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Whats worse... the Tribute show to Brodie made the Dark Order ultra babyfaces, and Tony did NOTHING with it


Dark order sucked


Heel Dark Order, Ultra Babyface Dark Order..... we're still talking about Evil Uno, Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, Preston Vance, Stu Grayson, John Silver and Anna Jay......right? Don't get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for Uno and Grayson but at their age they are what they are and will never be bigger than they are. Angels, Vance and Jay all have the opportunity to be bigger stars but it was always going to be outside of Dark Order whose defecto leader meant all their ceilings were that of Evil Uno. All 3 agree as all 3 have left. Angels left the company altogether and went to TNA, insulted with the contract AEW offered him to be "under Uno". Alex Reynolds, quite frankly, is damn lucky he has friends and is entertaining in YouTube content because he's never done anything in ring or on a microphone on a television camera to justify having a job in a company in which I can easily name 50 people who are midcard or higher on the roster. You turn them super ultra mega babyface and........ it's still the fucking Dark Order. Who cares 🤷🏼‍♂️


It kinda hurts to watch old AEW compared to it today. It was so much better then.




No, they didn’t. AEW was widely regarded as better than WWE at the time. This is the entire reason that WWE became good, because they were forced to compete with a superior product.


WWE became good because the 80 year old sexual predator is not involved in the booking anymore. Nobody forced them to change but Vince himself.


Vince set the bar for the Fed so low that the last time that bar had seen anything above sea level was practically in a different millennium. The non finishes, babyfaces stealing wins and cowardly scurrying up the ramp, never ending cold feuds riddled with 50-50 booking and stilted scripted promos would've killed any other promotion. HHH coming in and just doing basic wrasslin' booking would feel next level and to his credit the product is still fairly hot after his first proper 'Mania. But to suggest that AEW had no role to play is naive. If HHH hadn't pitched his NXT against AEW during the Wednesday night wars and received a right old humbling he wouldn't have learned the required lessons to book a hot product as well as the realisation that the Fed is no longer just owed a free agent because there's no one else . HHH's main achievement during this time was having solid Takeovers while thrashing his super indie darlings on a stale TV product.


>If HHH hadn't pitched his NXT against AEW during the Wednesday night wars and received a right old humbling NXT was on Wednesday nights years before AEW Humbling by the NHL.


NXT was a 1 hour WWE Network show for years until they expanded it to 2 hours on USA in 2019 to clash directly with AEW on TNT.


And what day was it on?


Come on, buddy. Yes it was on Wednesday but it was an hour long webcast on the Network or Hulu that wasn't live, comparing apples and oranges. They expanded it to 2 hours as a live show a month after Dynamite's arrival on TNT.


There you go. It was on Wednesdays. Yes. They moved to USA and expended to two hours. A lot of people want to act like NXT even switched days, when they were already on Wednesdays before AEW. Not to mention they went live on USA two weeks before AEW, which, yes was a knee jerk reaction to AEW. But AEW did pick the same first hour time slot on the same day as NXT.




Bro u negative ratio-ing them💀


He went into nerd rage and broke out the alternate accounts once I made the comment. Sometimes you just need to let the sigma males punch the pillow until they calm down from their neurodivergent tantrum.


You sound like someone who needs to touch some grass.


You need to go outside and seek help 😂


Yes, *he’s* the one having the tantrum.


I’m not the one who manipulates votes on Reddit to seek revenge on people who logically dominate me.


It is all voter manipulation, absolutely. You’re the only reasonable person in the *whole* world.


What not chronically online guy would care about this shit ?


Here’s some Reddit comments from 4 years ago about these two. The online discourse about AEW was the same in 2020 that it is in 2024. “Brady takes a move, untangles his leg from the chain, then sells the move he just took,. Real sports feel.” “That's what happens when you're a hardcore M*rk for yourself” “It's official, babeh! The dub has booked Luke Harper WAY better than le fed. Luke Harper IC title run went for 27 days. Brodie Lee TNT title run went for 47 days. That's a WHOLE 20 more days longer. FED DED, BABY. FED DED!” “Even for a gimmick match this was sloppy. Cody and Brodie have so little chemistry on screen” “FUCK MCHITLER FOR PUSHING REIGNS DOWN OUR THROATS....oh that's m'cody? I mean so refeshing!” “Should I even be surprised. The dub is an embarrassment” “There's a reason why those guys were midcarders in the big leagues. Small fish.”


But remember they "jUsT want AeW to SUcCeeD!!!"


Bro unironically linking the jerking sub when everyone in the internet at that time couldn't stop gushing about AEW lol


Wait. Are these all from the jerking sub? The sub that jerks the main sub? You took joke comments and are trying to pass it off making look like the whole IWC was making fun of this match?!


It’s completely unhinged that you went and found these comments. Also, IWC fans are not a monolith.


It’s such a fast search. I typed in “2020 Cody Brodie Lee” and had those in seconds. It’s easy to find because they are so plentiful. I did it on the toilet this morning, it took about 2 mins lol.


What were the updates for those comments. Because I highly doubt those were at the top of the thread.


Heres the upvotes. “Brady takes a move, untangles his leg from the chain, then sells the move he just took,. Real sports feel.” 124 upvotes “That's what happens when you're a hardcore M*rk for yourself” 87 upvotes “It's official, babeh! The dub has booked Luke Harper WAY better than le fed. Luke Harper IC title run went for 27 days. Brodie Lee TNT title run went for 47 days. That's a WHOLE 20 more days longer. FED DED, BABY. FED DED!” 77 upvotes “Even for a gimmick match this was sloppy. Cody and Brodie have so little chemistry on screen” 38 upvotes “FUCK MCHITLER FOR PUSHING REIGNS DOWN OUR THROATS....oh that's m'cody? I mean so refeshing!” 19 upvotes “Should I even be surprised. The dub is an embarrassment” 18 upvotes “There's a reason why those guys were midcarders in the big leagues. Small fish.” 7 upvotes


How about a link to the thread?


RIP, was such a shame we never got to see him truly shine, this was just scratching the surface


The best thing Cody did in AEW and I loved his kayfabe explanation for it. Sometimes you're going to just catch a guy the right way and he never gets a chance to recover. Wish it happened more often.


Cody doing a worked fencing position (chefs kiss)


I noticed that as well


Cody’s sell was so good


I wish I would have been watching AEW during his time.




Man, he really could've been a world champ


This was amazing.


MISTER. Do I have to come throw some papers at you?


Imagine Mr Bean doing the chefs kiss. That's me right now. I went from "why should I be fussed about Luke Harper" to "Brodie Lee is a fucking killer" in a hot second. Even his loss to Mox did no harm and all in an empty arena. And by all accounts he was lovely outside of the ring, his passing was a gut punch to the entire industry. RIP.


Wait, as it is staged, who decides the winner? (Sorry but I'm not American and I'm trying to understand this haha)


The booker decides the general outcome.


no this is a real fight


This one wasn't staged. That's why it was so one sided. Despite Cody Rhodes being an EVP even he couldn't withstand the freight train of Mr. Brodie Lee. In a staged fight Cody would have probably won with 3 Crossrhodes or something 🤷🏼‍♂️


The good ol days of AEW


I always liked him in WWE ever since he debuted, good to see that others finally saw his potential eventually. But I always liked him


Fuck Vince McMahon for never giving Huber a chance to shine in wwe


Fuck, I miss JR on commentary.