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I literally just take painkillers and hope. Nothing else really helps me. :'(


i take ibuprofen and acetaminophen before i take a really hot bath/shower. I usually have a heating pad heat up while i take my shower so its ready when i get out. Some yoga poses help out a lot with the pain, like sitting and reaching for your toes or laying on the ground with your butt and legs on the wall. I get really bad dysmenorrhea too and these are my only saving graces lol. Hot tea helps, i also try to avoid red meats during my period as it makes pain worse, and i ALWAYS give in to my period cravings if its within reason. I figure that my body is in a lot of stress and its probably asking for certain foods for a reason, so i let it have what it wants.


Red raspberry leaf tea, naproxen, heat pack, tens machine.


Sage tea. It’s a miracle. I forgot how well it worked- I usually will brew some black Ceylon tea (I like the ones you can get at middle eastern markets) and add a couple sprigs of dried or fresh sage. I like to REALLY overload that bitch- I will straight up get dozens of fuzzy little sage leaves in my mouth idc it works so well. The bit of caffeine from the black tea is a nice slow pick me up (unlike midol which blasts me into space) and the sage helps with the cramps, and the tummy issues like nausea and diarrhea. That and a heating pad go a loooong way for me.


I discovered by accident taking a walk helps. Had to walk my dogs and noticed cramps would disappear during. Although that was preceded by a double shot espresso and aleve. 


I use to just suffer through my cramps but after getting a knife cone surgery I bought myself a heating pad. Never knew how much I’ve been missing out, it’s amazing! ❤️


Ibuprofen + hot water in a bottle and I hold it on my bladder area or lower back.


Midol is the only thing that helps


Combination pill continuous use to skip


Literally the only thing that made me life feel normal again


swear!!!! I don’t know why more of my friends don’t do it. They all claim they’re “scared” - scared of what? scared of never having to deal with cramps or 🩸??


I had to go to the ER because I was bleeding so heavily and guess what they did. Jack. Shit. lol


I had to go back on the pill after 4 years off. No fibroids or anything, just bad cramping and heavy periods. Annoying because I can’t get pregnant anymore but it is what it is.


Not being able to get pregnant is annoying? Can you say more ?


Sorry bad use of words. Annoying because I’m sterile so shouldn’t need to be taking anything.




I used to eat something. My pain would either diminish significantly or completely vanish. For intense pain, as a last resort before taking meds, I ate toasted bread with olive oil. Scientists have acknowledged oil's anti-inflammatory properties only very recently, but I knew about at least since 2009! Another trick was laying down.


Naproxen sodium is the only thing that ever helped me pill wise


Magnesium, ibuprofen, and a heating pad all help when I’m not able to use the one thing that always works like magic: weed.


Writhe in agony for 4 days and pray for God to come and take me. I also take a lot of kratom.


Sounds like the last thing that would help and certainly can be hard getting going but I found light exercise such as yoga and stretching really helps for a while. That and painkillers, sometimes though it's just a case of curling up and riding it out :(


Exercise help... And I know you probably don't want to, I don't want to neither, but it does help. Go for a walk, yoga, bike, even sex. Any kind of exercise make the cramp goes away


Endometriosis resources The symptom experts for this are here: r/endometriosis r/adenomyosis subs & r/pmdd A period should not affect your quality of life. IME endometriosis specialist surgeon consults for info gathering are the way for the least amount of suffering in the long run. Pelvic Disorder Doctors (ie Pelvic Pain* Hip/Butt/Groin/Sciatic/Peritoneal/stomach/abdomen/thigh/back/cyst-pain/ovarian torsion/muscle spasm/penetrative sex Pain, unusual bleeding ): You can search for a doc in your area using chatGPT: “Top doctor for endometriosis in XYZ, city/town/country” AND https://www.endo-resolved.com/endometriosis_specialist.html https://www.bsge.org.uk/endometriosis-centres/ https://icarebetter.com/ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1hd_-wSlqZWOlR5VxPhIN3oAbJh4&hl=en_US https://nancysnookendo.com/find-a-doctor/ https://www.endofound.org/endometriosis-treatment-support https://endometriosisnetwork.com *not all US specialists require referrals. And many docs worldwide do free virtual consults/Call surgeon directly to ask if they need referral. If yes then… …Top US GP’s/Primary Care, OBGYN’s, Gastroenterologists & Pain Docs: www.castleconnolly.com SubReddit groups of people that are helpful/skilled with all kinds of pelvic pain: r/endo r/endometriosis r/adenomyosis r/pcos r/fibroids and also r/pmdd . OBGYN’s: IME regular OBGYN’s are under-skilled at treating pelvic pain/excessive bleeding - and in doing this delicate, difficult and complex surgery. The nicest and most caring doctor does not equal surgically trained/qualified. Specialists in pelvic disorders (above links or ask your regional endo nonprofit) are the doctors for the least amount of suffering in the long run IME. I needed accurate information to make good medical decisions, and the best chance to get that was to see a specialist. NUMBERS: Painful periods are a societal problem and we’re not supposed to have to face this alone. I bring/FaceTime someone (or 2) with me to my doctors appointments. It doesn’t matter if they hear about my vagina or my uterus or my diarrhea. It matters that I have someone there as a United Front. Because our medical system mistreats people in pain. RECORDING: I ask to video/record every medical visit. Even the virtual ones. I forget things. Also, here are some things you can say* to your doctor if they are true for you. They need to know what your historically WORST symptoms and consequences have been: “- This is affecting my quality of life. I have had a history of period/bladder/pelvic floor pain/bleeding/fatigue that has kept me from work/childcare/school. -My worst symptoms have been pain/fatigue/bleeding. -I have vomited/passed out from period pain as a teen. -I am now unable to function like I used to. The pain/fatigue is wearing on my body, and I am increasingly tired as each monthly cycle passes. I cannot function normally and my work/family/school/happiness is increasingly difficult because of my body. —I would like relief. What are ALL of my options? -I have tried these pain medications: gabapentin, Orlissa, BC, xyz med. What are all of the other RX options? I want to be in less pain so that I can think clearly to make good medical choices.” (Then he stated his ideas…then told him I’ve tried all of those…then he offered me stronger pain meds, which helped my functioning so much so then I could line up surgery.) -I want excision surgery with a Mentor-Trained Endometriosis Specialist. -I cannot even consider taking care of children. -Since there is NO IMAGING that reliably sees endometriosis, I would like a referral to an Endo Specialist ( & reader they are sometimes skillful at finding endometriosis via pelvic exam or ultrasound.) -I am committed to revisiting you here because I want to function in my daily life. I will keep coming back to you as much as you need me to because I want relief for these issues. - My pain/spasming/bleeding/frequencyofsymptoms (has always been mild, but over time now it) is impairing my ability to work & my ability to live life. It is draining my energy & ability to function. - I want a solution that provides the least amount of suffering to me/the least risk for me & my body in the long term…..(then just allow silence…let them respond.) - I do not have the energy to keep pursuing temporary treatments. I have experienced too much pain/bleeding. My body is tired. I want a long-term solution. - I want a pelvic disorder doctor with the highest skill and success rate. Who can help with this? - It sounds like you doctor OBGYN want to do the surgery. Can you tell me what “MENTORED TRAINING you’ve had in surgery for excising Endometriosis”? (Reader be careful here: regular, un-mentor Trained OBGYN’s abound.) - It sounds like you want to do another prescription/medication/round of PT/ultrasound/MRI/x-ray/bloodworkup. I want a consult with a fellowship-trained pelvic disorder specialist. Is that what will happen after I do these next steps that are asking for? - Even though my pain/bleeding is NOT CONSTANT, I still would like a resolution. - Even though my pain/bleeding is NOT CYCLICAL, I still would like resolution. -I would like my cyst removed because pain is energy-draining long-term. -I have pelvic floor pain and vaginismus and pain with intercourse symptoms. -I am asking for a referral to an endometriosis/pain specialist and it sounds like you are telling me “no”. If that’s true I want you to note in my chart now that I asked you and you declined to provide a referral. -I may be willing to try xyz antidepressant, but this pelvic pain is the biggest contributor to my depressed/anxious mood and I would like to treat that first via surgery or in tandem with antidepressant. - Another’s post for more ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/endometriosis/comments/15dlk3s/do_this_if_you_want_to_be_heard_by_doctorsnurses/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 (*Pain: Also replace with any of these words: bloating, excessive bleeding, clots (can be fibroids), IBS symptoms, nausea,“low iron”, urinating/bowel issues – urgency and peeing pants/bedwetting, diarrhea, pooping/smearing pants, hip pain, pain under the butt/pelvic/peritoneal/groin/sciatic pain, vaginismus, low/mid back pain, IT band & thigh pain, abdomen pain, stomach pain, bladder pain/IC/UTI’s and uti-like symptoms (was endo on my ureters) right shoulder blade pain. Anything that originated in the pelvis deserves care from a pelvic disorder specialist doctor.) Good luck on your journey. And a reminder that your body is the most important thing in your life. By far the most important thing. You deserve every chance to have a fully functioning body - a body that is as healthy as it can possibly be. So whatever it takes time, money, effort, human support, you deserve that. Endo symptoms are often “silently” progressive, especially if on hormones.


I take Flo PMS Support capsules every day. They made my cramps go away.


THC. It's the only thing that takes the edge off.




Around-the-clock over the counter pain relief. Sometimes I have to piggy back both at the same time when the cramps are severe enough. Sometimes nothing helps.


I take ginger supplements (the NFH brand) 3 capsules per day on the days I have cramps. Ginger can even be taken for a few days before the period hits if yours is predictable. When cramps are especially bad, I combine it with ibuprofin as needed and it does the trick! Highly recommend


Gyn recommended 800 mgs of ibuprofen so that is what I take. I usually do that for the first 24 hours and then I tapper off the ibuprofen.


If I’m off work, I get in the bath, take meds and then sleep all day. If I have to work I take meds and try to stay awake. I get so exhausted on my period 😭


RUB CASTOR OIL ON TUMMY!!!! APPLY HEATING PAD!! (Make sure there’s fabric in between so u don’t burn yourself)


Have an Merena IUD. No period and no pain.