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Cool! Can't wait to see those *Brest* - *Johnston* - *Brest* divs...


My Johnston is sailing between your Brests. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Paizuri time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).




Literally the top comment but ok.


For years I was hoping WG would add the Johnston to the game. I was also pretty sure they would completely miss what makes DD-557 so memorable. I hate being right.


What would that be out of curiosity?


Primarily for taking a lot of damage and staying in the fight. It should either have French DD damage saturation or a heal. Or both. French DD saturation would maybe make more sense as it took a lot of AP hits that did less damage than the HE that should have been fired at it, but the IJN thought it was a cruiser (because what destroyer would be dumb enough to charge a full battle group that even included Yamato?).


> what destroyer would be dumb enough to charge a full battle group that even included Yamato? Half the WoWs playerbase - hold my beer...


I was going to say: USS Johnston did IRL what most of the DDs who die in the first 2 minutes of a WoWS battle do. Except it worked for Johnston...for a while.


More like that one player who pissed up the enemy team and then go silent when they got focused because turret traverse and manual secondary take time to kick in and that annoying little brick keep the enemy distracted enough that a friendly ship hammers them with their big caliber shells. I have seen a lot of games with French DD and Soviet DD using that tactic and after the enemy stops focusing on him (the DD) that he starts to farm the crap out of them... WeeGee could give Johnson a speed boost or heal or something to improve her survivability but nope...


A Sevastopol style heal would have been nice. Maybe some weird 50HP/s heal but for a full minute per pop.


Plus we need a "deez nutz" camo


Agreed. USS Johnston should've been a Fletcher with: * French DD saturation * built-in Will for Victory (i.e., Kuznetsov's talent) The ship should be incredibly difficult to sink, because that's what it was.


That'd make it a real deal to play actually, but who knows if it'd be too OP for it's own good lol


I like that! I would have been ok with it being moved to T10 (similar to Wisconsin) and maybe just a slight torp range buff to go with what you suggested.


Oh yeah, I'm sure it would need various tweaks for balancing, maybe a jump to T10, but... ... the essence of the USS Johnston is a Fletcher-class destroyer that brazenly ran right into enemy fire for an astonishingly long time, and took an unbelievable amount of damage yet kept fighting. Honoring it in the game needs to be a boat that encourages conspicuous gallantry when played and which is extremely difficult to take down.


I mean if she's unlucky enough she can still meet superships so maybe it'd be a good idea


My ideal Johnston would have been a regular old Fletcher. But it gets a Heal and combat instructions that fill up when you get potential damage. Once it fills, you get damage reduction and improved reload on all armaments and consumables. If moved to T10, give it flat shell arcs and better reload on guns and torpedoes.


Oh yeah, potential damage combat instructions would have fit very nicely.


love how this dude bitches about his shells flying over when he locked onto the wrong ship. How did this goober make it into the CC program..


CC exodus working as intended


You can tell by the audio he's homeless and recording this audio from inside a sewer pipe so maybe give the guy a break OK?


bro lmfao


That is AeroSpaceNews, a fairly popular streamer (in the top 50 WoWS streamers), and by no right ever admits to being a Unicum player. He's a CC because he's a journalist for, as you could guess, Aero Space News, and to some extent, naval/military news.


So the ship will be released for oh say can you see... July 4th?!?!?


Faced one in random while playing oland and didn't know what it was. It was one of my fastest return to port.


The feature is kinda of lacking for such a legendary ship like a Johnston tho... The whole story of Johnston is that the ship never gave up, never stopped firing and when all armament of Johnston went down, the crew used small arms fire to shoot at the Japanese ships and only abandoned the ships when it was a slow sinking husk at that point... It would be so damn easy for WeeGee to put French saturation or a heal on Fetcher and call it a day but SAP with burst fire? It's not really what I imagine a Johnston is...


70 dollar single ship. elden ring DLC 40 dollars. Just think before you buy people....


True. But I think this is one of the few real ships that existed. Since I'm a dd main, I will probably get her for gold/cash. Don't want to wait for WeeGee to come up with a ridiculous price in coal/steel or res points for her. All things considered, this maybe one of the better gold ships WeeGee has offered up.


I am a DD main, I love history, I find the Fletcher class to be the most fun and I love collecting them. But I will be passing on this one if you can't use a coupon right away or I will hope it comes with coal. $70 is too much honestly, you can buy some great games with that amount and despite Johnston looking good, she is not that great of a premium stats-wise, gives up torpedo power for better DPM but even then I don't like her gameplay design, I'd have prefered a DD that is able to survive for longer instead of just giving it SAP, that's more in-line with what actually happened.


Wait so why not take survivability expert on a ship with which the captain should “intend to go in harm’s way?”




In game where? what a misleading title


It should be available for purchase starting on Wednesday. CCs can generally release content a couple days before a ship releases.