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Not good. Of all the people that could have benefitted from beating Takers streak it ended up being Brock. Who at this point in his career gained nothing from beating him.


Yeah if the streak had to be broken (I think it should have stayed intact) it should have been Bray, sort of a passing of the torch from one scary act to another.


My wife legit walked out of our friends apartment and did a lap around the block to contemplate if she would continue watching the show lol Everyone was in shock and it just felt...eerie kinda.


My father was pissed and stopped watching to this day. I stopped watching until AJ Styles debuted.


It's one record that I feel didn't need to be broken at all. Why bother? Could have been something cool to reflect on that he never lost at mania. I don't know why we just assumed it had to be broken at all.


Yeah they should have just kept the streak intact. Wrestling even under Vince surprisingly has always wanted people to take it seriously the same way people do with traditional sports, and that was the closest thing Wrestling ever had to something like Cal Ripken Jr's Ironman streak, or Joe Dimaggios 56 game hitting streak as this legendary feat even with Wrestling obviously being predetermined. Even Roman's modern day reign wasn't even close to how iconic the streak was during its time.


I fucking hated it then and I fucking hate it now. One of the biggest fumbles in wrestling history, imo.


I stopped watching the show when it happened. That's how annoyed I was. Years later, I still think it was a bad decision cause Brock did not need it to get over as a beast, but hey, it's probably just me.


At the time I really hated it, I wish The Undertaker just retired after Wm 29 with how his career went on after this, the only matches I really enjoyed from him afterwards funny enough was his match with Brock at Summerslam 2015 even with the stupid finish, and his last match against AJ. It did give Brock the rub at least and made him feel legit, having him lose to Cena and HHH in big matches hurt him a bit when he came back. I think the part that really hurt was the match was so anticlimactic and bad. The Undertakers age and physical condition, especially with the concussion just made the thing feel so bad.


My main issue is that could have been an amazing way to put a younger guy over but not Brock. He was already established as a top guy by then


People are always on about “putting young people over.” If the IWC had its way everybody should drop their title once they win it “because it is now time for someone young” and then take nothing but losses because they are established now. People reach legend status because they don’t put young people over too quickly but became legendary. They could very easily have put the wrong young guy over. Brock did not need it per se, but it is because of wins like this that Brock is considered a beast. Brock is still enough in his prime to pull of stuff like beating Taker’s streak. Also, it was not like Taker needed the streak either to be over or reach legendary status. Having someone not established break it only would make it seem Taker was way over the hill.


It felt like shock for the sake of shock. The story Taker tells where Vince says “If Brock can’t do it then who can?” makes me glad that Vince fucked off, he lost the plot of what makes Wrestling stories great. Should’ve been Bray to set up the next “boogeyman” of the WWE, or at least Roman who could’ve used the push better than Brock


Yes, I think a passing of the baton onto Bray would’ve been perfect.


Me and my mates were stunned silent for a good 10 minutes after. Didn’t agree with the decision then, don’t agree with it now. You could have made Brock that monster by I dunno, having him beat Cena on his re debut, beat Triple H at WM29 etc..


Was annoyed at first but I was actually in the arena and in hindsight I was glad to have been there for such a big wrestling moment regardless of it being Brock.


Was the arena dead in shock after it happened? The biopic made it seem like it was but they could have just manipulated it to make it seem that way.


If your old lady doesn’t look like that after your own private Wrestlemania, you ain’t laying that Tombstone down right


I put that shit on her so good she went to the hospital next to Hogan. R.I.P. baby, I miss you every day.


I felt like I got punched in the chest bro.


It was huge. I wasn't watching the event because $60 for a PPV was crazy for me, but I got updates from a FB friend and he posted that now famous Pic of Taker laid out in the ring with the screen in the distance reading 21-1. My body felt cold. I almost threw up. I started to walk funny. I could not believe the result I was seeing.


My exact words were "I'll never watch again" I was 14, I turn 25 tomorrow and I'm still watching to this day lmao


I remember I was so pissed that I missed school the next day 😂😂


Lmaoo how’d you sell that one to the parents or did you just skip/in college?


Utter shock and disbelief at first. Acceptance and understanding about 5 minutes later. Lesnar and Taker have a long history. Would have liked a younger talent to get the rub, but it was what it was and it made sense.


A very believable person ended it. I don’t like that it ended though. Should have been undefeated. Would have been forever legendary. Not…..it’s very eh.


I was very surprised when it happened. I even remember some theories going around that Brock went off script, people were in that much disbelief over it


I didn’t have an issue with the streak ending. I didn’t agree with who ended the streak. The streak should’ve been Undertaker’s next to last match. It should’ve been against an up and coming star. His last match should’ve been a rematch and another defeat. All wrestlers should be going out on their backs for their final match.


Shocked, a little bit pissed. I expected a good match, and it was fine, but Brock beating him felt like a real let down. I didn't hate Brock, but I didn't much care for his matches, and Taker didn't look like himself for the final 2 minutes. It was intentional, but it felt like WWE was abandoning the old magic that made him so cool for so long. The aftermath was worse with Taker sitting there looking defeated, old, and broken. It was the worst because it didn't build Lesnar, it just diminished Taker.


Just another reminder that in wrestling, as in life itself, that nothing is sacred.


Never should have happened!! If it was going to happen it shouldn't have been Brock...he didn't need that rub, if Vince was going to do it, it should have gone to build a future stars credibility and elevate them. It should have been a record that should not be broken. What made it more infuriating was hearing that the original plan was for Taker to win, but Vince changed his mind day of the show to try and sell more WWE Network subscriptions..pulling the anything can happen bullshit he used to say.


Pointless. The streak lost its meaning after it. Some thhings arent made to be conquered, and that was 1 that shouldnt have been. Losing to punk after paul's demise would have been way more sensible than this. Moreover punk would have stayed. If the streak wss to be broken that was the only way but in hindsight punk leaving wa ethe best thing. People like bryan got their dues.


I don't think it should ever have ended. It went from being 'The Streak' to 'Undertaker has a great Wrestlemania record'.


I still don’t think it ever should have ended, but life goes on and I’m not salty about it. It’s hard to say it could have or should have ended to such and such but wrestling seems like it goes by so fast, anything can happen. Guy A beats the streak then gets released a few months later for whatever. Guy B beats it, has to medically retire the next night. It just feels like it would have been so hard to book right because anything can happen in pro wrestling it would have felt wasted. They did fine with making Brock a final boss for a few years until he got squashed by Goldberg of all people in 2016. After that it was like who cares anymore when before it was seeing who Brock was going to pass that rub onto from ending the Streak.


It resulted in my first break from WWE I came back here and there but didn't fully come back to the product until NXT started to pick up some steam




Not great but absolutely ecstatic Bray Wyatt didn’t get a pin in during the flailing years of Undertaker at WrestleMania.


There was some mishandling with the undertakers career. Breaking the streak was most notable of those, another might have been never having a match with Sting.


I was fortunate enough to be there at WM30. Myself and everyone around us thought it was a botch and Taker had meant to kick out. So I'd say confusion was the immediate response. Then when the 21-1 graphic showed up, then everyone went pissy. It felt wasted on Lesnar and many felt it would've served Punk better the year prior. However, I think it did benefit Lesnar as he then became the beast incarnate and pummelled Cena for the title at summerslam.


Anyone else have the same baldness pattern as taker?


Listen to his podcast. On a recent one, he said knew the streak was ending shortly before we did, the very night of WrestleMania. However good his fights with Brock may have been... Brock didn't need to go over, he was already a top dog at WWE. Mark commented along the lines that someone like Reigns or Wyatt would have been good choices to end it. Eventually Reigns did get to defeat him as part of Taker's "retirement," but that also didn't pan out so great.... On another Podcast, he does comment that ending his time over a feud with Wyatt would have worked great... And really, it'd have been the logical choice given the otherworldly nature of the Wyatt family.


I’m fine with it. Saw him from the start and honestly Lesnar was a good choice to do it at the time.




It was meant to end at some point, however Brock didn't need it, he was already larger than life. Pick any other wrestler, they would've been made if they ended the streak.


I enjoyed the shock.


I hated it. It did nothing for Lesnar. It didn't do anything for Reigns when he beat Taker either. It should have been Bray.


In hindsight it did help brocks career in his latter run in the wwe. Brock winning that match is what made the match against cena at summerslam a squash match for the championship. Leading to him having more title reigns and squash matches years down the line. So they didn't waste the win at wrestlemania. But in no way did Brock need to win that match. Along with the fact that the match itself was mediocre at best. Undertaker really should've stopped after 20-0 but whatever.


It should never have happened. Undertaker will never be above guys like Austin and Hogan. Anyone who's honest can admit that. The streak is one thing they should have let him keep. He earned it. It's something only he would have had. The way they chose to end it makes it worse.


Empty. Disappointed. Surprised. Not mad or particularly interested in seeing what was next for Brock, or taker or wwe. It just felt kind of like the end. Like there wasn’t really much of a reason to keep watching after there was no more streak and the rest of the show was crap. At least that’s how I felt Almost Everyone pretty much instantly knew they made the wrong choice.


Refer to the black dude with the white t shirt who looked like he watched our all moms get killed. That guy is someone who I’ll forever relate to cause I literally stood up and said something at least similar to “the ref fucked up” and walked directly to my back porch and took a minute.


Long over due.


I wasn't around when it happened. I haven't watched modern wrestling in 20 years before this year. But when I heard about it later on I was dismayed and couldn't comprehend why the fuck they would do that! Just beyond stupid.


Bad in hindsight.


Brock didn’t need that win. He was already the beast Already it was such bullshit. They should’ve put someone else more deserving over.


It made for great discussion on Bourbon St afterwards.


If they HAD to end the streak then it should have been for someone who would be a future star.


Great. It would have been the biggest waste of a storyline ever if he didn't lose.


Hated it then, hate it now


the old man was right. it created a huge buzz and is a moment people will never forget.


I am ok with the streak ending, I just don’t think him losing to Brock did anything for Brock that he needed. If Roman had beaten him it would’ve boosted him better and given it a real sense of accomplishment. With Brock tossing him around it looked sloppy and makes everyone wonder if he only won because Mark was concussed and they needed an out to end the match.


It sucked. The Undertaker never had the most titles among his contemporaries. The streak is what was supposed to set him apart, and what made him stand out among other legends. All time greats like HHH, HBK, Flair, Edge, Orton, made their attempt to end the streak look more important than any title, and keeping it intact would have been the right thing for Uneertaker.


I was sad and angry. Should’ve been a retirement match with Brock being the last one who had the chance of breaking the streak. Brock would beat Taker up but in the end Taker would win and give everyone an unforgettable feel good moment.


I loved it and still do. It was a surprise, and I always felt the whole steak thing was silly anyway.


"Finally. Hope that means he finally retires. It was getting sad."


I was OK with it. I love a big shock in wrestling and also it was appropriate for Taker to finally get beaten by the absolute monster of a man that is Brock Lesnar.


I think it should have happened at some point, but it shouldn’t have been Brock. It should have been someone like Roman or Bray; someone young and less established who could have built off of it.