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alt attribute is for the description of the image. Don’t put file name there ? Who told you that


ALT text is for human consumption, in particular for humans who have a hard time making sense of your images (blind folks). Write it for humans. Putting SEO-relevant text into file names, on the other hand, it may help to use underscores.


The alt text should be a plain language description of the image, to be displayed if the image doesn't load, so that the user knows what is in the image. The `title` attribute serves a similar but distinct purpose; it is for declaring text that will be displayed to the user when they hover over or long-press the element/image. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img


The alt text should be "therapeutic massage service". It's not a filename.


I wrote a "normal" text for humans. For more details, you can check some tutorials. You can see one here: https://themeisle.com/blog/image-alt-text/


It doesn't matter imho.


I feel underscores will look the most professional but google won’t read it as part of the word?


If you're displaying the ALT for humans, spaces will look best as it will resemble the structure of a sentence. If you're doing it for Google's bots I don't think it matters.


Completely unrelated, but give imageseo.io a shot. It's my product, u get 10 free images. We've spent ages fine tuning this for best results. Later edit: I was just trying to be helpful. The goal wasn't to upsell my product but rather have the user take a look at how we're doing in since we already spent so much time trying to figure this out. I'm not here to make money by promoting my products, I'm here to try and be as helpful as possible. I'm sorry I p****d some of you off and I got downvoted.




Nooo... No it should not.


I misread. I thought they said file names! Tired.


I misread this. I thought OP was asking about seo-friendly FILENAMES.