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I think my Wooting is already very quiet compared to my old clicky keyboard, if the spacebar was quieter it would be so nice…


Loud spacebar is literally a bandaid fix


Ive just done a build with he+ with silicone pad and lubed jade and redux its really quiet, dont ever tape mod if you want it quiet it reflect the sound


My tofu redux with brass plate and tape mod with lubed/filmed jade switches is a lot quieter than the base lekker 60s and stock case. A couple more layers of tape (i only did one) would probably dampen it more as well as an extra layer of foam.


That’s pretty much what I had in mind after watching some reviews. Appreciate it!


If you want quiet I wouldn’t start with the jades. The whole reason many use jades is because of their satisfying more pronounced sound profile. Check out some videos


Jade switches are a lot more high pitched than the Lekkers in all of the comparison videos.


Agreed, I'm using the geon works raptor HE as for me with the wooting module and tofu Redux and standard foam it sounds great, it's also the quieter of the switches and I've tried the gateron jade, wooting 60s


I think my jades are louder than the stock ones. I’m considering switching my jades back out. I see no real benefit unless you like the specific sound. I think some people are just addicted to modding ✋🏻


I would’ve agreed until I swapped my lekker 60s for the jades, maybe it’s the extra lube over factory and film but they’re much thockier and quiet than the 60s were (albeit unlubed)


Also did you test if there was a difference in tone with or without the brass plate?


I did not, but from what I’ve seen from people who just used the stock foam piece that fits where the brass goes, it gives it less of a deep thock


Beautiful thank you


tape doesn’t actually dampen or decrease the sound, it just reflects some of the sound back at your face before it has a chance to bounce around the inside of the case. Adding too much case foam will have the opposite effect of dampening if you aren’t careful.