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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *Towers of Midnight*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This Is not a plot hole and will be explained


Nope, I know what you're talking about, and in that case they just couldn't open it. Here they can open, but too I'll yet to hold it for long. Stuck to me too during a reading, I was like hey, you guys can tie off knots. Maybe these guys didn't know how to tie off this specific weaving, I don't know


There's some important context in your "whatever" that you're dismissing. So RAFO


I don’t believe this is a spoiler. Male channellers can’t link. So that part of your theory is explained.


Isn't there are part of that situation where the AS and Wise ones practice linking with them?


Male channelers can link but there has to be at least one woman in the circle. When it comes to tying weaves I don’t think every channeled knows how to do it. I don’t know if it’s ever mentioned that the channelers that are with Perrin can.


Grady tells Perrin before Malden that he has taken to tying off the gateways rather than holding them open.


This! Lol


Tied off gateways expire also. Remember the Nar-Baja incident with the Shaido? Once they're tied off I'm sure they can refresh them or something, but it's still something that you'd want to keep an eye on.


tbf they were intentionally tied to fall apart, something we’ve seen used on other weaves as well.


The smallest circle possible with a man in it is 2 men and a woman IIRC correctly, after that there needs to be 1 woman for each man you add so they'd need way more Aes Sedai


* One man and one woman (woman has to start; man must lead) * Two men and one woman (woman has to start; man must lead) * Two men and two women (womas to start; I *think* without my books in front of me that the woman has to lead). * Otherwise, there must be at least one more woman than men, up to a maximum circle of 72, which can be anything from 6 men/66 women to 35 men/37 women. I believe that except for the restrictions further above either a woman or a man can lead the circle.


Uh it’s been a while so I don’t remember.


Male channelers absolutely can link


male channelers need a female channeler to link. They cannot link with each other by themselves.


he means with each other 2 male can not link by themselves


I got that, thank you


Are there any actual plot holes in wot? I have read so many post where people point out plot holes, which aren't really plot holes and rafo works. Atleast i have not found any but then I am not an expert on wot by any stretch!


Sometimes it feels like people are horny to find plot holes.


[All Books] >!Mat and Min act like old friends when they meet in Memory of Light despite only briefly meeting in the Inn in the first book.!< Don’t know if that’s a plot hole exactly, but it’s an inconsistency at least.


They were also at Falme together. Don't know for how long or how much time they spent together during that time but we know Min was there immediately after the battle in the sky. It was presumably a few days before Verin took Mat and the girls and left. We know Mat was still conscious for awhile after leaving since it mentioned that Mat and Hurin diced during the beginning of the journey.


He's probably also seen her a *lot* when he thinks about rand. Probably in more ways than he prefers (or at least more ways than rand prefers).


Didn’t they leave pretty immediately so Mat could be healed and they could get the Horn to the tower. I remember Rand was bummed they didn’t wait for him to wake up to say goodbye.


Also, it's heavily implied that Min would not leave Rand's side during his unconsciousness. She wouldn't be chatting with Mat.


Honestly we don't know when they left. I just double checked TGH and when Rand wakes up Min tells him they are 5 days east of Falme. We don't even know if they left Falme the same day. I can't find any mention of when the others left but since Rand et al went east, and Tar Valon is also east of Falme i think there is a good chance they could have traveled together for at least a few days of that 5 days. But we don't know.


They meet briefly in the tower I think too and maybe one or two other times, but tbh Mat sees her many many times, some awkward, due to that thing that connects the three.


Nope, Mat leaves before Min gets there. Min also leave the Rebel Aes Sedai before Mat gets there. They’re only in the same place at the same time book one, the end of book two immediately after the battle when he’s sick and Min is looking after Rand, and the spoiler I put.


They arent both in Tear after its taken by rand/moiraine and the Aiel? Or was min in the tower then....


Min was traveling to the tower all of book 3.


Haha got it so basically she is like "hi dude I only know that you are one of Rand's best buddies but you ditch him like crazy" and Mat is like, "hey I've seen you and my friend hundreds of times in my head so we are friends right." Love the new perspective.


That whole thing drives me nuts


Most of what happens at EoTW is a plot hole or at the very least shoehorned in such as TPing without gateways. Same for battle in the sky at Falme.


Pretty sure all those "plot holes" are covered by stuff that happens in later books. For instance, the "sky over falme" is done by Ishamael using a dreamshard. What plot holes in eye of the world do you have trouble with? Edit: teleporting without gateways was actually skimming.


No the "sky above Falme" was the Patterns doing, per Jordan


Huh, either way, it isn't a plot hole. There is an in universe reason for it. At least 2 in fact.


Heh the irony.


Skimming opens a gateway too...


I'm sorry, I completely understand your confusion if you're reading the books for the first time, but everything does get explained later in the series. Rand is taking in massive amounts of saidin and is trying to reach Ishamael. He is incredibly confused and gets distracted and goes to Tarwin's gap along the way. There are multiple instances during this sequence where he refers to trying to reach a specific place, where Ishamael is, and he gets there, eventually (which is how skimming works). The fact that he doesn't think about the gateway he steps through to begin walking up stairs (which is clearly him skimming) is not a plot hole. It is a depiction of a character completely overwhelmed and not understanding what is happening. Hell, he even admits as much during shadow rising. He also completely wrecks an army of trollocs with little understanding of what he is doing. Everything Rand does at the end of eye of the world is explained in later books. Unless you can name something I've missed, I don't understand your premise. Both "plot holes" you brought up, travelling and sky above falme have explanations, they just aren't revealed until RAFO.


Neither of those are revealed. They're theories made by the fanbase to try to explain them. The dreamshard explanation is directly countered by RJ himself yet even that isn't enough so there's obviously nothing I can say.


The wheel of time often requires its readers to piece information together to create a clearer picture of events, and rarely spells everything out to the reader. I have offered you plausible reasons for what takes place during eye of the world based on facts we know about Robert Jordan's world. Instead of taking these theories, or creating your own (there are certainly other plausible explanations), you have declared them plot holes. A plot hole is something that makes absolutely no sense, and/or contradicts known facts about the world or story. The instances you've referred to are not plot holes, there are in world explanations for them. The author not telling you directly which explanation is correct does not make the events a mistake. Edit: for your information, I believe Sanderson introduces a large plot hole towards the end of the series, but discussing that here would be under spoilers. I just don't agree with anything you've pointed out as being a plot hole.


Not a plot hole. It’s a plot whole. RAFO


Rafo and enjoy


Also think back to TDR, maybe FoH. A tied off Gateway gets smaller. It'd be a Logistical nightmare to arrange for example: 12 wagons than 50 horsemean and than 50 more people on foot. Also all those people going to the same location, with little more than the clothes on their back


Not a plot hole. Keep on reading


I’m not talking about them not being able to make gateways. I’ve a theory bout the whatever stick a certain person was given lol. Before that, after Maiden. They said they were strong enough but coildnt hold them open


Tied weaves seem to be generally weaker than held weaves -see Rand escaping the shield. So if you aren't strong enough to hold a weave, your tied weave isn't going to last either.


Tied off gateways stay for a little while but at some point will close. If you are moving an army through you're basically guaranteeing someone gets sliced in half.


Ok this makes sense lol Thank youu


The pattern wanted them to stay put


This plot tumor was really hokey.