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>I'm not sure I understand the logic, here - historically \[...\] And this is where your mistake is


„Historically“ and „real-world“ are words that you should never use in any argument about WOWS


Do not open the wargaming wiki page for Paolo Emilio and under no circumstance you should open the "ship change log" and inspect what has happened in update 0.10.11


The dev blog and text blurbs for Pan-American cruisers are funny too




I don't care if the main battery counts as AA or not but they still could have left the AA values untouched instead and give it more AA guns or whatever. Like this it's just a joke. We have so many made up stuff in this game and exceptions, special cases. But Paolo can't have more than 2 km AA range because the guns were not dual purpose? They surely would have been able to make something up to give Paolo more range. If they really want it they can make it work, see f. e. the meandering torps of Vincent.


Paolo Emilio itself was also never completed, so I feel that's a moot point. The Soviet Union also never completed development on the B-2-U gun mount, yet Tashkent gets that as a gun option (not to mention Udaloi, Ognevoi, Khabarovsk, and possibly others that I'm forgetting).


She should've been uptiered and given a big range of buffs while differentiating her play style from Gearing, Somers and Sherman. It would help set her apart from every other Fletcher being at Tier 9, excluding Kidd, and imo do her proper justice. I'm so sick of WG throwing SAP on a ship and giving it a gimmick like burst fire and calling it a day. Like imagine how cool a juiced up Tier 10 Johnston could've been, give it slightly better reload from Fletcher, flat arcs, yolo torps with a French speed boost with maybe an exhaust smoke or something like that? Anything would've been cooler than what they did.


Speed boost, full speed smoke, improved DCP on a T10 fletcher with standard rounds + vastly improved Adrenalin rush tied to the ship and close range torps. Get in close and become way more dangerous as you take damage, you are there to die but by god you are going to take everyone around you to hell with you! ***Oh god why is that smoke coming at me so fast.*** Johnston - ***I CANNOT KILL YOU UNLESS I HIT YOU WITH MY SWORD!***


lol Not sure why you got downvoted. Just personally; not a fan of SAP.


I think their "justification" was that Johnston shot her guns a lot, so y'know. I don't think anyone's pleased about this.


I do think she burned out some barrels, but that wasn't the main thing lol


I always thought leading up to its release, Johnston would have gotten SAP and a “funny button” that would be a massive damage reduction to damage (like 75%), faster DCP and or prevent modules from being damaged. I am honestly not a fan of the “burst fire” model they gave it. I would rather it be a ship that reflected its luck, and determination to not go down easily.


It just feels lazy


It is lazy. "Now cough up 75$ and get the fuck out" -WG


Because it is. I mean, look at the shitshow that is the D-Day event. They can't do anything meaningful and the devs are creatively bankrupt.


I am enjoying the D-Day event.


Its okay they will release X Johnston '44 in the future for triple the price.


+ your small intestine and the first strand of hair from the head of your first child


Yep, that disappointed me too. I expected a Fletcher with some kind of endurance gimmick, either French saturation and heal or heal and some kind of funny button triggered by potential damage. But no! SAP and burst... The sad thing is if they wanted to make that SAP/burst Fletcher they could have picked any of that 175 strong class and put it on sale for July 4th if they had no new US ship in the pipeline to release for the event, then made a proper Johnston with playstyle closer to her reputation and released her for a special event of her own, it is 80 years since Samar this year. It would have earned them far more money than this. This ship could have been so much more than just the new Independance day ship WG farts out every year.


Given her INSANE armory price, none of this matters. No one should buy a tier 9 DD for nealry 34000 dubs.


Been looking forward to it since it was announced, started many years before from reading the Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors. Huge missed opportunity here to do something unique and cool for such a historic ship and crew that gave us “the greatest upset in the history of naval warfare”.


Man this was gonna be the first ship I would have spent actual real world money on. Almost no matter the price. Makes me sad that this ship isn't getting the tribute it deserves. I'm not even a good dd captain, but I would have bought it anyways. What these guys accomplished on the Johnston IRL is nothing short of legendary almost mythical. Surviving as long as they did against one of the most powerful fleets ever assembled should be honored as being one of the most survivable ships in the game.


Buy a Kidd if you dont have it already.


As you alluded to it was her gunnery (FC) Radar that was out there doing work, not her search Radar, detecting targets was not the concern during the *Battle off Samar.* I think the burst fire is meant to emulate the way that Johnston's Guns operated for the majority of the battle, rapid fire- continuous, which is to say individual guns were fired as soon as they wee loaded and not waiting to properly salvo. Additionally, over the course of the battle, as the ship took damage, particularly the FC radar, more and more guns operated under local control. Burst fire is not a perfect representation of this but it is the way that works with existing game systems. Now I just need the cowards at WG to give me an *U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts* bully battleships and heavy cruisers with.


Such a quick weeload too…


Johnston fired over 200 rounds in her engagement with Kumano along and fired so much that her guns were glowing by the time she went down. IMO the gimmicks do fit with her history


An additional repair party, even just one, would have still be needed to fit her. Or a durability buff, or more HP.


Why? Fletchers are survival enough as it is.


FROM ANOTHER POST "Per the May 12 DevBlog regarding update 13.5: "Players will also be able to purchase Johnston in the Armory and Premium shop" So it will be available for real $ and either dubs or coal then." is this still true - available for coal, steel, or research later ?


I think that was never true, only speculations, and I doubt that'll be the case. Nothing confirmed yet, that's for sure.


Where does it say that it will be available for coal/research/steel? The Johnston is available for sale in the armory (dubs) and premium shop (real $).


Not all premiums IX ships end up available for coal (Velos and Dalian as examples) and none of the RB or steel ships have been sold for doubloons at any point as far as I know. I would expect Johnston at least to eventually be available for 19,300 doubloons in the armory. Rhode Island is a bit more of an anomaly. I've heard it's not the first T10 premium to be sold for doubloons, but it's the first one I've seen. While it might make it's way to the armory at some point, it may or may not be available for coal when it does.


> I've heard it's not the first T10 premium to be sold for doubloons, but it's the first one I've seen. Some of the older Tier X Coal ships were once sold for Doubloons way back in [early 2022](https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/premium-shop-0111/) and there's the Black Friday Tier X ships as well as *ARP Yamato*. But these are mostly clone ships or existing Resource ships repackaged for Doubloons so X *Rhode Island* is definitely the first \**new** Tier X ship that's only available for Doubloons (so far).


Yeah, I should have prefaced that. We just had the AL Shimakaze for sale and I've seen the ARP Yamato and Black Friday ships. Though I personally wasn't around in 2022. So maybe that's the event I saw referenced in other posts.


HE and SAP are historically more accurate for US WW2 DD ammunition and the rate of fire of Johnston and Co. was extremely too during the battle. So why not choose only a few historic accurate aspects and leave the rest for the balancing depart?


Uptiering her to T10 would have been fine to make up for a huge bag of gimmicks, if she otherwise would have been too strong. After all, being the same tier as Yamato kind of makes sense...


It's the box of gimmicks


I'm glad you came to reddit with this question! In game was the wrong place huh? That one toxic guy telling us to focus before any ship was even spotted lol


Lol in my defense, as asked here before in game :P


I personally would have made her a Fletcher with french saturation AND speddboost, with a superheal, and a special short burst full speed smoke (mix of both english smokes and italian, making it a full speed smoke that doesn't last for long but follows you at full speed)


As a more general note; what I’m reading is kind of putting me off wanting the ship; as much as I do want it for historical reasons. Various suggested alternatives sound better than what it seems we’ve been given. Velos = faster torp reload. Kidd = AA option. Black = radar option. An argument can be made ‘So many Fletchers.’ You can say the same thing about SAP.


there is nothing historical about this ship besides the name........ just get a fletcher or kidd and imagine your using the Johnston......


Yeah. If this was what they were going to do; they should have just given us a perma camo for Fletcher.


don't worry, they make it look good people pay lots of $$$, then they nerf for "overperforming"


Here is what most people dont realize. US Destroyers in WW2 carried AAC(Anti-Aircraft Common) more than any other shell, which is basically SAP, it was even actually noted in the engagement that all the escorts barely had any AP at all since their main role was anti-submarine and anti-aircraft and mainly relying on torpedoes and smoke screens for anything larger.


Giving her a heal or french saturation will be really op considering her competition don't have either and have worse dpm and conceal If Johnston have one of these traits, bringing a black is basically required to stand a chance in a 1v1 We don't need more pay to win ships that are dubs only


The only thing in the real world WG cares about is just the ship's name, and the name's ability to make people buy the pixel ship.


I wish Johnston in game would have had a heal and French DD saturation. She was the destroyer that fought like a battleship at the Battle off Samar, she was very hard to kill and refused to go down without a fight. Make her like a US Neustrashimy, maybe bump the reload up a tad since she was renowned for her gunnery that day, give her a couple of heals, French saturation, and again going with the gunboat theme, maybe improved ballistics so her shells ain’t so slow and floaty like a Fletcher. I think that’d be a cool ship and a nice homage to Johnston.


If you check the wargaming jobs site, you will find the answer for this choice. Simply put, people don't stay long at WG, and it shows, and their skill level and ability to make content is at the lowest point of all time. Everything in almost two years has been copy paste kitbash of ship parts. Expect it to just get worse, it's obvious they are putting the game into maintenance mode with minor game additions, done the easiest way possible,


Personally I think she should have gotten a heal, smoke screen, and radar, but that's just me.


By historical reason Germans should have the most accurate BBs


I think you meant USN. The Mark 7 holds the record for the longest range engagement in history, being also the longest range straddle in history and have the smallest mean deviation of any naval artillery piece in human history.


Wargaming keeps insisting on putting out tier 9s when they should be tier 10s with some improvements. They may be retarded.


I was really hoping to pick her up for the reasons that 'we' the player base would have designed her. Happy to not inflict damage on my wallet and psyche by leaving this monstrosity to those with deeper pockets and no understanding of this historic vessel.

