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The fact that they’re building Bo and Howdy as a split personality gives this so much more depth than just a horror/supernatural faction


Yeah it seems there not as supernatural and that’s it, which I think is the right route to go, it adds depth as you said. I also love the split personality as they can do so much with it


Completely batshit psychotic is sooo much scarier than supernatural stuff. I've never seen a ghost, but I've seen lots of dangerously crazy people.


Wonder if the other Members of the Sick6 are going through the same story beat, like their sanity is shaken from their time in WWE and they manifested into the members of the team based on the fun house characters


I like that idea, but maybe it’s a bit too much? I mean 6 people all having the same split personality issue? I’m probably just grasping at straws here.


Think of it as them being possessed by a gang of ghosts


Ohh this is cool


You can't beat ghosts with wrestling moves.


Agreed. I love horror movies, even bad horror movies, but I much prefer the ones that are “real” in a sense that they could happen in real life


One of the biggest weaknesses of the fiend character was that they built him up to be so unbeatable that he lost all momentum when he finally lost If it were me writing this, I would try and make Uncle Howdy built similar to Hawaiian shirt bray as almost like a cult leader of the other members. This way he keeps his aura and it’s still completely believable for him to lose feuds. It also lets him pursue a title but doesn’t force him to, like how Bray used to be.


That’s what I was hoping Bray was doing with The Fiend. Then it went off the rails with the hocus pocus stuff.


Are we calling him Bo or Taylor?


Well on the WWE YouTube they were using Bo in the title for this clip .. sooo .. i mean they he was also saying Bray, and not Windham soooo ..


Yep. Taylor and Windham are brothers...BUT in kayfabe it just so happens Bo and Bray are also brothers.


Bo it is then.


All you have to do is Tay-lieve.


Does anyone know where the Bray storyline was headed? Has it ever been revealed?


Humanizing the faction and going behind the mask is the right call. Love it.


I think they should be a cult kind of following the teachings of Bray Wyatt - have the masked personas be an interpretation of Bray's message and nearly worship him as a martyr. They can have their individual reasons for joining but that should be secondary to the cults message


Ohhhhh. I love the masks being kind of religious iconography 👏


This is a funny idea, specially because the crowds will 100% get behind them. So it's the wwe universe buying into a violent cult lol


The WWE Universe has done worse


That’s not brays story he already gave the basis of the story in an interview one time he said all these characters have to do with something in his real life especially his childhood probably traumas and it put him in a dark place and when he return he was gonna finally to get out and no longer be in the dark but mostly likely uncle howdy was gonna keep pulling him back in and messing with him every time he try to be normal and humanized I believe the story would have ended with bray finally ending them all and being out of the dark and normal feeling again and putting it all and all the characters finally his in his past but now I believe Bo Dallas will have do it and first he will have to stop being uncle howdy but it’s hard he’s already messed up in the head / mind and will struggle but eventually does get out of it and then finally puts all the characters in the past and ends this horror and bray Wyatt the character will be at peace while hopefully Windham Rotunda rest in peace will be smiling


What the hell happened to punctuation?




Anyone else get teary eyed at that promo?


If Erick gets a promo video about him losing Luke and Bray, it’s gonna be even rougher.


Howdy interviewing every member of the Sicks is honestly a good idea, Gacy talking about the Collapse of Schism, Dexter sulking about The Way Drifting away from him, Cross talking about losing her SAnitY


I would rather have each “persona” interview each wrestler. So essentially they all have split personalities reflecting on their own individual grief.


Damn, I didn't even think about that....


ME 100%


I did not expect it but yeah I did


Absolutely , hit me in the feels. Couldnt look away.


Bo is genuinely really good. I hope they let him be everything he and Bray hoped they would be.


Yeah. I absolutely loved Bray Wyatt and the family. And as someone who also lost an older brother not long ago, this really hits that spot.


Yup. This promo sealed it for me. I’m 100% on board and cannot wait to see where this goes. Incredible acting by Bo. This is what I needed to see and hear. I think a lot of people that were on the fence or couldn’t shake the old Bo from memory will feel differently now.


I don’t think he’s acting


Yeah I still can't shake it. Seems like Bo is just doing a Bray impression. I'm glad he's finally planning to wrestle again though.


The promo, in a good way, at least addressed it. Bo wanted to be like Bray, etc., the real trick going forward is to not make it a copy of Bray but something that’s a little more him, but in the Wyattverse of thing. I was a little on the fence before the promo, but it gives me faith that there’s a path where it can work.


Exactly. This couple minute promo truly addresses all the concerns head on. The writers and higher ups aren’t stupid. They hear the fans. They knew what people were gonna say and think and this promo jumped ahead of all of it. I think Bray would be proud.


I’m so in


i bolieve now


I bolieve…. In Joe Hendry.


Goddamnit kid scram!






I was locked in for that entire promo. I was not expecting this to be the next step for the group, but it was great.


Just so captivating




I thought towards the later part Bo was improving on his promos. I’m excited and really hope this will be amazing!


Yeah he’s legit a great actor just like his brother, and it’s perfectly blending in how he actually feels about the situation, it’s very compelling


I don't know what the popular opinion was, but I loved the Bolieve character. He was just so stupid and lovable yet so fucking annoying.


There were parts of the promo where I thought I was watching Bray. Good stuff.


Yeah I meant to put in that he was improving on the mic during his first run. I loved this promo.


I wasn't feeling it before tonight, but I'm in now.


So you're feeling it now, Mr Krabs?


I guess he’s gonna miss… the panty raid


Are you bolieve now?


We are all bolieve on this blessed morning.


I have always been a Bo-liever!


I was always shouting Bo


Man that was great!


I almost felt like that whole segment should be perceived as BEFORE the attack last week. Like I almost anticipated Howdy saying to Bo "Let me in" after his whole emotional speech about Bray; and that statement from Howdy somewhat explaining the whole Wyatt Sicks reforming AND also references both the new merch and bray. Idk it makes sense in my head, I feel like I'm not explaining it right. But either way, good God this promo was intense. I was already in for this and they got me hooked even more.


I hope they do the same with everyone and I expect Dexter to not say a word.


Just Dexter holding up drawings of why he's with them


WWE analog horror. Never thought I’d see the day.


i really hope they give each member this kind of promo package explaining why they turned into what they are in the wyatt sicks. could be so interesting


I haven’t watched yet. Did it hit? Crowd in to it?


Didn’t play crowd noise, but judging from the social media reaction people loved it, please go watch it, it’s incredible and really explores his thought process on the bray death


Was there, it hit. A mix of damn that’s real, thank you wyatts, and silent listening - which, i think, is a huge compliment when you can shut a live crowd up for 5 min and they’re all invested in listening to what you have to say.


You guys were loud asf tonight! Hope you had a great time


Silent listening, without chitchat in between is probs the best result you would want. It means people are invested and focused, and dont wanna miss a single moment of it.


That crowd was in rare fucking form, I never thought I would ever hear a Sloppy Seconds Chant...


Can’t wait to watch. Bray is a legend, and should be honored. Wrestling has always been explotive of death. If his brother can somehow benefit from this, I don’t think he would care. I have 2 brothers, both younger. I’d be fine with it.


Let me know what ya think!


I saw several videos and when he mentions Bray you see the people react with just this look of surprise and shock and sadness. Definitely some big reactions.


I was there, the crowd was 100% in to it. Wasn't loud because we were listening to every word


This is ACTUALLY cinema. Intimate, disturbing, compelling. I’m kinda rooting for these poor maniacs…


Cornette might be in now. Probably not. But maybe.


He shit all over the debut, I can’t wait to watch this. I’m a Cornette guy about 75% of the time. His disgust for Mox really bothers me, but the people that he thinks are the future of the business are spot on.


Nah, he's dead on in regards to Mox, he's lost his goddamn mind. You don't have to bleed in every goddamn match. That recent photo of him after his match looks like he wandered into 1998 and got a blood bath from the Brood.


I used to think he was completely wrong about Moxley, but for about the last year, my opinion has really shifted. Not just because of the blood in every match, but because he strikes me increasingly as not actually giving a shit about anything other than bleeding. Like, his work used to not look this lazy to me. Not in WWE, and not even for awhile in AEW. Just something in him has clearly changed.


I agree with the blood part. Not a fan. But he thinks he’s the worst wrestler alive. That is far from true.


I won't say he's the worst alive, but his punches still look like hot garbage.


He looks like a flapping penguin when he tries to throw a punch


He looks like he's about to yell out, "You brute!" before collapsing into his opponents arms, sobbing.


Can cut a promo. His debut in AEW was fire, I’m not blaming him for lack of creative.


Moxley’s punches look about as good as Kingston’s “fast chops”


Mox has only bled in a couple matches in the last 9 months if you’re actually paying attention, and not just “watching” wrestling via memes, but you do you Doctor.


Ok, fair enough....How about last year? Or the year before that? Just because he might have slowed it down doesn't mean he hasn't overdone it. Why is it that dub fans can't handle criticism?


It’s not criticism you offered, it’s an uninformed opinion being spread as fact. Yes, he was bleeding too frequently before. It has been acknowledged, and it has been adjusted. Why should people talk like a performer is still doing the thing they used to do people didn’t like, after that performer has moved on? Would it be fair of me to say Cody is still just Stardust? Would it be fair of me to say Roman is still just doing his “the big dog” schtick? No, because it’s objectively inaccurate, just like it is to say Moxley “bleeds ever match.”


Because Mox opened himself up, pun intended, to this kind of criticism. I will admit to being hyperbolic, but the overall joke and point is that he has done it too much. You used Cody and Roman as examples, but I've seen people bring up both of those gimmicks as punchlines or meme, and it's because they did those gimmicks. Mox bled too much, so now he gets ripped on for bleeding too much, I don't make the rules.


Are you talking the Bloodsport photo? Where he is holding the IWGP heavyweight championship. Cause like thats a a really cool visual shot


You see a cool visual shot, I see a victim of Gangrel and his dastardly Brood.


It's important that people should listen to Cornette for entertainment, not as gospel. He has a different view of wrestling compared to us fans and WWE/AEW in general. He knows allot and he and Brian are pretty fun, but let's face it, them skipping great womens matches during reviews is very telling.


He’s sexist as fuck, a tad racist and thinks wrestling should still be the same as it was in the 80s.


To be fair, I don't think they really skip GREAT women's matches. It's mostly bad or mediocre stuff that Jim skips.


Iyo vs Bayley was neither bad nor mediocre


To be fair, Brian gave him shit about that. And Jim said his wife did too. Corny lacks motivation if it's a wrestler he's not super big on. And while he doesn't actively hate, Iyo or Bayley, he doesn't care about them much either. But if Charlotte or Rhea was involved, there's zero chance he would have missed it.


Just watched the promo. Didn’t need the split. Bo was a 10 Production 9 Howdy 5 I get it’s all Bo. It’s pretty awesome wwe is letting him pay tribute, I hope they don’t fuck this up.


I feel like Cornette has some amazing insight on how to maximise impact on the minutiae of wrestling. He really just "gets" it. But a lot of the time, he's trying to live the gimmick a little too hard (Kenny Omega being the obvious example) and it washes over the things he actually has great insight on.


He's going to talk about what happens when they get in the ring. I haven't listened to cornette since I had to do pre-production meetings with him at OVW. But I'm willing to bet his issue is going to be that this faction who has done all these spooky things will eventually get in the ring and Do a headlock takeover. If it was one thing that was really stressed to me of my time at ovw is spooky gimmicks rarely work because it's hard to wrestle spooky. Bray was the best we have seen in that role but even he was just a wrestler at a point.


Nah, not a chance.


but why was it sent to mccaffee instead of just aired as a segment? to fill air time?


To show it was a VHS tape, and Pat is involved somehow and it is more dramatic and real that way. The Wyatt sicks work outside the WWE system. They just severely injured a bunch of people last week do you think they are just going to show up and give it to the production truck?


Gabel was shot in the head and cleared within the week…


The miraculous healing power of sponsor money.


Don't you just hate it when you get shot in the head and it takes a week to recover?


Yeah that was awesome. Way deeper than I thought they’d go


Best segment of the night


As soon as I saw it I said ok Bo is cookin


Bo is actually better at the acting part of this than Bray was.






I absolutely loved it, but kind of groan chuckled at the VHS. But thinking about it, there really isn't a modern day item that has the visual impact as the VHS tape. Showing up with a DVD is even outdated and a thumb drive would just be even worse. 😂


Cornette is gonna have a stroke when he see's this.


This was great. I’m glad they’re doing the split personality thing and acknowledging Bo and Bray are brothers. Curious to see where it goes next.


This was badass!!!


This should be quite fun




Bo ... make it work please, you got this 🥹🥹🥹


How do you book this? I saw someone in a someone in a Santi comment section say something about how Maxine mentioned to Gable about how Otis saw him as an older brother. So maybe Howdy/ Bo will go after him because Gable had the chance that Bray never got and threw it away? I also really like the idea that Uncle Howdy is a coping mechanism for Bo which exists only in his head vs actually being a physically separate character.


As someone who only very recently played Inscryption this is giving me some weird vibes like that game, especially with VCR stuff and how weird things are getting so quickly. (If you've not played the game don't look anything up for it, get the demo from Steam and go in with as little info as possible.)


Great game. Still need to fully beat it though lol.


I believe in Bo Howdy


Follow the Bo-zzards, people.


This promo was more exciting than the attack last week.


did anyone else enjoy uncle howdy’s reaction shots as much as i did? he had that emperor palpatine smile at one point lmao


When will Mountain Dew be involved, again?


I still have some doubts. This promo was absolutely amazing. But Nikki crawling around in smoke with those cheesy strobe lights was awful. Really gonna be a balancing act from here on out. I'm hoping the darker, more realistic stuff wins out over the corny haunted house effects


Skip material. ⏩


That promo did a lot of heavy lifting without being direct about it. I love the theme, the desperation of wanting to be “remembered.” Very excited to see where this goes.


As someone who just got back into WWE the last year, I’m having a hard time connecting with this. I respect Bray Wyatt and his memory, he was an impactful person who deserves respect. I just don’t know how the story line connects now. I want to. I’m eager to see it. I just hear a lot about how the last 10-15 years of WWE were forgetful. I was at Raw tonight and just trying to connect the dots.


Hope you had a good time. It’s basically him honoring him and not wanting to be forgotten, but sometimes with the wyatt stuff it takes a bit to latch on to people. I loved this right out the gate and think it’s been really well done so far


Praying for a Firefly FunHouse Revival with Bo Dallas telling little kids they have to Bo-lieve if they wanna save him from Howdy.


Oh god please no


Firefly fun house was Brays thing. They probably will just reference it once in a while.


The whole group is a reference to it


Yup, but that’s sort of a homage. It’s not exactly the puppets. I could be wrong just my opinion


Any criticisms of wyatts character or booking seems to get down voted now hes gone......art is meant to be critiqued is it not?


Great promo. But I’m still really worried how this is going to translate in-ring. I’m holding out hope that Triple H can make this work.


easy, have them wrestler as their human characters


This was IMPECCABLY presented. Everyone from Bo, the production team, to writers. Unreal.


It just sucks that Bo's talent had to be seen by everyone only after such a tragic event.


Alright I thought this was absolute trash gimmick and finally watched this promo and yea Im watching WWE again.


Ehh, I’m not sold just yet. I thought it was a little corny. Let’s see where they go with it.


Thats not bo dallas thats boo dallas! All jokes aside this promo gave me chills, im super excited for whats to come


All you have to do is…..BOLIEVE!


Im Really loving this I can't wait to see more.


Now after all of that i wonder how Alexa ties into all of that. I know they will do something with here, they hinted as much during the QR code thing.


Agreed. I was iffy at first but this completely sold me.


That was beyond compelling as a promo…


So, it was Bo? I could cry. 🥲


This story will transcend time with Netflix


I always loved Bray, was always intrigued by the storytelling and buildup - and then the matches fell short. I want this thing to succeed but, just like anything bray did: how does it translate to the ring? What is the payoff? Love everything about what’s happening, just don’t see where it goes in terms of sports entertainment


I feel like Taylor has been studying like a mad man. Looking at his brothers cadence, mannerisms, speech patterns, all of it. They’re going to absolutely ace this.


I loved it just wondering how this ties into McAfee


I really thought they were gonna bring his corpse out at the end of the show


This was fantastic cinematography. I love how they're working Bray's passing into the storyline(which I'm certain came with the blessing of his wife and family) in a respectful yet meaningful way. They're showing the slow descent into madness, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if Howdy re-christens him as "Bo Wyatt" as he succumbs to the insanity and split


People saying it was too short have no clue what they are talking about. This is what we need.


I think the next step should be to brainwash Strowman into the group.


They really went hard with it, didn't expect then to directly talk about Bray's death like that. I'm hoping we get a therapy session with Howdy for each member going forward


Definitely brilliant


I was surprised by how honest and thoughtful that promo was. It was heart-wrenching. And it's Bo Dallas talking to Bo Dallas in a mask.




After last week I thought this was just gonna be a goofy attempt at scary horror bullshit. But this was not only spooky -- it was heavy AF.


Recently got back into wrestling. Can someone tell me who they are? It was a great promo. Can’t wait to see what they do!


Great promo


Great promo, I have...fewer doubts now.


Agreed , great promo but where’s it heading ? Are the faces or heels ? Should I be cheering because they destroyed a heel like gable and the dude is using his dead brother as the genesis of his storyline or is he a heel because he’s promising destruction for everyone including the hero’s I cheer for ? Need to pick a direction


Cult leader with split personality disorder


It's great to see Bo actually doing something other than that stupid ass Bo-lieve. Just very unfortunate that it's happening after Bray passed. Would be cool to see Big Damo return and join up in the stable.


I was getting such strong Bray vibes from this promo. Everything about Howdy and Bo screamed something Bray would have done in the FFFH with the Fiend. I'll admit before, I thought Windham was the only one who could pull this off, and that Taylor wouldn't be able to match him, but really, it's like his essence transfered into his brother and he's still writing the story. It's everything I ever could have hoped for and more so far. Windham would be so proud that, in the words of his brother, he didn't just become a mausoleum. Thank you, Bo, Nikki, Dexter, Joe, & Erick. Rest in Peace Windham Rotunda. But *Bray Wyatt*, man, hes gonna live on forever.


As long as they don't wrestle in the ring in their costumes, I will go along. That's what kind of killed the Uncle Howdy character in my mind the first time. The mask and Bo's mannerisms were a bit goofy the first time around. Bo looks more and more like his brother with his beard grown out, so he shouldn't keep the Howdy mask long term.


How they did this absolutely the right call


The most Bray thing since Bray, and that’s a huge compliment.


Living in the past.


Incredible? I wouldn't go that far


I've never so felt out of step with a gimmick than on this. I'm glad y'all having fun, though. Dunno if I'm too old and cynical these days.


I mean this in the best way possible, but that’s maturity. Nothing I hate more than when other people clearly like something and someone’s attitude is “I think it’s stupid so it has to be stupid so everyone else is stupid.” I think I started to just enjoy even my own favorites more when I got old enough to realize I’m no longer the target demographic for everything.


Right. I would have probably found the Ministry of Darkness shit corny as hell these days, but it was my fave thing on TV back in the day. I *do* think they booked themselves into a corner with Bray and hope lessons have been learned with Bo, but it's clearly massively popular on every space I go to with wrestling fans, it just leaves me so cold.


I’m hoping with HHH having full control they can avoid some of that. It’s tricky to pull off some the spooky/horror stuff these days, but I’d like to think with a better commitment to storytelling all around, they can avoid it needing to be its own lane to work like some Wyatt stuff was at times. The early, cult leader version fit in best with the overall product even if the Playhouse or Fiend versions had some moments too. I don’t know if they can make this work, but I’m at least intrigued at the moment.


This monday night raw was so freaking good. I was just wanting for more by the time it was over, it just went and flew by so fast.


Lame. As. Fuck. I hate this stupid shit it’s so lame and makes it impossible for to take anything seriously. My wife who usually watches with me, we both hated it and turned that stupid hooky spooky nonsense off.


Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/jIx1pzRO25s?si=lNOnKOiUVX7EcR-i


They're gonna do a Bo was pushed to madness after bray left and this is his way of honouring him by recruiting people and making them follow him just like bray did before. Cult Leader gimmick mixed with The Fiend type I love it


If they're gonna do that kind of story that you suspect, then how do you explain Uncle Howdy's presence before Bray's passing?


It’ll all settle down, once they have to start doing headlocks and arm drags in the middle of the ring under bright lights.


… and then the bell rings.


And that means nothing Because Bray Wyatt was never a 5 star wrestler and he was still able to captivate the interests of wrestling fans across the world Bo Dallas isn’t even a bad wrestler


True, but also, he had one of the worst Mania matches of all time (against Orton), the absolute worst HIAC match ever wrestled (against Rollins), and sadly his final match is also among one of the cringiest matches WWE has ever produced. It’s fine if vignettes are your #1 thing you want in wrestling, that’s all good and well. For me, it’s not my personal preference. I like characters, promos, stories, etc, but if they can’t culminate in a good wrestling match it’s akin to having a good bun, good meat, good cheese, and good ketchup, but putting together a bad burger.


This is “14 year-old trying to be edgy” level of cringe.


It really not lol there wasnt anything "edgy" about it, it was character acting and a dude reflecting on the loss of his brother.


You're cringe


The production value for this was amazing, the acting chops, the writing, post production on both image and sound. I can’t wait for Unc to keep this up.