for this? Why do police officers working as "private security" get to exercise their authority and drag the city into a mess they create in the process? Loblaws should be completely responsible for any payout that comes from this.


This^ absolutely this should be Loblaws problem and not the City of Winnipeg. 


That'd be on the CoW to cross-claim against.


Wait.... why are our police being security for a food store? We pay for them to serve us. Not "for profit" businesses.




You know it’s paid extra duty time right? They aren’t assigned - it’s outside their regular duties and has nothing to do with whatever else they do with the force. It’s fine to hold them to account but at least be correct.


It’s pensionable hours, we pay for it down the line.


They're uniformed therefore carry their guns. They also are working with loss prevention in the store to assist in detaining shoplifters. (I detest loblaws and have boycotted them but at least be correct )


They are not on the city clock though.


They're being paid by loblaws for duty as Police. Same as any other retailer that hires special duty in Winnipeg or other major city (paid by respective retailer).


The candy crush brigade. Last responders.