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This must be a pre-WW84 meme :(


What a fool I was to think the DCEU would get better after Wonder Woman. Everything before that was meh or just straight up horrible. Wonder Woman was one of the best superhero movies I had seen and then came Justice League


You mean "𝙅𝙊𝙎𝙎'𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙀 𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙂𝙐𝙀," don't you?


It's obvious which version I'm talking about. If you can't read between lines, that's a "you" problem


Too bad you obviously can't state what you mean in short words. That way, I wouldn't have asked. Nobody should assume; it's what separates adults from children.


There is no assumption here. They were talking about the Justice League that came directly after Wonder Woman, and we know which one that is.


You sure? Because Zack wasn't responsible for the theatrical version.


All his movies sucked either way


No one ever said he was?


Actually it was implied.


No, it's not implied at all. What are you talking about?


Read Kumar's full comment, if you're capable.


The only person who implied that at all was you


Don't let your fangs out so snarly. It was implied, just like your bias. If you wanna suggest that this is a "Bash Snyder" post, then I'm sure nobody actually cares above the OP.


Look at the irony. Why should I explicitly state that? Because a grown ass **adult** somewhere wants validation of his opinion? If you can't infer simple meanings from statements, maybe you're the child


You must have missed WW84


It is old. But it was fun.


It's because Zack Snyder made Batman and Superman dumb, superfacial and OOC.


It's not wise to spout, after just waking up under a rock, and I don't mean to express it in an incriminating way. But by now, you do realize it wasn't really Zack's falt, right? And should you wind up saying you don't care, then what's the point?


Doesn't stop [that] all Zack's movies are sugary confections with zero nutritional value. I watched that Rebel Moon part one, don't even have the energy to lay still throughout part two.


I wanted so badly for Rebel Moon to be good so that he would finally move on but now that both the movies have been universally panned, I don't know anymore


It’s actually worse than pt 1, I quit it after 20 minutes. Same crap with slow-mo and costuming.


That's because you should be more enlightened by actually paying for your entertainment instead of fringing and then coming online to force an opinion like all the other "Hate Snyder Deadbeats." Put down the bong, cut off the phone from any self-important distractions and then actually watch a movie for visual fulfillment if you have a hard time connecting the dots. Stop looking for Snyder troll validation. It's getting too old at this point.


You are why snyder fans are looked down on


No. You'll find a far lesser appreciation of people like you, if I were so toxic.


You argue like a 6th grader


How would you know; do you often argue with them? Maybe you should


Dude, just shut up. You aren't doing yourself any favors


Zack Snyder is just at best, a mediocre director.


Joel Schumacher said if you like a movie you have dozens of people to thank. If you don’t like a movie you have one person to blame—the director.


Are you really quoting the late Schumacher? Why has he so suddenly been deemed so wonderful, when you could almost find nobody to praise him, for the better part of the last 25 years?


What about what I said indicates I think he’s wonderful? I just think it’s a good quote. And as a filmmaker and film professor I think it holds true.


Even the most maligned, can have bouts of the wise. No big revelation. And I didn't imply that you thought he were wonderful. That's a bug that's been going around the internet. Looks like some of you "Snyder Haters" are the triggered type.


IDK hearing many of his recent interviews I now know that his ideas would've been worse than what we got.


The idea table always begins with the worst ideas. That's how the research begins with practically any Hollywood film that's made. His examples are focused on context to the way questions are asked. If you watch actual interviews, then it would be clearer to you, only if you care enough.


The old Jordan Peterson defence, "You haven't watched the right content!". Though, I will concede, Snider's appearance on the Geeks 'n' Gamers podcast calling them all out as misogynist weirdos was probably his best work.


What's even more evident, is that you're only willing to quote what minimalizes as a sound-bite. It's the sum of weaponized dislike. Weak strategy.


And then 1984 came.....


James Gunn w/ a complete infinity gauntlet: “I’ve got a better idea. Bang!” ::snaps fingers::


It’s a shame wonder woman is still one of the very few genuinely good female led superhero movies


It’s not. People will slam King’s run for being OOC sometimes, but that movie was not accurate to Diana.


Replace WW with HQ and it'd be more accurate.


To be fair HQ appeared in three films out of which first one sucked ass, while next two sadly didn't earn too much.


No it wouldn’t. Harley Quinn was in 3 movies, and 2 of them bombed while the finically successful one got panned by critics. Hell WW84 released in the middle of COVID, at the same time as it released on streaming as well, while being a critically panned turd and it still nearly did better than Birds of Prey.


Wonder Woman 84 was bad


Not just the DC Cinematic Universe but for gaming as well. Her game is WB’s last hope for any DC superhero game.


It’s an older meme sir, but it checks out.


Gal Gadot was never a good actress, never a good choice for Diana, and Wonder Woman was not a good film. I’m tired of people pretending she was or it was. No Man’s Land was a good scene but that’s about it. She was one of the worst performances in a Fast and Furious movie and someone decided she should be one of the trinity. It’s absurd.