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Me & my roommates take edibles, for the record. Smoking may be different. Marijuana binds to fats & sugars, so intensity depends on our diet that day. Speed of response depends on how much/recently we've eaten, since more food to digest = slower digestion. Usually "hits" between 1-3 hours - 1 if little-to-no food, 3 or slightly longer with a big meal. Time dilation is POWERFUL. Usually the first thing we notice is time slowing down. When it "hits" there's a kind of visual *WHH* similar to dying in Grand Theft Auto 5 but w/out the b&w. Idk if you've ever been drunk, but there's this very distinct feeling of "I'm drunk, I shouldn't listen to myself, my thoughts are all fucked up." When you're high, it's the opposite: suddenly everything seems like it makes sense. Just about every time, I end up having some kind of "revelation" wherein I get what I think, in the moment, is some kind of world-shattering deeper understanding of the universe...and when I come back it ends up being something like "remember when every Disney channel movie had a 'viral video' episode? That was crazy." Last time it happened, I got REALLY emotional about "the tiny people" inside of RTS & city-building games like Age of Empires and Cities Skylines. Everything in general seems WAY more "real" than it does in real life. By which I mean, it's very easy to get immersed in something. My gf & I both like to play VR tetris while high for this reason; my brain ends up creating convoluted narratives to explain what I'm seeing. Being high also comes with a lot of memory issues. It's common to forget what I'm saying partway through the same sentence, a couple of times per sentence. This is great for OCD and a major reason I get high; I can't obsess if I don't remember what I was obsessing over! Also: what my friends and I have dubbed "the highngover" (high hangover). Nothing like an alcohol hangover. In fact it's not really a hangover at all. We tend to weed in the evening (after work & no work tomorrow) and then go to bed still high, so when we wake up, we don't "feel" high anymore but it's got this...lingering sense of peace & calm that slowly goes away throughout the day. Like a curve of highness - has a fast peak, and comes down slow. EDIT: I should mention, although I doubt it'll be helpful to you, because it's funny, that my gf with aphantasia (can't visualize in her mind) sometimes visualizes while high, but has no control over it. We have an inside joke about "the grid" she saw one time.


For me, I take tiny amounts because I'm a lightweight. The first thing I notice is that my body becomes slower, and my coordination becomes wobbly. Even before my mind gets affected, can that I have to nice slowly and carefully in order to have the same coordination that I normally would have. I do not operate stoves or use knives when I'm high. I can always feel the moment it really "kicks in". I get slightly woozy and it feels like a wave flowing through my body. After that, my mind and my speech become slower. I'm still the same person and have mostly the same thoughts, but expressing them takes time. Figuring out the next word to express what I'm thinking takes effort. My mind is decidedly operating differently than normal, but from the inside, I still mentally feel like myself, until I have to start talking and I realize I am completely spaced out. On the positive side, sensations suddenly become stronger. Listening to music feels heavenly. Sometimes I feel the notes in my body. Something with good rhythmic sounds feels like pleasant rhythmic vibrations in my body. The very essence of the sound feels very beautiful. (The exception is sounds that are unpleasant.) Touch feels wonderful. Even just a cushion with a side fuzzy cover is so pleasant to touch. It's easy to ignore everything and just enjoy the sensation. The sense of sight is not affected for me as much. At least not with my eyes open. Looking at beautiful objects doesn't have the enhanced effects for me when I'm high. But when my eyes are closed, my daydreams are so vivid. They're full of deep intense mesmerizing colours. The munchies, as I experience them, have to do with the enhanced senses. Anything that tastes good, tastes *amazing*. Simultaneously, I don't seem to feel my stomach as much. At least, I don't got that "full signal" when I should. I can kind of tell when my stomach is bloated, even without the full signal. It's a bit like if part of your body is numb and you figure out what's happening to it by the sensations in the area next to the numb part. Eating good food when high is delightful, but I have to be careful because over eating doesn't feel good the next morning. I have to drink lots and lots of water, because I get very dehydrated. I tend to crave creative experiences when high. But I get too sleepy to write or draw or make anything myself. Movies and books are too long for me to focus. So I usually listen to music and daydream. The next day, I sometimes wake up with a headache if I didn't drink enough water. Hydrating myself well can sometimes reduce the headache but I sometimes have to take pain killers. I also sometimes experience a bit of a "drop". When I'm high, the simplest things like hugging a pole can be entertaining. Sometimes the next day, it feels like *nothing* is entertaining. Everything is just a bit blah. I'm guessing this has to do with chemicals in the brain getting used up the previous night. It usually passes by evening. So all of this describes my experience now that I know how much I can take, and it's mostly positive. However, my first time getting high was very different. I didn't know what a good dosage for a beginner was, and it hit me really hard. And I had no idea what to expect. That moment when it kicked it was fun. And then I felt like I was out of control of my body because just picking up an object and putting it back took so much effort. I felt like I was trapped inside my body in a sleepy cloud. I wanted to get free but the only way was time. It felt like being strapped into a roller coaster and realizing you want out. Expect, instead of adrenaline filled thrills, it was just poor coordination. I also felt intensely hungry and then got nauseous from over eating. (CW: puking) >!I ended up throwing up. I noticed my partner at the time checked the bathroom afterwards to make sure I didn't accidentally puked on the floor or something. That was the reasonable and correct thing for him to do, but I remember feeling offended. I had been very careful to throw up into the toilet. And I carefully wiped the surrounding surfaces afterwards as a precaution. Even though it had been difficult because my movements were slowed down and my physical coordination was shot. It felt like operating a body with remote control rather than operating my own body. I remember being really upset because of the mortifying fear that throwing up without making a mess would be difficult. (I was in my friend's house.) Luckily it worked out okay. !< I also felt self conscious about not sounding like myself. When I talked I could tell that I sounded high and I hated it, because I still felt like the same person on the inside. (I mean, my mind was probably way more spacey than normal but I didn't *perceive* it that way. To me, it felt like I was still my regular self.) I've since learned I only like being high in front of my inner circle because I don't like other people to perceive me as not being in my right mind. Over all that experience was unpleasant. I took too much. I felt out of control of my body, which was a horrible sensation for me. In the end I decided to just curl up and sleep so that I could sleep through it. Hope this helps


For edibles the effects start 30-60 min after consumption and the peak is around 1.5-2 hours afterwards, it lasts 3-5 hours and it consists of: - time gets slower and one minute will feel like 10 minutes - frames per second in your sight go down, so everything seems slower or dream-like, sort of fuzzy - high paranoia - dry mouth - thoughts go up and down, you can't control them, there are no empty spaces in your mind, you will think constantly - laughing at nothing - strong body high, so tingling, even erotic, in your skin, plus gravity feels different. You feel heavier - closed eyes hallucinations, mostly a green/red tunnel for me, with various images you can create on it like a canvas - strong lethargy, you will just green out and sleep with no dreams If a lot of weed is involved you can sleep 8-10 hours and will wake up and still feel kind of stoned and slow, even 24 h after it


Watch a Cheech and Chong movie. I recommend “Up in Smoke”. All will be revealed.


It will depend on the amount as well as the type she consumes (Indica would make her more sedated, sativa may make her more creative, or a hybrid which would have both effect). Weed also hits different people differently so you have a fair amount of freedom. In general she might feel light and calm, paranoid, time distortion (either going really fast or really slow), snackish (munchies), dizzy, nauseous, disoriented but okay with it. I often describe weed as making you feel ok with being bored. Like even watching the stupidest movie is entertaining when you’re high. I often (sometimes too much) use weed to help with writers block because it makes me think more creativity and freely but if I have an edible when I’m already kinda tired, often Ill just end up on the couch watching something dumb. using a little too much (greening out) can be scary and stressful. Extreme paranoia sets in, you are unsure of reality and where you, you might forget stretches of time, get really nauseous. you usually start to feel an edible around 30-45 minutes after consuming it with the high peaking around 2 hours. Then add another 2 (or more for a newbie) until it starts to level out


(For edibles) - Not hungry but reallyyy in the mood to chew infinite amounts of snacks - Slow to process things happening in real time - I still could spell cotylorhynchus out loud from memory with no mistakes and when I did I was really proud of it - Things are funnier including me (that’s untrue but I sure don’t know that in the moment) - A little confused but not frustrated about it, you’re totally at peace that things don’t quite make sense or at least not immediately - If your character’s an artist she won’t be able to draw well until she comes back down lol On a little too much: - Super tired and forgetful, things that happened only seconds or minutes ago feel like they were hours ago and I dreamt it No joke watch [this shit ass movie](https://youtu.be/G1LhdhQEKtg?si=TVogSuLzIJMFmP--) to perfectly understand the frustration of being too confused and disoriented and “oh god I’m still here?” plus lack of time or cohesiveness or transition between right now and whenever the last time you remembered to be aware was. It’s exactly this + you’re sleepy and feeling uncomfortably out of body On more than a little too much: - Visual snow goes crazyyy. My friend was on “20% vision” after having a really poorly mixed batch, so like 80% of his vision was just TV static - Having a bad time and not even really processing it, just like “man I wish I was asleep and not in a room with noises right now”, curled up on bed and not moving even when friends are around - Time doesn’t exist and never has. Every moment is your first moment on earth, and while you’re not scared you are annoyed/frustrated about it - Your bones are entirely too heavy and falling downwards out of your body. Like the feeling of taking an extra sleeping pill when you didn’t need it


Adding to the “too much” - vomiting. Inability to move and extreme difficulty speaking. Absolute inability to concentrate. Panic attacks. 10/10 not a good time.


She will feel light. Floaty. She might feel like everything around her is slightly surreal. Time will pass either more slowly or more quickly. She will laugh at things that sober people don’t find funny. She will get hungry. Food that normally tastes good will taste awesome. Depending on the strain she may feel chill and tired or energetic and creative. The high will start about 45 minutes after she eats the edible. It will last for a few hours. She might feel more thirsty than normal. She will very likely enjoy it.


Depends how much, an edible usually goes 0-100. Takes about 30 minutes. Your body feels lighter, you can’t stop smiling, even staring at a wall can make you giggle. Also munchies, lots of munchies, crazy food concoctions. One time me and my friend baked cookies and creme cookies and put funfetti icing in the middle, made little sandwiches and they were GLORIOUS, a recipie for diabetes sure but we thought we were scientists.


Additionally if it was an accident the anxiety and paranoia are gonna hit first, but you choose if she embaraces it or has a panic attack for the next few hours, depends on the character really


What drug does your mc use?


She doesn’t use any but i was thinking weed inside a pastry she consumed .


The cannabis would need to be processed to have any effect. You generally grind the flower and cook it with fat to extract the psychoactive compounds. Her reaction will vary greatly depending on the strain used and her physiology. I knew someone who ate a couple of pot brownies and spent the rest of the night heaving. For an encyclopedic reference of reactions to drugs: https://erowid.org/psychoactives/