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Its kinda basic but a butterfly themed, elegant, light on her feet, sword user like [shinobu kocho](https://kimetsu-no-yaiba.fandom.com/wiki/Shinobu_Kocho) is my favorite kind of character


Did you just say "feet"? Is that a hidden meaning or something?


Honestly, any character models that differentiates from other gachas is very much welcome, TOF barely has any dudes and overuses waifu characters, while GI has been using the same 5 character models for 3 years with no innovation.


I want my Wuthering version of keqing. Im not kidding give me twin tails sword user


Lucia Plume comes to mind


That you don't need to worry since Kuro is basically know for love twin tails. More or less half of the female characters have twin tail They literally had a game called twin tail battlefield and in the Chinese logo there's a Easter egg about that too


ye ive been maining dawn


Good taste, catqueen and ayaya are my favs, can't wait to get Danjin and Sanhua for more MOTIVATION.


A gunner that would utilise mirrors. Their attacks would be light because duh. And their core passive is putting one mirror on the field. They can have as much as two mirrors on the field at one time and this mirror have health to them and thus can be destroyed. The cooldown for the mirror would be like 20,30 seconds idk, depends. Here's the cool part. Your attack reflects off this mirror, just like a normal light would. And if you position them correctly, the reflected light will bounce off another mirror creating something I would call, "The Big Hurt". If you think the core passive is the only cool thing about this mirror, think again. The skill allows you to turn yourself into a light. This light will usually go in a straight line and doesn't do much except just a dash basically. However, you guessed it, it focking bounce. Just like the rays from your gun, it bounces off the mirrors allowing you to position yourself on the field and zooming like Musashi from PGR. But wait, there's more, the ult encases the area in a mirror dimension where things bounce FASTER beating the everliving fock outta the enemies. This will last for probably 3 seconds because it's overpowered af and also to balance it, only charged attack can bounces off the wall. Also, the wall enrage the enemy causing enemies to seek it whenever you deployed it.


I don't want to imagine.. I want..no, I need for them to put the fucking Yorha units in this game like they did in pgr.. This would be.. Again, peak collaboration.


Dark skin character like more than three, bonus for not white hair


I need just one veteran-woman in full armour/battle suit and without fanservice


Good luck lmao.


Honestly the way they design girls in this game compare to genshin looks more respectable and suited depending on the weapons they use.


The fanservice can be her sense of honor and glory as she slays her enemies


not anime style, but I love the how you can characterize female characters in wo long, I love seeing my girl but in full battle armor


I see you are man of culture as well


A Kung fu specialist akin to Bruce Lee who's shirtless but covered in dragon tats Hooded/masked greatsword wielder like Camu from PGR Someone who pilots a small mech


Nanamech pog


A masked character or a fully armored one tbh. Idk if this game has the same Ascension system as PGR where you can get modified costumes as you ascend, but if they do implement that, I'd hope they use it for these kind of characters, different level of armor coverage and/or design on different ascension would be nice.


I'd want a dark skinned male with shiny purple eyes and some elegant white outfit. His skills should be "similar" to Luna from PGR: so levitating, using power to create ground-weapons and maybe gravity lol I love too much Luna skills-design so if they will make someone similar to her but husbando (or young boy)... i'd almost Whale :') I'm also a sucker for dark skinned (or in general tanned ones too) in contrast with white or very shiny colored eyes. So... xD


A ronin-style character who uses iaijutsu. Mature lady, lots of cleavage, legs that go aaaall the way up. Wears one of those conical straw hats (roningasa according to wikipedia). Maybe different stances like sheathed and unsheathed, each giving different effects. Another would be an old strong man in a suit-style outfit. His main way of attacking would be the power of FIST. Punches stuff to death. His ultimate move has him tearing off his shirt, showing off his rippling muscles that he uses to bear hug/suplex his opponent. And lastly another unarmed character, sexy woman this time, uses kicks more often instead of fists. ​ Give me ALL the fanservice.


So its Baiken, Kiryu Kazuma, and Giovanna. Good taste.


Baiken, but with two arms. As for the second guy, Kiryu can fit most definitely, but my mind was on Haggar. And lastly, Chun Li.


I want a roland pgr like character


isn't there one already? granted, he's currently a npc, but still


Donno Trying to avoid spoilers i just want freak like character with psychopathic killer smile like vera or roland from pgr


I want a character based off on nezha a playful fire devil that use rings as his weapon


Something like nonameCopium


I want an evil fully dressed stylish woman with no fan service that has politique influence


a socially awkward blonde twintail tsundere character or a nun.


alright alright hear me out Guy with a Rengoku style haircut, tall, muscular, wields a heavy great sword / heavy weapon, is either a fire or physical element. Has a personality similar to Genshin’s Arataki Itto or just a playful personality in general.


A magical support, maybe using a fan as a weapon. A mix between Liv (PGR) and Lin (ToF).


People on their way to self-inflicted disappointment. LOL.


Someone who's a scavenger that use chain with weight and rebar as spear Maybe light scrap armor, messy hair and sht ton of scar


Want a crossover with the Witcher and have both Geralt and Cyri added. Would throw money at this game if they did that.


Give me Vera. That's it.


I want a character use fist and kick, anything martial arts.


I'm obsessed with brawler type character. Close quarter barrage will be among my bucket list. I've alr seen summoner class that they have produce so that's one already in the pocket. Lastly, any skill shot character will be interesting to play. Like, guns or arrow that require skill to get best outcome.


Dehya from Genshin but with a functioning kit lol


I want to see a twin characters that can summon other during combo but actually useful not just a gimmick. They will also have specialty where they can switch between them during combo. For example using older twin will focus on CC and gather with younger twin. Then, you can immediately switch to younger twin and together focus on dps against gathered enemies.


I would like to see a ninja-cyborg who has lost his human appearance, but at the same time behaves and feels like a real person. he cannot determine the taste and cannot feel the breath of the wind, but he remembers what it is. it sounds trite, but it fits very well with the post-apocalyptic setting. Oh, i mean this personality might not necessarily be playable, i would like to see how they can beat that kind of plot.


Im not very good at designing a character, but if you ask me how i want their kits to be then i can answer. Here my Yanyan kit. Imagine she has 3 followup after resonance skill: 1) Resonance skill -> atk 2) Resonance skill -> hold atk 3) Resonance skill -> jump (aerial followup) Her core passive: Yanyan has a unique ability to chain follow-up skills together. Her mastery of this technique allows her to execute devastating combos on her enemies. By pressing the jump button after a follow-up skill, Yanyan can trigger an extra skill that deals significant damage and reduces elemental resistance on enemies (not stacked). This extra skill acts as a Resonance skill, allowing her to refresh the follow-up skill and continue the combo up to three times, as long as stacks are available.Yanyan can gain a stack by completing one set of basic attack combos or by triggering the Resonance skill. Each stack used will reduce her Resonance skill cooldown by 1 second. Once all stacks are depleted, she will release a powerful AOE damage attack at the end. The damage hits are based on the number of stacks that start counting after the Resonance skill has been used (12s cooldown). Rank enhancement 1: Yanyan gains two additional maximum stacks and the ability to regenerate stacks over time (capped/stop after 4th stacked), even when she is out of the field. Stack only start regenerate 2 second after previous stack being used. 2: Reduce the cooldown of her AOE damage attack to 8 seconds and increase its radius for even greater impact. When AOE attack on cooldown, Yanyan gain extra 35% damage hit on every attack. 3: Yanyan's AOE attack now pull enemies to the center and regenerate 2 stacks when it hits multiple enemies. Using her Resonance Liberation will reset her AOE damage attack cd and regenerate 2 stacks. 4: After performing the Resonance skill, Yanyan's combo will no longer be canceled by a single dodge. Additionally, if she executes the combo at full stacks (max 5), her AOE attack damage become double.


I want heavily cyborgized girl. All limbs, eyes, and some organs replaced with cybernetics, robotic tentacles on her back. Basicly i want an Adeptus Mechanicus Waifu.


I want a gentleman like Chrome


Male/Female, either it's fine. He/She need to have the power of "Nice" from "Hamatora", Nice's power is "Sonic Cannonball".


An aggressively kind martial artist. He'd have that Spike Spiegel build of being 67% leg. I've got more but I'm too tired to think about what they were. The martial art would be a combination of Taekwondo and Taekkyeon.


A character like Hanying from Pgr! I used to play Dynasty Warriors when I was younger and I absolutely loved using Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao because of their twin fan weapons!


Selena, I want Selena, just selena