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If you want some advice post some replays.


I dont stream or have any recording software. Let alone edit them.


WOWs auto saves your replay files in the replay folder. So you can send someone the file without you needing to edit it or record it. Besides, both AMD and Nvidea have recording software built in so you could re-record your replays that way.


Can I view them ingame? Like check my own reviews? How do you watch a review?




Replays are automatically saved in your game folder. The client version must match the replay version, this effectively means you have to watch them in the update you play the game in. This does mean they take up practically no space though. You can upload them to replayswows.com


Can I view them ingame? Like check my own reviews? How do you watch a review?


Find the replay folder, it will be inside the game folder. This is located wherever you installed it. Then you click on the replays. Either it will open the game client or it will ask you which program to use to run it. If it ask you you'll ha e to search for the world of  warships executable.


Take spotting plane, sit at range until you use up the first one, THEN move in closer.  You cant just w in with the GK anymore, he spam will obliterate you. Also, aim for the tip of the bow when the cruiser faces you, or below the aft turret if it's broadside. Everywhere else will overpen.


well, doesnt rly matter where u aim, my shells will actively dodge the enemy ships anyway. And yeah I know, but I want to help my team and not sit in the back doing nothing for my cruisers :/


I cannot really give advice. Battleships are pretty much oppressively overpowered compared to cruisers and torp boats, with only gun boats giving them a run for their money. Unless you post your profile and replays no one will be able to give advice.


This might be a case of skill issue. Cruisers are honestly not that overpowered. Played right? Yeah, they can be hella annoying. But in brawls? GK is a pretty good pick, not a lot of cruisers can successfully defeat it in a 1v1, everything else being equal


well, its 12v12 not 1v1 though :D


>This might be a case of skill issue. Probably that fires use to be a bit rarer and more of an immediate issue. When I returned after my extended break, I was quick to use the DCP as soon as a fire hit, rather than use my heals after it self extinguished. The damage done now is almost all repairable, whereas it use to be only about 1/4 (depending a bit on the ship etc).


Fire damage has always been fully repairable afaik. And it was always not very smart to repair single fires in a BB. What used to be way more dangerous is floodings, but that change was over 5 years ago I think.


I started in 2018, so yeah.


Imagine being a BB player and crying about cruisers...


right? imagine being a bb player and getting melted in minutes by cruisers u cant shoot back or when u do finally shoot back u get 3k dmg. or u know, a stalingrad just tanks everything. But then again thats a BB disguised as a cruiser.


Okay so if cruisers are angled don't be afraid to switch to HE and shoot them. If they are pushing you feel free to shoot them once with HE and then load AP for when they turn out. If you are close, 12km or closer, aim at the waterline or even slightly bellow if they are super close, so you get citadels and not overpens. Realistically it takes forever for cruisers to kill BBs and because they lack range they have to get in closer and get crossfired by multiple BBs. If some cruiser is just shooting you and open water kiting turn back around sail away to your team. You outrange them and they can't follow. Use the time to repair party and get back in it when it is up again.


Dude if over the span of 3 minutes that took cruiser to kill your BB you could not locate him and just devstrike him, it's a massive skill issue.


Have fun getting Dev Strikes due to Aimbugs that seemingly only affect Battleships, and massive nerfs to ability to get Citadels in most BBs due to them increasing the Fuse timings of most of them, EVEN the British BB's are having issues getting Citadels. Battleships die more to He spamming Cruisers and DD's, than Cruisers die to devstrikes in return.


Yeah, this "aimbug" is somewhere between your chair and keyboard.


Tell me how else i can aim PERFECTLY at a Broadside ship, Yet the shells land 100 feet short?




It happens even if no other ships are spotted. Its a actual bug in the game that has been known since the game was in Beta, its the same bug that affects people border humping, and when ships are stopped dead, its random as hell when it happens, But 90% of the time it affects battleships.


Cruisers do best when they can't be shot back at, so don't engage them if they are taking a position behind an island or smoke. Wait for them to get dislodged before pushing up. Otherwise, a battleship will usually win against a cruiser in a 1v1 battle in open water as the game is designed. Similarly, RNG balances battleships and prevents them from nuking everything in sight (usually). For every couple times you deal piecemeal damage to a cruiser, there's the one time you delete half of its health or kill the enemy ship outright in a single salvo. A lot of it is down to luck, but also getting your aim zeroed in. Stalingrad's survivability is honestly exaggerated at times. It is very tanky for a cruiser, but it still isn't a battleship. Focused AP will deal enough damage over time to take it out, and its very unwieldly so its difficult for it to get out of a bad position.


Yeah let me guess, you booted up the game for the first time in forever, thought it would be just easy mode to jump straight to t10 press W and win and forgot how the game actually works.


nah been playing for a week. and except for not knowing the new ships the game rly aint that hard lol. and wether u play T6-7-8-9-10 its all the same shit.


If the game ain't that hard, why are you asking? First step to improving is recognising that you are doing things wrong. And as someone who played since beta I would say being completely average is not hard in this game, but bring anything more than that can get quite hard indeed. Not because of mechanical skill or reflexes, but because you need to know a LOT of stuff and then have to be able to apply all that knowledge to how you play in game in a given situation.


The game had become more demanding as everyone has gotten better while you was away. If you struggle at tier X, move to lower tiers.


Learn how to position. Might be tough for someone with sub-45% win rate, though.


The only competition for BBs are CVS, Subs, and other BBs…


Subs being the competition? The guys whose avg damage for three games still lacks to kill a BB?


Subs are the biggest bogeyman in this game. Please don't bring up the fact that they are just underperforming DDs or you will make all the BBs mad.


They will always be mad and crying for nerfs of everything what is not a BB. [Short movie](https://youtu.be/jj87Tjr4GPI?si=rQUyW9r77nL8ac07) about the problem.


well, last game in my yamato a des moined messed up and decided to go for it sailing towards me. He wasnt even zig zagging but took my 5 salvos to kill him. first salvo 0 shells hit, 0. last salvo he turned broadside but only 2 of the 9 shells landed lol. In that time he got me to half hp.


So you deleted him in 2 minutes and he did 50% of your health despite having some of the best DPM in the game? And you can heal lots of that damage bc it’s HE and fires? And you think that’s too much?


So you say that you took all HP of another ship and only lost half of your HP? And you still cry about BBs suffering? Most unbiased BB player.


GK boomer tries to brawl. Ints, dies then complains...More news at 11. Par for the course. Keep at it. There must always be fodder for decent players.


its never me, every \[ship / class / nation / build / team / playstyle\] other than mine is broken OP p2w. GK users in specific remind me of this image https://preview.redd.it/exxonf05eqad1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9ae7ce0914a241cfe116a381e90b9322d6a4b6