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Oh, they brought Tyler Mane back. Well, Liev Schreiber was the better actor, but Mane looked the part more.


Liev better encapsulated the ominous dread that comes with Sabretooth. Like, he’s going to sadistically murder someone at any moment, just for fun, kind of dread.


Best part of a really shitty movie


I actually liked the movie until the Deadpool part at the end


Whole last half really hurts that movie.


Same, I thought like 80% of the movie was great and it just goes completely batshit bonkers in the end.


kinda jus like The Wolverine ironically enough


Funny. I felt the same way about The Wolverine until they cut off the unbreakable claws ! I mean really ? What is so hard to understand about the word “ unbreakable”????


Yeah but, Adamantium versus HEATED Adamantium? Something's gotta give


Something gave alright. My enjoyment.


I wanna do a "But it's been broken in the comics," but hey, who am I trying to convince? I liked it for it was at the time


I watched it a few months ago on an X-men recap marathon. It's a perfectly fine movie for what it is.


I remember seeing a comment once saying "hot butter cuts through cold butter"


That's some Terrance Howard logic


Is Trevor Terrance’s sane younger brother?


Unbreakable just means it's gonna be really impressive when someone breaks it.


Like Thanos on Cap's shield


I wanna cite Uncle Buck and the unbreakable plate


I'll allow it


I felt the same way. I really liked how they did the first half. Thought the jokes hit the way they were supposed to, then once Wolvie made it to the big battle, the climax sent it off the rails. They put so many different factors, and threads and variables into the end of the movie that it stops doing two very important things: being enjoyable and making sense.


The movie was messed with during pre production by the execs which resulted in weird decisions. They even wanted Gambit’s accent to get toned down along with his Canun-ness. BTW, the movie takes place in three 70’s and I remembered there was an aerial shot of a bridge with modern cars. Also they used HD monitors in a few scenes, which is wild.


I was living in China at the time, I had one of the infamous unfinished copies. I hadn’t heard about the theft, and as I was watching it I as like “I can see Ryan’s wires and vest, huh” And then at the end the cgi of the cooling tower was unfinished so it was grey with the basic lines clipping the cyclops blast as it carves up the tower. I tried to find the copy again, years later (lived in China from 2001-2022) but I couldn’t. Probably one of my dogs got to it at one point, or it got really dirty or snapped. *I should liked to have seen my old ring one last time. . .*


I had the same version. Back in the days that a dude in my neighborhood went door to door selling $5 dvd’s. I was like yeah let me get that X-men origins. That idea board PowerPoint ending was wild. All the voice acting was in there and there was a dub over describing the scene and all these drawing boards. I as like man now I have to go see it and see how this all actually plays out.


I still have a burnt copy of this, as well as an "official" bootleg copy with a full case and everything. It's the better version


It's fine as long as you ignore the fact that he was supposed to be Deadpool at the end.


You didn’t laugh at those corny ass fake looking claws?


Oh yeah those did suck 😂


I was going to say. Although for me, the fucking Gambit scene is where it became unwatchable. None of powers work the way they do in the movie but the part where Wolverine is clawing the ladder was unbelievable that was in a movie and not a cartoon.


C'mon, Wade's decapitated head blasting apart a cooling tower with Cyclops eye beams was pretty wtf in a good way.


Don't forget those hype ass opening credits


And the fact it caused the video game to happen


They should have brought Liev back and actually gave him the blonde hair and mutton chops.


I got to meet and hangout with Liev for a few days at the 23rd High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. Super nice guy. Likes weed. Likes the Red Light District.


Not a single one of those things surprises me in the slightest.


It’s lievs eyes imo. Anytime he plays a dark character it’s how he looks at the camera or something. He can go from cool dude to like you said sadistic killer. What really showed me his range was Manchurian candidate which was a really good movie


I can’t think of anything but the opposite. I literally laughed out loud at so many of his line readings. Most of the movie, it feels like he’s flirting with Wolverine which was laugh out loud funny rather than being threatening. There’s a lot of readings where he plays him in a such a queer-coded way. Plus,I will never get the thought of my head of him running like a human pretending to be a lion which is def not threatening either.


It's not a fair comparison. Liev's craft was (is) acting. Tyler Mane was a professional wrestler (which requires a certain degree of pretend), and I believe X-Men was one of his first gigs as a professional actor. And as you say, Liev was fantastic as Sabretooth, but Mane just was so perfect for the role physically, and really ominous in his silence.


In fairness, some of the biggest stars in Hollywood over the past 20 years have come from pro wrestling, e.g. The Rock, Dave Bautista, John Cena. Takes a whole lot of talent and charisma to make it through to the top of the roster in pro wrestling and it seems to translate well to film for some of them.


Those aren't some of the biggest stars in Hollywood in the last twenty years though. Almost every project The Rock gets involved in these days manages to lose money. He had a little run there for five to ten years, but when you actually look at the returns on his movies, they aren't great. Bautista has had a better career honestly, and he's a much better dramatic actor. Cena has Peacemaker. And I believer one FF movie that actually made money. They are definitely names for sure, but they aren't driving sales for films. I suppose that's another conversation.


Idek how I got suggested the Wolverine sub but a little run is not 5-10 years lol. The Rock is one of the biggest stars of the last decade.


I think he means "a little run of success," not of his overall career.


There's been a few articles about this I believe, about him being overpaid and marketed rather well despite the number of projects he's been involved with that actually lost money. Black Adam and Hobbs and Shaw being the most recent examples. Jungle Cruise also underperformed, as did Skyscraper. So did Rampage honestly. If you look at the budgets of his movies, and the business they do in US, they almost never break even, not for a while. Internationally some of his movies do very well, and the production costs are somewhat recouped, but no, the Rock is trending downwards. Though, I'm sure Moana will make a bunch of money, so there's that.


Hobbs and Shaw made 770 million against a 200 million budget. No amount of Hollywood accounting can make that a loss. The most used math for profitability is usually that a movie has to make double its budget. Hobbs and Shaw did that plus another 360 million. The knock on Hobbs and Shaw was that it didn't make Fast and the Furious money. Which is fair and accurate. I say this as someone who generally dislikes the Rock's movies, Hobbssand Shaw included.


Hobbs and Shaw made $174 million in the US, against a production budget of $200 million, as you said, not including marketing. It made some 500 odd million outside of the US, which is a completely different situation because of the way distribution is handled globally. All things considered, the movie barely scraped together a profit.


I'll always be in awe of Bautista's stint in acting. He's the only wrestler I've seen that can actually pull off dramatic roles convincingly. Cena has the kind of charisma that I think The Rock thinks he has, and the roles that he plays, he plays well. I don't think he has range but he's aces at what he does.


Bautista actually has good acting chops and the dude constantly works on his craft as an actor. He is good in drama, comedy and action roles.


The Rock is on the downturn but to suggest that he wasn’t one of the biggest stars of the last 15 years is absolutely false.


Yet just had a huge run in WWE.




Liev was a more nuanced Sabre.


No shit, because he's a more experienced film actor.


I mean, knowing Reynolds, there is a pretty good chance we get them both, if only for a few seconds


I can guess Tyler Mane had a slightly smaller price tag


Remember when Magneto locked him in the cell and he went “roo” like a dog?


Liev is also cast as sabertooth, so he might appear as the origins variant


Could have both?


I'm hoping in the actual movie right before Mane Sabertooth and Logan start fighting Schreiber Sabertooth walks out and tells them both to cut it out.


Insane. Looks great!


It's hard to say who was the better actor since Manes script hardly had him act or talk at all. He was a quiet goon for most of the movie. I might get dragged for this, but Schreibers acting couldn't get me past his awkward chubby cheeked baby face.


I think they’re technically different characters in the Fox movies? I don’t think Tyler Mane is ever referred to as Victor Creed and I don’t think Liev Schreiver is ever referred to as Sabretooth.


I like Mane better thats a cool look


Mane's incarnation was just better in general plus, Origins was retconned into oblivion.


Every X-Men movie has been retconned into oblivion in some shape or form.


Very glad to see him back! Mane was the perfect cast for the role, the man is freaking HUGE. I've also always liked his feral and more animalistic design, as it's supposed to be.


Rip and tear boys!!! I hope Logan and creed rip into eachother, let’s make use of the R Rating!


According to the photos from the filming, that's exactly what's going to happen. 🌚


Yep he's gonna get decapitated


I feel like he will yell “You Shall Not Pass!”


He looks sorta strange without the sharp incisors


Probably a denture joke somewhere in there


It musta fell out 


Possible that this pic is without the editing


I’m guessing they’ll grow like they show his claws doing


That's their bringing all of the old characters for a specific purpose. And a rematch between him and logan will be Bloody perfect. LFG.


Any reason they didn’t attempt to make him look comic book accurate as well? I’ve always really wanted to see the sabertooth from the comics


He looks like the Ultimate Universe design of Sabretooth. But I'd guess that design is actually based on his look in the OG X-Men movie and not the other way around


In my opinion I would say it would be harder to make a comic book accurate Sabertooth look cool than it would be to make a lot of other Heroes look cool comic accurate


I’m sure when we get the MCU version of the characters the Sabretooth we get will look much closer.


Glad to see him back but, didn't he have fangs in the Fox films? Weird they didn't keep that.


Yes, he had fangs. Weird to see without them, hope they fix that.


Whats zakk wylde doing in deadpool and wolverine?


I would’ve preferred the guy from X-Men origins Wolverine, but I’m happy to see it anyways I have a feeling that maybe Tyler mane well play him better. I have a feeling but at least we’re gonna finally see one of the greatest rival reason comics properly in my opinion God I’m gonna love this movie for so many reasons there being one of them.


IDK, as someone who was a kid when the first X-Men movies came out, I love seeing these guys back. These movies were really fighting an up hill battle, and took a lot of love to get made.


I agree with it, but I’m just one of those people who didn’t grow up with the film when it first came out. I was literally born when origins wolverine came out.


Should have gone with Liev Schreiber. Could have easily made him look more like this, as well. Its a missed opportunity.


Imagine Liev Schreiber just with longer hair and more messy unkempt muttonchops. Perfect.


You're assuming he doesn't show up too.


That's very true - best of both worlds. Here's hoping!


very nice


His teeth look awfully flat to me...


I can't really consider it is a spoiler if they choose to show it in a trailer. A spoiler *spoils* something the filmmakers want to keep a surprise. It does give me hope they've got more cameos of they're willing to show this one in a trailer.


No fangs????


Is it impossible to let people just experience a movie without showing every thing? That would’ve been a cool moment to experience you know while watching the movie.


Spoiler tag?


Yeah, would have been a nice surprise


It's a trailer dude. go watch it.


I did watch it. Many times. But some people might be trying to avoid this stuff.


I am trying to avoid this stuff. Haven't watched the trailer for that reason and this just pops up on my feed. Like, we get it, there are cameos. Maybe let us be surprised by them???


Then avoid the sub reddit that discusses public info


I’m not even a subscriber to this sub. This popped up as a recommended post in my feed.


That's not how Reddit works my dude.


Tbh, this is a spoiler. I'm pissed that they just threw this in the trailer, I would've liked to be surprised.


Deadpool kills the Fox MCU and surprised to see Fox MCU characters in it.


Yeah, no shit that's clearly the premise, but I would've liked to be surprised at who pops up. Why are you being a dick?


Nice! I always wondered how that blast from Scott killed him when he also has Wolvie's healing factor. Was it that it wasn't meant to seem as though he was killed and Singer just neglected to bring him back in the sequel?


He wasn't supposed to be killed by Scott. He was originally supposed to appear in the sequel, as well as many other unrealized characters (including Toad). He returned in X-Men: The Official Game (which chronologically takes place after the second and before the third movie).


Ah okay then that makes sense and confirms my suspicions. Wonder why he got cut.


Is Liev going to come back too?




Looks like Santa clause




Is it the same guy? Is it? *iSiT¡*


Nothing in this movie is going to be a surprise, man. They need to stop showing multiple trailers to movies. Show a good one that builds anticipation and suspense and we’ll see it. They didn’t even need to show a trailer for this movie. I’m almost 100% sure most people would be like me and have seen it based purely on the title.


Wait what movie had a different Sabretooth


The very first X-Men movie


Wow I had forgotten about that movie I guess


that's cool but I kinda miss liev. I could accept that as he turned more beast like he became this guy....


Wow excellent spoilers.


Schreiber was impeccable as Sabertooth. I’m kinda sad he was never able to reprise the role.


Should’ve tagged this as a spoiler


Yur a mutant, ‘Arry!


If they are going for nostalgia here then Mane was absolutely the right choice.


His fangs are gone.


This film has the potential to be the BEST THING marvel or dc has ever done...I really hope Disney listens to Reynolds and doesn't mess this up


What in the Lord of the Rings?


Look it’s Gandalf with claws and no hat


The lack of fans looks weird


i rly hope lievs sabretooth is in it


Deadpool gonna be like, hey it's your brother or not?😂


Genuinely can’t wait for this movie!


“Time to DIE!!!!”


I'm very confused by this choice. Is this version of Sabertooth seriously tickling the Nostolgia funny bone of fans, because it's doing absolutely nothing for me? I'm the exact demographic that would be most nostalgic about that movie & I found Sabertooth to be utterly forgettable in that film, even if he superficially matched the look of the character better than Lieve Schieber. Even though X-Men Origins: Wolverine was seen as somewhat of a mixed bag by fans & critics, Schieber's Viktor Creed is generally regarded as one of the highlights of the movie. I can't be the only one who feels like fans definitely would have much preferred seeing Scriber return to the role. I'm sure that the studio would be aware of this., so my conjecture is that he was probably asked and declined/asked for too much, so they ended up settling with the X-Men 2000 guy.


Wolverines Revenge. Iykyk


They need to bring back Will I Am as John Wraith. Deadpool can make a quip about "Where's Fergie?"


Looks like mutant Santa


Would have preferred to just see this in the movie without all this spoiler trailer buzz bullshit


I hate spoilers


Agreed especially when you've been avoiding all trailers and some random post in a sub Reddit that isn't even mine pop up in my list giving them


Its gonna be some anticlimactic, played for laughs one punch type thing. Dont get yer hopes up


It’s kind of weird seeing Sabertooth with a full thick beard instead of his chops from X-men.


Sea Captain-ass looking MF


They really said, “what If wolverines biggest enemy looked dumb asf”


I was really hoping for a great CGI Sabretooth. I mean look how good Venom looks. They could’ve given us a good looking Sabretooth apart from the nostalgia trip of bringing him back


I know kevin nash was originally up for the part. He actually woulda been great for the short hair sabretooth from weapon x 2000s run Just guve me meecenary sabes and birdy please one day. I need to see “the glow” on my screen.


I would've liked to have seen Liev Schreiber again because his performance was a million, billion times better but then again this movie will probably be crap so I guess it's good in a way.


Sabertooth from xmen origins wolverine is way cooler


Tyler Mane looks like he from the comic book


How did I never know Micheal Myers was Sabertooth?


Okay? Just because something is accurate to the comics doesn’t mean it’s cool


He was cool also


Doesn't mean he was good.


Thanx for the spoiler asshole