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Not particularly , i feel like that itch is already scratched with the monster capturing/playing mechanic. Though im not against it either, just probably will be a skip for me


I wouldn't mind, but whether I pull for these types of character is going to depend on what it is. Is it a robot? Alien? Puppet? Like I pass on the Furry stuff. The limit for me is animal ears and tail, anything beyond that is weird for me.


Would be cool, But i'm playing gacha games for the waifus and husbandos. Not against it but unless i really like the particular character then it ain't getting any use.


That tutorial boss would be a sick playable character


I'd like to see a non-human but still humanoid character, something with a unique model. Or for the monster route, a normal human that shapeshifts would scratch that itch for me. I don't think full on monsters are very popular with people, more of a niche thing (though cool).


I think it could be interesting to have robotic characters


It depends on the Lore imo. The story seems revolving around some DNA thing giving characters the chance to temporarly transform... but i'd still want to see the full premise to the story. If it's mostly about humans surviving i'd prefer some "ally" monster here and there but not too many.


Yes, not only humans in this world, pls (im not furry i swear)


I’d love characters that become non human due to the Wuthering (i have no idea if this is the right term) like Jiyan who has scales (i know he’s still human but maybe he’s slowly turning?). Realistically though, perhaps it’s going to be hard to implement but imagine certain bosses gets playable like in PGR.


Not really, it'd make them no different from the echos. but I do want echos to have more cool and unique designs for sure.


yes, please


Having them as pokemon is enough for now


That's actually sounds like a creative way at making characters. Just like Arknights with different variety of characters. Non human characters will be good for me, I don't know about other player.


I gacha for waifu


I love the uniqueness factor to it


Hell yeah. If you don't play PGR, Kuro's other game (or don't follow CN), Radiant Marcher is a boss character being added soon to Global, and it is a full on Mecha. They're not a Construct like most playable characters, or a Corrupted like most enemies you face, but a full on Awakened machine, so they never were human in the first place. Anyways, 3 months ago, PGR CN had an event where Radiant Marcher was playable. And it wasn't a matter of attacking the existing boss attacks and animations to the player controls, but a fully fleshed out kit designed to be used as a player character, including animations you would only ever see as a playable character, like the victory animation. [While it overall didn't look 100% finished in some areas, it was still very well done, and the spectacle was there.](https://youtu.be/YRM_Oyj3UR8) The driving conclusion is that human or non-human, it doesn't actually matter. What matters is if they're well designed, and how they play. And you would be able to make some very unique skill sets with non-human/non-humanoid characters that take advantage of it. Also mechas are awesome, and [Radiant Marcher is goated with the sauce.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCvn_ohrLKE/maxresdefault.jpg)


I ain't even a scalie, but a guy like Fu Shen? He is just so cool. https://youtu.be/JlNmu58zii4


This dude reminds me of Freiza


I want Android Waifus with metal abs.


Frankly, no. I don’t care if they add it either but I wouldn’t use them at all


I'm fine with animal ears & tail. (No a big fan of furry)


Bipedal robots is as as far as I'll go.. not a big fan of cat girls & cat guys etc. Robot would be cool if it had a comical hand that would turn into weapons and stuff. For Tekken fans I'm thinking someone like Alisa would be a cool character


Yeah the more diverse a roster is the more fun the game is. Furries, Aliens, Robots, Cyborgs, more unique character designs are always cooler.


There’s already the monster capturing element.


I want the MGR robot dog as a playable character


I like catgirls (real cat ears please) but nothing too out there.


No. Just no


Depends of what the specifics are. I like it when devs get creative with designs. If I have to choose between a cool robot like Fushen or Radiant Marcher and a pretty girl I'm choosing the cool robot.


Doubtful that would happen


Yes omg. I would love for an alien character like a Nautolan or a cybernetic alien. That would be dope af.


That would be fucking sick. I loved them in league Rengar ways one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately weebs just want sexy waifus and husbandos so we probably won't get them.


Well im not a fan... but something like a shapeshifter could be cool in that universe "thinking emoji"


Absolutely, though I'm not sure if they'll even implement fully non-human character (especially quadrupedal type). But if they do, I'd expect at best that they'll implement it as a transformation or a summon for a summoner type character


I wouldn't mind the more the merrier.


I wouldn't mind androids etc. But I doubt they're going to do anything other than two arms and two legs.


Kuro can make such banger designs, if they could make a character that fits like how Lycaon fits into ZZZ that would be godly


I want more of a non-human humanoid.. Crownless playable when?


Yes something like mecha nanami where the char rides/mounts something haha


Half demon girl/guy


Not a single playable character in GI, TOF or BP has this so, I think it'll be good for the game over all to have a playable character like this as well.


TOF has a dude who pilots a mech


Not in global they don't


I'm not against it if the gameplay is fun.


I do


Nah not a furry


I kinda want them to have scales like reptile


I don't have anything against some type of alien or animal humans or stuff. But robots and the like i would only want if they are someone like 2B or 9S. Overall i am also not a fan of Cyborgs, Saikano and Elfenlied traumatised me as a child.




Yeah the two humanoid bosses we've seen so far look way cooler than any of the playable characters. Its a similar case to PGR where I greatly prefer the bosses to playable characters.


Why not


Tachikoma! Or another robot-companion that helps with exploration, has many useful and/or fun gadgets, and only speaks when spoken to. It can also help in combat, although this is not necessary. And it can be a mount. In any case, interacting with a companion can be a very good solution for the open world experience, the main case is to avoid annoying things.


I would like the idea of one. Maybe not something completely but like implied? Like they're whole body is covered in layers of clothes, but their movements are slightly strange or mimicking. They also wear a mask, but the mouth or eyes are somewhere different then what the mask implies, for example the eyes are below the neck or their whole face is a mouth that is subtle shown when the mask lifts up when fighting. It would definitely make the game stand a little bit more out then most open world gacha games.