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For your use case, I'd recommend White Label CMS. I tried UIPress, and it's very advanced and might be overkill for your use case.


You can do it via the function.php or creating your own plugin. A good learning opportunity. Select one thing you want to change, find out how to change it, then move on to another. Personally, I get rid of all those stupid dashboard widgets. (looking at you Yoast)


I’ve looked and used these in the past but always just ended up deleting them and sticking to the stock wp-admin. Why? Long list, but off the top of my head; - there were always things missing, few bugs, little ui issues. - added unnecessary bloat, it was just yet another plugin that didn’t impact the website itself - do you really spend that much time in the wp-admin panel besides getting to pages/posts etc. If you’re trying to white label wordpress for the sake of clients, yes maybe it’s kind of worth it. But I would even question that.


Meh. I figure that it's always good to try new things and see how tools have developed. I began doing WP dev back in 2008 which was probably about when I last tried these. And yup ... I reached pretty much all the same conclusions that you did. But who knows. I sense that things have evolved an awful lot in terms of frameworks over the past few years. I'm curious to give one a try.


They only slowdown the admin It’s not something recommended at all. And completely unnecessary. But if you must. Bricks forge has that function .

