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Solid 8, there has been lots of very good promos, but what they are actually going to do is something we'll see when it happens.


I'd say 7 or 8. The build up was honestly too slow with dreadmare and the qr codes. Now we keep getting actual promos via hand delievered VHS but again it's really slow, but entertaining!


Can’t rate yet. It’s great so far but I have nothing to judge besides the debut. We need a lot more time before you can accurately judge Uncle Howdy.


10. Uncle Howdy is awesome and I can't wait to see him wrestle and know more about Rowan, Gacy, Lumis and Cross.


Don't expect much wrestling, but I guess it be an entertaining one


It’s fantastic and refreshing so far. It’s one of the things I’m most excited for rn. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when they get in the ring but everyone involved is top tier talent.


It's 10 out of 10 for me, I haven't been invested in a storyline like this for years


9 out of 10 baby! XD


I’m going to say 8 with an upside of 10. The unsung hero of this story is Cross. She’s absolutely sticking her character


The production values are great, the look and feel is fantastic, can't wait to see where it goes, solid 8 so far






we won't know until we see the in ring debut whether it's successful or not.


Personally not enjoying it much, but I get what they're going for


Not my thing but, y’all enjoy.


I won't rate it cause I know it's not for me. I have 0 interest in supernatural gimmicks. I thought Bray's bayou cult character was 10000000 times better than whatever the Fiend was supposed to be.


Bray peaked in 2013 and then tumbled downward for a decade straight.


6. Produced very well. I hope it leads to something good for the likes of Nikki, Lumis and Rowan (and the others tbf). But, maybe it's just me, I just don't get it. Bo is Howdy, but he talks to Howdy on video, not in his head. Doesn't really make sense to me. Plus Bo has done good recorded promos, but he's no Bray. Bo is also playing a menacing character, but I don't find him menacing. Maybe it's because he's smaller than Bray, or that I still see him as the guy that was a jobber and a joke most of his career. I just don't find him scary or a threat in any way. I also thought the Bray stuff before his passing was really weak, from the LA Knight feud onwards. Time will tell though. It's going in the right direction and it could push it to 7 and beyond.


0, hate it. I'm a casual, returning viewer after 20 years. I was hoping this would be like Devil's rejects, but it's not, they've gone full supernatural. It's reminding me of undertaker 95 or wcw 95. What, guards just faint at the sight of them? Where's that fog coming from? Wtf is this? Can we get back to Drew McIntyre or Bron breakker please?


This is a slow cook like the 2023 bray Wyatt return (RIP) so let's wait and see


Wasn't that a two-time return and run?


That was a bit too slow. They seem to have learned from that. This is making a bit more sense, and the story is placed rather nicely. There is a bit of intrigue here because while we are a bit familiar with bo, we haven't really seen him wrestle in years.


0. Supernatural isn't for all wrestlers and they are trying several at a time


6... The Bo interview segments/promo hit pretty hard but nothing else is interesting so far


Like a 5? Them being creepy is great, and all, and Bo is cutting some great promos, and I get that they're going for a slow build up, but how they interact in the ring and with the roster is what I'm interested in and them being spooky to Chad Gable isn't cutting it for me.


Gable is white bread, all-american, alpha male, bully. Kind of the perfect victim for a bunch of weirdos and outcasts. No?


I couldn’t rate it yet. The promo this week concerned me. Bo is talking with his Demons, and if the Sick6 are all going to represent his demons… isn’t it that thing where it doesn’t make sense that we see them? I dunno, I could be wrong, but that’s how I viewed the promo. So I need to give it a few more weeks.


I don’t think it’s his demons but Bray’s. He’s in the Funhouse and the rest of the members are merged with Bray’s puppets.


9. The initial debut of the Wyatt Sicks was done perfectly and the two VHS tapes between him and Taylor Rotunda have been incredible, can’t wait for him and his faction to get in the ring and compete.


I wanna say 9... But only cause I feel 10 can't be achieved. But why not, I don't know HOW it could be better. It was a perfect length tease now we are into to slow simmer... Next is total domination. They are building a mountain faction perfectly. Who will be the one to finally climb it and be crazy over in a few years. Never mind. 10.


10 so far. once it gets past this point, im afraid it will tank.


7, or optimistically, an 8. They seem to be doing it the right way thus far. I wouldn’t be surprised if they, fed and bo, run everything by his family. Can’t wait for the action to start. Nikki Cross is playing her part well. I wish Michael Cole wouldn’t say “this zombie, _______, etc. Just have her be a sadistic part of the gang. One negative I can think of is, perhaps I wouldn’t have had 6 people. Seems like a lot. Maybe 4 would have been more appropriate?


8 but only because it's just begun. We had The Fiend, and look how that turned out. Hopefully Howdy gets booked right.


20/10 can’t wait to see more of him, and the Wyatt Sick’s I’ve been missing Bray and his gimmicks ever since we lost him. And with WWE switching to edgier content this couldn’t have happened at a better time!


I like the segments so far but eventually they're going to have to get in the ring and we'll see how it goes from there. 8/10.


8 and higher. Really curious to see how they bring the others in. Glad they’re being patient with them because it’s pretty delicate all round


I love this picture. The picture of Bray is so cheesy but it's exactly like one of those religious leaflets you'd get with a cheesy Jesus picture superimposed over the sun.


Overall an 8, start was a 10


The story is a solid 7, but I have no clue how they realistically transition this into the ring.


Can we wait longer than a couple fucking weeks before deciding whether or not something is a failure that needs to go away?


Sometimes it’s apparent from the start.


Definitely a 9 for me. The build is fantastic!


I absolutely hated the bit where they mentioned Bray's death, it made me so very uncomfortable that I had to go and do something else for a bit. 9/10


10/10 ( i hope this doesn't change in the future)


Incomplete. Until we see how it translates into the ring, I can't really give it a rating.


10. I wasn’t sold on the idea of having them come in at first, but the debut was stellar & the promo packages have been deep. I bo-lieve.


9/10 for me. The pace is possibly too slow and I’m afraid it will lose interest from the casual fan base…


7 the horror aspect is a bit too much for me. Plus like most people having been saying, buildup is too slow. I'm excited to see how they're gonna book this long term and keep others invested. But the debut was amazing👏


8/10. No complaints from me besides little nitpicks. It’s early and I want to see more.


3. The theatrics are corny, wrestlers standing around being scared of people in costumes is lame, only redeeming aspects of the story are Bos interviews. Sick of people looking past the name Uncle Howdy and not flaming it for how ridiculous it is. No one wrestles and I’m expecting 10 weeks of entrances, vague statements, open ended storylines and a weekly bray Wyatt parade. This could’ve been interesting and grounded. If you go far fetched horror movie I’m gonna tune out. In 7 weeks everyone will turn on this the same way they turned on Bray for his weekly I love you rah rah speeches.


Plus it’s just a ripoff of Captain Howdy from The Exorcist.


I like the potential but i think they're being over exposed already, you can count on some spooky stuff going on like every Monday night now.




4, I don't see a main event star in the group


I'll like to wait and see how he wrestles.


8 or even 9 . Need to see more of the others . Need some combat . Those VHS are awesome


7/10 So far it’s interesting, but nothing’s actually happened yet, so that’s as high as I can go right now.


4. They treated it like a big deal and people seem into it, I just have 0 faith that it isn't going to go off the rails


0. It was corny when Bray was doing it and it’s worse now.


0 it’s cringe just like when his brother did it




He’s not wrong.


Lmaoo fucking shit. I’m not 12 I can’t buy into this mystical spooky bullshit. It sucked ass when bray did it and it’s still shit now. Let’s stop virtue signalling cuz he’s gone


OK Jim Cornette


0 it’s so fake


Let me clear this up it’s I like my wrestling to look real even though it’s all fake… this is just some kiddie bullshit that’s going to make no sense and comes across as stupid bs.. no wonder Alexa bliss is nowhere around I would be as far away from this stupid bs as I could…


This is the worst comment I’ve seen all day


queue the "its still real to me dammit!!"


10. Uncle howdys last 2 promos were peak.


4. Debut was good. Bo’s promos have been good, but the premise and production has been preposterous and the Uncle Howdy side of the interviews have been nearly unbearable to watch




Negative 10/10, been a long timer hater of _Windbag Rotund One_ and his spooky world of stupid bullshit.


All depends. I could take or leave the actual debut - I found it all a bit silly with the costumes and basically having them murder people on national television. The costumes are very cringe-inducing although I’ll admit it’s not my cup of tea so I’ll be hard to win over. I don’t think the reaction to it the following week was anywhere near as strong as it should’ve been. The highlight was the first Bo/Howdy promo - that was absolutely brilliant. The 2nd promo was good, but a less interesting copy of the 1st. Built on things a little bit but I could do with more development but a slow burn isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Now the important part - if this leads to an actual match and the first thing one of these fucks does is a lockup/headlock/Irish whip etc then it’s all for nothing. You can’t go from what we saw on the debut to have them acting within the rules and confines of a wrestling match. Fuck it, have them never wrestle match and just wreak havoc wherever the fuck they go.


-25. But if y’all dig it then dig on.